int learnImage(const char * filename ,unsigned int numberOfHorizontalTiles,unsigned int numberOfVerticalTiles) { struct Image * inputImage = readImage(filename,guessFilenameTypeStupid(filename),0); if (inputImage!=0) { unsigned int tileWidth =inputImage->width/numberOfHorizontalTiles; unsigned int tileHeight=inputImage->height/numberOfVerticalTiles; fprintf(stderr,"Sucessfully opened image ( %ux%u ) , each tile is %ux%u ..\n",inputImage->width,inputImage->height,tileWidth,tileHeight); unsigned int x,y,i=0; for (y=0; y<numberOfVerticalTiles; y++) { for (x=0; x<numberOfHorizontalTiles; x++) { struct Image * part = createImageBitBlt(inputImage,x*tileWidth , y*tileHeight , tileWidth, tileHeight); if (part!=0) { char tileString[512]={0}; snprintf(tileString,512,"tile-%05d.jpg",i); writeImageFile(part,JPG_CODEC,tileString); destroyImage(part); } ++i; } } destroyImage(inputImage); return 1; } return 0; }
static void free_image(Display * display, imagestruct * ip) { if (ip->icons != NULL) { free(ip->icons); ip->icons = (imagetype *) NULL; } freeLogo(display, ip); if (ip->logo != None) { destroyImage(&ip->logo, &ip->graphics_format); ip->logo = None; } if (ip->fgGC != None) { XFreeGC(display, ip->fgGC); ip->fgGC = None; } if (ip->bgGC) { XFreeGC(display, ip->bgGC); ip->bgGC = None; } if (ip->pixmap) { XFreePixmap(display, ip->pixmap); ip->pixmap = None; } }
void Display::terminate() { makeCurrent(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); while (!mContextSet.empty()) { destroyContext(*mContextSet.begin()); } while (!mImageSet.empty()) { destroyImage(*mImageSet.begin()); } while (!mImplementation->getSurfaceSet().empty()) { destroySurface(*mImplementation->getSurfaceSet().begin()); } mConfigSet.clear(); if (mDevice != nullptr && mDevice->getOwningDisplay() != nullptr) { // Don't delete the device if it was created externally using eglCreateDeviceANGLE // We also shouldn't set it to null in case eglInitialize() is called again later SafeDelete(mDevice); } mImplementation->terminate(); mInitialized = false; // Never de-init default platform.. terminate is not that final. }
/* * destroy window */ void fastViewer::destroyWindow() { destroyImage(); if ( != 0) { XFreeGC(display_info.display,display_info.gc); XDestroyWindow(display_info.display,; } = 0; }
int AmmCaptcha_getCaptchaFrame(unsigned int captchaID, char *mem,unsigned long * mem_size) { struct Image * captcha = createImage(300,70,3); RenderString(captcha,&fontRAW, 0 + rand()%200 , rand()%40, hashMap_GetKeyAtIndex(captchaStrings,convertExternalIDToInternal(captchaID))); //Apply Swirling effect! coolPHPWave(captcha, 11,12,5,14); //WriteJPEGFile(captcha,"captcha.jpg"); WriteJPEGMemory(captcha,mem,mem_size); fprintf(stderr,"Survived WriteJPEG"); destroyImage(captcha); fprintf(stderr,"Survived destroyImage"); return 1; }
static void free_puzzle(Display * display, puzzlestruct * pp) { if (pp->fixbuff != NULL) { free(pp->fixbuff); pp->fixbuff = (int *) NULL; } if (pp->bufferBox != None) { XFreePixmap(display, pp->bufferBox); pp->bufferBox = None; } free_stuff(display, pp); if (pp->logo != None) { destroyImage(&pp->logo, &pp->graphics_format); pp->logo = None; } }
static void free_life1d(Display * display, life1dstruct * lp) { int shade; if (lp->stippledGC != None) { XFreeGC(display, lp->stippledGC); lp->stippledGC = None; } if (lp->init_bits != 0) { for (shade = 0; shade < MAXSTATES; shade++) XFreePixmap(display, lp->pixmaps[shade]); lp->init_bits = 0; } if (lp->newcells != NULL) { free(lp->newcells); lp->newcells = (unsigned char *) NULL; } if (lp->oldcells != NULL) { free(lp->oldcells); lp->oldcells = (unsigned char *) NULL; } if (lp->buffer != NULL) { free(lp->buffer); lp->buffer = (unsigned char *) NULL; } if (lp->previousBuffer != NULL) { free(lp->previousBuffer); lp->previousBuffer = (unsigned char *) NULL; } if (lp->nextstate != NULL) { free(lp->nextstate); lp->nextstate = (char *) NULL; } free_stuff(display, lp); if (lp->logo != None) { destroyImage(&lp->logo, &lp->graphics_format); lp->logo = None; } }
void Display::terminate() { makeCurrent(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); while (!mContextSet.empty()) { destroyContext(*mContextSet.begin()); } while (!mImageSet.empty()) { destroyImage(*mImageSet.begin()); } mConfigSet.clear(); mImplementation->terminate(); mInitialized = false; // Never de-init default platform.. terminate is not that final. }
void destroyWorms( WORMS_T *worms) { uint16_t i = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < worms->size ; i++) { WORM_T *worm = &(worms->worms[i]); destroyWorm(worm); } free(worms->worms); worms->size = 0; worms->worms = NULL; destroyImage(&(worms->image)); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int result = 0; DISPMANX_UPDATE_HANDLE_T update = vc_dispmanx_update_start(0); assert(update != 0); result = vc_dispmanx_element_remove(update, worms->element); assert(result == 0); result = vc_dispmanx_update_submit_sync(update); assert(result == 0); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- result = vc_dispmanx_resource_delete(worms->frontResource); assert(result == 0); result = vc_dispmanx_resource_delete(worms->backResource); assert(result == 0); }
