Beispiel #1
static double
geo_distance_internal(Point *pt1, Point *pt2)
	double		long1,
	double		longdiff;
	double		sino;

	/* convert degrees to radians */

	long1 = degtorad(pt1->x);
	lat1 = degtorad(pt1->y);

	long2 = degtorad(pt2->x);
	lat2 = degtorad(pt2->y);

	/* compute difference in longitudes - want < 180 degrees */
	longdiff = fabs(long1 - long2);
	if (longdiff > M_PI)
		longdiff = TWO_PI - longdiff;

	sino = sqrt(sin(fabs(lat1 - lat2) / 2.) * sin(fabs(lat1 - lat2) / 2.) +
			cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(longdiff / 2.) * sin(longdiff / 2.));
	if (sino > 1.)
		sino = 1.;

	return 2. * EARTH_RADIUS * asin(sino);
static void degvectoradvec(apivector * degvec) {
  apivector tmp;

Beispiel #3
void nav_magGo(float heading_deg, float dist) {
	if (dist > 0) {
		magfollow_start(60, degtorad(heading_deg));
	} else {
		magfollow_start(-60, degtorad(heading_deg));
Beispiel #4
int distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
	double minlat, maxlat, deltalong;
	minlat = degtorad(lat1);
	maxlat = degtorad(lat2);
	deltalong = degtorad(lon2 - lon1);

	return EARTH_RADIUS * acos(sin(minlat) * sin(maxlat) + cos(minlat) * cos(maxlat) * cos(deltalong)) * pMap->zoom;
Beispiel #5
static double *
d_tan(double *dd, int length)
    double *d;
    int i;

    d = alloc_d(length);
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
	rcheck(cos(degtorad(dd[i])) != 0, "tan");
	d[i] = sin(degtorad(dd[i])) / cos(degtorad(dd[i]));
    return d;
    static double calc_distance(const double lat1, const double lon1, const double lat2, const double lon2)
        double theta = lon1 - lon2;

        double dist = sin(degtorad(lat1)) * sin(degtorad(lat2))
                    + cos(degtorad(lat1)) * cos(degtorad(lat2)) * cos(degtorad(theta));
        dist = acos(dist);
        dist = radtodeg(dist);
        dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
        dist = dist * 1.609344; /* mile to km */
        dist = dist * 1000.00; /* km to m */

        return dist;
Beispiel #7
Vector2Df Vector2Df::getRotated( float angle ) {
    float rad = degtorad(angle);
    float c = cos(rad);
    float s = sin(rad);
    return Vector2Df( x*c - y*s, x*s + y*c );
Beispiel #8
void draw_arrow(const Vec& start, const Vec& end, const float width=2, const float head=10, const float phi=30) {
    draw_line(start, end, width);
    // head line 1
    float c = cos(degtorad(phi)), s = sin(degtorad(phi));
    Vec hl1 = start - end, hl2;
    hl1 *= head;
    hl2 = hl1;
    hl1.matrix_multiply(c, -s, s, c);
    hl2.matrix_multiply(c, s, -s, c);
    hl1 += end;
    hl2 += end;
    draw_line(end, hl1, width);
    draw_line(end, hl2, width);
    draw_circle(start.x, start.y, width);
    draw_circle(end.x, end.y, width);
    draw_circle(hl1.x, hl1.y, width);
    draw_circle(hl2.x, hl2.y, width);
std::pair<double,double> move_outside(std::pair<double,double> p1, std::pair<double,double> p2, SDL_Rect* r1, SDL_Rect* r2) {
        double dist = distance(p1.first, p1.second, p2.first, p2.second);
        double dir = direction_of(p2.first, p2.second, p1.first, p1.second);
        double x = p2.first, y = p2.second;

        int max_attempts = 10;
        double delta = dist/((double)max_attempts);
        int attempts = 0;

        r1->x = p2.first; r1->y = p2.second;
        while ((check_collision(r1, r2))&&(attempts++ < max_attempts)) {
                x += sin(degtorad(dir)) * delta*dist;
                y += -cos(degtorad(dir)) * delta*dist;
                r1->x = x;
                r1->y = y;

