void UIMachineViewFullscreen::calculateDesktopGeometry()
    /* This method should not get called until we have initially set up the desktop geometry type: */
    Assert((desktopGeometryType() != DesktopGeo_Invalid));
    /* If we are not doing automatic geometry calculation then there is nothing to do: */
    if (desktopGeometryType() == DesktopGeo_Automatic)
        m_desktopGeometry = workingArea().size();
void UIMachineViewScale::calculateDesktopGeometry()
    /* This method should not get called until we have initially set up the desktop geometry type: */
    Assert((desktopGeometryType() != DesktopGeo_Invalid));
    /* If we are not doing automatic geometry calculation then there is nothing to do: */
    if (desktopGeometryType() == DesktopGeo_Automatic)
        /* The area taken up by the machine window on the desktop,
         * including window frame, title, menu bar and status bar: */
        QRect windowGeo = machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow()->frameGeometry();
        /* The area taken up by the machine central widget, so excluding all decorations: */
        QRect centralWidgetGeo = static_cast<QMainWindow*>(machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow())->centralWidget()->geometry();
        /* To work out how big we can make the console window while still fitting on the desktop,
         * we calculate workingArea() - (windowGeo - centralWidgetGeo).
         * This works because the difference between machine window and machine central widget
         * (or at least its width and height) is a constant. */
        m_desktopGeometry = QSize(workingArea().width() - (windowGeo.width() - centralWidgetGeo.width()),
                                  workingArea().height() - (windowGeo.height() - centralWidgetGeo.height()));