Beispiel #1
 * The "Squelch on walk-on" function.
void do_squelch_pile(int y, int x)
	s16b o_idx, next_o_idx;
	object_type *o_ptr;
	bool sq_flag = FALSE;

	for (o_idx = cave_o_idx[y][x]; o_idx; o_idx = next_o_idx)

		o_ptr = &(o_list[o_idx]);

		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Always squelch "&nothing" */
		if (!o_ptr->k_idx) sq_flag = TRUE;

		/* Hack - never squelch artifacts */
		else if (artifact_p(o_ptr)) sq_flag = FALSE;

		/* Squelch it? */
		else sq_flag = (k_info[o_ptr->k_idx].squelch & k_info[o_ptr->k_idx].aware);

		/* Unwanted and unloved */
		if (sq_flag)

			/* Actual Squelch */
			if (strong_squelch) delete_object_idx(o_idx);

			/* Or inscription */
			else o_ptr->note = quark_add("SQUELCH");
Beispiel #2
 * Carry an object and delete it.
static void py_pickup_aux(int o_idx, bool domsg)
	int slot, quiver_slot = 0;

	char o_name[80];
	object_type *o_ptr = object_byid(o_idx);

	/* Carry the object */
	slot = inven_carry(p_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Handle errors (paranoia) */
	if (slot < 0) return;

	/* If we have picked up ammo which matches something in the quiver, note
	 * that it so that we can wield it later (and suppress pick up message) */
	if (obj_is_ammo(o_ptr)) 
		int i;
		for (i = QUIVER_START; i < QUIVER_END; i++) 
			if (!p_ptr->inventory[i].kind) continue;
			if (!object_similar(&p_ptr->inventory[i], o_ptr,
				OSTACK_QUIVER)) continue;
			quiver_slot = i;

	/* Get the new object */
	o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[slot];

	/* Set squelch status */
	p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;

	/* Automatically sense artifacts */

	/* Optionally, display a message */
	if (domsg && !quiver_slot)
		/* Describe the object */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

		/* Message */
		msg("You have %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));

	/* Update object_idx if necessary */
	if (p_ptr->object_idx == (0 - o_idx))

	/* Delete the object */

	/* If we have a quiver slot that this ammo matches, use it */
	if (quiver_slot) wield_item(o_ptr, slot, quiver_slot);
Beispiel #3
 * Create a feature near the player.
static void do_cmd_wiz_feature(int feat)
	int px = p_ptr->px;
	int py = p_ptr->py;

	int y, x, d = 3, attempts = 30;

	while (1)
		/* Find a location */
		y = rand_spread(py, d);
		x = rand_spread(px, d);

		/* Reject illegal grids */
		if (!in_bounds(y, x)) continue;

		/* Reject the player */
		if ((y == py) && (x == px)) continue;


		if (!attempts)
			attempts = 8 * d;

		/* Try to place a new feature */
		if (area(y, x)->feat == feat) continue;

		/* Okay */

	/* Nuke objects */
	delete_object_idx(area(y, x)->o_idx);

	/* Nuke monsters */
	delete_monster_idx(area(y, x)->m_idx);

	/* Forget this grid */
	area(y, x)->info &= ~(CAVE_MARK);

	/* Place the feature */
	cave_set_feat(y, x, feat);

	/* Update stuff */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS | PU_MON_LITE);
Beispiel #4
/* Helper function for monster_death - drop any objects the monster is holding */
static void mon_drop_held_objects(monster_type *m_ptr)
	s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;
	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	/* Drop objects being carried */
	for (this_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
		object_type *o_ptr;

		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

		/*Remove the mark to hide when monsters carry this object*/
		o_ptr->ident &= ~(IDENT_HIDE_CARRY);

		/* Get the next object */
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Paranoia */
		o_ptr->held_m_idx = 0;

		/* Get local object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Copy the object */
		object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

		/* Delete the object */

		/* Drop it */
		drop_near(i_ptr, -1, m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx);

	/* Forget objects */
	m_ptr->hold_o_idx = 0;
Beispiel #5
 * Pickup all gold at the player's current location.
static void py_pickup_gold(void)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	s32b total_gold = 0L;
	byte *treasure;

	s16b this_o_idx = 0;
	s16b next_o_idx = 0;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	int sound_msg;
	bool verbal = FALSE;

	/* Allocate an array of ordinary gold objects */
	treasure = C_ZNEW(SV_GOLD_MAX, byte);

	/* Pick up all the ordinary gold objects */
	for (this_o_idx = cave->o_idx[py][px]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = object_byid(this_o_idx);

		/* Get the next object */
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Ignore if not legal treasure */
		if ((o_ptr->tval != TV_GOLD) ||
		    (o_ptr->sval >= SV_GOLD_MAX)) continue;

		/* Note that we have this kind of treasure */

		/* Remember whether feedback message is in order */
		if (!squelch_item_ok(o_ptr))
			verbal = TRUE;

		/* Increment total value */
		total_gold += (s32b)o_ptr->pval[DEFAULT_PVAL];

		/* Delete the gold */

	/* Pick up the gold, if present */
	if (total_gold)
		char buf[1024];
		char tmp[80];
		int i, count, total;
		object_kind *kind;

		/* Build a message */
		(void)strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "You have found %ld gold pieces worth of ", (long)total_gold);

