Beispiel #1
AP_IMU_INS::_init_gyro(void (*delay_cb)(unsigned long t), void (*flash_leds_cb)(bool on))
    Vector3f last_average, best_avg;
    float ins_gyro[3];
    float best_diff = 0;

    // cold start
    debug_P(PSTR("Init Gyro"));

    for(int c = 0; c < 75; c++)
        // Mostly we are just flashing the LED's here
        // to tell the user to keep the IMU still



    // the strategy is to average 200 points over 1 second, then do it
    // again and see if the 2nd average is within a small margin of
    // the first;

    // we try to get a good calibration estimate for up to 10 seconds
    // if the gyros are stable, we should get it in 2 seconds
    for (int j = 0; j <= 10; j++)
        Vector3f gyro_sum, gyro_avg, gyro_diff;
        float diff_norm;
        uint8_t i;

        for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
            gyro_sum.add(_ins->gyro[0], _ins->gyro[1], _ins->gyro[2]);
            if (i % 40 == 20)
            else if (i % 40 == 0)
        gyro_avg = gyro_sum / i;

        gyro_diff = last_average - gyro_avg;
        diff_norm = gyro_diff.length();

        if (j == 0)
            best_diff = diff_norm;
            best_avg = gyro_avg;
        else if (gyro_diff.length() < ToRad(0.02))
            // we want the average to be within 0.1 bit, which is 0.04 degrees/s
            last_average = (gyro_avg * 0.5) + (last_average * 0.5);
            _sensor_cal[0] = last_average.x;
            _sensor_cal[1] = last_average.y;
            _sensor_cal[2] = last_average.z;
            // all done
        else if (diff_norm < best_diff)
            best_diff = diff_norm;
            best_avg = (gyro_avg * 0.5) + (last_average * 0.5);
        last_average = gyro_avg;

    // we've kept the user waiting long enough - use the best pair we
    // found so far
    debug_P(PSTR("\ngyro did not converge: diff=%f dps\n"), ToDeg(best_diff));

    _sensor_cal[0] = best_avg.x;
    _sensor_cal[1] = best_avg.y;
    _sensor_cal[2] = best_avg.z;
Beispiel #2
AP_IMU_INS::_init_accel(void (*delay_cb)(unsigned long t), void (*flash_leds_cb)(bool on))
    int flashcount = 0;
    float adc_in;
    float prev[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
    float total_change;
    float max_offset;
    //float* ins_accel = ins->accel;

    // cold start

    debug_P(PSTR("Init Accel"));

    for (int j=3; j<=5; j++) _sensor_cal[j] = 500;		// Just a large value to load prev[j] the first time


        for (int j = 3; j <= 5; j++)
            prev[j] = _sensor_cal[j];
            adc_in 		    = _ins->accel[j-3];
            _sensor_cal[j]	= adc_in;

        for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) 		// We take some readings...


            for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++)
                adc_in 	    	= _ins->accel[j-3];
                _sensor_cal[j]	= _sensor_cal[j] * 0.9 + adc_in * 0.1;

            if(flashcount == 5)

            if(flashcount >= 10)
                flashcount = 0;

        // null gravity from the Z accel
        _sensor_cal[5] += 9.805;
        //_sensor_cal[5] -= 9.805;

        total_change = fabs(prev[3] - _sensor_cal[3]) + fabs(prev[4] - _sensor_cal[4]) +fabs(prev[5] - _sensor_cal[5]);
        max_offset = (_sensor_cal[3] > _sensor_cal[4]) ? _sensor_cal[3] : _sensor_cal[4];
        max_offset = (max_offset > _sensor_cal[5]) ? max_offset : _sensor_cal[5];

    while (  total_change > _accel_total_cal_change || max_offset > _accel_max_cal_offset);

    debug_P(PSTR(" "));
AP_InertialSensor::_init_accel(void (*delay_cb)(unsigned long t), void (*flash_leds_cb)(bool on))
    int8_t flashcount = 0;
    Vector3f ins_accel;
    Vector3f prev;
    Vector3f accel_offset;
    float total_change;
    float max_offset;

    // cold start
	if (_serial)
		_serial->printf_P(PSTR("Init Accel"));

    // clear accelerometer offsets and scaling
    _accel_offset = Vector3f(0,0,0);
    _accel_scale = Vector3f(1,1,1);