        return std::make_pair(x, y);
Beispiel #10
 * draws a robot with a given size, using the various parameters
 * position, ..) from the robot struct
void draw_robot(cairo_t* cr, struct robot* myRobot, double size)
    double x1 = -70, y1 = -30,
        y2 = 10,
        x4 = 70,
        x5 = 0, y5 = -100;
    double px2 = -70, py2 = 100,
        px3 = 70, py3 = 100,
        px4 = 70, py4 = 10;

    cairo_translate(cr, myRobot->x, myRobot->y);
    cairo_scale(cr, size, size);
    cairo_rotate(cr, degtorad(90 + myRobot->degree));

    cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, myRobot->color[0], myRobot->color[1],
        myRobot->color[2], 0.6);
    cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2);
    cairo_move_to(cr, x1, y1);
    cairo_line_to(cr, x1, y2);
    cairo_curve_to(cr, px2, py2, px3, py3, px4, py4);
    cairo_line_to(cr, x4, y1);
    cairo_line_to(cr, x5, y5);
    cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD);
    cairo_move_to(cr, 30, 0);
    cairo_arc_negative(cr, 0, 0, 30, 0, -2 * M_PI);

    cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5);

    cairo_restore(cr); /* pop rotate */
    draw_cannon(cr, degtorad(270 + myRobot->cannon_degree));
    draw_radar(cr, degtorad(270 + myRobot->radar_degree));
    cairo_restore(cr); /* pop translate/scale */
    shot_animation(cr, size, degtorad(myRobot->cannon_degree),
    shot_animation(cr, size, degtorad(myRobot->cannon_degree),
Beispiel #11
static complex *
c_tan(complex *cc, int length)
    complex *c;
    int i;

    c = alloc_c(length);
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
	double u, v;

	rcheck(cos(degtorad(realpart(&cc[i]))) *
	       cosh(degtorad(imagpart(&cc[i]))), "tan");
	rcheck(sin(degtorad(realpart(&cc[i]))) *
	       sinh(degtorad(imagpart(&cc[i]))), "tan");
	u = degtorad(realpart(&cc[i]));
	v = degtorad(imagpart(&cc[i]));
        /* The Lattice C compiler won't take multi-line macros, and
         * CMS won't take >80 column lines....
#define xx1 sin(u) * cosh(v)
#define xx2 cos(u) * sinh(v)
#define xx3 cos(u) * cosh(v)
#define xx4 sin(u) * sinh(v)
        cdiv(xx1, xx2, xx3, xx4, realpart(&c[i]), imagpart(&c[i]));
    return c;
void AARectHitBox::setRotation(double frot)
	rotation = frot;

	sf::Vector2f distvec;
	sf::Vector2f rotdistvec;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		distvec = initCorners[i] - position;
		rotdistvec.x = distvec.x * cos(-frot) + distvec.y * sin(-frot);
		rotdistvec.y = -distvec.x * sin(-frot) + distvec.y * cos(-frot);
		corners[i] = rotdistvec + position;

	double maxX = position.x;
	double minX = position.x;
	double maxY = position.y;
	double minY = position.y;

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if (corners[i].x > maxX)
			maxX = corners[i].x;
		if (corners[i].x < minX)
			minX = corners[i].x;
		if (corners[i].y > maxY)
			maxY = corners[i].y;
		if (corners[i].y < minY)
			minY = corners[i].y;

	corners[0] = sf::Vector2f(minX, minY);
	corners[1] = sf::Vector2f(maxX, minY);
	corners[2] = sf::Vector2f(maxX, maxY);
	corners[3] = sf::Vector2f(minX, maxY);

	height = maxY - minY;
	width = maxX - minX;
Beispiel #13
static void taip_decode(struct gps_state *gps)
    char buf[10];
    double speed, b;


    if (strcmp(packet, "RTM") == 0) {
	// datestamp = ???
    } else if (strcmp(packet, "RPV") == 0) {
	if (packet[32] == '0') return;

	memcpy(buf, &packet[3], 5); buf[5] = '\0';
	gps->time = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); // + datestamp;

