Beispiel #1
void Bernsteins::find_bernstein_roots(Bezier bz,
                                      unsigned depth,
                                      double left_t,
                                      double right_t)
    debug(std::cout << left_t << ", " << right_t << std::endl);
    size_t n_crossings = 0;

    int old_sign = SGN(bz[0]);
    //std::cout << "w[0] = " << bz[0] << std::endl;
    int sign;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < bz.size(); i++)
        //std::cout << "w[" << i << "] = " << w[i] << std::endl;
        sign = SGN(bz[i]);
        if (sign != 0)
            if (sign != old_sign && old_sign != 0)
            old_sign = sign;
    //std::cout << "n_crossings = " << n_crossings << std::endl;
    if (n_crossings == 0)  return; // no solutions here

    if (n_crossings == 1) /* Unique solution  */
        //std::cout << "depth = " << depth << std::endl;
        /* Stop recursion when the tree is deep enough  */
        /* if deep enough, return 1 solution at midpoint  */
        if (depth > MAX_DEPTH)
            //printf("bottom out %d\n", depth);
            const double Ax = right_t - left_t;
            const double Ay = bz.at1() - bz.at0();

            solutions.push_back(left_t - Ax*bz.at0() / Ay);

        double r = secant(bz);
        solutions.push_back(r*right_t + (1-r)*left_t);
    /* Otherwise, solve recursively after subdividing control polygon  */
    Bezier::Order o(bz);
    Bezier Left(o), Right = bz;
    double split_t = (left_t + right_t) * 0.5;

    // If subdivision is working poorly, split around the leftmost root of the derivative
    if (depth > 2) {
        debug(std::cout << "derivative mode\n");
        Bezier dbz = derivative(bz);
        debug(std::cout << "initial = " << dbz << std::endl);
        std::vector<double> dsolutions = dbz.roots(Interval(left_t, right_t));
        debug(std::cout << "dsolutions = " << dsolutions << std::endl);
        double dsplit_t = 0.5;
        if(!dsolutions.empty()) {
            dsplit_t = dsolutions[0];
            split_t = left_t + (right_t - left_t)*dsplit_t;
            debug(std::cout << "split_value = " << bz(split_t) << std::endl);
            debug(std::cout << "spliting around " << dsplit_t << " = " 
                  << split_t << "\n");
        std::pair<Bezier, Bezier> LR = bz.subdivide(dsplit_t);
        Left = LR.first;
        Right = LR.second;
    } else {
        // split at midpoint, because it is cheap
        Left[0] = Right[0];
        for (size_t i = 1; i < bz.size(); ++i)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < bz.size()-i; ++j)
                Right[j] = (Right[j] + Right[j+1]) * 0.5;
            Left[i] = Right[0];
    debug(std::cout << "Solution is exactly on the subdivision point.\n");
    debug(std::cout << Left << " , " << Right << std::endl);
    Left = reverse(Left);
    while(Right.order() > 0 and fabs(Right[0]) <= 1e-10) {
        debug(std::cout << "deflate\n");
        Right = Right.deflate();
        Left = Left.deflate();
    Left = reverse(Left);
    if (Right.order() > 0) {
        debug(std::cout << Left << " , " << Right << std::endl);
        find_bernstein_roots(Left, depth+1, left_t, split_t);
        find_bernstein_roots(Right, depth+1, split_t, right_t);
Beispiel #2
* \brief returns all the parameter values of A whose tangent passes through P.
* \relates D2
std::vector<double> find_tangents(Point P, D2<SBasis> const &A) {
    SBasis crs (cross(A - P, derivative(A)));
    return roots(crs);
/// Examine the chi squared as a function of fitting parameters and estimate
/// errors for each parameter.
void CalculateChiSquared::estimateErrors() {
  // Number of fiting parameters
  auto nParams = m_function->nParams();
  // Create an output table for displaying slices of the chi squared and
  // the probabilitydensity function
  auto pdfTable = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable();

  std::string baseName = getProperty("Output");
  if (baseName.empty()) {
    baseName = "CalculateChiSquared";
  declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(
                      "PDFs", "", Kernel::Direction::Output),
                  "The name of the TableWorkspace in which to store the "
                  "pdfs of fit parameters");
  setPropertyValue("PDFs", baseName + "_pdf");
  setProperty("PDFs", pdfTable);

  // Create an output table for displaying the parameter errors.
  auto errorsTable = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable();
  auto nameColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("str", "Parameter");
  auto valueColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("double", "Value");
  auto minValueColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("double", "Value at Min");
  auto leftErrColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("double", "Left Error");
  auto rightErrColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("double", "Right Error");
  auto quadraticErrColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("double", "Quadratic Error");
  auto chiMinColumn = errorsTable->addColumn("double", "Chi2 Min");
  declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(
                      "Errors", "", Kernel::Direction::Output),
                  "The name of the TableWorkspace in which to store the "
                  "values and errors of fit parameters");
  setPropertyValue("Errors", baseName + "_errors");
  setProperty("Errors", errorsTable);

  // Calculate initial values
  double chiSquared = 0.0;
  double chiSquaredWeighted = 0.0;
  double dof = 0;
  API::FunctionDomain_sptr domain;
  API::FunctionValues_sptr values;
  m_domainCreator->createDomain(domain, values);
  calcChiSquared(*m_function, nParams, *domain, *values, chiSquared,
                 chiSquaredWeighted, dof);
  // Value of chi squared for current parameters in m_function
  double chi0 = chiSquared;
  // Fit data variance
  double sigma2 = chiSquared / dof;
  bool useWeighted = getProperty("Weighted");

  if (useWeighted) {
    chi0 = chiSquaredWeighted;
    sigma2 = 0.0;

  if ( {
    g_log.debug() << "chi0=" << chi0 << std::endl;
    g_log.debug() << "sigma2=" << sigma2 << std::endl;
    g_log.debug() << "dof=" << dof << std::endl;

  // Parameter bounds that define a volume in the parameter
  // space within which the chi squared is being examined.
  GSLVector lBounds(nParams);
  GSLVector rBounds(nParams);

  // Number of points in lines for plotting
  size_t n = 100;
  const double fac = 1e-4;

  // Loop over each parameter
  for (size_t ip = 0; ip < nParams; ++ip) {

    // Add columns for the parameter to the pdf table.
    auto parName = m_function->parameterName(ip);
    nameColumn->read(ip, parName);
    // Parameter values
    auto col1 = pdfTable->addColumn("double", parName);
    // Chi squared values
    auto col2 = pdfTable->addColumn("double", parName + "_chi2");
    // PDF values
    auto col3 = pdfTable->addColumn("double", parName + "_pdf");

    double par0 = m_function->getParameter(ip);
    double shift = fabs(par0 * fac);
    if (shift == 0.0) {
      shift = fac;

    // Make a slice along this parameter
    GSLVector dir(nParams);;
    dir[ip] = 1.0;
    ChiSlice slice(*m_function, dir, *domain, *values, chi0, sigma2);

    // Find the bounds withn which the PDF is significantly above zero.
    // The bounds are defined relative to par0:
    //   par0 + lBound is the lowest value of the parameter (lBound <= 0)
    //   par0 + rBound is the highest value of the parameter (rBound >= 0)
    double lBound = slice.findBound(-shift);
    double rBound = slice.findBound(shift);
    lBounds[ip] = lBound;
    rBounds[ip] = rBound;

    // Approximate the slice with a polynomial.
    // P is a vector of values of the polynomial at special points.
    // A is a vector of Chebyshev expansion coefficients.
    // The polynomial is defined on interval [lBound, rBound]
    // The value of the polynomial at 0 == chi squared at par0
    std::vector<double> P, A;
    bool ok = true;
    auto base = slice.makeApprox(lBound, rBound, P, A, ok);
    if (!ok) {
      g_log.warning() << "Approximation failed for parameter " << ip << std::endl;
    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << "Parameter " << ip << std::endl;
      g_log.debug() << "Slice approximated by polynomial of order "
                    << base->size() - 1;
      g_log.debug() << " between " << lBound << " and " << rBound << std::endl;

    // Write n slice points into the output table.
    double dp = (rBound - lBound) / static_cast<double>(n);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      double par = lBound + dp * static_cast<double>(i);
      double chi = base->eval(par, P);
      col1->fromDouble(i, par0 + par);
      col2->fromDouble(i, chi);

