int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc == 4) { // change this to 2 if running from rosrun, 4 if from launch file
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "--quiet") == 0) {
			tacit = true;
			ROS_INFO("shhhh... be vewy, vewy, quiet.");
	ros::init(argc, argv, "Calculate_Orientation_server");
	ros::NodeHandle berk;
	ros::ServiceServer service = berk.advertiseService("Calculate_Orientation", calculate );
	VERBOSE ROS_INFO("Ready to calculate orientation.");
	VERBOSE ROS_INFO("Roll: %f, Pitch: %f, Yaw: %f", deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getRoll()),
		deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getPitch()), deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getYaw()));
	//Listening for reset messages
	ros::Subscriber resetListen = berk.subscribe("imu_reset", 1, imu_reset_callback);
	return 0;
void SVGPathWriter::arcTo(double rx, double ry, double angle,
                          bool large_arc, bool sweep, Point const &p)
    _current_pars.push_back(large_arc ? 1. : 0.);
    _current_pars.push_back(sweep ? 1. : 0.);

    _current = _quad_tangent = _cubic_tangent = p;
    if (!_optimize) {
bool calculate(ros_imu::imu_filter::Request &request, ros_imu::imu_filter::Response &response)
	//Update filter with IMU data
	ros_imu::spatialRaw raw = request.rawIMU;
	VERBOSE ROS_INFO("Server Side, Raw Phidget Data");
	VERBOSE ROS_INFO("a_x: %f, a_y: %f, a_z:%f", raw.a_x, raw.a_y, raw.a_z);
	VERBOSE ROS_INFO("w_x: %f, w_y: %f, w_z:%f", raw.w_x, raw.w_y, raw.w_z);
	imuFilter.updateFilter(raw.w_x, raw.w_y, raw.w_z,
		raw.a_x, raw.a_y, raw.a_z);
  	double rotation[3][3];

	VERBOSE ROS_INFO("Roll: %f, Pitch: %f, Yaw: %f", deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getRoll()),
		deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getPitch()), deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getYaw()));
  	response.rpy.roll = deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getRoll());
  	response.rpy.pitch  = deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getPitch());
  	response.rpy.yaw = deg_from_rad(imuFilter.getYaw());
	for(int i =0; i<3; i++)	{
		response.rot.row1[i] = rotation[0][i];
		response.rot.row2[i] = rotation[1][i];
		response.rot.row3[i] = rotation[2][i];
	//Filling up pose header
//	response.pose.header.seq = seqNum;
	//response.pose.header.stamp = raw.timestamp;
	//response.pose.header.frame_id = 1;

	//Artificially setting to (0,0,0) position for testing
	//response.pose.pose.position.x = 0;
	//response.pose.pose.position.y = 0;
	//response.pose.pose.position.z = 0;

	imuFilter.getOrientation(	response.orientation.x,
  return true;