		/* Count the types of treasure present */
		for (total = 0, i = 0; i < SV_GOLD_MAX; i++)
			if (treasure[i]) total++;

		/* List the treasure types */
		for (count = 0, i = 0; i < SV_GOLD_MAX; i++)
			/* Skip if no treasure of this type */
			if (!treasure[i]) continue;

			/* Get this object index */
			kind = lookup_kind(TV_GOLD, i);
			if (!kind) continue;

			/* Get the object name */
			object_kind_name(tmp, sizeof tmp, kind, TRUE);

			/* Build up the pickup string */
			my_strcat(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));

			/* Added another kind of treasure */

			/* Add a comma if necessary */
			if ((total > 2) && (count < total)) my_strcat(buf, ",", sizeof(buf));

			/* Add an "and" if necessary */
			if ((total >= 2) && (count == total-1)) my_strcat(buf, " and", sizeof(buf));

			/* Add a space or period if necessary */
			if (count < total) my_strcat(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
			else               my_strcat(buf, ".", sizeof(buf));

		/* Determine which sound to play */
		if      (total_gold < 200) sound_msg = MSG_MONEY1;
		else if (total_gold < 600) sound_msg = MSG_MONEY2;
		else                       sound_msg = MSG_MONEY3;

		/* Display the message */
		if (verbal)
			msgt(sound_msg, "%s", buf);

		/* Add gold to purse */
		p_ptr->au += total_gold;

		/* Redraw gold */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);

	/* Free the gold array */
Beispiel #6
 * Pick up objects and treasure on the floor, now also used for telekinesis.
 * Called with pickup:
 * 0 to grab gold and describe non-gold objects.
 * 1 to pick up objects either with or without displaying a menu.
 * 2 to pick up objects, forcing a menu for multiple objects.
 * 3 to pick up objects, forcing a menu for any number of objects.
 * Scan the list of objects in that floor grid.   Pick up gold automatically.
 * Pick up objects automatically until pile or backpack space is full if 
 * auto-pickup option is on, carry_query_floor option is not, and menus are 
 * not forced (which the "get" command does). Otherwise, store objects on 
 * floor in an array, and tally both how many there are and can be picked up.
 * If the player is not picking up objects, describe a single object or 
 * indicate the presence of a floor stack.  If player is picking up objects, 
 * name a single object, or indicate a stack of objects, that cannot go in 
 * the backpack.
 * Pick up a single object without menus, unless menus for single items are 
 * forced.  Confirm pickup if that option is on.
 * Pick up multiple objects (unless using autopickup, no confirm) using Tim
 * Baker's menu system.   Recursively call this function (forcing menus for any 
 * number of objects) until objects are gone, backpack is full, or player is 
 * satisfied.
 * Keep track of number of objects picked up (to calculate time spent).
byte py_pickup(int pickup, int y, int x)
    s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;

    char o_name[120];
    object_type *o_ptr;

    /* Objects picked up.  Used to determine time cost of command. */
    byte objs_picked_up = 0;

    size_t floor_num = 0;
    int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK + 1], floor_o_idx = 0;

    int can_pickup = 0;
    bool call_function_again = FALSE;
    bool blind = ((p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLIND]) || (no_light()));
    bool msg = TRUE;
    bool telekinesis = (!(y == p_ptr->py) || !(x == p_ptr->px));

    /* Nothing to pick up -- return */
    if (!cave_o_idx[y][x]) return (0);

    /* Always pickup gold, effortlessly */
    if (!telekinesis) py_pickup_gold();

    /* Scan the pile of objects */
    for (this_o_idx = cave_o_idx[y][x]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx) {

	/* Access the object */
	o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

	/* Access the next object */
	next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

	/* Ordinary pickup */
	if (!telekinesis) {

	    /* Ignore all hidden objects and non-objects */
	    if (squelch_hide_item(o_ptr) || !o_ptr->k_idx)

	    /* Hack -- disturb */
	    disturb(0, 0);

	    /* Automatically pick up some items */
	    if (auto_pickup_okay(o_ptr)) {
		/* Pick up the object */
		py_pickup_aux(this_o_idx, TRUE);

		/* Check the next object */

	/* Tally objects and store them in an array. */
	/* Remember this object index */
	floor_list[floor_num] = this_o_idx;
	/* Count non-gold objects that remain on the floor. */
	/* Tally objects that can be picked up.*/
	if (inven_carry_okay(o_ptr))

    /* There are no non-gold objects */
    if (!floor_num)
	return (objs_picked_up);

    /* Get hold of the last floor index */
    floor_o_idx = floor_list[floor_num - 1];

    /* Mention the objects if player is not picking them up. */
    if (pickup == 0 || !(can_pickup || telekinesis))
	const char *p = "see";

	/* One object */
	if (floor_num == 1)
	    if (!can_pickup)	p = "have no room for";
	    else if (blind)     p = "feel";

	    /* Get the object */
	    o_ptr = &o_list[floor_o_idx];

	    /* Describe the object.  Less detail if blind. */
	    if (blind)
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr,
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr,

	    /* Message */
	    msg_format("You %s %s.", p, o_name);
	    /* Optionally, display more information about floor items */
	    if (OPT(pickup_detail))
		ui_event_data e;

		if (!can_pickup)	p = "have no room for the following objects";
		else if (blind)     p = "feel something on the floor";

		/* Scan all marked objects in the grid */
		floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), y, x, 0x03);