    // Check if par0 is a minimum point of the chi squared
    std::vector<double> AD;
    // Calculate the derivative polynomial.
    // AD are the Chebyshev expansion of the derivative.
    base->derivative(A, AD);
    // Find the roots of the derivative polynomial
    std::vector<double> minima = base->roots(AD);
    if (minima.empty()) {

    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << "Minima: ";

    // If only 1 extremum is found assume (without checking) that it's a
    // minimum.
    // If there are more than 1, find the one with the smallest chi^2.
    double chiMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    double parMin = par0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < minima.size(); ++i) {
      double value = base->eval(minima[i], P);
      if ( {
        g_log.debug() << minima[i] << " (" << value << ") ";
      if (value < chiMin) {
        chiMin = value;
        parMin = minima[i];
    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << std::endl;
      g_log.debug() << "Smallest minimum at " << parMin << " is " << chiMin
                    << std::endl;

    // Points of intersections with line chi^2 = 1/2 give an estimate of
    // the standard deviation of this parameter if it's uncorrelated with the
    // others.
    A[0] -= 0.5; // Now A are the coefficients of the original polynomial
                 // shifted down by 1/2.
    std::vector<double> roots = base->roots(A);
    std::sort(roots.begin(), roots.end());

    if (roots.empty()) {
      // Something went wrong; use the whole interval.
      roots[0] = lBound;
      roots[1] = rBound;
    } else if (roots.size() == 1) {
      // Only one root found; use a bound for the other root.
      if (roots.front() < 0) {
      } else {
        roots.insert(roots.begin(), lBound);
    } else if (roots.size() > 2) {
      // More than 2 roots; use the smallest and the biggest
      auto smallest = roots.front();
      auto biggest = roots.back();
      roots[0] = smallest;
      roots[1] = biggest;

    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << "Roots: ";
      for (size_t i = 0; i < roots.size(); ++i) {
        g_log.debug() << roots[i] << ' ';
      g_log.debug() << std::endl;

    // Output parameter info to the table.
    valueColumn->fromDouble(ip, par0);
    minValueColumn->fromDouble(ip, par0 + parMin);
    leftErrColumn->fromDouble(ip, roots[0] - parMin);
    rightErrColumn->fromDouble(ip, roots[1] - parMin);
    chiMinColumn->fromDouble(ip, chiMin);

    // Output the PDF
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      double chi = col2->toDouble(i);
      col3->fromDouble(i, exp(-chi + chiMin));

    // make sure function parameters don't change.
    m_function->setParameter(ip, par0);

  // Improve estimates for standard deviations.
  // If parameters are correlated the found deviations
  // most likely underestimate the true values.
  GSLJacobian J(m_function, values->size());
  m_function->functionDeriv(*domain, J);
  // Calculate the hessian at the current point.
  GSLMatrix H;
  if (useWeighted) {
    H.resize(nParams, nParams);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
      for (size_t j = i; j < nParams; ++j) {
        double h = 0.0;
        for (size_t k = 0; k < values->size(); ++k) {
          double w = values->getFitWeight(k);
          h += J.get(k, i) * J.get(k, j) * w * w;
        H.set(i, j, h);
        if (i != j) {
          H.set(j, i, h);
  } else {
    H = Tr(J.matrix()) * J.matrix();
  // Square roots of the diagonals of the covariance matrix give
  // the standard deviations in the quadratic approximation of the chi^2.
  GSLMatrix V(H);
  if (!useWeighted) {
    V *= 1. / sigma2;
  // In a non-quadratic asymmetric case the following procedure can give a
  // better result:
  // Find the direction in which the chi^2 changes slowest and the positive and
  // negative deviations in that direction. The change in a parameter at those
  // points can be a better estimate for the standard deviation.
  GSLVector v(nParams);
  GSLMatrix Q(nParams, nParams);
  // One of the eigenvectors of the hessian is the direction of the slowest
  // change.
  H.eigenSystem(v, Q);

  // Loop over the eigenvectors
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
    auto dir = Q.copyColumn(i);
    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << "Direction " << i << std::endl;
      g_log.debug() << dir << std::endl;
    // Make a slice in that direction
    ChiSlice slice(*m_function, dir, *domain, *values, chi0, sigma2);
    double rBound0 =;
    double lBound0 =;
    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << "lBound " << lBound0 << std::endl;
      g_log.debug() << "rBound " << rBound0 << std::endl;
    double lBound = slice.findBound(lBound0);
    double rBound = slice.findBound(rBound0);
    std::vector<double> P, A;
    // Use a polynomial approximation
    bool ok = true;
    auto base = slice.makeApprox(lBound, rBound, P, A, ok);
    if (!ok) {
      g_log.warning() << "Approximation failed in direction " << i << std::endl;
    // Find the deviation points where the chi^2 = 1/2
    A[0] -= 0.5;
    std::vector<double> roots = base->roots(A);
    std::sort(roots.begin(), roots.end());
    // Sort out the roots
    auto nRoots = roots.size();
    if (nRoots == 0) {
      roots.resize(2, 0.0);
    } else if (nRoots == 1) {
      if (roots.front() > 0.0) {
        roots.insert(roots.begin(), 0.0);
      } else {
    } else if (nRoots > 2) {
      roots[1] = roots.back();
    if ( {
      g_log.debug() << "Roots " << roots[0] << " (" << slice(roots[0]) << ") " << roots[1] << " (" << slice(roots[1]) << ") " << std::endl;
    // Loop over the parameters and see if there deviations along
    // this direction is greater than any previous value.
    for (size_t ip = 0; ip < nParams; ++ip) {
      auto lError = roots.front() * dir[ip];
      auto rError = roots.back() * dir[ip];
      if (lError > rError) {
        std::swap(lError, rError);
      if (lError < leftErrColumn->toDouble(ip)) {
        if ( {
          g_log.debug() << "  left for  " << ip << ' ' << lError << ' ' << leftErrColumn->toDouble(ip) << std::endl;
        leftErrColumn->fromDouble(ip, lError);
      if (rError > rightErrColumn->toDouble(ip)) {
        if ( {
          g_log.debug() << "  right for " << ip << ' ' << rError << ' ' << rightErrColumn->toDouble(ip) << std::endl;
        rightErrColumn->fromDouble(ip, rError);
    // Output the quadratic estimate for comparrison.
    quadraticErrColumn->fromDouble(i, sqrt(V.get(i, i)));
Beispiel #4
void qFinderDMM::negativeLogDerivEvidenceLambdaPi(vector<double>& x, vector<double>& df){
//        cout << "\tstart negativeLogDerivEvidenceLambdaPi" << endl;
        vector<double> storeVector(numSamples, 0.0000);
        vector<double> derivative(numOTUs, 0.0000);
        vector<double> alpha(numOTUs, 0.0000);
        double store = 0.0000;
        double nu = 0.1000;
        double eta = 0.1000;
        double weight = 0.0000;
        for(int i=0;i<numSamples;i++){
            weight += zMatrix[currentPartition][i];

        for(int i=0;i<numOTUs;i++){
            if (m->control_pressed) {  return; }
//            cout << "start i loop" << endl;
//            cout << i << '\t' << alpha[i] << '\t' << x[i] << '\t' << exp(x[i]) << '\t' << store << endl;
            alpha[i] = exp(x[i]);
            store += alpha[i];
//            cout << "before derivative" << endl;
            derivative[i] = weight * psi(alpha[i]);

//            cout << "after derivative" << endl;