    // initialise accel offsets to a large value the first time
    // this will force us to calibrate accels at least twice
    accel_offset = Vector3f(500, 500, 500);

    // loop until we calculate acceptable offsets
    do {
        // get latest accelerometer values
        ins_accel = get_accel();

        // store old offsets
        prev = accel_offset;

        // get new offsets
        accel_offset = ins_accel;

        // We take some readings...
        for(int8_t i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

            ins_accel = get_accel();

            // low pass filter the offsets
            accel_offset = accel_offset * 0.9 + ins_accel * 0.1;

            // display some output to the user
            if(flashcount == 5) {

            if(flashcount >= 10) {
                flashcount = 0;

        // null gravity from the Z accel
        // TO-DO: replace with gravity #define form location.cpp
        accel_offset.z += GRAVITY;

        total_change = fabsf(prev.x - accel_offset.x) + fabsf(prev.y - accel_offset.y) + fabsf(prev.z - accel_offset.z);
        max_offset = (accel_offset.x > accel_offset.y) ? accel_offset.x : accel_offset.y;
        max_offset = (max_offset > accel_offset.z) ? max_offset : accel_offset.z;


    // set the global accel offsets
    _accel_offset = accel_offset;
	if (_serial)
    _serial->printf_P(PSTR(" "));

AP_InertialSensor::_init_gyro(void (*delay_cb)(unsigned long t), void (*flash_leds_cb)(bool on))
    Vector3f last_average, best_avg;
    Vector3f ins_gyro;
    float best_diff = 0;

    // cold start
	if (_serial)
    _serial->printf_P(PSTR("Init Gyro"));

    // remove existing gyro offsets
    _gyro_offset = Vector3f(0,0,0);

    for(int16_t c = 0; c < 25; c++) {
        // Mostly we are just flashing the LED's here
        // to tell the user to keep the IMU still

        ins_gyro = get_gyro();


    // the strategy is to average 200 points over 1 second, then do it
    // again and see if the 2nd average is within a small margin of
    // the first;

    // we try to get a good calibration estimate for up to 10 seconds
    // if the gyros are stable, we should get it in 2 seconds
	int num_attempts = 10;
	float target_average = 0.04;

	num_attempts = 5;
	target_average = 0.1
    for (int16_t j = 0; j <= num_attempts; j++) {
        Vector3f gyro_sum, gyro_avg, gyro_diff;
        float diff_norm;
        uint8_t i;
        if (_serial)
        for (i=0; i<200; i++) {
        //for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
        	for(int z = 0; z < 10; z++){
        		if (_serial)

            ins_gyro = get_gyro();
//            if (_serial) {
//            	_serial->println();
//                   _serial->print(ins_gyro.x, 5); _serial->print(" ");
//                   _serial->print(ins_gyro.y, 5); _serial->print(" ");
//                   _serial->print(ins_gyro.z, 5); _serial->print(" ");
//            }

            gyro_sum += ins_gyro;
            if (i % 40 == 20) {
            } else if (i % 40 == 0) {
        gyro_avg = gyro_sum / i;

        gyro_diff = last_average - gyro_avg;
        diff_norm = gyro_diff.length();

        if (j == 0) {
            best_diff = diff_norm;
            best_avg = gyro_avg;
        } else if (gyro_diff.length() < ToRad(target_average)) {
            // we want the average to be within 0.1 bit, which is 0.04 degrees/s
            last_average = (gyro_avg * 0.5) + (last_average * 0.5);
            _gyro_offset = last_average;

            // all done
            if (_serial) {
        		//_serial->printf_P(PSTR("\ngyro converged: diff=%f dps\n"), ToDeg(diff_norm));
            	_serial->printf_P(PSTR("\ngyro converged: diff="));
            	_serial->print(ToDeg(diff_norm), 5);
            	_serial->printf_P(PSTR(" dps\n"));
        } else if (diff_norm < best_diff) {
            best_diff = diff_norm;
            best_avg = (gyro_avg * 0.5) + (last_average * 0.5);
        last_average = gyro_avg;

    // we've kept the user waiting long enough - use the best pair we
    // found so far
    if (_serial)
		_serial->printf_P(PSTR("\ngyro did not converge: diff=%f dps\n"), ToDeg(best_diff));