int runFilter(int argc, char *argv[]) { char * filenameInput=argv[1]; char * filenameOutput=argv[2]; unsigned int inputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameInput); struct Image * inputImage = readImage(filenameInput,inputType,0); struct Image * outputImage = 0; //This will get allocated when and if needed if (inputImage!=0) { unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput); unsigned int i=0; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--learn")==0 ) { destroyImage(inputImage); learnImage(filenameInput,atoi(argv[i+1]),atoi(argv[i+2])); exit(0); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--rgbcube")==0 ) { unsigned int dim=32; unsigned char R = (char) atoi(argv[i]+1); unsigned char G = (char) atoi(argv[i]+2); unsigned char B = (char) atoi(argv[i]+3); outputImage = createImage( dim , dim , 3 , 8 ); bitbltColorRGB(outputImage->pixels , 0 , 0 , dim , dim , R , G , B , dim-1 , dim-1); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mX.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pX.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mY.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pY.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mZ.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pZ.pnm"); destroyImage(outputImage); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--envcube")==0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Converting Environment Cube \n"); unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput); //outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); unsigned int outputWidth = inputImage->width; unsigned int outputHeight = (unsigned int ) (3*inputImage->width)/4; outputImage = createImage( outputWidth , outputHeight , 3 , 8 ); createCubeMapFace( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , outputImage->bitsperpixel , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inputImage->bitsperpixel ); struct Image * partImg=0; unsigned int outX=0 , outY=0 , outWidth=0 , outHeight=0; getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ -1 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mX.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 1 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pX.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ -1 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mY.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ 1 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pY.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ -1 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mZ.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ 1 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pZ.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--compare")==0 ) { unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput); outputImage = readImage(filenameOutput,outputType ,0); float noise = calculatePSNR( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ); fprintf(stdout,"Compared Detected Noise is %0.4f dB \n",noise); exit(0); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--gaussian")==0 ) { monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); unsigned int normalizeGaussianKernel=1; unsigned int kernelWidth=5; unsigned int kernelHeight=5; float * convolutionMatrix=allocateGaussianKernel(kernelWidth,kernelHeight,normalizeGaussianKernel); float divisor=1.0; float * inF = copyUCharImage2Float(inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ); float * outF = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * outputImage->width * outputImage->height * outputImage->channels ); convolutionFilter1ChF( outF , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inF, inputImage->width , inputImage->height , convolutionMatrix , kernelWidth , kernelHeight , &divisor ); free(convolutionMatrix); castFloatImage2UChar(outputImage->pixels, outF, outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels ); free(inF); free(outF); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--ctbilateral")==0 ) { monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]); constantTimeBilateralFilter( inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,&sigma //sigma ,atoi(argv[i+2]) //bins ,atoi(argv[i+3]) //useDeriche ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--deriche")==0 ) { monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]); dericheRecursiveGaussianGray( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , &sigma , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--dericheF")==0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"This is a test call for casting code , this shouldnt be normally used..\n"); monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]); //outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); float * inF = copyUCharImage2Float(inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ); float * outF = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * outputImage->width * outputImage->height * outputImage->channels ); dericheRecursiveGaussianGrayF( outF , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inF , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , &sigma , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); castFloatImage2UChar(outputImage->pixels, outF, outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels ); free(inF); free(outF); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--median")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); medianFilter3ch( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , atoi(argv[i+1]) , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--meansat")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); meanFilterSAT( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , atoi(argv[i+1]) , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--monochrome")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); monochrome(outputImage); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--bilateral")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); bilateralFilter( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , atof(argv[i+1]) , atof(argv[i+2]) , atoi(argv[i+3]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--contrast")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); contrast(outputImage,atof(argv[i+1])); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--sattest")==0 ) { float * tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(3,5.0,1); if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); } tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(9,5.0,1); if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); } tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(15,5.0,1); if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); } summedAreaTableTest(); unsigned int * integralImageOutput = 0; integralImageOutput = generateSummedAreaTableRGB(inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height); if (integralImageOutput!=0) { free(integralImageOutput); fprintf(stderr,"integralImage test was successful\n"); } } } writeImageFile(outputImage,outputType ,filenameOutput); destroyImage(outputImage); destroyImage(inputImage); return 1; } return 0; }
void LayerTreeHostProxy::syncRemoteContent() { // We enqueue messages and execute them during paint, as they require an active GL context. ensureRootLayer(); while (OwnPtr<LayerTreeMessageToRenderer> nextMessage = m_messagesToRenderer.tryGetMessage()) { switch (nextMessage->type()) { case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::SetRootLayer: { const SetRootLayerMessageData& data = static_cast<SetRootLayerMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); setRootLayerID(data.layerID); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::DeleteLayer: { const DeleteLayerMessageData& data = static_cast<DeleteLayerMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); deleteLayer(data.layerID); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::SyncLayerParameters: { const SyncLayerParametersMessageData& data = static_cast<SyncLayerParametersMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); syncLayerParameters(data.layerInfo); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::CreateTile: { const CreateTileMessageData& data = static_cast<CreateTileMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); createTile(data.layerID, data.remoteTileID, data.scale); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::RemoveTile: { const RemoveTileMessageData& data = static_cast<RemoveTileMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); removeTile(data.layerID, data.remoteTileID); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::UpdateTile: { const UpdateTileMessageData& data = static_cast<UpdateTileMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); updateTile(data.layerID, data.remoteTileID, data.sourceRect, data.targetRect, data.image); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::CreateImage: { const CreateImageMessageData& data = static_cast<CreateImageMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); createImage(data.imageID, data.image); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::DestroyImage: { const CreateImageMessageData& data = static_cast<CreateImageMessage*>(nextMessage.get())->data(); destroyImage(data.imageID); break; } case LayerTreeMessageToRenderer::FlushLayerChanges: flushLayerChanges(); break; } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { DecodeInput *input; int32_t fd = -1; int32_t i = 0; int32_t ioctlRet = -1; YamiMediaCodec::CalcFps calcFps; renderMode = 3; // set default render mode to 3 yamiTraceInit(); #if __ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ XInitThreads(); #endif #if __ENABLE_V4L2_OPS__ // FIXME, use instead if (!loadV4l2CodecDevice("")) { ERROR("fail to init v4l2codec device with __ENABLE_V4L2_OPS__\n"); return -1; } #endif if (!process_cmdline(argc, argv)) return -1; if (!inputFileName) { ERROR("no input media file specified\n"); return -1; } INFO("input file: %s, renderMode: %d", inputFileName, renderMode); if (!dumpOutputName) dumpOutputName = strdup ("./"); #if !__ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ switch (renderMode) { case 0: memoryType = VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_RAW_COPY; memoryTypeStr = typeStrRawData; break; case 3: memoryType = VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_DRM_NAME; memoryTypeStr = typeStrDrmName; break; case 4: memoryType = VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_DMA_BUF; memoryTypeStr = typeStrDmaBuf; break; default: ASSERT(0 && "unsupported render mode, -m [0,3,4] are supported"); break; } #endif input = DecodeInput::create(inputFileName); if (input==NULL) { ERROR("fail to init input stream\n"); return -1; } renderFrameCount = 0; calcFps.setAnchor(); // open device fd = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Open)("decoder", 0); ASSERT(fd!=-1); #ifdef ANDROID #elif __ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ x11Display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); ASSERT(x11Display); ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(SetXDisplay)(fd, x11Display); #endif // set output frame memory type #if __ENABLE_V4L2_OPS__ SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(SetParameter)(fd, "frame-memory-type", memoryTypeStr); #elif !__ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(FrameMemoryType)(fd, memoryType); #endif // query hw capability struct v4l2_capability caps; memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps)); caps.capabilities = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &caps); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // set input/output data format uint32_t codecFormat = v4l2PixelFormatFromMime(input->getMimeType()); if (!codecFormat) { ERROR("unsupported mimetype, %s", input->getMimeType()); return -1; } struct v4l2_format format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; format.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = codecFormat; format.fmt.pix_mp.num_planes = 1; format.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].sizeimage = k_maxInputBufferSize; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &format); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // set preferred output format memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)input->getCodecData().data(); uint32_t size = input->getCodecData().size(); //save codecdata, size+data, the type of format.fmt.raw_data is __u8[200] //we must make sure enough space (>=sizeof(uint32_t) + size) to store codecdata memcpy(format.fmt.raw_data, &size, sizeof(uint32_t)); if(sizeof(format.fmt.raw_data) >= size + sizeof(uint32_t)) memcpy(format.fmt.raw_data + sizeof(uint32_t), data, size); else { ERROR("No enough space to store codec data"); return -1; } ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &format); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // input port starts as early as possible to decide output frame format __u32 type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // setup input buffers struct v4l2_requestbuffers reqbufs; memset(&reqbufs, 0, sizeof(reqbufs)); reqbufs.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; reqbufs.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; reqbufs.count = 2; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &reqbufs); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); ASSERT(reqbufs.count>0); inputQueueCapacity = reqbufs.count; inputFrames.resize(inputQueueCapacity); for (i=0; i<inputQueueCapacity; i++) { struct v4l2_plane planes[k_inputPlaneCount]; struct v4l2_buffer buffer; memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes)); buffer.index = i; buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; buffer.m.planes = planes; buffer.length = k_inputPlaneCount; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // length and mem_offset should be filled by VIDIOC_QUERYBUF above void* address = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Mmap)(NULL, buffer.m.planes[0].length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, buffer.m.planes[0].m.mem_offset); ASSERT(address); inputFrames[i] = static_cast<uint8_t*>(address); DEBUG("inputFrames[%d] = %p", i, inputFrames[i]); } // feed input frames first for (i=0; i<inputQueueCapacity; i++) { if (!feedOneInputFrame(input, fd, i)) { break; } } // query video resolution memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; while (1) { if (SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &format) != 0) { if (errno != EINVAL) { // EINVAL means we haven't seen sufficient stream to decode the format. INFO("ioctl() failed: VIDIOC_G_FMT, haven't get video resolution during start yet, waiting"); } } else { break; } usleep(50); } outputPlaneCount = format.fmt.pix_mp.num_planes; ASSERT(outputPlaneCount == 2); videoWidth = format.fmt.pix_mp.width; videoHeight = format.fmt.pix_mp.height; ASSERT(videoWidth && videoHeight); #ifdef ANDROID __u32 pixelformat = format.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat; if (!createNativeWindow(pixelformat)) { fprintf(stderr, "create native window error\n"); return -1; } int minUndequeuedBuffs = 0; status_t err = mNativeWindow->query(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS, &minUndequeuedBuffs); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "query native window min undequeued buffers error\n"); return err; } #endif // setup output buffers // Number of output buffers we need. struct v4l2_control ctrl; memset(&ctrl, 0, sizeof(ctrl)); = V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_CAPTURE; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_G_CTRL, &ctrl); #ifndef ANDROID uint32_t minOutputFrameCount = ctrl.value + k_extraOutputFrameCount; #else uint32_t minOutputFrameCount = ctrl.value + k_extraOutputFrameCount + minUndequeuedBuffs; #endif memset(&reqbufs, 0, sizeof(reqbufs)); reqbufs.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; reqbufs.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; reqbufs.count = minOutputFrameCount; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &reqbufs); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); ASSERT(reqbufs.count>0); outputQueueCapacity = reqbufs.count; #ifdef ANDROID #elif __ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ x11Window = XCreateSimpleWindow(x11Display, DefaultRootWindow(x11Display) , 0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight, 0, 0 , WhitePixel(x11Display, 0)); XMapWindow(x11Display, x11Window); pixmaps.resize(outputQueueCapacity); glxPixmaps.resize(outputQueueCapacity); textureIds.resize(outputQueueCapacity); if (!glxContext) { glxContext = glxInit(x11Display, x11Window); } ASSERT(glxContext); glGenTextures(outputQueueCapacity, &textureIds[0] ); for (i=0; i<outputQueueCapacity; i++) { int ret = createPixmapForTexture(glxContext, textureIds[i], videoWidth, videoHeight, &pixmaps[i], &glxPixmaps[i]); DEBUG("textureIds[%d]: 0x%x, pixmaps[%d]=0x%lx, glxPixmaps[%d]: 0x%lx", i, textureIds[i], i, pixmaps[i], i, glxPixmaps[i]); ASSERT(ret == 0); ret = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(UsePixmap)(fd, i, pixmaps[i]); ASSERT(ret == 0); } #else if (IS_RAW_DATA()) { rawOutputFrames.resize(outputQueueCapacity); for (i=0; i<outputQueueCapacity; i++) { struct v4l2_plane planes[k_maxOutputPlaneCount]; struct v4l2_buffer buffer; memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes)); buffer.index = i; buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; buffer.m.planes = planes; buffer.length = outputPlaneCount; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); rawOutputFrames[i].width = format.fmt.pix_mp.width; rawOutputFrames[i].height = format.fmt.pix_mp.height; rawOutputFrames[i].fourcc = format.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat; for (int j=0; j<outputPlaneCount; j++) { // length and mem_offset are filled by VIDIOC_QUERYBUF above void* address = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Mmap)(NULL, buffer.m.planes[j].length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, buffer.m.planes[j].m.mem_offset); ASSERT(address); if (j == 0) { rawOutputFrames[i].data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(address); rawOutputFrames[i].offset[0] = 0; } else { rawOutputFrames[i].offset[j] = static_cast<uint8_t*>(address) - rawOutputFrames[i].data; } rawOutputFrames[i].pitch[j] = format.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[j].bytesperline; } } } else if (IS_DMA_BUF() || IS_DRM_NAME()) { // setup all textures and eglImages eglImages.resize(outputQueueCapacity); textureIds.resize(outputQueueCapacity); if (!eglContext) eglContext = eglInit(x11Display, x11Window, 0 /*VA_FOURCC_RGBA*/, IS_DMA_BUF()); glGenTextures(outputQueueCapacity, &textureIds[0] ); for (i=0; i<outputQueueCapacity; i++) { int ret = 0; ret = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(UseEglImage)(fd, eglContext->eglContext.display, eglContext->eglContext.context, i, &eglImages[i]); ASSERT(ret == 0); GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; if (IS_DMA_BUF()) target = GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES; glBindTexture(target, textureIds[i]); imageTargetTexture2D(target, eglImages[i]); glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); DEBUG("textureIds[%d]: 0x%x, eglImages[%d]: 0x%p", i, textureIds[i], i, eglImages[i]); } } #endif #ifndef ANDROID // feed output frames first for (i=0; i<outputQueueCapacity; i++) { if (!takeOneOutputFrame(fd, i)) { ASSERT(0); } } #else struct v4l2_buffer buffer; err = native_window_set_buffer_count(mNativeWindow.get(), outputQueueCapacity); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "native_window_set_buffer_count failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return -1; } //queue buffs for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outputQueueCapacity; i++) { ANativeWindowBuffer* pbuf = NULL; memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); err = native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(mNativeWindow.get(), &pbuf); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dequeueBuffer failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(-err), -err); return -1; } buffer.m.userptr = (unsigned long)pbuf; buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; buffer.index = i; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); mWindBuff.push_back(pbuf); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < minUndequeuedBuffs; i++) { memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buffer); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); err = mNativeWindow->cancelBuffer(mNativeWindow.get(), mWindBuff[buffer.index], -1); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "queue empty window buffer error\n"); return -1; } } #endif // output port starts as late as possible to adopt user provide output buffer type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); bool event_pending=true; // try to get video resolution. int dqCountAfterEOS = 0; do { if (event_pending) { handleResolutionChange(fd); } takeOneOutputFrame(fd); if (!feedOneInputFrame(input, fd)) { if (stagingBufferInDevice == 0) break; dqCountAfterEOS++; } if (dqCountAfterEOS == inputQueueCapacity) // input drain break; } while (SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Poll)(fd, true, &event_pending) == 0); // drain output buffer int retry = 3; while (takeOneOutputFrame(fd) || (--retry)>0) { // output drain usleep(10000); } calcFps.fps(renderFrameCount); // SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Munmap)(void* addr, size_t length) possibleWait(input->getMimeType()); // release queued input/output buffer memset(&reqbufs, 0, sizeof(reqbufs)); reqbufs.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; reqbufs.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; reqbufs.count = 0; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &reqbufs); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); memset(&reqbufs, 0, sizeof(reqbufs)); reqbufs.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; reqbufs.