	memcpy(buf, &packet[8], 8); buf[8] = '\0';
	gps->lat = degtorad((double)strtol(buf, NULL, 10) / 100000.0);

	memcpy(buf, &packet[16], 9); buf[9] = '\0';
	gps->lon = degtorad((double)strtol(buf, NULL, 10) / 100000.0);
	gps->updated |= GPS_STATE_COORD;

	memcpy(buf, &packet[28], 3); buf[3] = '\0';
	gps->bearing = strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
	gps->updated |= GPS_STATE_BEARING;

	memcpy(buf, &packet[25], 3); buf[3] = '\0';
	speed = (double)strtol(buf, NULL, 10) * 0.44704; // * 1609.344 / 3600

	b = degtorad(gps->bearing);
	gps->spd_east  = sin(b) * speed;
	gps->spd_north = cos(b) * speed;
	gps->spd_up    = 0.0;
	gps->updated |= GPS_STATE_SPEED;

	if (packet[31] == '9')
	    gps->bearing = -1;
	Coord GetSegmentEnd(double Longueur, double Angle) {
		Coord c = Coord(0,0);
		double A = (int)(Angle + 360) % 360;
		if ((int) A == 0) {
			c.x = Longueur;
			return c;
		} else if ((int)A == 180) {
			c.x= -Longueur;
			return c;
		} else if ((int)A == 90) {   // Angle direction de plan normal alors que y evolue celons les conventions de coordonnée d'affichage
			c.y = -Longueur;
			return c;
		} else if ((int)A == 270) {
			c.y = Longueur;
			return c;

		c.x = (cos(degtorad(Angle)) * Longueur);
		// Angle direction de plan normal alors que y evolue celons les conventions de coordonnée d'affichage
		c.y = -(sin(degtorad(Angle)) * Longueur) ;
		return c;
void ConvexHitBox::rotate(double frot)
	rotation += frot;
	sf::Vector2f distVec;
	sf::Vector2f rotDistVec;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertecies.size(); i++)
		distVec = vertecies[i] - position;
		rotDistVec.x = distVec.x * cos(-frot) + distVec.y * sin(-frot);
		rotDistVec.y = -distVec.x * sin(-frot) + distVec.y * cos(-frot);
		vertecies[i] = rotDistVec + position;

Beispiel #16
	void Graphics2D::setRotation(float rotation)
		this->Rotation = rotation;
			sinRad = 0;
			cosRad = 1;
			float radians = (float)degtorad(Rotation);
			sinRad = sin(radians);
			cosRad = cos(radians);
Beispiel #17
	void Graphics2D::rotate(float rotation, float x1, float y1)
		this->Rotation += rotation;
		rotX = x1;
		rotY = y1;
			sinRad = 0;
			cosRad = 1;
			float radians = (float)degtorad(Rotation);
			sinRad = sin(radians);
			cosRad = cos(radians);
Beispiel #18
* BEE::Sprite::draw_subimage() - Draw a given subimage of the sprite with the given attributes
* @x: the x-coordinate to draw the subimage at
* @y: the y-coordinate to draw the subimage at
* @current_subimage: the subimage of the sprite to draw
* @w: the width to scale the subimage to
* @h: the height to scale the subimage to
* @angle: the number of degrees to rotate the subimage clockwise
* @new_color: the color to paint the subimage in
* @flip: the type of flip to draw the subimage with
int BEE::Sprite::draw_subimage(int x, int y, unsigned int current_subimage, int w, int h, double angle, RGBA new_color, SDL_RendererFlip flip) {
	if (!is_loaded) { // Only attempt to draw the subimage if it has been loaded
		if (!has_draw_failed) { // If the draw call hasn't failed before, issue a warning
			game->messenger_send({"engine", "sprite"}, BEE_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Failed to draw sprite \"" + name + "\" because it is not loaded");
			has_draw_failed = true; // Set the draw failure boolean
		return 1; // Return 1 on failure

	SDL_Rect drect = {x, y, 0, 0}; // Create a rectangle to define the position and dimensions of the destination render