		/* Save screen */

		/* Display objects on the floor */
		show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, (OLIST_WEIGHT));

		/* Display prompt */
		prt(format("You %s: ", p), 0, 0);

		/* Move cursor back to character, if needed */
		if (OPT(highlight_player)) move_cursor_relative(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px);

		/* Wait for it.  Use key as next command. */
		e = inkey_ex();

		/* Restore screen */

	    /* Show less detail */

		if (!can_pickup)
		    msg_print("You have no room for any of the items on the floor.");
		    msg_format("You %s a pile of %d items.", (blind ? "feel" : "see"), floor_num);

	/* Done */
	return (objs_picked_up);

    /* We can pick up objects.  Menus are not requested (yet). */
    if (pickup == 1)
	/* Scan floor (again) */
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), y, x, 0x03);

	/* Use a menu interface for multiple objects, or get single objects */
	if (floor_num > 1)
	    pickup = 2;
	    this_o_idx = floor_o_idx;

    /* Display a list if requested. */
    if (pickup == 2)
	cptr q, s;
	int item;

	/* Get an object or exit. */
	q = "Get which item?";
	s = "You see nothing there.";

	/* Telekinesis */
	if (telekinesis) {
	    item_tester_hook = inven_carry_okay;

	    if (!get_item(&item, q, s, CMD_PICKUP, USE_TARGET))
		return (objs_picked_up);

	    this_o_idx = 0 - item;
	else {
	    /* Restrict the choices */
	    item_tester_hook = inven_carry_okay;

	    if (!get_item(&item, q, s, CMD_PICKUP, USE_FLOOR))
		return (objs_picked_up);

	    this_o_idx = 0 - item;
	    call_function_again = TRUE;

	/* With a list, we do not need explicit pickup messages */
	msg = FALSE;

    /* Pick up object, if legal */
    if (this_o_idx)
	/* Regular pickup or telekinesis with pack not full */
	if (can_pickup) {
	    /* Pick up the object */
	    py_pickup_aux(this_o_idx, msg);
	/* Telekinesis with pack full */
	else {
	    /* Access the object */
	    o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];
	    /* Drop it */
	    drop_near(o_ptr, -1, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, TRUE);
	    /* Delete the old object */

    /* Indicate an object picked up. */
    objs_picked_up = 1;

    /* If requested, call this function recursively.  Count objects picked up.
     * Force the display of a menu in all cases. */
    if (call_function_again)
	objs_picked_up += py_pickup(3, y, x);

    /* Indicate how many objects have been picked up. */
    return (objs_picked_up);
Beispiel #7
 * Carry an object and delete it.
extern void py_pickup_aux(int o_idx, bool msg)
    int slot, quiver_slot = 0;

    char o_name[120];
    object_type *o_ptr = &o_list[o_idx];
    object_type *i_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_LIGHT];
    bitflag f[OF_SIZE], obvious_mask[OF_SIZE];

    flags_init(obvious_mask, OF_SIZE, OF_OBVIOUS_MASK, FLAG_END);
    of_copy(f, o_ptr->flags_obj);
    /* Carry the object */
    slot = inven_carry(p_ptr, o_ptr);

    /* Handle errors (paranoia) */
    if (slot < 0) return;

    /* If we have picked up ammo which matches something in the quiver, note
     * that it so that we can wield it later (and suppress pick up message) */
    if (obj_is_quiver_obj(o_ptr)) 
	int i;
	for (i = QUIVER_START; i < QUIVER_END; i++) 
	    if (!p_ptr->inventory[i].k_idx) continue;
	    if (!object_similar(&p_ptr->inventory[i], o_ptr,
				OSTACK_QUIVER)) continue;
	    quiver_slot = i;

    /* Get the object again */
    o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[slot];

    /* Set squelch status */
    p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;

    /* Stone of Lore gives id on pickup */
    if (!object_known_p(o_ptr)) {
	if (i_ptr->sval == SV_STONE_LORE)

	/* Otherwise pseudo-ID */
	else {
	    bool heavy = FALSE;
	    int feel;

	    /* Heavy sensing */
	    heavy = (player_has(PF_PSEUDO_ID_HEAVY));

	    /* Type of feeling */
	    feel = (heavy ? value_check_aux1(o_ptr) : value_check_aux2(o_ptr));

	    /* We have "felt" it */
	    o_ptr->ident |= (IDENT_SENSE);

	    /* Inscribe it textually */
	    o_ptr->feel = feel;

	    /* Set squelch flag as appropriate */
	    p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;

    /* Log artifacts if found */
    if (artifact_p(o_ptr))
	history_add_artifact(o_ptr->name1, object_is_known(o_ptr), TRUE);

    /* Notice dice and other obvious stuff */
    notice_other(IF_DD_DS, slot + 1);
    (void) of_inter(f, obvious_mask);
    of_union(o_ptr->id_obj, f);

    /* Average things are average */
    if ((o_ptr->feel == FEEL_AVERAGE) && (is_weapon(o_ptr) || is_armour(o_ptr))){
	notice_other(IF_AC, slot + 1);
	notice_other(IF_TO_A, slot + 1);
	notice_other(IF_TO_H, slot + 1);
	notice_other(IF_TO_D, slot + 1);

    /* Recalculate the bonuses */
    p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

    /* Optionally, display a message */
    if (msg && !quiver_slot)
	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	/* Message */
	msg_format("You have %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));