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; reqbufs.count = 0; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &reqbufs); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // stop input port type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); // stop output port type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Ioctl)(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); #ifndef ANDROID if(textureIds.size()) glDeleteTextures(textureIds.size(), &textureIds[0]); ASSERT(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); #endif #ifdef ANDROID //TODO, some resources need to destroy? #elif __ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ glxRelease(glxContext, &pixmaps[0], &glxPixmaps[0], pixmaps.size()); #else for (i=0; i<eglImages.size(); i++) { destroyImage(eglContext->eglContext.display, eglImages[i]); } /* there is still randomly fail in mesa; no good idea for it. seems mesa bug 0 0x00007ffff079c343 in _mesa_symbol_table_dtor () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 1 0x00007ffff073c55d in glsl_symbol_table::~glsl_symbol_table() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 2 0x00007ffff072a4d5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 3 0x00007ffff072a4bd in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 4 0x00007ffff064b48f in _mesa_reference_shader () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 5 0x00007ffff0649397 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 6 0x000000000040624d in releaseShader (program=0x77cd90) at ./egl/gles2_help.c:158 7 eglRelease (context=0x615920) at ./egl/gles2_help.c:310 8 0x0000000000402ca8 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at v4l2decode.cpp:531 */ if (eglContext) eglRelease(eglContext); #endif // close device ioctlRet = SIMULATE_V4L2_OP(Close)(fd); ASSERT(ioctlRet != -1); if(input) delete input; if (outfp) fclose(outfp); if (dumpOutputName) free(dumpOutputName); #if __ENABLE_V4L2_GLX__ if (x11Display && x11Window) XDestroyWindow(x11Display, x11Window); if (x11Display) XCloseDisplay(x11Display); #endif fprintf(stdout, "decode done\n"); }
int showStatement(const unsigned int statement_id) { // Frame control int ticks_then = -1; int ticks_now; unsigned int target_fps = 60; int delay = 1000 / target_fps; enum state_machine { fade_in, fade_off, fade_out }; enum state_machine state = fade_in; // Variables Uint8 fade = 0; int shade = 0; // Rendering variables SDL_Event event_handler; int terminate = 0; // SDL variables SDL_Surface *display; display = SDL_GetVideoSurface(); SDL_Surface *image; // Load image char image_filename[255]; sprintf(image_filename, "../Resources/statement%u.png", statement_id); image = loadImage(image_filename); // Rendering loop while (!terminate) { // Handle events while (SDL_PollEvent(&event_handler) ) { switch (event_handler.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_QUIT: state = fade_out; break; } } // Blitting SDL_FillRect(display, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(display->format, 0, 0, 0) ); SDL_SetAlpha(image, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCALPHA, fade); SDL_BlitSurface(image, NULL, display, NULL); // State machine TODO switch (state) { case fade_in: shade += 8; if (shade >= 255) { state = fade_off; fade = 255; } else { fade = shade; } break; case fade_out: shade -= 8; if (shade <= 0) { fade = 0; terminate = 1; } else { fade = shade; } break; default: shade = 255; break; } // Flip SDL_Flip(display); SDL_Delay(delay); // Constant FPS implementation if (ticks_then > 0) { ticks_now = SDL_GetTicks(); delay += (1000 / target_fps - (ticks_now - ticks_then) ); ticks_then = ticks_now; if (delay < 0) delay = 1000 / target_fps; // reset delay } else { ticks_then = SDL_GetTicks(); } } // rendering loop // Clean-up destroyImage(image); return 0; }
int stop_ObstacleDetector() { destroyImage(mask); return 1; }
static int doResize(OMX_RESIZER *resizer, IMAGE *inImage, IMAGE *outImage){ int retVal= OMX_IMAGE_OK; OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *pBufHeader = resizer->pInputBufferHeader; pBufHeader->nFilledLen=inImage->nData; pBufHeader->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; int ret = OMX_EmptyThisBuffer(resizer->handle, pBufHeader); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { retVal |= OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_MEMORY; } if(ilclient_wait_for_event(resizer->component,OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged,resizer->outPort, 0, 0, 1, ILCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR | ILCLIENT_PARAMETER_CHANGED, TIMEOUT_MS) == 0){ destroyImage(inImage); retVal|= resizePortSettingsChanged(resizer, outImage); if(retVal == OMX_IMAGE_OK){ if (OMX_FillThisBuffer(resizer->handle, resizer->pOutputBufferHeader) != OMX_ErrorNone) { retVal|=OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_MEMORY; } } } if(ilclient_wait_for_event(resizer->component, OMX_EventBufferFlag, resizer->outPort, 0, OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS, 0, ILCLIENT_BUFFER_FLAG_EOS, TIMEOUT_MS) != 0){ retVal|= OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_NO_EOS; } ret= OMX_FreeBuffer(resizer->handle, resizer->inPort, resizer->pInputBufferHeader); if(ret!= OMX_ErrorNone){ retVal|=OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_MEMORY; } ret = OMX_SendCommand(resizer->handle, OMX_CommandPortDisable, resizer->inPort, NULL); if(ret!= OMX_ErrorNone){ retVal |= OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_PORTS; } ilclient_wait_for_event(resizer->component, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 0, resizer->inPort, 0, ILCLIENT_PORT_DISABLED, TIMEOUT_MS); OMX_SendCommand(resizer->handle, OMX_CommandFlush, resizer->outPort, NULL); ilclient_wait_for_event(resizer->component,OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandFlush, 0, resizer->outPort, 0, ILCLIENT_PORT_FLUSH ,TIMEOUT_MS); ret= OMX_FreeBuffer(resizer->handle, resizer->outPort, resizer->pOutputBufferHeader); if(ret!= OMX_ErrorNone){ retVal|=OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_MEMORY; } ret= OMX_SendCommand(resizer->handle, OMX_CommandPortDisable, resizer->outPort, NULL); if(ret!= OMX_ErrorNone){ retVal|=OMX_IMAGE_ERROR_PORTS; } ilclient_change_component_state(resizer->component, OMX_StateIdle); ilclient_change_component_state(resizer->component, OMX_StateLoaded); return retVal; }