//            cout << i << '\t' << alpha[i] << '\t' << psi(alpha[i]) << '\t' << derivative[i] << endl;

            for(int j=0;j<numSamples;j++){
                double X = countMatrix[j][i];
                double alphaX = X + alpha[i];
                derivative[i] -= zMatrix[currentPartition][j] * psi(alphaX);
                storeVector[j] += alphaX;
//            cout << "end i loop" << endl;

        double sumStore = 0.0000;
        for(int i=0;i<numSamples;i++){
            sumStore += zMatrix[currentPartition][i] * psi(storeVector[i]);
        store = weight * psi(store);
        df.resize(numOTUs, 0.0000);
        for(int i=0;i<numOTUs;i++){
            df[i] = alpha[i] * (nu + derivative[i] - store + sumStore) - eta;
//            cout << i << '\t' << df[i] << endl;
//        cout << df.size() << endl;
//        cout << "\tend negativeLogDerivEvidenceLambdaPi" << endl;
    catch(exception& e){
         m->errorOut(e, "qFinderDMM", "negativeLogDerivEvidenceLambdaPi");
// メイン
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
	if(argc != 2){
		std::cerr << "Usage: compute-border [CSVfile]" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	// ファイルを読み込む。
	// ファイルは、以下の構造をしているCSVである。
	// 1番目のデータ点のラベル,1番目のデータ点のxの値,1番目のデータ点のyの値,...
	// 2番目のデータ点のラベル,2番目のデータ点のxの値,2番目のデータ点のyの値,...
	// :
	// 「ラベル」とは、ここでは分類区分の意味である。
	// 境界線を生成した結果、なるべく各領域において同じラベルのデータ点だけが
	// 集まるようにしたい。
	Eigen::MatrixXd data;
	if(!( numeric_csv_reader::read(data, argv[1]) )){
		std::cerr << "Error found in the specified CSV file \"" << argv[1] << "\"." << std::endl;
		return -1;
	// 読み込んだ内容を、ラベルと座標に分ける
	Eigen::VectorXd labels = data.block(0, 0, data.rows(), 1);
	Eigen::MatrixXd points = data.block(0, 1, data.rows(), data.cols() - 1);
	// データが何次元か(dim)と、データ数(num)を確認
	int dim = points.cols();
	int num = points.rows();
	// ラベルは-1か1しか仮定していないので、それを確認
	for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i){
		if(labels(i) != 1.0 && labels(i) != -1.0){
			std::cerr << "Label (first column) must be either 1 or -1." << std::endl;
			return -1;
	// 2次元の場合、
	// ・点(p, q)のラベルが -1 (赤) と付いている場合、
	//   分類成功となる条件は ap + bq - 1 > 0 であり、
	//   最小化したい関数は (-(ap + bq - 1))+ と定める。
	// ・点(p, q)のラベルが +1 (青) と付いている場合、
	//   分類成功となる条件は ap + bq - 1 < 0 であり、
	//   最小化したい関数は (ap + bq - 1)+ と定める。
	// ただし、(z)+ = max{0, z} である(0を下回る場合は0にする)。
	// これらをまとめて、最小化したい関数を c(ap + bq - 1)+ と定める。
	// ただし、cはラベルである。
	// この条件のもとで、関数値を最小化するような(a, b)を求める。
	// 3次元以上の場合、変数の数が増えるだけで同様である。
	// さて、この関数をaについて最小化することを考える(bについても同様)。
	// (z)+ は、一点を境に繋いだ半直線2本からなる。
	// \
	//   \
	//     \____  c(ap + bq - 1) (cp < 0)
	//            →a
	//             /
	//           /
	// ____/      c(ap + bq - 1) (cp > 0)
	//            →a
	// そのため、単に c(ap + bq - 1) = 0、すなわち a = (1 - bq)/p となる
	// 場所を選べばよい。
	// なお実際には、「データ点すべてについてこの関数を足し合わせたもの」を
	// 最小化しないとならないので、各データ点(p, q)について (1 - bq)/p を
	// 求めておくことはもちろん、その (1 - bq)/p のうちどこが最小値を取るのかを
	// 計算できないとならない。
	// 以下では、この (1 - bq)/p を「ブレークポイント」と呼び、全データ点に
	// 対するブレークポイントをソートして保持しておくものとする。
	// 最小値を求めるには、導関数を用いればよい。g(a) = c(ap + bq - 1) を微分すると
	// g'(a) = cp になるので、f(a) = (c(ap + bq - 1))+ の導関数は
	// ・もし (c(ap + bq - 1))+ = 0 ならば、f'(a) = 0
	// ・もし (c(ap + bq - 1))+ > 0 ならば、f'(a) = cp
	// となる。
	// ちなみに、導関数は以下のようになる。
	// [元の関数]
	// \    cp < 0            cp > 0    /
	//   \                            /
	//     \____        ____/
	//            →a                   →a
	//       ↓導関数              ↓導関数
	//                                ̄ ̄ ̄ cp
	//       ──── 0      ────       0
	// ___         cp
	// ところで、実際に求めたい導関数は、これを全データ点に対する導関数について
	// 加算したものである。つまり、
	// ・cp < 0 となるブレークポイントがあったら、それ以下のaについて、
	//   導関数の値をcpだけ加算する
	// ・cp > 0 となるブレークポイントがあったら、それ以上のaについて、
	//   導関数の値をcpだけ加算する
	// とすれば導関数を求められる。
	// ただ、これは不都合が大きい(ブレークポイントの先と後の両方に行き来して
	// 導関数の値を加算しないとならない)。そこで、必ず先だけを見ることのできる
	// 以下の方法を採用する。
	// ただし、ブレークポイントbからb+1までの間の導関数を d[b] とかく。
	// ・M = 0
	// ・ブレークポイントの小さいものから順に以下のことを行う。
	//   ・cp < 0 となる場合、M += cp, d[b] = d[b-1] + |cp| (|・|は絶対値)
	//   ・cp > 0 となる場合、d[b] = d[b-1] + cp
	// ・すべてのbについて、d[b] += M
	// この導関数の値が0をまたいだ場所を検出すればよい。
	// 最適化のために動かしたい変数(a, bに相当)
	Eigen::VectorXd coefs = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(dim);
	// ブレークポイント
	// std::pair は「データ点の番号、ブレークポイントの値」の順
	std::vector< std::pair<int, double> > breakpoints(num);
	// 導関数
	std::vector< double > derivative(num);
	double derivative_base;
	int steps = 0;
		std::cerr << "Computing step " << steps << "; ";
		display_classifier(coefs, dim, std::cerr);
		// coefsを更新した量のうち最大のもの
		// これが一定の値を下回ったら、計算を打ち切る
		double max_update = 0.0;
		// 各次元について、以下のことを行う
		for(int d = 0; d < dim; ++d){
			// ブレークポイントを計算する。
			// c(ap + bq - 1) = 0 (2次元)の場合は a = (1 - bq)/p とすればよいが
			// 一般の次元数の場合は、c(ap + bq + b'q' + b''q'' + ... - 1) = 0 つまり
			// a = (1 - bq - b'q' - b''q'' - ...)/p という計算になる。
			for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i){
				breakpoints[i].first = i;
				breakpoints[i].second = 1;
				for(int j = 0; j < dim; ++j){
					if(j == d) continue;
					breakpoints[i].second -= coefs(j) * points(i, j);
				breakpoints[i].second /= points(i, d);
			// ブレークポイントをソートする
			std::sort(breakpoints.begin(), breakpoints.end(),
				[](const std::pair<int, double> & a, const std::pair<int, double> & b){
					return(a.second < b.second);
			// ソートした順に、傾き(導関数)を求める
			derivative_base = 0.0;
			for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i){
				// いま注目しているデータ点
				int id = breakpoints[i].first;
				// 上記 cp の値を求める
				double deriv_single = labels(id) * points(id, d);
				// 導関数の値を加算する
				if(i == 0){
					derivative[i] = std::fabs(deriv_single);
					derivative[i] = derivative[i-1] + std::fabs(deriv_single);
				if(deriv_single < 0) derivative_base += deriv_single;
			// 導関数が0を超えた(=最小値を取るときの)ブレークポイントを探す。
			int min_breakpoint;
			for(min_breakpoint = 0; min_breakpoint < num; ++min_breakpoint){
				if(derivative[min_breakpoint] + derivative_base >= 0.0) break;
			if(min_breakpoint == num){
				// これは起きないはずなのだが念のためチェック
				std::cerr << "Unexpected Error!" << std::endl;
				return -1;
			// 係数(上記解説のaやb)を更新。見つかったブレークポイントの値にする
			double update = std::fabs(breakpoints[min_breakpoint].second - coefs(d));
			coefs(d) = breakpoints[min_breakpoint].second;
			if(update > max_update) max_update = update;
		if(max_update < EPSILON) break;
	std::cout << "---------- Result of training ----------" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Classify as class y = -1 if g(x_1, ..., x_" << dim << ") > 0," << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Classify as class y = +1 if g(x_1, ..., x_" << dim << ") < 0," << std::endl;
	std::cout << "(x_i: data point)" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "where" << std::endl;
	display_classifier(coefs, dim, std::cout);
	return 0;
Beispiel #6
 /*! Returns a tuple holding the permittivity and its derivative
  *  \param[in]   r evaluation point
 pcm::tuple<double, double> operator()(const double r) const
     return pcm::make_tuple(value(r), derivative(r));
Beispiel #7
void Points::GenerateKernel(int L, int point_count, std::string title)

    int g=point_count, m=0;