    /* Delete the object */

    /* If we have a quiver slot that this item matches, use it */
    if (quiver_slot) wield_item(o_ptr, slot, quiver_slot);
Beispiel #8
/* Possessor incarnates */
bool ai_possessor(s32b m_idx, s32b o_idx)
#if 0 // DGDGDGDG
	object_type *o_ptr = o_list[o_idx];
	monster_type *m_ptr = get_monster(m_idx);
	s32b r_idx = m_ptr->r_idx, r2_idx = get_flag(o_ptr, FLAG_MONSTER_IDX);
	s32b i;
	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r2_idx];
	char m_name[80], m_name2[80];

	monster_desc(m_name, m_ptr, 0x00);
	monster_race_desc(m_name2, r2_idx, 0);

	if (m_ptr->ml) msg_format("%^s incarnates into a %s!", m_name, m_name2);

	/* Remove the old one */

	m_ptr->r_idx = r2_idx;
	m_ptr->ego = 0;

	/* No "damage" yet */
	m_ptr->stunned = 0;
	m_ptr->confused = 0;
	m_ptr->monfear = 0;

	/* No target yet */
	m_ptr->target = -1;

	/* Assume no sleeping */
	m_ptr->csleep = 0;

	/* Assign maximal hitpoints */
	if (has_flag(r_ptr, FLAG_FORCE_MAXHP))
		m_ptr->maxhp = maxroll(r_ptr->hdice, r_ptr->hside);
		m_ptr->maxhp = damroll(r_ptr->hdice, r_ptr->hside);

	/* And start out fully healthy */
	m_ptr->hp = m_ptr->maxhp;

	/* Some basic info */
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		m_ptr->blow[i].method = r_ptr->blow[i].method;
		m_ptr->blow[i].effect = r_ptr->blow[i].effect;
		m_ptr->blow[i].d_dice = r_ptr->blow[i].d_dice;
		m_ptr->blow[i].d_side = r_ptr->blow[i].d_side;
	m_ptr->ac = r_ptr->ac;
	m_ptr->level = r_ptr->level;
	m_ptr->speed = r_ptr->speed;
	m_ptr->exp = MONSTER_EXP(m_ptr->level);

	/* Extract the monster base speed */
	m_ptr->mspeed = m_ptr->speed;

	m_ptr->energy = 0;

	/* Hack -- Count the number of "reproducers" */
	if (has_flag(r_ptr, FLAG_MULTIPLY)) num_repro++;

	/* Hack -- Notice new multi-hued monsters */
	if (has_flag(r_ptr, FLAG_ATTR_MULTI)) shimmer_monsters = TRUE;

	/* Hack -- Count the monsters on the level */

	m_ptr->possessor = r_idx;

	/* Update the monster */
	update_mon(m_idx, TRUE);
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #9
 * Rogues may set traps.  Only one such trap may exist at any one time,
 * but an old trap can be disarmed to free up equipment for a new trap.
 * -LM-
extern bool py_set_trap(int y, int x)
    int max_traps;
    s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;
    object_type *o_ptr;
    bool destroy_message = FALSE;

    max_traps =
        1 + ((p_ptr->lev >= 25) ? 1 : 0) +
        (player_has(PF_EXTRA_TRAP) ? 1 : 0);

    if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLIND] || no_light()) {
        msg_print("You can not see to set a trap.");
        return FALSE;

    if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] || p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) {
        msg_print("You are too confused.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Paranoia -- Forbid more than max_traps being set. */
    if (num_trap_on_level >= max_traps) {
        ("You must disarm your existing trap to free up your equipment.");
        return FALSE;

    /* No setting traps while shapeshifted */
    if (SCHANGE) {
        msg_print("You can not set traps while shapechanged.");
        msg_print("Use the ']' command to return to your normal form.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Scan all objects in the grid */
    for (this_o_idx = cave_o_idx[y][x]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx) {
        /* Acquire object */
        o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

        /* Acquire next object */
        next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

        /* Artifact */
        if (o_ptr->name1) {
            msg_print("There is an indestructible object here.");
            return FALSE;

        /* Visible object to be destroyed */
        if (!squelch_hide_item(o_ptr))
            destroy_message = TRUE;

    /* Verify */
    if (cave_o_idx[y][x]) {
        if (destroy_message)
            if (!get_check("Destroy all items and set a trap?"))
                return FALSE;

        for (this_o_idx = cave_o_idx[y][x]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx) {
            /* Acquire object */
            o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

            /* Acquire next object */
            next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

            /* Delete the object */

        /* Redraw */
        light_spot(y, x);

    /* Set the trap, and draw it. */
    cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MTRAP_BASE);

    /* Notify the player. */
    msg_print("You set a monster trap.");

    /* Increment the number of monster traps. */

    /* A trap has been set */
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #10
 * @brief フロアの切り替え処理 / Enter new floor.
 * @return なし
 * @details
 * If the floor is an old saved floor, it will be\n
 * restored from the temporal file.  If the floor is new one, new cave\n
 * will be generated.\n
void change_floor(void)
	saved_floor_type *sf_ptr;
	bool loaded = FALSE;

	/* The dungeon is not ready */
	character_dungeon = FALSE;

	/* No longer in the trap detecteded region */
	p_ptr->dtrap = FALSE;

	/* Mega-Hack -- no panel yet */
	panel_row_min = 0;
	panel_row_max = 0;
	panel_col_min = 0;
	panel_col_max = 0;