int blitPreviews(experiment *experiments, unsigned int runs) { // Viewport variables const unsigned int viewport_w = 340; const unsigned int viewport_h = 255; const float sequence_length = 58.0f + (2.0f / 11.0f); // Viewport data typedef struct viewport_data_t { SDL_Rect viewport; unsigned int tile; unsigned int tiles; unsigned int seg; float cumulative_error; float tile_error; unsigned int field; unsigned int base_fields; unsigned int cur_fields; } viewport_data; viewport_data *viewports; viewports = malloc(runs * sizeof(viewport_data) ); if (!viewports) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory for viewport data.\n"); return 1; } if (runs > 6) { fprintf(stderr, "Non-fatal: Cannot display more than six runs! Truncating output to six screens.\n"); runs = 5; // starting from zero } for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { // Viewport dimensions viewports[i].viewport.w = viewport_w; viewports[i].viewport.h = viewport_h; switch (i) { case 0: viewports[i].viewport.x = 1; viewports[i].viewport.y = 1; break; case 1: viewports[i].viewport.x = 342; viewports[i].viewport.y = 1; break; case 2: viewports[i].viewport.x = 683; viewports[i].viewport.y = 1; break; case 3: viewports[i].viewport.x = 1; viewports[i].viewport.y = 512; break; case 4: viewports[i].viewport.x = 342; viewports[i].viewport.y = 512; break; case 5: viewports[i].viewport.x = 683; viewports[i].viewport.y = 512; break; } // Viewport tiles and scaling viewports[i].tile = 0; // start at the beginning viewports[i].tiles = experiments[i].seg * experiments[i].seg * 15; viewports[i].seg = experiments[i].seg; // Viewport tile jitter viewports[i].cumulative_error = 0.0f; viewports[i].tile_error = fmod((60.0f * sequence_length) / viewports[i].tiles, 1.0f); viewports[i].field = 0; // beginning again viewports[i].base_fields = (unsigned int) lrint(floor( ((60.0f * sequence_length) / viewports[i].tiles) ) ); viewports[i].cur_fields = viewports[i].base_fields; } // Display variables SDL_Surface *display; display = SDL_GetVideoSurface(); const SDL_Rect preview_size = { 0, 0, viewport_w, viewport_h }; const int target_fps = 60; SDL_Event event_handler; int terminate = 0; int ticks_then = -1; int ticks_now = 0; int field = 0; int delay = 1000 / target_fps; // Create previews SDL_Thread *create_previews; int create_previews_return; float progress = 0; create_previews_args create_previews_arg = { experiments, runs, preview_size, &progress }; create_previews = SDL_CreateThread((int (*)(void *))createPreviews, &create_previews_arg); if (create_previews == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL: Unable to create preview tile creation thread: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); return 1; } displayCountdownScreen(&progress); SDL_WaitThread(create_previews, &create_previews_return); if (create_previews_return != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL: Preview tile creation thread failed.\n"); return 1; } // Questions display const char *question_1_image_filename = "../Resources/question1.png"; const char *question_2_image_filename = "../Resources/question2.png"; SDL_Surface *question_1_image, *question_2_image; question_1_image = loadImage(question_1_image_filename); question_2_image = loadImage(question_2_image_filename); SDL_Rect question_image_location; question_image_location.w = 1022; question_image_location.h = 254; question_image_location.x = 1; question_image_location.y = 257; int question_image_fade = 0; const Uint8 question_image_fade_increment = 8; enum question_state_machine { q1_fadein, q1_static, q1_fadeout, q2_fadein, q2_static, q2_fadeout } question_state = q1_fadein; int question_keypress = 0; // Display routine while (!terminate) { // Handle events while (SDL_PollEvent(&event_handler) ) { switch (event_handler.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: question_keypress = 1; break; case SDL_QUIT: // should probably clean-up... exit(0); break; default: break; } // switch event_handler } // while SDL_PollEvent // State machine switch (question_state) { case q1_fadein: question_image_fade += question_image_fade_increment; if (question_image_fade >= 255) { question_image_fade = 255; question_state = q1_static; } break; case q1_static: if (question_keypress) { question_keypress = 0; question_state = q1_fadeout; } break; case q1_fadeout: question_image_fade -= question_image_fade_increment; if (question_image_fade <= 0) { question_image_fade = 0; question_state = q2_fadein; } break; case q2_fadein: question_image_fade += question_image_fade_increment; if (question_image_fade >= 255) { question_image_fade = 255; question_state = q2_static; } break; case q2_static: if (question_keypress) { question_keypress = 0; question_state = q2_fadeout; } break; case q2_fadeout: question_image_fade -= question_image_fade_increment; if (question_image_fade <= 0) { question_image_fade = 0; terminate = 1; } break; default: printf("Invalid state for blitPreviews.