    _gyro_offset = best_avg;
Beispiel #5
static void sh4_frontend_translate_code(struct jit_frontend *base,
                                        uint32_t begin_addr, int size,
                                        struct ir *ir) {
  struct sh4_frontend *frontend = (struct sh4_frontend *)base;
  struct sh4_guest *guest = (struct sh4_guest *)frontend->guest;
  struct sh4_context *ctx = (struct sh4_context *)guest->ctx;

  int offset = 0;
  int use_fpscr = 0;
  int was_delay = 0;

  /* append inital block */
  struct ir_block *block = ir_append_block(ir);

  /* generate code specialized for the current fpscr state */
  int flags = 0;
  if (ctx->fpscr & PR_MASK) {
    flags |= SH4_DOUBLE_PR;
  if (ctx->fpscr & SZ_MASK) {
    flags |= SH4_DOUBLE_SZ;

  /* cheap idle skip. in an idle loop, the block is just spinning, waiting for
     an interrupt such as vblank before it'll exit. scale the block's number of
     cycles in order to yield execution faster, enabling the interrupt to
     actually be generated */
  int idle_loop = sh4_frontend_is_idle_loop(frontend, begin_addr);
  int cycle_scale = idle_loop ? 8 : 1;

  while (offset < size) {
    /* if a branch instruction / delay slot was just emitted, rewind and emit
       the delay slot as its own instruction */
    if (was_delay) {
      offset -= 2;
      was_delay = 0;

    uint32_t addr = begin_addr + offset;
    uint16_t data = guest->r16(guest->mem, addr);
    union sh4_instr instr = {data};
    struct jit_opdef *def = sh4_get_opdef(data);

    use_fpscr |= (def->flags & SH4_FLAG_USE_FPSCR) == SH4_FLAG_USE_FPSCR;

    /* emit meta information for the current guest instruction. this info is
       essential to the jit, and is used to map guest instructions to host
       addresses for branching and fastmem access */
    ir_source_info(ir, addr, def->cycles * cycle_scale);

    /* the pc is normally only written to the context at the end of the block,
       sync now for any instruction which needs to read the correct pc */
    if (def->flags & SH4_FLAG_LOAD_PC) {
      ir_store_context(ir, offsetof(struct sh4_context, pc),
                       ir_alloc_i32(ir, addr));

    /* emit the instruction's translation if available */
    sh4_translate_cb cb = sh4_get_translator(data);

    if (cb) {
      /* if the instruction has a delay slot, delay_point is assigned where the
         slot's translation should be emitted */
      struct ir_insert_point delay_point;
      cb(guest, ir, addr, instr, flags, &delay_point);

      offset += 2;

      if (def->flags & SH4_FLAG_DELAYED) {
        uint32_t delay_addr = begin_addr + offset;
        uint32_t delay_data = guest->r16(guest->mem, delay_addr);
        union sh4_instr delay_instr = {delay_data};
        struct jit_opdef *delay_def = sh4_get_opdef(delay_data);

        use_fpscr |=
            (delay_def->flags & SH4_FLAG_USE_FPSCR) == SH4_FLAG_USE_FPSCR;

        /* move insert point back to the middle of the preceding instruction */
        struct ir_insert_point original = ir_get_insert_point(ir);
        ir_set_insert_point(ir, &delay_point);

        if (delay_def->flags & SH4_FLAG_LOAD_PC) {
          ir_store_context(ir, offsetof(struct sh4_context, pc),
                           ir_alloc_i32(ir, delay_addr));

        /* emit the delay slot's translation if available */
        sh4_translate_cb delay_cb = sh4_get_translator(delay_data);

        if (delay_cb) {
          delay_cb(guest, ir, delay_addr, delay_instr, flags, NULL);
        } else {
          ir_fallback(ir, delay_def->fallback, delay_addr, delay_data);

        /* restore insert point */
        ir_set_insert_point(ir, &original);

        offset += 2;
        was_delay = 1;
    } else {
      ir_fallback(ir, def->fallback, addr, data);

      offset += 2;

      /* don't emit a fallback for the delay slot, the original fallback will
         execute it */
      if (def->flags & SH4_FLAG_DELAYED) {
        offset += 2;
        was_delay = 1;

    /* there are 3 possible block endings:

       1.) the block terminates due to an unconditional branch; nothing needs to
           be done

       2.) the block terminates due to an instruction which doesn't set the pc;
           an unconditional branch to the next address needs to be added

       3.) the block terminates due to an instruction which sets the pc but is
           not a branch (e.g. an invalid instruction trap); nothing needs to be
           done dispatch will always implicitly branch to the next pc */
    int store_pc = (def->flags & SH4_FLAG_STORE_PC) == SH4_FLAG_STORE_PC;
    int end_of_block = sh4_frontend_is_terminator(def) || offset >= size;

    if (end_of_block) {
      if (!store_pc) {
        struct ir_block *tail_block =
            list_last_entry(&ir->blocks, struct ir_block, it);
        struct ir_instr *tail_instr =
            list_last_entry(&tail_block->instrs, struct ir_instr, it);
        ir_set_current_instr(ir, tail_instr);

        uint32_t next_addr = begin_addr + offset;
        ir_branch(ir, ir_alloc_i32(ir, next_addr));

  /* if the block makes optimizations based on the fpscr state, assert that the
     run-time fpscr state matches the compile-time state */
  if (use_fpscr) {
    /* insert after the first guest marker */
    struct ir_instr *after = NULL;
    list_for_each_entry(instr, &block->instrs, struct ir_instr, it) {
      if (instr->op == OP_SOURCE_INFO) {
        after = instr;
    ir_set_current_instr(ir, after);

    struct ir_value *actual =
        ir_load_context(ir, offsetof(struct sh4_context, fpscr), VALUE_I32);
    actual = ir_and(ir, actual, ir_alloc_i32(ir, PR_MASK | SZ_MASK));
    struct ir_value *expected =
        ir_alloc_i32(ir, ctx->fpscr & (PR_MASK | SZ_MASK));
    ir_assert_eq(ir, actual, expected);
// perform accelerometer calibration including providing user instructions and feedback
bool AP_InertialSensor::calibrate_accel(void (*delay_cb)(unsigned long t), void (*flash_leds_cb)(bool on), void (*send_msg)(const prog_char_t *, ...))
    Vector3f samples[6];
    Vector3f new_offsets;
    Vector3f new_scaling;
    Vector3f orig_offset;
    Vector3f orig_scale;

    // backup original offsets and scaling
    orig_offset = _accel_offset.get();
    orig_scale = _accel_scale.get();

    // clear accelerometer offsets and scaling
    _accel_offset = Vector3f(0,0,0);
    _accel_scale = Vector3f(1,1,1);

    // capture data from 6 positions
    for (int8_t i=0; i<6; i++) {
        const prog_char_t *msg;

        // display message to user
        switch ( i ) {
            case 0:
                msg = PSTR("level");
            case 1:
                msg = PSTR("on it's left side");
            case 2:
                msg = PSTR("on it's right side");
            case 3:
                msg = PSTR("nose down");
            case 4:
                msg = PSTR("nose up");
            case 5:
                msg = PSTR("on it's back");
        if (send_msg == NULL) {
            Serial.printf_P(PSTR("USER: Place APM %S and press any key.\n"), msg);
            send_msg(PSTR("USER: Place APM %S and press any key.\n"), msg);

        // wait for user input
        while( !Serial.available() ) {
        // clear unput buffer
        while( Serial.available() ) {

        // clear out any existing samples from ins

        // wait until we have 32 samples
        while( num_samples_available() < 32 * SAMPLE_UNIT ) {

        // read samples from ins

        // capture sample
        samples[i] = get_accel();

    // run the calibration routine
    if( _calibrate_accel(samples, new_offsets, new_scaling) ) {
        if (send_msg == NULL) {
            Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Calibration successful\n"));
            send_msg(PSTR("Calibration successful\n"));

        // set and save calibration
        return true;

    if (send_msg == NULL) {
        Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Calibration failed (%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f)\n"),
                        new_offsets.x, new_offsets.y, new_offsets.z,
                        new_scaling.x, new_scaling.y, new_scaling.z);
    } else {
        send_msg(PSTR("Calibration failed (%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f)\n"),
                 new_offsets.x, new_offsets.y, new_offsets.z,
                 new_scaling.x, new_scaling.y, new_scaling.z);
    // restore original scaling and offsets
    return false;