	// Determine the desired width and height of the render
	if ((w >= 0)&&(h >= 0)) { // If the width and height are provided to the function, use them as is
		drect.w = w;
		drect.h = h;
	} else { // Otherwise set the width and height to the same as the sprite, i.e. don't scale the render
		drect.w = width;
		drect.h = height;
		if (subimage_amount > 1) {
			drect.w = subimage_width;

	if (game->options->renderer_type != BEE_RENDERER_SDL) {
		// Get the full width of the sprite to be used for scaling
		int rect_width = width;
		if (subimage_amount > 1) {
			rect_width = subimage_width;

		// If the scaled width and height are not provided to the function, set them so that scaling will have no effect
		if (w <= 0) {
			w = rect_width;
		if (h <= 0) {
			h = height;

		glBindVertexArray(vao); // Bind the VAO for the sprite

		// Generate the partial transformation matrix (translation and scaling) for the subimage
		glm::mat4 model = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3((float)drect.x, (float)drect.y, -0.5f)); // Translate the subimage the desired amount in the x- and y-planes, note that the z-coordinate is nonzero so that there is no z-fighting with backgrounds in 3D mode
		model = glm::scale(model, glm::vec3((float)w/rect_width, (float)h/height, 1.0f)); // Scale the subimage in the x- and y-planes
		glUniformMatrix4fv(game->model_location, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(model)); // Send the transformation matrix to the shader

		// Generate the rotation matrix for the subimage
		// This is not included in the above transformation matrix because it is faster to rotate everything in the geometry shader
		if (angle != 0.0) {
			glm::mat4 rotation = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3((float)rect_width*rotate_x, (float)height*rotate_y, 0.0f));
			rotation = glm::rotate(rotation, (float)degtorad(angle), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // Rotate the subimage on the z-axis around the sprite's rotation origin at (rotate_x, rotate_y)
			rotation = glm::translate(rotation, glm::vec3(-(float)rect_width*rotate_x, -(float)height*rotate_y, 0.0f));
			glUniformMatrix4fv(game->rotation_location, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(rotation)); // Send the rotation matrix to the shader

		// Bind the sprite texture
		glUniform1i(game->texture_location, 0);
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl_texture);

		// Colorize the sprite with the given color
		float a = alpha; // Set the default alpha to be the sprite's general alpha value
		if (new_color.a != 0) { // If the provided color has an alpha value, use that instead
			a = (float)new_color.a/255.0f; // Normalize the alpha
		glm::vec4 color = glm::vec4((float)new_color.r/255.0f, (float)new_color.g/255.0f, (float)new_color.b/255.0f, a); // Normalize the color values from 0.0 to 1.0
		glUniform4fv(game->colorize_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(color)); // Send the color to the shader

		// Determine the desired flip type
		int f = 0; // The default behavior is to not flip
		if (flip & SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL) {
			f += 1;
		if (flip & SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL) {
			f += 2;
		glUniform1i(game->flip_location, f); // Send the flip type to the shader

		// Add the subimage to the list of lightables so that it can cast shadows
		if (is_lightable) { // If the sprite is set as lightable
			// Fill a lightable data struct with the position and vertices of the subimage
			LightableData* l = new LightableData();
			l->position = glm::vec4((float)drect.x, (float)drect.y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			l->mask.push_back(glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
			l->mask.push_back(glm::vec4((float)rect_width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
			l->mask.push_back(glm::vec4((float)rect_width, (float)height, 0.0f, 0.0f));
			l->mask.push_back(glm::vec4(0.0f, (float)height, 0.0f, 0.0f));

			game->get_current_room()->add_lightable(l); // Add the struct to the room's list of lightables

		// Bind the texture coordinates of the current subimage
		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_texcoords[current_subimage]);

		// Draw the triangles which form the rectangular subimage
		glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ibo);
		int size;
		glGetBufferParameteriv(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &size);
		glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, size/sizeof(GLushort), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);

