Beispiel #1
bool RenderThemeWinCE::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
    IntRect buttonRect(r.maxX() - dropDownButtonWidth - 1, r.y(), dropDownButtonWidth, r.height());
    i.context->drawFrameControl(buttonRect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX | determineClassicState(o));
    return true;
Beispiel #2
ThemeData RenderThemeWinCE::getThemeData(RenderObject* o)
    ThemeData result;
    switch (o->style()->appearance()) {
    case PushButtonPart:
    case ButtonPart:
        result.m_part = BP_BUTTON;
        result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONPUSH;
    case CheckboxPart:
        result.m_part = BP_CHECKBOX;
        result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONCHECK;
    case RadioPart:
        result.m_part = BP_RADIO;
        result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONRADIO;
    case ListboxPart:
    case MenulistPart:
    case TextFieldPart:
    case TextAreaPart:
        result.m_part = TFP_TEXTFIELD;

    result.m_classicState |= determineClassicState(o);

    return result;
Beispiel #3
ThemeData RenderThemeChromiumWin::getThemeData(RenderObject* o, ControlSubPart subPart)
    ThemeData result;
    switch (o->style()->appearance()) {
    case CheckboxPart:
        result.m_part = BP_CHECKBOX;
        result.m_state = determineState(o);
        result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONCHECK;
    case RadioPart:
        result.m_part = BP_RADIOBUTTON;
        result.m_state = determineState(o);
        result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONRADIO;
    case SquareButtonPart:
    case PushButtonPart:
    case ButtonPart:
        result.m_part = BP_PUSHBUTTON;
        result.m_state = determineState(o);
        result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONPUSH;
    case SliderHorizontalPart:
        result.m_part = TKP_TRACK;
        result.m_state = TRS_NORMAL;
    case SliderVerticalPart:
        result.m_part = TKP_TRACKVERT;
        result.m_state = TRVS_NORMAL;
    case SliderThumbHorizontalPart:
        result.m_part = TKP_THUMBBOTTOM;
        result.m_state = determineSliderThumbState(o);
    case SliderThumbVerticalPart:
        result.m_part = TKP_THUMBVERT;
        result.m_state = determineSliderThumbState(o);
    case ListboxPart:
    case MenulistPart:
    case MenulistButtonPart:
    case SearchFieldPart:
    case TextFieldPart:
    case TextAreaPart:
        result.m_part = EP_EDITTEXT;
        result.m_state = determineState(o);
    case InnerSpinButtonPart:
        result.m_part = subPart == SpinButtonUp ? SPNP_UP : SPNP_DOWN;
        result.m_state = determineState(o, subPart);
        result.m_classicState = subPart == SpinButtonUp ? DFCS_SCROLLUP : DFCS_SCROLLDOWN;

    result.m_classicState |= determineClassicState(o, subPart);

    return result;
// Used to paint unstyled menulists (i.e. with the default border)
bool RenderThemeChromiumWin::paintMenuList(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
    if (!o->isBox())
        return false;

    const RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
    int borderRight = box->borderRight();
    int borderLeft = box->borderLeft();
    int borderTop = box->borderTop();
    int borderBottom = box->borderBottom();

    // If all the borders are 0, then tell skia not to paint the border on the
    // textfield.  FIXME: http://b/1210017 Figure out how to get Windows to not
    // draw individual borders and then pass that to skia so we can avoid
    // drawing any borders that are set to 0. For non-zero borders, we draw the
    // border, but webkit just draws over it.
    bool drawEdges = !(borderRight == 0 && borderLeft == 0 && borderTop == 0 && borderBottom == 0);

    paintTextFieldInternal(o, i, r, drawEdges);

    // Take padding and border into account.  If the MenuList is smaller than
    // the size of a button, make sure to shrink it appropriately and not put
    // its x position to the left of the menulist.
    const int buttonWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
    int spacingLeft = borderLeft + box->paddingLeft();
    int spacingRight = borderRight + box->paddingRight();
    int spacingTop = borderTop + box->paddingTop();
    int spacingBottom = borderBottom + box->paddingBottom();

    int buttonX;
    if (r.right() - r.x() < buttonWidth)
        buttonX = r.x();
        buttonX = o->style()->direction() == LTR ? r.right() - spacingRight - buttonWidth : r.x() + spacingLeft;

    // Compute the rectangle of the button in the destination image.
    IntRect rect(buttonX,
                 r.y() + spacingTop,
                 std::min(buttonWidth, r.right() - r.x()),
                 r.height() - (spacingTop + spacingBottom));

    // Get the correct theme data for a textfield and paint the menu.
    WebCore::ThemePainter painter(i.context, rect);
    return false;
Beispiel #5
bool RenderThemeWin::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
    HDC hdc = prepareForDrawing(i.context);
    RECT widgetRect = r;
    if (m_themeDLL && !m_menuListTheme)
        m_menuListTheme = openTheme(0, L"Combobox");
    if (m_menuListTheme && drawThemeBG)
        drawThemeBG(m_menuListTheme, hdc, CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON, determineState(o), &widgetRect, NULL);
        DrawFrameControl(hdc, &widgetRect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX | determineClassicState(o));
    doneDrawing(i.context, hdc);

    return false;
Beispiel #6
bool RenderThemeChromiumWin::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
    if (!o->isBox())
        return false;

    const RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
    // Take padding and border into account.  If the MenuList is smaller than
    // the size of a button, make sure to shrink it appropriately and not put
    // its x position to the left of the menulist.
    const int buttonWidth = menuListButtonWidth();
    int spacingLeft = box->borderLeft() + box->paddingLeft();
    int spacingRight = box->borderRight() + box->paddingRight();
    int spacingTop = box->borderTop() + box->paddingTop();
    int spacingBottom = box->borderBottom() + box->paddingBottom();

    int buttonX;
    if (r.maxX() - r.x() < buttonWidth)
        buttonX = r.x();
        buttonX = o->style()->direction() == LTR ? r.maxX() - spacingRight - buttonWidth : r.x() + spacingLeft;

    // Compute the rectangle of the button in the destination image.
    IntRect rect(buttonX,
                 r.y() + spacingTop,
                 std::min(buttonWidth, r.maxX() - r.x()),
                 r.height() - (spacingTop + spacingBottom));

    // Get the correct theme data for a textfield and paint the menu.
    ThemePainter painter(i.context, rect);
    WebKit::WebCanvas* canvas = painter.context()->platformContext()->canvas();
    WebKit::Platform::current()->themeEngine()->paintMenuList(canvas, CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON, determineState(o), determineClassicState(o), WebKit::WebRect(painter.drawRect()));
    return false;