    LEGENDRE P_lm;
    LEGENDRE dP_lm;

    std::vector<std::vector<double> > d_kern(g); //kernel for derivative reconstruction
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > f_kern(g); //kernel for function (test) reconstruction
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > WT(g);

    std::complex<double> Y(0,0), Ylm(0,0), dYlm(0,0), Ymp1(0,0), ej(0,0), function(0,0), derivative(0,0);
    std::complex<double> im(0,1);

    double th1=0, ph1=0, sign=0;

    std::cout << title << std::endl;
    std::ofstream kernel(title);

    for(int i=0; i<g; i++)

        for(int j=0; j<g; j++)
            for(double l=0; l<=L; l++)
                for(double m_it=0; m_it<=(2*l); m_it++)


                    m = l-m_it;

                    //std::cout << "m = " <<  m << ", l = " << l <<  std::endl;

                    ej = m;

                    std::complex<double> exponential_prime(cos( Points::Phi[i]), (-1)*sin(Points::Phi[i]));
                    std::complex<double> exponential(cos(m*Points::Phi[j]), sin(m*Points::Phi[j]));

                    Ylm = P_lm.Yml(m, l, Points::Theta[i], Points::Phi[i]);
                    Y = Y_P.Yml(m, l, Points::Theta[j], Points::Phi[j]);

                    if( Theta[i] != 0 && ((m+1)<=l) )
                        Ymp1 = m * (1.0/tan(Points::Theta[i])) * dP_lm.Yml(m, l, Points::Theta[i], Points::Phi[i]) + sqrt( (l-m)*(l+m+1) ) * exponential_prime * dP_lm.Yml(m+1, l, Points::Theta[i], Points::Phi[i]);


                    ///fill arrays with f=Y*Y for the function kernel and derivative kernel

                    f_kern[i][j] += (conj(Y)*Ylm).real();//Y_real*Y_prime_real;
                    d_kern[i][j] += (conj(Y)*Ymp1).real();



            ///absorb weights into kernel

            WT[i][j] = Points::Weight[j]*4.0*PI;
            kernel << d_kern[i][j]*Points::Weight[j]*4.0*PI  << "      " << f_kern[i][j]*Points::Weight[j]*4.0*PI << "      " << WT[i][j] << std::endl;



Beispiel #8
void Transform::derivative(Ensemble& iEnsemble) const {
   for(int i = 0; i < iEnsemble.size(); i++) {
      iEnsemble[i] = derivative(iEnsemble[i]);
Beispiel #9
bool distributor::distribute(MVar *arg0, MVar *arg1, MVar *arg2, MVar *arg3, std::string &func, int nr) {
    numCplx z;
    numReal d;
    bool res = false;

    if (nr == 1) {
        //if (charac->isZero()) {
            res = intDist(arg0,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = algCplxDist(arg0,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = numRealDist(arg0,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = numFuncDist(arg0,func);
            if(arg0->getType()==DISTDAT) {
                DistDat dd;
                numReal nr;
                res = dd.prop(combiC,nr,func);
                if (res) {
                else {
            if (!res && func == "derivative") {
                Function f,g;
                if (arg0->getFunction(&f)){
                    if (derivative(g,f)) {
                        res = true;
                    else validC->setErr(NOTDIFFBAR);
            if (!res) {
                res = calcDist(arg0,func);
        /*} else {
            if (!res && !charac->isZero()) {
                res = restDist(arg0,func);
        if (!res) {
            res = matrixDist(arg0,func);
    else if (nr == 2) {
        //if (charac->isZero()) {
            res = twoIntDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = doubleIntDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = tempDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = doubleDoubleDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = funcDoubleDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = CplxCplxDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = euklidDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if(arg0->getType()==DISTDAT) {
                DistDat dd;
                res = distFunc(dd,*arg1,func);
                *arg0 = *arg1;
        else {
            if (!res && (arg0->getType()==RESTPOLY || arg1->getType()==RESTPOLY)) {
                res = twoRestPolyDist(arg0,arg1,func);
            if (!res) {
                res = restRestDist(arg0,arg1,func);
        if (!res) {
            res = matrixDist(arg0,arg1,func);
        if (!res) {
            res = matrixMatrixDist(arg0,arg1,func);
    else if (nr == 3) {
        /*MaceInt mi;
        if (func == "IF") {
            if (arg0->getInt(&mi)) {
                res = true;
                if (!mi.isZero()) *arg0 = *arg1;
                else *arg0 = *arg2;
            else {
        if (!res) {
            res = dbldbldblDist(arg0,arg1,arg2,func);
        if (!res) {
            res = matrixIntIntDist(arg0,arg1,arg2,func);
        if (!res) {
            res = funcDblDblDist(arg0,arg1,arg2,func);
    if (nr == 4) {
        /*res = matrixIntIntCplxDist(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,func);
        if (func == "spHarm") {
            if (*function) validC->setErr(CPLX,func);
            MaceInt      mi0,   mi1;
            numCplx      resC;
            numReal      nr0,   nr1;
            double       theta, phi;
            unsigned int m,     n;
            if (arg0->getNumReal(&nr0) && arg1->getNumReal(&nr1)) {
                phi = nr0.get(); theta = nr1.get();
                if (arg2->getInt(&mi0) && arg3->getInt(&mi1)) {
                    clInt(mi0,m); clInt(mi1,n);
                    resC.val.real() = boost::math::spherical_harmonic_r(n,m,theta,phi);
                    resC.val.imag() = boost::math::spherical_harmonic_i(n,m,theta,phi);
                } else validC->setErr(NOTIR,"spHarm");
            } else validC->setErr(NOTIR,"spHarm");
            res = true;
    if (!res) {
        combiCalc::dist dist;
        bool            withInt;
        int             vars;
        combiC.findDist(&withInt, func, dist, vars);
        if (dist != combiCalc::NONE && vars == nr) {
            DistDat dd;
   = func;
            if (distdist(arg0,arg1,arg2,dd,dist,nr,withInt)) {
            else {
            res = true;
    return res;
Beispiel #10
 * @brief Returns parameter gradient of model for a given event
 * @param[in] model Model.
 * @param[in] event Event.
 * @param[in] ipar Parameter index for which gradient should be returned.
 * This method uses a robust but dumb method to estimate parameter
 * gradients that have not been provided by the model. We use here a dumb
 * method as this method is likely used for spatial model parameters, and
 * the spatial model may eventually be noisy due to numerical integration
 * limits.
 * The step size for the dumb method has been fixed to 0.0002, which
 * corresponds to abound 1 arcsec for parameters that are given in degrees.
 * The reasoning behind this value is that parameters that use numerical
 * gradients are typically angles, such as for example the position, and
 * we want to achieve arcsec precision with this method.
 * @todo Implement a more precise numerical derivation scheme. This needs
 *       a deep investigation as the scheme needs to be precise but also
 *       robust (not sensitive to noise in the function).
 * @todo For the Riddler method, we simply remove any parameter boundaries
 *       here for the computation to avoid any out of boundary errors.
 *       We may have models, however, for which out of bound parameters lead
 *       to illegal computations, such as division by zero or taking the
 *       square root of negative values.
 *       I cannot see any elegant method to catch this at this level.
 *       Eventually, the higher level method should avoid going in a
 *       parameter domain that is not defined. 
double GObservation::model_grad(const GModel& model, const GEvent& event,
                                int ipar) const
   // Initialise gradient
    double grad = 0.0;

    // Compute gradient only if parameter is free
    if (model[ipar].isfree()) {

        // If model has a gradient then use it
        if (model[ipar].hasgrad()) {
            grad = model[ipar].gradient();

        // ... otherwise compute it numerically
        else {

            // Get non-const model pointer (circumvent const correctness)
            GModel* ptr = (GModel*)&model;

            // Save current model parameter
            GModelPar current = (*ptr)[ipar];

            // Get actual parameter value
            double x = model[ipar].value();

            // Set fixed step size for computation of derivative.
            // By default, the step size is fixed to 0.0002, but if this would
            // violate a boundary, dx is reduced accordingly. In case that x
            // is right on the boundary, x is displaced slightly from the
            // boundary to allow evaluation of the derivative.
            #if !defined(G_GRAD_RIDDLER)
            const double step_size = 0.0002;
            double       dx        = step_size;
            if (model[ipar].hasmin()) {
                double dx_min = x - model[ipar].min();
                if (dx_min == 0.0) {
                    dx = step_size * x;
                    if (dx == 0.0) {
                        dx = step_size;
                    x += dx; 
                else if (dx_min < dx) {
                    dx = dx_min;
            if (model[ipar].hasmax()) {
                double dx_max = model[ipar].max() - x;
                if (dx_max == 0.0) {
                    dx = step_size * x;
                    if (dx == 0.0) {
                        dx = step_size;
                    x -= dx; 
                else if (dx_max < dx) {
                    dx = dx_max;

