Beispiel #1
bool ofxTLKeyframes::mousePressed(ofMouseEventArgs& args, long millis){
	ofVec2f screenpoint = ofVec2f(args.x, args.y);
    keysAreDraggable = !ofGetModifierShiftPressed();
    keysDidDrag = false;
	selectedKeyframe =  keyframeAtScreenpoint(screenpoint);
    //if we clicked OFF of a keyframe OR...
    //if we clicked on a keyframe outside of the current selection and we aren't holding down shift, clear all
    if(!ofGetModifierSelection() && (isActive() || selectedKeyframe != NULL) ){
        bool didJustDeselect = false;
	    if( selectedKeyframe == NULL || !isKeyframeSelected(selectedKeyframe)){
            //settings this to true causes the first click off of the timeline to deselct rather than create a new keyframe
            didJustDeselect = timeline->getTotalSelectedItems() > 1;

        //if we didn't just deselect everything and clicked in an empty space add a new keyframe there
        if(selectedKeyframe == NULL && !didJustDeselect){
			createNewOnMouseup = args.button == 0 && !ofGetModifierControlPressed();

	if(selectedKeyframe != NULL){
         //add the keyframe to the selection, whether it was just generated or not
        //unselect it if it's selected and we clicked the key with shift pressed
        else if(ofGetModifierSelection()){
			selectedKeyframe = NULL;
//	if(isActive()){
//		cout << "MOUSE PRESSED args button " << args.button << " control pressed? " << (ofGetModifierControlPressed() ? "YES":"NO") << " shift/cmd pressed? " << (ofGetModifierSelection() ? "YES":"NO") << endl;
//		}
    //if we have any keyframes selected update the grab offsets and check for showing the modal window
	if(selectedKeyframes.size() != 0){
        updateDragOffsets(screenpoint, millis);
		if(selectedKeyframe != NULL){

			if(args.button == 0 && !ofGetModifierSelection() && !ofGetModifierControlPressed()){
				//move the playhead
			if(args.button == 2 || ofGetModifierControlPressed()){
	return selectedKeyframe != NULL;
void ofxTLKeyframes::deleteKeyframe(ofxTLKeyframe* keyframe){
	if(keyframe == NULL) return;
	for(int i = keyframes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
		if(keyframe == keyframes[i]){
			delete keyframes[i];
bool ofxTLSwitches::mousePressed(ofMouseEventArgs& args, long millis){
	if(placingSwitch != NULL){
		if(isActive() && args.button == 0){
			placingSwitch->timeRange.max = millis;
		else {
		placingSwitch = NULL;
		return false;
	keysAreDraggable = !ofGetModifierSelection();
    //check to see if we are close to any edges, if so select them
    bool startSelected = false;
    bool endSelected = false;
    int selectedKeyframeIndex;
    if(isActive() && args.button == 0){
        for(int i = 0; i < keyframes.size(); i++){
            ofxTLSwitch* switchKey = (ofxTLSwitch*)keyframes[i];
            //unselect everything else if we just clicked this edge without shift held down
            startSelected = abs(switchKey->display.x - args.x) < 10.0;
            if (startSelected && !switchKey->startSelected && !ofGetModifierSelection()) {
            //Deselect the key if we clicked it already selected with shift held down
            if(ofGetModifierSelection() && ((startSelected && switchKey->startSelected) || isKeyframeSelected(switchKey))){
                switchKey->startSelected = false;    
            else {
                switchKey->startSelected |= startSelected;
            float endEdge = switchKey->display.x+switchKey->display.width;
            endSelected = abs(endEdge - args.x) < 10.0;
            //don't let them both be selected in one click!
            if(!startSelected && endSelected && !switchKey->endSelected && !ofGetModifierSelection()){
            //Deselect the key if we clicked it already selected with shift held down
            if(ofGetModifierSelection() && ((endSelected && switchKey->endSelected) || isKeyframeSelected(switchKey))){
                switchKey->endSelected = false;    
                switchKey->endSelected |= endSelected && !startSelected;
            if(startSelected || endSelected){
				selectedKeyframeIndex = i;
    //update dragging and snapping if we clicked an edge
    if(endSelected || startSelected){
        ofxTLSwitch* selectedSwitch = (ofxTLSwitch*)keyframes[selectedKeyframeIndex];
    if(!endSelected && !startSelected){
    	//normal selection from above

