void deleteAllFlights (int numFlights, Flight* flights) { for (int i = 0; i < numFlights ; i++ ) { deletePlane(flights[i].plane); } //iterate trought the file to delete the plane in each flight free(flights); } //deleat the flight array that has been created in heaps
//TODO 崩溃 未重现 bool Player::rotate(Plane *plane) { Direction direct = getRotateDirection(plane->direction); Plane * newPlane = new Plane(plane->pos, direct); if(!isPlaneConflicts(newPlane, plane) && isPlaneInBoard(plane->pos, direct)) { newPlane->release(); CCLog("plane rotate"); CCPoint pos = plane->pos; deletePlane(plane); addPlane(direct, pos); return true; } newPlane->release(); return false; }
//TODO 崩溃 未重现 bool Player::move(Plane *plane, int x, int y) { CCLog("************plane move:%f",plane->pos.x); CCPoint pos = ccp(plane->pos.x+x,plane->pos.y+y); Direction direct = plane->direction; Plane * newPlane = new Plane(pos, direct); if(!isPlaneConflicts(newPlane, plane) && isPlaneInBoard(pos, direct)) { CCLog("**************delete plane"); deletePlane(plane); addPlane(direct, pos); newPlane->release(); CCLog("**************newPlane release true"); return true; } newPlane->release(); CCLog("***************newPlane release false"); return false; }
void Player::deletePlane() { deletePlane(planeList->getObjectAtIndex(planeList->count()-1)); }