            // Remove any boundaries to avoid limitations

            // Setup derivative function
            GObservation::model_func function(this, model, event, ipar);

            // Get derivative. We use a fixed step size here that has been
            // checked on spatial parameters of models
            GDerivative derivative(&function);
            #if defined(G_GRAD_RIDDLER)
            grad = derivative.value(x);
            grad = derivative.difference(x, dx);

            // Restore current model parameter
            (*ptr)[ipar] = current;

        } // endelse: computed gradient numerically

    } // endif: model parameter was free

    // Return gradient
    return grad;
Beispiel #11
 * @brief Returns parameter gradient of Npred
 * @param[in] model Gamma-ray source model.
 * @param[in] ipar Parameter index for which gradient should be returned.
 * Computes
 * \f[\frac{{\rm d} N_{\rm pred}}{{\rm d} a_i}\f]
 * where
 * \f[N_{\rm pred} = \int_{\rm GTI} \int_{E_{\rm bounds}} \int_{\rm ROI}
 *    S(\vec{p}, E, t) PSF(\vec{p'}, E', t' | \vec{d}, \vec{p}, E, t) \,
 *    {\rm d}\vec{p'} {\rm d}E' {\rm d}t'\f]
 * and
 * \f$a_i\f$ is the model parameter \f$i\f$.
 * Furthermore,
 * \f$S(\vec{p}, E, t)\f$ is the source model,
 * \f$PSF(\vec{p'}, E', t' | \vec{d}, \vec{p}, E, t)\f$ is the point
 * spread function,
 * \f$\vec{p'}\f$ is the measured photon direction,
 * \f$E'\f$ is the measured photon energy,
 * \f$t'\f$ is the measured photon arrival time,
 * \f$\vec{p}\f$ is the true photon arrival direction,
 * \f$E\f$ is the true photon energy,
 * \f$t\f$ is the true photon arrival time, and
 * \f$d\f$ is the instrument pointing.
 * This method uses a robust but dumb method to estimate gradients. This
 * method has turned out more robust then the Riddler's method implement
 * by the GDerivative::value() method.
 * The step size for the dumb method has been fixed to 0.0002, which
 * corresponds to abound 1 arcsec for parameters that are given in degrees.
 * The reasoning behind this value is that parameters that use numerical
 * gradients are typically angles, such as for example the position, and
 * we want to achieve arcsec precision with this method.
 * @todo Implement a more precise numerical derivation scheme. This needs
 *       a deep investigation as the scheme needs to be precise but also
 *       robust (not sensitive to noise in the function).
 * @todo For Riddler's method we simply remove any parameter boundaries here
 *       for the computation to avoid any out of boundary errors. We may have
 *       models, however, for which out of bound parameters lead to illegal
 *       computations, such as division by zero or taking the square root of
 *       negative values.
 *       I cannot see any elegant method to catch this at this level.
 *       Eventually, the higher level method should avoid going in a
 *       parameter domain that is not defined. 
double GObservation::npred_grad(const GModel& model, int ipar) const
    // Initialise result
    double grad = 0.0;

    // Compute gradient only if parameter is free
    if (model[ipar].isfree()) {

        // Get non-const model pointer (circumvent const correctness)
        GModel* ptr = const_cast<GModel*>(&model);

        // Save current model parameter
        GModelPar current = (*ptr)[ipar];

        // Get actual parameter value
        double x = model[ipar].value();

        // Determine fixed step size for computation of derivative.
        // By default, the step size is fixed to 0.0002, but if this would
        // violate a boundary, dx is reduced accordingly. In case that x
        // is right on the boundary, x is displaced slightly from the
        // boundary to allow evaluation of the derivative.
        #if !defined(G_GRAD_RIDDLER)
        const double step_size = 0.0002;
        double       dx        = step_size;
        if (model[ipar].hasmin()) {
            double dx_min = x - model[ipar].min();
            if (dx_min == 0.0) {
                dx = step_size * x;
                if (dx == 0.0) {
                    dx = step_size;
                x += dx; 
            else if (dx_min < dx) {
                dx = dx_min;
        if (model[ipar].hasmax()) {
            double dx_max = model[ipar].max() - x;
            if (dx_max == 0.0) {
                dx = step_size * x;
                if (dx == 0.0) {
                    dx = step_size;
                x -= dx; 
            else if (dx_max < dx) {
                dx = dx_max;
        // Remove any boundaries to avoid limitations

        // Setup derivative function
        GObservation::npred_func function(this, model, ipar);

        // Get derivative.
        GDerivative derivative(&function);
        #if defined(G_GRAD_RIDDLER)
        grad = derivative.value(x);
        grad = derivative.difference(x, dx);

        // Restore current model parameter
        (*ptr)[ipar] = current;

    } // endif: model parameter was free

    // Return result
    return grad;
Beispiel #12
* \brief returns all the parameter values of A whose tangent is parallel to vector V.
* \relates D2
std::vector<double> find_tangents_by_vector(Point V, D2<SBasis> const &A) {
    SBasis crs = dot(derivative(A), rot90(V));
    return roots(crs);
Beispiel #13
* \brief returns all the parameter values of A whose normal is parallel to vector V.
* \relates D2
std::vector<double> find_normals_by_vector(Point V, D2<SBasis> const &A) {
    SBasis crs = dot(derivative(A), V);
    return roots(crs);
Beispiel #14
* \brief returns all the parameter values of A whose normal passes through P.
* \relates D2
std::vector<double> find_normals(Point P, D2<SBasis> const &A) {
    SBasis crs (dot(A - P, derivative(A)));
    return roots(crs);
Beispiel #15
int main(int argc, char **argv) {  int c = 0;
  double mass = SOLAR_MASS;
  double radius = SOLAR_RADIUS;
  double GRAVITATION_CONST = 6.67384E-8;
  double mu = 0.0;

  string n_output;
  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":n:o:r:m:g:u:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
      case 'n':
        LANE_EMDEN_N = atof(optarg);
      case 'm':
        mass = atof(optarg);
      case 'r':
        radius = atof(optarg);
      case 'g':
        GRAVITATION_CONST = atof(optarg);
      case 'o':
        n_output = optarg;
      case 'u':
        mu = atof(optarg);

  // Generate basic values for the star.
  double rho_middle = 3.0 * mass / (4.0 * M_PI * pow(radius, 3.0));
  double z_n = 0.0;
  double w_n = 0.0;
  double dwdz_n = 0.0;
  bool null_set = false;
  double A = 0.0;
  double K = 0.0;

  listDouble y(2), y_out(2), y_file(3);

  // Start values for ODE
  double h = 0.0001;
  double hx  = 0.0001;

  double x = 0.0;
  int count = 0;
  vector< vector<double> > y_list;

  // Calculate the solutions for lane-emden.
  do {
    x += hx;
    listDouble dydx;
    derivative(x, y, dydx);
    integration_heun(y, dydx, x, h, y_out, derivative);

    y_file[0] = y_out[0];
    y_file[1] = y_out[1];
    y_file[2] = x;

    // A single entry of y_list is a vector with 0:w 1:dw/dz 2: z
    if (!null_set && y_out[0] <= 0.0) {
      derivative(x, y_out, dydx);
      z_n = x;
      w_n = y_out[0];
      dwdz_n = y[1];

      // Don't set the values again.
      null_set = true;

    y = y_out;

  while (x < 20.0 && count < 1000000);

  // Calculate some needed values.
  double rho_core = rho_middle / (-3 * dwdz_n / z_n);
  A = z_n / radius;
  K = 4 * M_PI * GRAVITATION_CONST * pow(rho_core, (LANE_EMDEN_N - 1.0) / LANE_EMDEN_N) / ((LANE_EMDEN_N + 1.0) * pow(A, 2.0));
  double mass_total = 4 * M_PI * rho_core * pow(radius, 3) * (- dwdz_n/z_n );
  double masss_total_dimless = 4 * M_PI * rho_core * pow(z_n, 3) * (- dwdz_n/z_n );
  double p_core = K * pow(rho_core, (LANE_EMDEN_N + 1) / LANE_EMDEN_N);
  double temp_core =  p_core * mu / ( rho_core * GAS_CONST);