		// Reset the shader state
		glDisableVertexAttribArray(game->fragment_location); // Unbind the texture coordinates

		glUniformMatrix4fv(game->model_location, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(glm::mat4(1.0f))); // Reset the partial transformation matrix
		glUniformMatrix4fv(game->rotation_location, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(glm::mat4(1.0f))); // Reset the rotation matrix
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); // Unbind the sprite texture
		glUniform1i(game->flip_location, 0); // Reset the flip type

		glBindVertexArray(0); // Unbind the VAO
	} else {
		if (game->is_on_screen(drect)) { // If the render will actually appear on screen
			// Colorize the sprite with the given color
			SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture, new_color.r, new_color.g, new_color.b);
			if (new_color.a == 0) { // If the given color doesn't have an alpha value, use the sprite's general value
				SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture, alpha*255);
			} else { // Otherwise, use the value from the given color
				SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture, new_color.a);

			// Reset the sprite's blend mode to the global mode
			SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, game->draw_get_blend());

			SDL_Point r = {(int)(rotate_x*subimage_width), (int)(rotate_y*height)}; // Create a point to use as the rotation origin
			// Render the subimage
			if (!subimages.empty()) { // If the sprite has multiple subimages, render without further cropping
				SDL_RenderCopyEx(game->renderer, texture, &subimages[current_subimage], &drect, angle, &r, flip);
			} else { // Otherwise, render and crop as requested
				SDL_RenderCopyEx(game->renderer, texture, &crop, &drect, angle, &r, flip);

	// If the sprite has reached the end of its subimage cycle, set the animation boolean
	if ((is_animated)&&(current_subimage == subimage_amount-1)) {
		is_animated = false;

	return 0; // Return 0 on success
Beispiel #19
	void d3d_transform_set_rotation_z(gs_scalar angle)
			enigma::mv_matrix = enigma::view_matrix * enigma::model_matrix;
Beispiel #20
double approx_cosd(double deg)
	return approx_cos(degtorad(deg));
Beispiel #21
double approx_sind(double deg)
	return approx_sin(degtorad(deg));
Beispiel #22
double approx_tand(double deg)
	return approx_tan(degtorad(deg));
Beispiel #23
double long_to_x(double longitude)
	return EARTH_RADIUS * degtorad(longitude);
Beispiel #24
void controlpanel_sensor() {
	while (true) {
		switch (controlpanel_promptChar("Sensor")) {		
			case 'a':			// Prints raw adc sensor values pins 0 - 7
				for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
					printf_P(PSTR("%4d "), adc_sampleAverage(i, 10));

			case 'r':			// Prints all rangefinder readings in centimeters
				printf_P(PSTR("Side Left: %5f, Front Left: %5f, Front Right: %5f, Side Right: %5f\n"), adc_sampleRangeFinder(ADC_SIDE_LEFT_RANGE), adc_sampleRangeFinder(ADC_FRONT_LEFT_RANGE), adc_sampleRangeFinder(ADC_FRONT_RIGHT_RANGE), adc_sampleRangeFinder(ADC_SIDE_RIGHT_RANGE));

			case 'l': {			// Prints out raw linesensor data
				uint16_t linebuf[linesensor_count];
				for (int i=0; i<linesensor_count; i++)
					printf_P(PSTR("%-5u "), linebuf[i]);
			case 'L': {			// Prints out full crunched linesensor data
				LineFollowResults results = linefollow_readSensor();
				uint16_t time = debug_getTimer();
				for (int i=0; i<linesensor_count; i++)
					printf_P(PSTR("%2.2f\t"), results.light[i]);
				for (int i=0; i<linesensor_count; i++)
					printf_P(PSTR("%d\t"), results.thresh[i]);

				printf_P(PSTR("Turn:\t")); linefollow_printTurn(results.turn); putchar('\n');
				printf_P(PSTR("Feat:\t")); linefollow_printFeature(results.feature); putchar('\n');
				printf_P(PSTR("Time:\t%uus\n"), time);
			case 't': {
				float thresh;
				printf_P(PSTR("Current threshold: %f\n"), linefollow_getThresh()); 
				if (controlpanel_prompt("Threshold", "%f", &thresh) == 1) {
					printf_P(PSTR("Threshold changed to %f\n"), thresh);
				} else {
			case 'b':
				printf_P(PSTR("Battery voltage: %.2f\n"), adc_getBattery());