	/* Mega-Hack -- not ambushed on the wildness? */
	ambush_flag = FALSE;

	/* No saved floors (On the surface etc.) */
	if (!(change_floor_mode & CFM_SAVE_FLOORS) &&
	    !(change_floor_mode & CFM_FIRST_FLOOR))
		/* Create cave */

		/* Paranoia -- No new saved floor */
		new_floor_id = 0;

	/* In the dungeon */
		/* No floor_id yet */
		if (!new_floor_id)
			/* Get new id */
			new_floor_id = get_new_floor_id();

		/* Pointer for infomations of new floor */
		sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(new_floor_id);

		/* Try to restore old floor */
		if (sf_ptr->last_visit)
			/* Old saved floor is exist */
			if (load_floor(sf_ptr, 0))
				loaded = TRUE;

				/* Forbid return stairs */
				if (change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN)
					cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x];

					if (!feat_uses_special(c_ptr->feat))
						if (change_floor_mode & (CFM_DOWN | CFM_UP))
							/* Reset to floor */
							c_ptr->feat = floor_type[randint0(100)];

						c_ptr->special = 0;

		 * Set lower/upper_floor_id of new floor when the new
		 * floor is right-above/right-under the current floor.
		 * Stair creation/Teleport level/Trap door will take
		 * you the same floor when you used it later again.
		if (p_ptr->floor_id)
			saved_floor_type *cur_sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

			if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
				/* New floor is right-above */
				if (cur_sf_ptr->upper_floor_id == new_floor_id)
					sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = p_ptr->floor_id;
			else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
				/* New floor is right-under */
				if (cur_sf_ptr->lower_floor_id == new_floor_id)
					sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = p_ptr->floor_id;

		/* Break connection to killed floor */
			if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
				sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = 0;
			else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
				sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = 0;

		/* Maintain monsters and artifacts */
		if (loaded)
			IDX i;
			s32b tmp_last_visit = sf_ptr->last_visit;
			s32b absence_ticks;
			int alloc_chance = d_info[dungeon_type].max_m_alloc_chance;
			int alloc_times;

			while (tmp_last_visit > turn) tmp_last_visit -= TURNS_PER_TICK * TOWN_DAWN;
			absence_ticks = (turn - tmp_last_visit) / TURNS_PER_TICK;

			/* Maintain monsters */
			for (i = 1; i < m_max; i++)
				monster_race *r_ptr;
				monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[i];

				/* Skip dead monsters */
				if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue;

				if (!is_pet(m_ptr))
					/* Restore HP */
					m_ptr->hp = m_ptr->maxhp = m_ptr->max_maxhp;

					/* Remove timed status (except MTIMED_CSLEEP) */
					(void)set_monster_fast(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_slow(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_stunned(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_confused(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_monfear(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_invulner(i, 0, FALSE);

				/* Extract real monster race */
				r_ptr = real_r_ptr(m_ptr);

				/* Ignore non-unique */
				if (!(r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) &&
				    !(r_ptr->flags7 & RF7_NAZGUL)) continue;

				/* Appear at a different floor? */
				if (r_ptr->floor_id != new_floor_id)
					/* Disapper from here */

			/* Maintain artifatcs */
			for (i = 1; i < o_max; i++)
				object_type *o_ptr = &o_list[i];

				/* Skip dead objects */
				if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

				/* Ignore non-artifact */
				if (!object_is_fixed_artifact(o_ptr)) continue;

				/* Appear at a different floor? */
				if (a_info[o_ptr->name1].floor_id != new_floor_id)
					/* Disappear from here */
					/* Cancel preserve */
					a_info[o_ptr->name1].cur_num = 1;


			/* Place some random monsters */
			alloc_times = absence_ticks / alloc_chance;

			if (randint0(alloc_chance) < (absence_ticks % alloc_chance))

			for (i = 0; i < alloc_times; i++)
				/* Make a (group of) new monster */
				(void)alloc_monster(0, 0);


		/* New floor_id or failed to restore */
		else /* if (!loaded) */
			if (sf_ptr->last_visit)
				/* Temporal file is broken? */
#ifdef JP
				msg_print("The staircases come to a dead end...");

				/* Create simple dead end */

				/* Break connection */
				if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
					sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = 0;
				else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
					sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = 0;
				/* Newly create cave */

			/* Record last visit turn */
			sf_ptr->last_visit = turn;

			/* Set correct dun_level value */
			sf_ptr->dun_level = dun_level;

			/* Create connected stairs */
			if (!(change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN))
				/* Extract stair position */
				cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x];

				/*** Create connected stairs ***/

				/* No stairs down from Quest */
				if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_UP) && !quest_number(dun_level))
					c_ptr->feat = (change_floor_mode & CFM_SHAFT) ? feat_state(feat_down_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_down_stair;

				/* No stairs up when ironman_downward */
				else if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN) && !ironman_downward)
					c_ptr->feat = (change_floor_mode & CFM_SHAFT) ? feat_state(feat_up_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_up_stair;

				/* Paranoia -- Clear mimic */
				c_ptr->mimic = 0;

				/* Connect to previous floor */
				c_ptr->special = p_ptr->floor_id;

		/* Arrive at random grid */
		if (change_floor_mode & (CFM_RAND_PLACE))