  // Write down the values.
  ofstream output_file;

  string output_filename = "lane_emden_";
  if (n_output.empty()) {

    std::ostringstream sstream;
    sstream << LANE_EMDEN_N;
    std::string n = sstream.str();
    n_output = n;
  else {
    output_filename = output_filename.append(n_output).append(".dat");

  double w = 0.0;
  double dwdz = 0.0;
  double r = 0.0;
  double rho = 0.0;
  double z = 0.0;
  double p = 0.0;

  // Write down the lane-emden data.
  // The conten of lane_emden_n.dat is:
  // - z
  // - w
  // - dwdz
  // - r
  // - rho
  // - p

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < y_list.size(); i++) {
    // Only calculate values until the edge of the star.
    if (z > z_n) {
    w = y_list[i][0];
    dwdz = y_list[i][1];
    z = y_list[i][2];

    r = z / A;
    rho = rho_core * pow(w, LANE_EMDEN_N);
    p = K * pow(rho, (LANE_EMDEN_N + 1) / LANE_EMDEN_N);

    // Write down the values.
    output_file << scientific << z << "\t" << w << "\t" << dwdz << "\t";
    output_file << r << "\t" << rho << "\t" << p << endl;

  // Write down the constant solar data.
  // The content of solar_n.dat is:
  // - rho_crit
  // - rho_middle
  // - K
  // - A
  // - mass
  // - radius
  // - mass_total
  string output_solar_filename = "solar_";
  ofstream output_solar_file;;
  output_solar_file << rho_core << "\t" << rho_middle << "\t"
  << K << "\t" << A << "\t" <<
  mass << "\t" << radius << "\t" <<
  z_n << "\t" << mass_total << "\t" <<
  temp_core << "\t" << p_core << "\t" <<
  masss_total_dimless << endl;


  return 0;
Beispiel #16
bool distributor::calcDist(MVar *arg, std::string &func) {
    differentialCalc::func FCTN = diffC.findVectorialFunc(func);
    if (FCTN != differentialCalc::NONE) {
        Function function;
        if (arg->getFunction(&function)) {
            MaceString MStr;
            std::vector<numReal> z;
            if (function.real()) {
                if (diffC.vectorialFunc(FCTN,function,z)) {
                    std::complex<double> p;
                    bool periodic = false;
                    if (FCTN == differentialCalc::ZEROES) periodic = function.period(p);
                    else if (FCTN == differentialCalc::EXTREMA) {
                        Function der;
                        periodic = der.period(p);
                    else if (FCTN == differentialCalc::INFLEXION) {
                        Function der,der2;
                        periodic = der2.period(p);
                    periodic = periodic && p.imag() < 0.000001;
                    for (int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++) {
                        MStr.str = MStr.str.append(z[i].print(6));
                        if (periodic) {
                            QString help;
                            help = help.setNum(p.real());
                            MStr.str = MStr.str.append(" + k*");
                            MStr.str = MStr.str.append(help);
                        MStr.str = MStr.str.append(", ");
                    if (z.size() == 0) MStr.str = "No points found  ";
                else {
                    Function der;
                    if (derivative(der,function))
                        MStr.str = "No points found.";
                return true;
            else validC->setErr(NOTREALFUNC);

    else {
        FCTN = diffC.findCplxFunc(func);
        if (FCTN != differentialCalc::NONE) {
            std::complex<double> z;
            Function function;
            if (arg->getFunction(&function)) {
                if (diffC.cplxFunc(FCTN,function,z)) {
                    numCplx nz;
                    nz.val = z;

                else {
                    MaceString MStr;
                    MStr.str = "No period has been found.";
                return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #17
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	ros::init(argc, argv, "controller");
	ros::NodeHandle nh;
	ros::NodeHandle nh_params("~");
	ROS_INFO("running controller");
    ros::Subscriber imu_sub   = nh.subscribe("/firefly/imu",  1, &imuCallback);
    ros::Subscriber pose_sub  = nh.subscribe("/firefly/fake_gps/pose", 1, &poseCallback);
	ros::Subscriber traj_sub  = nh.subscribe("command/trajectory", 1, &MultiDofJointTrajectoryCallback); 
	current_index = 0; 

	double  x_kp, x_ki, x_kd, y_kp, y_ki, y_kd, z_kp, z_ki, z_kd, yaw_kp, yaw_ki,
			yaw_kd, roll_limit, pitch_limit, yaw_limit, thrust_limit;

    nh_params.param("x_kp", x_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("x_ki", x_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("x_kd", x_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("y_kp", y_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("y_ki", y_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("y_kd", y_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("z_kp", z_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("z_ki", z_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("z_kd", z_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("yaw_kp", yaw_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("yaw_ki", yaw_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("yaw_kd", yaw_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("roll_limit", roll_limit, 0.0);
    nh_params.param("pitch_limit", pitch_limit, 0.0);
    nh_params.param("thrust_limit", thrust_limit, 0.0);
    nh_params.param("yaw_limit", yaw_limit, 0.0);

	// Chose one of the versions below. The first of these topic published determines the control mode.
	ros::Publisher command_pub = nh.advertise<mav_msgs::RollPitchYawrateThrust>("command/roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust", 1);

	// Start the dynamic_reconfigure server
	dynamic_reconfigure::Server<rotors_exercise::ControllerConfig> server;
	dynamic_reconfigure::Server<rotors_exercise::ControllerConfig>::CallbackType f;
  	f = boost::bind(&reconfigure_callback, _1, _2);
	ROS_INFO("Initializing controller ... ");
		Initialize here your controllers 
	ros::Timer timer;
	timer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.2), timerCallback);  //Timer for debugging  
	// Run the control loop and Fly to x=0m y=0m z=1m
	ROS_INFO("Going to starting position [0,0,1] ...");
	//positionLoop.setPoint(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	setpoint_pos = tf::Vector3(0.,0.,1.);
	setpoint_yaw = 0.0;

	latest_pose_update_time = ros::Time::now();
		delta_time_pose = (latest_pose.header.stamp - latest_pose_update_time).toSec() ;

		// Check if pose/imu/state data was received
		if ( 
			(latest_pose.header.stamp.nsec > 0.0) 
			((latest_pose.header.stamp - latest_pose_update_time).toSec() > 0.0)
			latest_pose_update_time = latest_pose.header.stamp; 

			//compute distance to next waypoint 
			double distance = sqrt((setpoint_pos[0]-latest_pose.pose.position.x) * (setpoint_pos[0]-latest_pose.pose.position.x) + 
							  (setpoint_pos[1]-latest_pose.pose.position.y) * (setpoint_pos[1]-latest_pose.pose.position.y) +
							  (setpoint_pos[2]-latest_pose.pose.position.z) * (setpoint_pos[2]-latest_pose.pose.position.z) );
			if (distance < 0.5) 

				//there is still waypoints 
				if (current_index < latest_trajectory.poses.size())
					ROS_INFO("Waypoint achieved! Moving to next waypoint");	
					geometry_msgs::PoseStamped wp; 
    				wp = latest_trajectory.poses[current_index];     		
				}else if  (current_index == latest_trajectory.poses.size()) // print once waypoint achieved
					ROS_INFO("Waypoint achieved! No more waypoints. Hovering");	
			// run position loop 

            double now = (double)ros::Time::now().toSec();

            double delta_time = now - latest;

            latest = now;

            //Calculate error for each component
            latest_yaw  = tf::getYaw(latest_pose.pose.orientation);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("latest yaw:  " << latest_yaw);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("setpoint_pos:  " << setpoint_pos);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("latest_pose:  " << latest_pose);

            computeError(setpoint_pos,latest_pose,setpoint_yaw, latest_yaw, error);

            //PROPORCIONAL  Kp*error
            // DONE ON GET COMMANDS

            integral(error, delta_time, integral_limits, integral_error_accumulator);

            derivative(error,delta_time, delta_error, previous_error);

            //Get commands
            x_vel_cmd = x_kp*error[0] + x_ki*integral_error_accumulator[0] + x_kd*delta_error[0];
            y_vel_cmd = y_kp*error[1] + y_ki*integral_error_accumulator[1] + y_kd*delta_error[1];
            z_vel_cmd = z_kp*error[2] + z_ki*integral_error_accumulator[2] + z_kd*delta_error[2];
            yaw_rate = yaw_kp*error[3] + yaw_ki*integral_error_accumulator[3] + yaw_kd*delta_error[3];
			// your desired velocities (or accelerations) should be stored in 
			// x_vel_cmd, 
			// y_vel_cmd, 
			// z_vel_cmd, 
            // yaw_rate wrap around!!!!
            //x_accel_cmd = x_vel_cmd