			case 'm': {			// Prints out raw magnetometer data
				MagReading reading = mag_getReading();
				printf_P(PSTR("mag: %5d %5d %5d\n"), reading.x, reading.y, reading.z);

			case 'M': {			// Prints out magnetometer calibrated heading
				float heading = magfollow_getHeading();
				heading = radtodeg(heading);
				printf_P(PSTR("Mag Heading: %f\n"), heading);

			case 'H': {			// Sets current heading of robot to prompted heading from user
				float newheading;
				controlpanel_prompt("Heading", "%f", &newheading);

			case 'q':
			case '?':
				static const char msg[] PROGMEM = 
					"Sensor commands\n"
					"  a - Dump analog port A\n"
					"  r - Rangefinder control panel\n"
					"  l - Raw line sensor readings\n"
					"  L - Processed line sensor readings\n"
					"  b - Battery voltage (approx)\n"
					"  m - Magnetometer\n"
					"  M - Magnetometer Heading\n"
					"  H - Set Magnetometer Heading\n"
					"  q - Back";
void controlpanel_autonomy() {
	float follow = 0;
	char input = ' ';
	OdomData odom;
	while (true) {
		char ch = controlpanel_promptChar("Autonomy");
		switch (ch) {
			case 'G': {
				float x_des, y_des, vel;
				odom = odometry_getPos();
				printf_P(PSTR("Current Position, X (meters): %f, Y (meters): %f, Heading (deg): %f\n"), cmtom(odom.x_pos), cmtom(odom.y_pos), radtodeg(odom.heading));
				controlpanel_prompt("Goto X (meters): ", "%f", &x_des);
				controlpanel_prompt("Goto Y (meters): ", "%f", &y_des);
				controlpanel_prompt("At, Vel (cm/s): ", "%f", &vel);
				goto_pos(mtocm(x_des), mtocm(y_des), vel);
			case 'g': {
				float x_des, y_des, vel;
				odom = odometry_getPos();
				printf_P(PSTR("Current Position, X (meters): %f, Y (meters): %f, Heading (deg): %f\n"), cmtom(odom.x_pos), cmtom(odom.y_pos), radtodeg(odom.heading));
				controlpanel_prompt("Goto X (meters): ", "%f", &x_des);
				controlpanel_prompt("Goto Y (meters): ", "%f", &y_des);
				controlpanel_prompt("At, Vel (cm/s): ", "%f", &vel);
				goto_pos(mtocm(x_des), mtocm(y_des), vel);
			case 'e':
				if (goto_getEnabled()) {
					printf_P(PSTR("Goto: enabled, "));
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Goto: disabled, "));
				if (magfollow_enabled()) {
					printf_P(PSTR("Magfollow: enabled, "));
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Magfollow: disabled, "));
				if (obstacleAvoidance_getEnabled()) {
					printf_P(PSTR("Obstacle Avoidance: enabled.\n"));
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Obstacle Avoidance: disabled.\n"));
			case 's': {			// Sets current heading of robot to prompted heading from user
				float newheading;
				controlpanel_prompt("Heading (deg)", "%f", &newheading);
			case 'h': {			// Prints out magnetometer calibrated heading
				float heading = magfollow_getHeading();
				heading = radtodeg(heading);
				printf_P(PSTR("Mag Heading (deg): %f\n"), heading);
			case 'w': {
				printf_P(PSTR("Currently Facing (deg): %f\n"), radtodeg(magfollow_getHeading()));
				controlpanel_prompt("Follow at Heading (deg)", "%f", &follow);
				magfollow_start(setSpeed, anglewrap(degtorad(follow)));
				printf_P(PSTR("Following at (deg): %f\n"), follow);
			case 'a':
				follow = follow + 5;
				if (magfollow_enabled()) {
					magfollow_start(setSpeed, anglewrap(degtorad(follow)));
					printf_P(PSTR("Following at (deg): %f\n"), follow);
