int output_gazetteer_t::process_relation(osmid_t id, const memberlist_t &members,
                                         const taglist_t &tags)
    const std::string *type = tags.get("type");
    if (!type) {
        delete_unused_full('R', id);
        return 0;

    int cmp_waterway = type->compare("waterway");

    if (*type == "associatedStreet"
            || !(*type == "boundary" || *type == "multipolygon" || !cmp_waterway)) {
        delete_unused_full('R', id);
        return 0;


    if (m_options.append)
        delete_unused_classes('R', id);

    /* Are we interested in this item? */
    if (!places.has_data())
        return 0;

    /* get the boundary path (ways) */
    idlist_t xid2;
    for (const auto& member: members) {
        /* only interested in ways */
        if (member.type == OSMTYPE_WAY)

    if (xid2.empty()) {
        if (m_options.append)
            delete_unused_full('R', id);

        return 0;

    multitaglist_t xtags;
    multinodelist_t xnodes;
    idlist_t xid;
    m_mid->ways_get_list(xid2, xid, xtags, xnodes);

    if (cmp_waterway) {
        auto geoms = builder.build_both(xnodes, 1, 1, 1000000, id);
        for (const auto& geom: geoms) {
            if (geom.is_polygon()) {
                places.copy_out('R', id, geom.geom, buffer);
            } else {
                /* add_polygon_error('R', id, "boundary", "adminitrative", &names, countrycode, wkt); */
    } else {
        /* waterways result in multilinestrings */
        auto geom = builder.build_multilines(xnodes, id);
        if (geom.valid()) {
            places.copy_out('R', id, geom.geom, buffer);

    return 0;
int output_gazetteer_t::process_relation(osmid_t id, const memberlist_t &members,
                                         const taglist_t &tags)
    const std::string *type = tags.get("type");
    if (!type) {
        delete_unused_full('R', id);
        return 0;

    int cmp_waterway = type->compare("waterway");

    if (*type == "associatedStreet"
            || !(*type == "boundary" || *type == "multipolygon" || !cmp_waterway)) {
        delete_unused_full('R', id);
        return 0;


    if (m_options.append)
        delete_unused_classes('R', id);

    /* Are we interested in this item? */
    if (!places.has_data())
        return 0;

    /* get the boundary path (ways) */
    idlist_t xid2;
    for (memberlist_t::const_iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it) {
        /* only interested in ways */
        if (it->type == OSMTYPE_WAY)

    if (xid2.empty()) {
        if (m_options.append)
            delete_unused_full('R', id);

        return 0;

    multitaglist_t xtags;
    multinodelist_t xnodes;
    idlist_t xid;
    m_mid->ways_get_list(xid2, xid, xtags, xnodes);

    if (cmp_waterway) {
        geometry_builder::maybe_wkts_t wkts = builder.build_both(xnodes, 1, 1, 1000000, id);
        for (const auto& wkt: *wkts) {
            if (boost::starts_with(wkt.geom,  "POLYGON")
                    || boost::starts_with(wkt.geom,  "MULTIPOLYGON")) {
                places.copy_out('R', id, wkt.geom, buffer);
            } else {
                /* add_polygon_error('R', id, "boundary", "adminitrative", &names, countrycode, wkt); */
    } else {
        /* waterways result in multilinestrings */
        geometry_builder::maybe_wkt_t wkt = builder.build_multilines(xnodes, id);
        if ((wkt->geom).length() > 0) {
            places.copy_out('R', id, wkt->geom, buffer);

    return 0;