            // Map velocities (or accelerations) to angles  roll, pitch
            roll_cmd = (x_vel_cmd*sin(latest_yaw) + y_vel_cmd*cos(latest_yaw))/GRAVETAT;
            pitch_cmd = (x_vel_cmd*cos(latest_yaw) + y_vel_cmd*sin(latest_yaw))/GRAVETAT;
            thrust = 1.5*GRAVETAT + 1.5*z_vel_cmd;

            //Rotate TF from WORLD TO BODY FRAME ------ARDRONE
            //tf::Vector3 vector3 (x_vel_cmd , y_vel_cmd, 0.0);
            //vector3 = rotateZ (vector3, -tf::getYaw(latest_pose.pose.orientation));
            //pitch_cmd = vector3[0];
            //roll_cmd = vector3[1];
            //thrust = z_vel_cmd;

			// Saturate your request
            roll_cmd  = (roll_cmd > roll_limit)   ? roll_limit  : ((roll_cmd < -roll_limit)  ? -roll_limit  : roll_cmd);
            pitch_cmd = (pitch_cmd > pitch_limit) ? pitch_limit : ((pitch_cmd < -pitch_limit)? -pitch_limit : pitch_cmd);
            thrust    = (thrust > thrust_limit)   ? thrust_limit: ((thrust < -thrust_limit)  ? -thrust_limit: thrust);
            yaw_rate  = (yaw_rate > yaw_limit)    ? yaw_limit   : ((yaw_rate < -yaw_limit)   ? -yaw_limit   : yaw_rate);
			// Send to the attitude controller:
			// roll angle [rad], pitch angle  [rad], thrust [N][rad/s]           
			mav_msgs::RollPitchYawrateThrust msg;

			msg.header 	  = latest_pose.header; // use the latest information you have.
			msg.roll 	  = -roll_cmd;
			msg.pitch 	  = pitch_cmd;
			msg.thrust.z  = thrust;
			msg.yaw_rate  = yaw_rate;

		ros::Duration(control_loop_period/2.).sleep(); // may be set slower.
	return 0;
Beispiel #18
double PID::getPID(double error){
    double value = proportional(error) + integral(error) + derivative(error);
	return trim(value);
 Real secondDerivative(Real x) const {
     return derivative(x)*interpolation_.derivative(x, true) +
                 value(x)*interpolation_.secondDerivative(x, true);
Beispiel #20
      /* Compute satellite position & velocity at the given time
       * using this ephemeris.
       *  @throw InvalidRequest if required data has not been stored.
   Xvt GloEphemeris::svXvt(const CommonTime& epoch) const
      throw( gpstk::InvalidRequest )

         // Check that the given epoch is within the available time limits.
         // We have to add a margin of 15 minutes (900 seconds).
      if ( epoch <  (ephTime - 900.0) ||
           epoch >= (ephTime + 900.0)   )
         InvalidRequest e( "Requested time is out of ephemeris data" );

         // Values to be returned will be stored here
      Xvt sv;

         // If the exact epoch is found, let's return the values
      if ( epoch == ephTime )       // exact match for epoch

         sv.x[0] = x[0]*1.e3;   // m
         sv.x[1] = x[1]*1.e3;   // m
         sv.x[2] = x[2]*1.e3;   // m
         sv.v[0] = v[0]*1.e3;  // m/sec
         sv.v[1] = v[1]*1.e3;  // m/sec
         sv.v[2] = v[2]*1.e3;  // m/sec

            // In the GLONASS system, 'clkbias' already includes the
            // relativistic correction, therefore we must substract the late
            // from the former.
         sv.relcorr = sv.computeRelativityCorrection();
         sv.clkbias = clkbias + clkdrift * (epoch - ephTime) - sv.relcorr;
         sv.clkdrift = clkdrift;
         sv.frame = ReferenceFrame::PZ90;

            // We are done, let's return
         return sv;


         // Get the data out of the GloRecord structure
      double px( x[0] );   // X coordinate (km)
      double vx( v[0] );   // X velocity   (km/s)
      double ax( a[0] );   // X acceleration (km/s^2)
      double py( x[1] );   // Y coordinate
      double vy( v[1] );   // Y velocity
      double ay( a[1] );   // Y acceleration
      double pz( x[2] );   // Z coordinate
      double vz( v[2] );   // Z velocity
      double az( a[2] );   // Z acceleration

         // We will need some PZ-90 ellipsoid parameters
      PZ90Ellipsoid pz90;
      double we( pz90.angVelocity() );

         // Get sidereal time at Greenwich at 0 hours UT
      double gst( getSidTime( ephTime ) );
      double s0( gst*PI/12.0 );
      YDSTime ytime( ephTime );
      double numSeconds( ytime.sod );
      double s( s0 + we*numSeconds );
      double cs( std::cos(s) );
      double ss( std::sin(s) );

         // Initial state matrix
      Vector<double> initialState(6), accel(3), dxt1(6), dxt2(6), dxt3(6),
                     dxt4(6), tempRes(6);

         // Get the reference state out of GloEphemeris object data. Values
         // must be rotated from PZ-90 to an absolute coordinate system
         // Initial x coordinate (m)
      initialState(0)  = (px*cs - py*ss);
         // Initial y coordinate
      initialState(2)  = (px*ss + py*cs);
         // Initial z coordinate
      initialState(4)  = pz;

         // Initial x velocity   (m/s)
      initialState(1)  = (vx*cs - vy*ss - we*initialState(2) );
         // Initial y velocity
      initialState(3)  = (vx*ss + vy*cs + we*initialState(0) );
         // Initial z velocity
      initialState(5)  = vz;

         // Integrate satellite state to desired epoch using the given step
      double rkStep( step );

      if ( (epoch - ephTime) < 0.0 ) rkStep = step*(-1.0);
      CommonTime workEpoch( ephTime );

      double tolerance( 1e-9 );
      bool done( false );
      while (!done)

            // If we are about to overstep, change the stepsize appropriately
            // to hit our target final time.
         if( rkStep > 0.0 )
            if( (workEpoch + rkStep) > epoch )
               rkStep = (epoch - workEpoch);
            if ( (workEpoch + rkStep) < epoch )
               rkStep = (epoch - workEpoch);

         numSeconds += rkStep;
         s = s0 + we*( numSeconds );
         cs = std::cos(s);
         ss = std::sin(s);

            // Accelerations are computed once per iteration
         accel(0) = ax*cs - ay*ss;
         accel(1) = ax*ss + ay*cs;
         accel(2) = az;

         dxt1 = derivative( initialState, accel );
         for( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
            tempRes(j) = initialState(j) + rkStep*dxt1(j)/2.0;

         dxt2 = derivative( tempRes, accel );
         for( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
            tempRes(j) = initialState(j) + rkStep*dxt2(j)/2.0;

         dxt3 = derivative( tempRes, accel );
         for( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
            tempRes(j) = initialState(j) + rkStep*dxt3(j);

         dxt4 = derivative( tempRes, accel );
         for( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
            initialState(j) = initialState(j) + rkStep * ( dxt1(j)
                            + 2.0 * ( dxt2(j) + dxt3(j) ) + dxt4(j) ) / 6.0;

            // If we are within tolerance of the target time, we are done.
         workEpoch += rkStep;
         if ( std::fabs(epoch - workEpoch ) < tolerance )
            done = true;

      }  // End of 'while (!done)...'

      px = initialState(0);
      py = initialState(2);
      pz = initialState(4);
      vx = initialState(1);
      vy = initialState(3);
      vz = initialState(5);

      sv.x[0] = 1000.0*( px*cs + py*ss );         // X coordinate
      sv.x[1] = 1000.0*(-px*ss + py*cs);          // Y coordinate
      sv.x[2] = 1000.0*pz;                        // Z coordinate
      sv.v[0] = 1000.0*( vx*cs + vy*ss + we*(sv.x[1]/1000.0) ); // X velocity
      sv.v[1] = 1000.0*(-vx*ss + vy*cs - we*(sv.x[0]/1000.0) ); // Y velocity
      sv.v[2] = 1000.0*vz;                        // Z velocity

         // In the GLONASS system, 'clkbias' already includes the relativistic
         // correction, therefore we must substract the late from the former.
      sv.relcorr = sv.computeRelativityCorrection();
      sv.clkbias = clkbias + clkdrift * (epoch - ephTime) - sv.relcorr;
      sv.clkdrift = clkdrift;
      sv.frame = ReferenceFrame::PZ90;