		/* You see stairs blocked */
		else if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN) &&
			 (change_floor_mode & (CFM_DOWN | CFM_UP)))
			if (!p_ptr->blind)
#ifdef JP
				msg_print("Suddenly the stairs is blocked!");
#ifdef JP
				msg_print("You hear some noises.");

		 * Update visit mark
		 * The "turn" is not always different number because
		 * the level teleport doesn't take any turn.  Use
		 * visit mark instead of last visit turn to find the
		 * oldest saved floor.
		sf_ptr->visit_mark = latest_visit_mark++;

	/* Place preserved pet monsters */

	/* Reset travel target place */

	/* Hack -- maintain unique and artifacts */

	/* Now the player is in new floor */
	p_ptr->floor_id = new_floor_id;

	/* The dungeon is ready */
	character_dungeon = TRUE;

	/* Hack -- Munchkin characters always get whole map */
	if (p_ptr->pseikaku == SEIKAKU_MUNCHKIN)
		wiz_lite((bool)(p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_NINJA));

	/* Remember when this level was "created" */
	old_turn = turn;

	/* No dungeon feeling yet */
	p_ptr->feeling_turn = old_turn;
	p_ptr->feeling = 0;

	/* Clear all flags */
	change_floor_mode = 0L;

Beispiel #11
 * Handles the "death" of a monster.
 * Disperses treasures carried by the monster centered at the monster location.
 * Note that objects dropped may disappear in crowded rooms.
 * Checks for "Quest" completion when a quest monster is killed.
 * Note that only the player can induce "monster_death()" on Uniques.
 * Thus (for now) all Quest monsters should be Uniques.
 * If `stats` is true, then we skip updating the monster memory. This is
 * used by stats-generation code, for efficiency.
void monster_death(struct monster *m_ptr, bool stats)
	int i;
	int dump_item = 0;
	int dump_gold = 0;
	int total = 0;
	s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	bool visible = (m_ptr->ml || rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_UNIQUE));

	int y = m_ptr->fy;
	int x = m_ptr->fx;

	/* Delete any mimicked objects */
	if (m_ptr->mimicked_o_idx > 0)

	/* Drop objects being carried */
	for (this_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx) {
		object_type *o_ptr;

		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = object_byid(this_o_idx);

		/* Line up the next object */
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Paranoia */
		o_ptr->held_m_idx = 0;

		/* Get local object, copy it and delete the original */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;
		object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

		/* Count it and drop it - refactor once origin is a bitflag */
		if (!stats) {
			if ((i_ptr->tval == TV_GOLD) && (i_ptr->origin != ORIGIN_STOLEN))
			else if ((i_ptr->tval != TV_GOLD) && ((i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_PIT)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_VAULT)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_SUMMON)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_SPECIAL)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_BREED)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_POLY)
					|| (i_ptr->origin == ORIGIN_DROP_WIZARD)))

		/* Change origin if monster is invisible, unless we're in stats mode */
		if (!visible && !stats)
			i_ptr->origin = ORIGIN_DROP_UNKNOWN;

		drop_near(cave, i_ptr, 0, y, x, TRUE);

	/* Forget objects */
	m_ptr->hold_o_idx = 0;

	/* Take note of any dropped treasure */
	if (visible && (dump_item || dump_gold))
		lore_treasure(m_ptr, dump_item, dump_gold);

	/* Update monster list window */
	p_ptr->redraw |= PR_MONLIST;

	/* Nothing else to do for non-"Quest Monsters" */
	if (!rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_QUESTOR)) return;

	/* Mark quests as complete */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_Q_IDX; i++)	{
		/* Note completed quests */
		if (q_list[i].level == m_ptr->race->level) q_list[i].level = 0;

		/* Count incomplete quests */
		if (q_list[i].level) total++;

	/* Build magical stairs */
	build_quest_stairs(y, x);

	/* Nothing left, game over... */
	if (total == 0) {
		p_ptr->total_winner = TRUE;
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_TITLE);
		msg("*** CONGRATULATIONS ***");
		msg("You have won the game!");
		msg("You may retire (commit suicide) when you are ready.");
Beispiel #12
 * Deletes a monster by index.
 * When a monster is deleted, all of its objects are deleted.
void delete_monster_idx(int m_idx)
	int x, y;
	s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;
	monster_type *m_ptr;

	assert(m_idx > 0);

	m_ptr = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);

	/* Monster location */
	y = m_ptr->fy;
	x = m_ptr->fx;

	/* Hack -- Reduce the racial counter */

	/* Hack -- count the number of "reproducers" */
	if (rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_MULTIPLY)) num_repro--;

	/* Hack -- remove target monster */
	if (target_get_monster() == m_ptr) target_set_monster(NULL);

	/* Hack -- remove tracked monster */
	if (p_ptr->health_who == m_ptr) health_track(p_ptr, NULL);

	/* Monster is gone */
	cave->m_idx[y][x] = 0;

	/* Delete objects */
	for (this_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
		object_type *o_ptr;

		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = object_byid(this_o_idx);

		/* Get the next object */
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Preserve unseen artifacts (we assume they were created as this
		 * monster's drop) - this will cause unintended behaviour in preserve
		 * off mode if monsters can pick up artifacts */
		if (o_ptr->artifact && !object_was_sensed(o_ptr))
			o_ptr->artifact->created = FALSE;

		/* Clear held_m_idx now to avoid wasting time in delete_object_idx */
		o_ptr->held_m_idx = 0;