\n"); break; } // switch question_state // Calculations for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { // Field updating viewports[i].field++; if (viewports[i].field == viewports[i].cur_fields) { // Reset tile viewports[i].field = 0; viewports[i].tile++; // Check we haven't gone beyond our bounds if (viewports[i].tile == viewports[i].tiles) { viewports[i].tile = 0; } // Calculate tile display duration viewports[i].cumulative_error += viewports[i].tile_error; if (viewports[i].cumulative_error >= 1.0f) { // Standard duration frame viewports[i].cur_fields = viewports[i].base_fields; viewports[i].cumulative_error -= 1.0f; } else { // Extended duration frame viewports[i].cur_fields = viewports[i].base_fields + 1; } } } // Rendering SDL_FillRect(display, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(display->format, 0, 0, 0) ); // clear with black for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { SDL_BlitSurface(previews[i][viewports[i].tile], NULL, display, &viewports[i].viewport); } // Question display switch (question_state) { case q1_fadein: case q1_static: case q1_fadeout: SDL_SetAlpha(question_1_image, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCALPHA, question_image_fade); SDL_BlitSurface(question_1_image, NULL, display, &question_image_location); break; case q2_fadein: case q2_static: case q2_fadeout: SDL_SetAlpha(question_2_image, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCALPHA, question_image_fade); SDL_BlitSurface(question_2_image, NULL, display, &question_image_location); break; } // switch question_state // Flipping SDL_Flip(display); // Delay calculation if (ticks_then > 0) { ticks_now = SDL_GetTicks(); delay += (1000 / target_fps - (ticks_now - ticks_then) ); // adjust delay ticks_then = ticks_now; if (delay < 0) delay = 1000 / target_fps; // reset delay } else { ticks_then = SDL_GetTicks(); } field++; SDL_Delay(delay); } // while !terminate // Clean-up destroyImage(question_1_image); destroyImage(question_2_image); free(viewports); return 0; }
void ShapesLoader::drawImageFromShape ( Shape * shape, uint index, char detail, //= '\0' uint sindex //= -1 ){ char filename[256]; uint i; uint y; uint x; uint width = shape->_width * 8; uint height = shape->_nData / shape->_width * 8; ::stage++; uchar * * image = createImage(width, height); ::stage++; if(sindex == -1) sprintf ( filename, "rai/Analyser/TestShapesLoader/%ld.pgm", index ); else sprintf ( filename, "rai/Analyser/TestShapesLoader/%ld%c%ld.pgm", index, detail, sindex ); for(i = 0; i < shape->_nData; i++) for(y = 0; y < 8; y++) for(x = 0; x < 8; x++) image[y + (i / shape->_width) * 8][x + (i % shape->_width) * 8] = shape->_data[i] * 127 + 64; for(i = 0; i < shape->_nZones; i++) { Zone const * const zone = shape->_zones[i]; float a; for(a = 0; a < Math::PI() * 2; a += 0.05f) { x = (int)(zone->_x * 8 + cos(a) * zone->_exitRadius * 8); y = (int)(zone->_y * 8 + sin(a) * zone->_exitRadius * 8); if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) image[y][x] = 0; } for(a = 0; a < 1.0f; a += 0.01f) { x = (int)(zone->_x * 8 + cos(zone->_exitAngle + zone->_exitArc) * zone->_exitRadius * 8 * a); y = (int)(zone->_y * 8 + sin(zone->_exitAngle + zone->_exitArc) * zone->_exitRadius * 8 * a); if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) image[y][x] = 0; x = (int)(zone->_x * 8 + cos(zone->_exitAngle - zone->_exitArc) * zone->_exitRadius * 8 * a); y = (int)(zone->_y * 8 + sin(zone->_exitAngle - zone->_exitArc) * zone->_exitRadius * 8 * a); if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) image[y][x] = 0; } for(a = 0; a < Math::PI() * 2; a += 0.05f) { x = (int)(zone->_x * 8 + cos(a) * zone->_enterRadius * 8); y = (int)(zone->_y * 8 + sin(a) * zone->_enterRadius * 8); if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) image[y][x] = 255; } for(a = 0; a < 1.0f; a += 0.01f) { x = (int)(zone->_x * 8 + cos(zone->_enterAngle + zone->_enterArc) * zone->_enterRadius * 8 * a); y = (int)(zone->_y * 8 + sin(zone->_enterAngle + zone->_enterArc) * zone->_enterRadius * 8 * a); if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) image[y][x] = 255; x = (int)(zone->_x * 8 + cos(zone->_enterAngle - zone->_enterArc) * zone->_enterRadius * 8 * a); y = (int)(zone->_y * 8 + sin(zone->_enterAngle - zone->_enterArc) * zone->_enterRadius * 8 * a); if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) image[y][x] = 255; } for(x = -1; x < i; x++) image[(int)(zone->_y * 8)][(int)(zone->_x * 8) + x] = 255; } ::stage++; writeImage(filename, image, width, height); ::stage++; destroyImage(image); }
void destroyScene(Scene* scene){ free(scene->triangles); free(scene->lights); destroyImage(&scene->image); free(scene->materials); }
/* * shows an lti::mathObject * @param data the object to be shown. */ bool fastViewer::show(const image& img) { // Draw screen onto display if (img.rows()>0 && img.columns()>0) { if (data.size() == img.size()) { data.fill(img); } else { destroyImage(); createImage(img); } } else { setStatusString("empty image"); return false; } if (useShareMemory) { XShmPutImage(display_info.display,, display_info.gc, display_info.shmimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, display_info.width, display_info.height, false); } else { XPutImage(display_info.display,, display_info.gc, display_info.shmimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, display_info.width, display_info.height); } XSync(display_info.display,0); return true; }