         // We are done, let's return
      return sv;

   }  // End of method 'GloEphemeris::svXvt(const CommonTime& t)'
Beispiel #21
int main() {
	//Two booleans are used when taking calculating the runtime
	int clockOn = 0;
	int totalClockOn = 1;
	//Variables used in calculating runtime
	clock_t start, clockBeforeRead, clockAfterRead, clockAfterLowPass,
			clockAfterHighPass, clockAfterDer, clockAfterSquare, clockAfterMWI,
			clockAfterIdentifyPeaks, end;
	double cpuTimeUsed;
	double timeReadData = 0;
	double timeLowPass = 0;
	double timeHighPass = 0;
	double timeDerivative = 0;
	double timeSquare = 0;
	double timeMWindowInt = 0;
	double timeIdentifyPeaks = 0;

	//The file to read from
	static const char filename[] = "ECG.txt";
	FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");

	//Arrays and a variable to keep track of the values after each filter
	int input[13] = { 0 };
	int afterLowpass[33] = { 0 };
	int afterHighpass[5] = { 0 };
	int afterDerivative = 0;
	int afterSquare[30] = { 0 };
	int afterWindowIntegration[3] = { 0 };

	int value;
	int counter = 0;

	if (totalClockOn) {
		start = clock();
	//The loops runs as long as it has not reached the end of the file
	while (!feof(file)) {
		if (clockOn) {
			clockBeforeRead = clock();
		//The nex value is saved in the variable "value"
		value = getNextData(file);
		insertArray(input, 13, value);
		/*if (clockOn) {
		 clockAfterRead = clock();
		 timeReadData =+ ((double) ((clockAfterRead - clockBeforeRead)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) * 1000;
		lowPass(input, afterLowpass);
		/*if (clockOn) {
		 clockAfterLowPass = clock();
		 timeLowPass =+ ((double) ((clockAfterLowPass - clockAfterRead)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) * 1000;
		highPass(afterLowpass, afterHighpass);
		/*if (clockOn) {
		 clockAfterHighPass = clock();
		 timeHighPass =+ ((double) ((clockAfterHighPass - clockAfterLowPass)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) * 1000;
		afterDerivative = derivative(afterHighpass);
		/*if (clockOn) {
		 clockAfterDer = clock();
		 timeDerivative =+ ((double) ((clockAfterDer - clockAfterHighPass)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) * 1000;
		square(afterDerivative, afterSquare);
		/*if (clockOn) {
		 clockAfterSquare = clock();
		 timeSquare =+ ((double) ((clockAfterSquare - clockAfterDer)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) * 1000;
		mWindowIntegration(afterSquare, afterWindowIntegration);
		if (clockOn) {
			clockAfterMWI = clock();
			timeMWindowInt = +((double) ((clockAfterMWI - clockBeforeRead))
					/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000;
		if (clockOn) {
			clockAfterIdentifyPeaks = clock();
			timeIdentifyPeaks = +((double) ((clockAfterIdentifyPeaks
					- clockAfterMWI)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000;
	if (totalClockOn) {
		end = clock();
		cpuTimeUsed = ((double) ((end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000;
		printf("Total cpu time: %f milliseconds\n", cpuTimeUsed);
	if (clockOn) {
		//printf("Average time read data: %f nanoseconds\nAverage time Low Pass filter: %f nanoseconds\nAverage time High Pass filter: %f nanoseconds\n", timeReadData, timeLowPass, timeHighPass);
		//printf("Average time derivative filter: %f nanoseconds\nAverage time square filter: %f nanoseconds\nAverage time moving window integration filter: %f nanoseconds\n",timeDerivative, timeSquare, timeMWindowInt);
		printf("Time to apply filters: %f milliseconds\n", timeMWindowInt);
		printf("Time to identify peaks: %f milliseconds\n", timeIdentifyPeaks);
	return 0;

Beispiel #22
const std::vector<T> secondDerivative(const std::vector<T> & signal, const BorderInterpolation interpolation = CONTINUED)
    const unsigned size = signal.size();
    const unsigned n = signal.size() - 1;

    std::vector<T> derivative(size);

    if (size == 0)
        return derivative;
    else if (size == 1)
        return derivative;
        // compute boundaries

        // left boundary
        // derivative[0] = signal[-1] - 2 * signal[0] + signal[1]

            case CONTINUED:
                // signal[-1] := signal[0]
                derivative[0] = -signal[0] + signal[1];

            case CIRCULAR:
                // signal[-1] := signal[n]
                derivative[0] = signal[n] - 2 * signal[0] + signal[1];

            case INTERPOLATED:
                // signal[-1] := signal[0] + (signal[0] - signal[1]) = 2 * signal[0] - signal[1]
                derivative[0] =  0;

            case REFLECTED:
                // signal[-1] := signal[0]
                derivative[0] = -signal[0] + signal[1];

            case ZERO:
                // signal[-1] := 0
                derivative[0] = -2 * signal[0] + signal[1];

                ErrorObj error("Unknown interpolation method.");
                throw error;

        // right boundary
        // derivative[n] = signal[n-1] - 2 * signal[n] + signal[n+1]

            case CONTINUED:
                // signal[n+1] := signal[n]
                derivative[n] = signal[n-1] -signal[n];

            case CIRCULAR:
                // signal[n+1] := signal[0]
                derivative[n] = signal[n-1] - 2 * signal[n] + signal[0];

            case INTERPOLATED:
                // signal[n+1] := signal[n] + (signal[n] - signal[n-1]) = 2 * signal[n] - signal[n-1]
                derivative[n] = 0;

            case REFLECTED:
                // signal[n+1] := signal[n]
                derivative[n] = signal[n-1] -signal[n];

            case ZERO:
                // signal[n+1] := 0
                derivative[n] = signal[n-1] - 2 * signal[n];

                ErrorObj error("Unknown interpolation method.");
                throw error;

        // compute inner part

        for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; ++i)
            derivative[i] = signal[i-1] - 2 * signal[i] + signal[i+1];

        return derivative;
Beispiel #23
    int i, n;

    // evaluate 1st arg to get function F

    p1 = cdr(p1);

    // evaluate 2nd arg and then...

    // example	result of 2nd arg	what to do
    // d(f)		nil			guess X, N = nil
    // d(f,2)	2			guess X, N = 2
    // d(f,x)	x			X = x, N = nil
    // d(f,x,2)	x			X = x, N = 2
    // d(f,x,y)	x			X = x, N = y

    p1 = cdr(p1);

    p2 = pop();
    if (p2 == symbol(NIL)) {
    } else if (isnum(p2)) {
    } else {
        p1 = cdr(p1);

    N = pop();
    X = pop();
    F = pop();

    while (1) {

        // N might be a symbol instead of a number

        if (isnum(N)) {
            n = pop_integer();
            if (n == (int) 0x80000000)
                stop("nth derivative: check n");
        } else
            n = 1;


        if (n >= 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        } else {
            n = -n;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        F = pop();

        // if N is nil then arglist is exhausted

        if (N == symbol(NIL))

        // otherwise...

        // N		arg1		what to do
        // number	nil		break
        // number	number		N = arg1, continue
        // number	symbol		X = arg1, N = arg2, continue
        // symbol	nil		X = N, N = nil, continue
        // symbol	number		X = N, N = arg1, continue
        // symbol	symbol		X = N, N = arg1, continue

        if (isnum(N)) {
            p1 = cdr(p1);
            N = pop();
            if (N == symbol(NIL))
                break;		// arglist exhausted
            if (isnum(N))
                ;		// N = arg1
            else {
                X = N;		// X = arg1
                p1 = cdr(p1);
                N = pop();	// N = arg2
        } else {
            X = N;			// X = N
            p1 = cdr(p1);
            N = pop();		// N = arg1

    push(F); // final result
Beispiel #24
void neuron :: train (double learning_factor, non_linear_function noLin) {
	double * wp = weights;
	double * vp = inputs;
	double delta = error * learning_factor;
	for (int ind = 0; ind < synapses; ind++) {* (wp++) += * (vp++) * delta * derivative (output, noLin);}
Beispiel #25
	inline void derivative(Matrix<DType>* matrix, Matrix<DType>* alpha)
		derivative(matrix, matrix, alpha);
///Evaluates the gradient at the Point2F coordinate
Vector2F BaseExpression::gradient(Point2F& pPoint)
    return Vector2F(