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Not following, but heading set to (deg): %f\n"), follow);
			case 'd':
				follow = follow - 5;
				if (magfollow_enabled()) {
					magfollow_start(setSpeed, anglewrap(degtorad(follow)));
					printf_P(PSTR("Following at (deg): %f\n"), follow);
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Not following, but heading set to (deg): %f\n"), follow);
			case 't':
				printf_P(PSTR("Currently Facing (deg): %f\n"), radtodeg(magfollow_getHeading()));
				controlpanel_prompt("Turn to Heading (deg)", "%f", &follow);
				follow = degtorad(follow);
				printf_P(PSTR("Currently at (deg): %f, Turning to (deg): %f\n"), radtodeg(magfollow_getHeading()), radtodeg(follow));
				magfollow_turn(setSpeed, anglewrap(follow));
			case 'o':
				printf_P(PSTR("Obstacle Avoidance Disabled.\n"));
			case 'O':
				printf_P(PSTR("Obstacle Avoidance Enabled!\n"));
			case 'c': {
				printf_P(PSTR("Beginning auto-cal!\nTurn robot to face 0 Degrees in field.\n"));
				input = controlpanel_promptChar("Press 'Enter' to begin or any other key to cancel.");
				if (input == 10) {
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Auto-cal Cancelled.\n"));
			case 'C': {
				printf_P(PSTR("Beginning Competition Routine!\n"));
				input = controlpanel_promptChar("Press 'Enter' to begin or any other key to cancel.");
				if (input == 10) {
					Field field = calibrate_competition();
					float vel;
					controlpanel_prompt("Velocity (cm/s): ", "%f", &vel);
					printf_P(PSTR("Running Spiral-In Course!\n"));
					overlap_run(field.xi, field.yi, field.xj, field.yj, field.xk, field.yk, field.xl, field.yl, vel);
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Auto-cal Cancelled.\n"));
			case 'i': {
				printf_P(PSTR("Beginning competition auto-cal!\nTurn robot to face 0 Degrees in field.\n"));
				input = controlpanel_promptChar("Press 'Enter' to begin or any other key to cancel.");
				if (input == 10) {
				} else {
					printf_P(PSTR("Auto-cal Cancelled.\n"));
				float xi, yi;
				float xj, yj;
				float xk, yk;
				float xl, yl;
				float vel;
				controlpanel_prompt("Xi (meters): ", "%f", &xi);
				controlpanel_prompt("Yi (meters): ", "%f", &yi);
				controlpanel_prompt("Xj (meters): ", "%f", &xj);
				controlpanel_prompt("Yj (meters): ", "%f", &yj);
				controlpanel_prompt("Xk (meters): ", "%f", &xk);
				controlpanel_prompt("Yk (meters): ", "%f", &yk);
				controlpanel_prompt("Xl (meters): ", "%f", &xl);
				controlpanel_prompt("Yl (meters): ", "%f", &yl);
				controlpanel_prompt("Velocity (cm/s): ", "%f", &vel);
				spiralIn_run(xi, yi, xj, yj, xk, yk, xl, yl, vel);
			case 'f':
			case ' ':
			case 'q':
			case '?':
				static const char msg[] PROGMEM =
					"Control Panels:\n"
					"  G  - Goto Coordinate w/ Obstacle Avoidance\n"
					"  g  - Goto Coordinate\n"
					"  e  - Print states of enables\n"
					"  s  - Set Heading\n"
					"  h  - Current Heading\n"
					"  w  - Magfollow\n"
					"  a  - Shift following left\n"
					"  d  - Shift following right\n"
					"  t  - MagTurn\n"
					" O/o - Enable/Disable Obstacle Avoidance\n"
					"  c  - Auto-Calibration Routine\n"
					"  C  - Do Competition Routine\n"
					"  i  - Run Spiral-In competition\n"
					"  f  - Halt\n"
					" ' ' - Stop\n"
					"  q  - Quit";
Beispiel #26
double lat_to_y(double latitude)
	return EARTH_RADIUS * log(tan(M_PI / 4 + degtorad(latitude) / 2));