		/* Delete the object */

	/* Delete mimicked objects */
	if (m_ptr->mimicked_o_idx > 0)

	/* Wipe the Monster */
	(void)WIPE(m_ptr, monster_type);

	/* Count monsters */

	/* Visual update */
	cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);
Beispiel #13
 * Handle the "death" of a monster.
 * Disperse treasures centered at the monster location based on the
 * various flags contained in the monster flags fields.
 * Check for "Quest" completion when a quest monster is killed.
 * Note that only the player can induce "monster_death()" on Uniques or quest monsters.
 * Note that monsters can now carry objects, and when a monster dies,
 * it drops all of its objects, which may disappear in crowded rooms.
void monster_death(int m_idx, int who)
	int i, j, y, x;

	int dump_item = 0;
	int dump_gold = 0;

	int number_drops = 0;
	int total = 0;

	bool questlevel = FALSE;
	bool completed = FALSE;
	bool fixedquest = FALSE;
	bool writenote = TRUE;
	bool need_stairs = FALSE;

	s16b set_object_level;

	s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;

	monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[m_idx];

	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

	bool visible = (m_ptr->ml || (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_UNIQUE)));

	bool chest = (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_CHEST)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	bool good = (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_GOOD)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	bool great = (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_GREAT)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	bool do_gold = (!(r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_ONLY_ITEM)));
	bool do_item = (!(r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_ONLY_GOLD)));

	int force_coin = get_coin_type(r_ptr);

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	/* Get the location */
	y = m_ptr->fy;
	x = m_ptr->fx;

	/* Drop objects being carried */
	for (this_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
		object_type *o_ptr;

		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

		/*Remove the mark to hide when monsters carry this object*/
		o_ptr->ident &= ~(IDENT_HIDE_CARRY);

		/* Get the next object */
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Paranoia */
		o_ptr->held_m_idx = 0;

		/* Get local object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Copy the object */
		object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

		/* Delete the object */

		/* Drop it */
		drop_near(i_ptr, -1, y, x);

	/* Forget objects */
	m_ptr->hold_o_idx = 0;

	/* Mega-Hack -- drop "winner" treasures */
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_CHOSEN))
		/* Get local object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Mega-Hack -- Prepare to make "Grond" */
		object_prep(i_ptr, lookup_kind(TV_HAFTED, SV_GROND));

		/* Mega-Hack -- Mark this item as "Grond" */
		i_ptr->art_num = ART_GROND;

		/* Mega-Hack -- Actually create "Grond" */
		apply_magic(i_ptr, -1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);

		/* Remember history */
		object_history(i_ptr, ORIGIN_MORGOTH, 0);

		/* Drop it in the dungeon */
		drop_near(i_ptr, -1, y, x);

		/* Get local object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Mega-Hack -- Prepare to make "Morgoth's crown" */
		object_prep(i_ptr, lookup_kind(TV_CROWN, SV_MORGOTH));

		/* Mega-Hack -- Mark this item as "Morgoth" */
		i_ptr->art_num = ART_MORGOTH;

		/* Mega-Hack -- Actually create "Morgoth" */
		apply_magic(i_ptr, -1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);

		/* Remember history */
		object_history(i_ptr, ORIGIN_MORGOTH, 0);

		/* Drop it in the dungeon */
		drop_near(i_ptr, -1, y, x);

	/* Determine how much we can drop */
	if ((r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_60)) && (rand_int(100) < 60)) number_drops++;
	if ((r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_90)) && (rand_int(100) < 90)) number_drops++;
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_1D2)) number_drops += damroll(1, 2);
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_2D2)) number_drops += damroll(2, 2);
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_3D2)) number_drops += damroll(3, 2);
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_DROP_4D2)) number_drops += damroll(4, 2);

	/* Hack -- handle creeping coins */
	coin_type = force_coin;

	/* Average dungeon and monster levels */
	set_object_level = object_level = (effective_depth(p_ptr->depth) + r_ptr->level) / 2;

	/* Drop some objects */
	for (j = 0; j < number_drops; j++)
		bool interesting = FALSE;

		/* Re-set the object level */
		object_level = set_object_level;

		/* Get local object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Wipe the object */

		/* work on the "too much junk" problem, large drops sometimes are less items with a "boost". */
		if ((randint(750) < (number_drops * number_drops)) && (!(r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_UNIQUE))))
			interesting = TRUE;
			number_drops -= 5;
			object_level += 5;

			/*Boundry Control*/
			if (number_drops < 0) number_drops = 0;
			if (object_level > MAX_DEPTH) object_level = MAX_DEPTH;

		/* Make Gold */
		if (do_gold && (!chest) && (!do_item || (rand_int(100) < 70)))
			/* Make some gold */
			if (!make_gold(i_ptr)) continue;

			/* Assume seen XXX XXX XXX */

		/* Make Object */
			if (chest)
				if (!make_object(i_ptr, good, great, DROP_TYPE_CHEST, FALSE)) continue;

			/* Make an object */
			else if (!make_object(i_ptr, good, great, DROP_TYPE_UNTHEMED, interesting)) continue;

			/* Remember history */
			if (visible) object_history(i_ptr, ORIGIN_DROP_KNOWN, m_ptr->r_idx);
			else object_history(i_ptr, ORIGIN_DROP_UNKNOWN, 0);