	    ofxTLKeyframes::mousePressed(args, millis);
	        timeline->cancelSnapping(); //don't snap when dragging the whole switch
    //move through the keyframes, if both the start and the end have been selected
    //count it as completely selected and let the super class take care of it
    //otherwise if just one of the edges are selected make sure it's unselected
    for(int i = 0; i < keyframes.size(); i++){
        ofxTLSwitch* switchKey = (ofxTLSwitch*)keyframes[i];
        if (switchKey->startSelected && switchKey->endSelected) {
            switchKey->startSelected = switchKey->endSelected = false;
        //make sure that if just one of the edges is clicked that the keyframe is *not* selected
		//also make sure it wasn't *just* selected in the last click by checking that it's not 'the' selected key
        else if( (switchKey->startSelected || switchKey->endSelected) && isKeyframeSelected(switchKey)){
			if(selectedKeyframe == switchKey){
				switchKey->startSelected = switchKey->endSelected = false;
	return false;
bool ofxTLKeyframes::mousePressed(ofMouseEventArgs& args, long millis){
	ofVec2f screenpoint = ofVec2f(args.x, args.y);
	keysAreStretchable = ofGetModifierShiftPressed() && ofGetModifierControlPressed();
    keysDidDrag = false;
	if(keysAreStretchable && timeline->getTotalSelectedItems() > 1){
		unsigned long long minSelected = timeline->getEarliestSelectedTime();
		unsigned long long maxSelected = timeline->getLatestSelectedTime();
		if(minSelected == maxSelected){
			keysAreStretchable = false;
		else {
			unsigned long long midSelection = (maxSelected-minSelected)/2 + minSelected;
			//the anchor is the selected key opposite to where we are stretching
			stretchAnchor = midSelection <= millis ? minSelected : maxSelected;
//			cout << "Min selected " << ofxTimecode::timecodeForMillis(minSelected) << " Mid Selected " << ofxTimecode::timecodeForMillis(midSelection) << " Max selected " << ofxTimecode::timecodeForMillis(maxSelected) << " anchor "  << ofxTimecode::timecodeForMillis(stretchAnchor) << " millis down " << ofxTimecode::timecodeForMillis(millis) << endl;
			stretchSelectPoint = millis;
			//don't do anything else, like create or deselect keyframes
			updateStretchOffsets(screenpoint, millis);
		return true;
    keysAreDraggable = !ofGetModifierShiftPressed();
	selectedKeyframe =  keyframeAtScreenpoint(screenpoint);
    //if we clicked OFF of a keyframe OR...
    //if we clicked on a keyframe outside of the current selection and we aren't holding down shift, clear all
    if(!ofGetModifierSelection() && (isActive() || selectedKeyframe != NULL) ){
        bool didJustDeselect = false;
	    if( selectedKeyframe == NULL || !isKeyframeSelected(selectedKeyframe)){
            //settings this to true causes the first click off of the timeline to deselct rather than create a new keyframe
            didJustDeselect = timeline->getTotalSelectedItems() > 1;

        //if we didn't just deselect everything and clicked in an empty space add a new keyframe there
        if(selectedKeyframe == NULL && !didJustDeselect){
			createNewOnMouseup = args.button == 0 && !ofGetModifierControlPressed();

	if(selectedKeyframe != NULL){
         //add the keyframe to the selection, whether it was just generated or not
//			selectKeyframe(selectedKeyframe);
        //unselect it if it's selected and we clicked the key with shift pressed
        else if(ofGetModifierSelection()){
			selectedKeyframe = NULL;
    //if we have any keyframes selected update the grab offsets and check for showing the modal window
	if(selectedKeyframes.size() != 0){
        updateDragOffsets(screenpoint, millis);
		if(selectedKeyframe != NULL){

			if(args.button == 0 && !ofGetModifierSelection() && !ofGetModifierControlPressed()){

				//move the playhead
			if(args.button == 2 || ofGetModifierControlPressed()){
	return selectedKeyframe != NULL;