			/* Assume seen XXX XXX XXX */

		/* Drop it in the dungeon */
		drop_near(i_ptr, -1, y, x);

	/* Re-set the object level */
	object_level = set_object_level;

	/*If marked for a bonus item, create it and drop it */
	if (m_ptr->mflag & (MFLAG_BONUS_ITEM))
		bool this_good = good;
		bool this_great = great;
		bool this_chest = chest;
		bool interesting = FALSE;

		char o_name[80];

		/* Get local object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Wipe the object */

		if (one_in_(50)) this_chest = TRUE;
		if (one_in_(15)) this_great = TRUE;
		if (one_in_(5)) this_good = TRUE;
		if ((!this_good) && (!this_great) && (!this_chest))
			object_level += 5;
			if (object_level > MAX_DEPTH) object_level = MAX_DEPTH;
			interesting = TRUE;

		if (this_chest)
			while (!make_object(i_ptr, TRUE, TRUE, DROP_TYPE_CHEST, FALSE)) continue;

		/* Make an object */
		else while (!make_object(i_ptr, this_good, this_good, DROP_TYPE_UNTHEMED, interesting)) continue;

		/* Remember history */
		if (visible) object_history(i_ptr, ORIGIN_DROP_KNOWN, m_ptr->r_idx);
		else object_history(i_ptr, ORIGIN_DROP_UNKNOWN, 0);

		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), i_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

		/* Drop it in the dungeon */
		drop_near(i_ptr, -1, y, x);


	/* Reset the object level */
	object_level = effective_depth(p_ptr->depth);

	/* Reset "coin" type */
	coin_type = 0;

	/* Take note of any dropped treasure */
	if (visible && (dump_item || dump_gold))
		/* Take notes on treasure */
		lore_treasure(m_idx, dump_item, dump_gold);

	/* Update monster list window */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MONLIST);

	/* Count incomplete quests */
	for (i = 0; i < z_info->q_max; i++)
		quest_type *q_ptr = &q_info[i];

		 * Hack - don't count if player didn't kill, or on a town level
		 * This assumes only a player can kill quest monsters!!!!!
		 * This line is also ugly coding. :)
		if (((who != SOURCE_PLAYER) && (who != SOURCE_TRAP)) || (!p_ptr->depth)) continue;

		/* Quest level? */
		if ((q_ptr->active_level == p_ptr->depth) && (p_ptr->depth > 0))
			/* One on the level */
			questlevel = TRUE;

			/* Require "Quest Monsters" */
			if 	(q_ptr->mon_idx == m_ptr->r_idx)
				char race_name[80];

				/* Get the monster race name (singular)*/
				monster_desc_race(race_name, sizeof(race_name), q_ptr->mon_idx);

				/* Mark kills */

				/* Redraw quest indicator */
				p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_QUEST_ST);

				/* Completed quest? */
				if (q_ptr->cur_num == q_ptr->max_num)
					/* Mark complete */
					q_ptr->active_level = 0;

					/* Mark fixed quests */
					if ((q_ptr->q_type == QUEST_FIXED) ||
						(q_ptr->q_type == QUEST_FIXED_U))
						fixedquest = TRUE;

					if (q_ptr->q_type == QUEST_GUARDIAN) need_stairs = TRUE;

					/* One complete */
					completed = TRUE;

					/*make a note of the completed quest, but not for fixed or
				     * fixed unique quests
					if ((adult_take_notes) && (!fixedquest))
						char note[120];

						/* Multiple quest monsters */
						if (q_ptr->max_num > 1)
							plural_aux(race_name, sizeof(race_name));

						if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_UNIQUE))
							/*write note*/
							if monster_nonliving(r_ptr)
								sprintf(note, "Quest: Destroyed %s", race_name);
							else sprintf(note, "Quest: Killed %s", race_name);

							/* Write note */
							if monster_nonliving(r_ptr)
Beispiel #14
bool leprechaun_steal(int m_idx)
    bool result = FALSE;
    monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx];
    monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

    if ( !mon_save_p(m_ptr->r_idx, A_DEX) 
      || (MON_CSLEEP(m_ptr) && !mon_save_p(m_ptr->r_idx, A_DEX)))
        object_type loot = {0};

        if (m_ptr->hold_o_idx && one_in_(2))
            object_copy(&loot, &o_list[m_ptr->hold_o_idx]);
            loot.held_m_idx = 0;
        else if (m_ptr->drop_ct > m_ptr->stolen_ct)
            if (get_monster_drop(m_idx, &loot))
                if (r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE)

        if (!loot.k_idx)
            msg_print("There is nothing to steal!");
            char o_name[MAX_NLEN];

            result = TRUE;
            object_desc(o_name, &loot, 0);
            if (mon_save_p(m_ptr->r_idx, A_DEX))
                msg_format("Oops! You drop %s.", o_name);
                drop_near(&loot, -1, py, px);
            else if (loot.tval == TV_GOLD)
                msg_format("You steal %d gold pieces worth of %s.", (int)loot.pval, o_name);
                p_ptr->au += loot.pval;
                p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);
                if (prace_is_(RACE_MON_LEPRECHAUN))
                    p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_MANA);
            else if (!inven_carry_okay(&loot))
                msg_format("You have no room for %s.", o_name);
                drop_near(&loot, -1, py, px);
                int slot = inven_carry(&loot);

                msg_format("You steal %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));
                autopick_alter_item(slot, TRUE);
    return result;