Beispiel #1
Datei: hw_disk.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_disk_io_read_buffer(device *me,
		       void *dest,
		       int space,
		       unsigned_word addr,
		       unsigned nr_bytes,
		       cpu *processor,
		       unsigned_word cia)
  hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me);
  unsigned nr_bytes_read;
  if (space != 0)
    device_error(me, "read - extended disk addressing unimplemented");
  if (nr_bytes == 0)
    nr_bytes_read = 0;
  else if (fseek(disk->image, addr, SEEK_SET) < 0)
    nr_bytes_read = 0;
  else if (fread(dest, nr_bytes, 1, disk->image) != 1)
    nr_bytes_read = 0;
    nr_bytes_read = nr_bytes;
  DTRACE(disk, ("io-read - address 0x%lx, nr-bytes-read %d, requested %d\n",
                (unsigned long) addr, (int)nr_bytes_read, (int)nr_bytes));
  return nr_bytes_read;
Beispiel #2
Datei: hw_disk.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
hw_disk_init_address(device *me)
  hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me);
  unsigned_word address;
  int space;
  const char *name;

  /* attach to the parent. Since the bus is logical, attach using just
     the unit-address (size must be zero) */
  device_address_to_attach_address(device_parent(me), device_unit_address(me),
				   &space, &address, me);
  device_attach_address(device_parent(me), attach_callback,
			space, address, 0/*size*/, access_read_write_exec,

  /* Tell the world we are a disk.  */
  device_add_string_property(me, "device_type", "block");

  /* get the name of the file specifying the disk image */
  disk->name_index = 0;
  disk->nr_names = device_find_string_array_property(me, "file",
						     disk->name_index, &name);
  if (!disk->nr_names)
    device_error(me, "invalid file property");

  /* is it a RO device? */
  disk->read_only =
    (strcmp(device_name(me), "disk") != 0
     && strcmp(device_name(me), "floppy") != 0
     && device_find_property(me, "read-only") == NULL);

  /* now open it */
  open_disk_image(me, disk, name);
Beispiel #3
Datei: hw_disk.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static int
hw_disk_ioctl(device *me,
	      cpu *processor,
	      unsigned_word cia,
	      device_ioctl_request request,
	      va_list ap)
  switch (request) {
  case device_ioctl_change_media:
      hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me);
      const char *name = va_arg(ap, const char *);
      if (name != NULL) {
	disk->name_index = -1;
      else {
	disk->name_index = (disk->name_index + 1) % disk->nr_names;
	if (!device_find_string_array_property(me, "file",
					       disk->name_index, &name))
	  device_error(me, "invalid file property");
      open_disk_image(me, disk, name);
    device_error(me, "insupported ioctl request");
  return 0;
Beispiel #4
static void
hw_ide_init_address(device *me)
  hw_ide_device *ide = device_data(me);
  int controller;
  int drive;
  /* zero some things */
  for (controller = 0; controller < nr_ide_controllers; controller++) {
    memset(&ide->controller[controller], 0, sizeof(ide_controller));
    for (drive = 0; drive < nr_ide_drives_per_controller; drive++) {
      ide->controller[controller].drive[drive].nr = drive;
    ide->controller[controller].me = me;
    if (device_find_property(me, "ready-delay") != NULL)
      ide->controller[controller].ready_delay =
	device_find_integer_property(me, "ready-delay");

  /* attach this device to its parent */

  /* determine our own address map */
  build_address_decoder(me, &ide->decoder);

int sp_db_connect(sp_db *aThis) {
    if (aThis && !aThis->m_DB) {
        if (sqlite3_open(
            #if defined (WIN32) || defined (WIN64)
                    , &aThis->m_DB) == SQLITE_OK) {
            if ((SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(aThis->m_DB,
                  "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
                   devices (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \
                   address CHAR(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL)",
                   0, 0, 0)) ||
                (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(aThis->m_DB,
                  "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
                   device_data (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \
                   did INTEGER NOT NULL, \
                   date INTEGER NOT NULL, state CHAR(255) NOT NULL)",
                   0, 0, 0))) {
                return 0;
            return 1;
        aThis->m_DB = 0;
    return 0;
Beispiel #6
Datei: hw_vm.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static int
hw_vm_ioctl(device *me,
	    cpu *processor,
	    unsigned_word cia,
	    device_ioctl_request request,
	    va_list ap)
  /* While the caller is notified that the heap has grown by the
     requested amount, the heap is actually extended out to a page
     boundary. */
  hw_vm_device *vm = (hw_vm_device*)device_data(me);
  switch (request) {
  case device_ioctl_break:
      unsigned_word requested_break = va_arg(ap, unsigned_word);
      unsigned_word new_break = ALIGN_8(requested_break);
      unsigned_word old_break = vm->heap_bound;
      signed_word delta = new_break - old_break;
      if (delta > 0)
	vm->heap_bound = ALIGN_PAGE(new_break);
    device_error(me, "Unsupported ioctl request");
  return 0;
Beispiel #7
Datei: hw_disk.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_disk_io_write_buffer(device *me,
			const void *source,
			int space,
			unsigned_word addr,
			unsigned nr_bytes,
			cpu *processor,
			unsigned_word cia)
  hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me);
  unsigned nr_bytes_written;
  if (space != 0)
    device_error(me, "write - extended disk addressing unimplemented");
  if (disk->read_only)
    nr_bytes_written = 0;
  else if (nr_bytes == 0)
    nr_bytes_written = 0;
  else if (fseek(disk->image, addr, SEEK_SET) < 0)
    nr_bytes_written = 0;
  else if (fwrite(source, nr_bytes, 1, disk->image) != 1)
    nr_bytes_written = 0;
    nr_bytes_written = nr_bytes;
  DTRACE(disk, ("io-write - address 0x%lx, nr-bytes-written %d, requested %d\n",
                (unsigned long) addr, (int)nr_bytes_written, (int)nr_bytes));
  return nr_bytes_written;
Beispiel #8
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
make_write_ready(void *data)
  device *me = (device*)data;
  hw_com_device *com = (hw_com_device*)device_data(me);
  com->output.ready = 1;
  update_com_interrupts(me, com);
Beispiel #9
Datei: hw_pal.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static device_instance *
hw_pal_create_instance(device *me,
		       const char *path,
		       const char *args)
  return device_create_instance_from(me, NULL,
				     path, args,
Beispiel #10
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static device_instance *
hw_com_create_instance(device *me,
		       const char *path,
		       const char *args)
  /* point an instance directly at the device */
  return device_create_instance_from(me, NULL,
				     path, args,
Beispiel #11
Datei: hw_pal.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
hw_pal_attach_address(device *me,
		      attach_type attach,
		      int space,
		      unsigned_word addr,
		      unsigned nr_bytes,
		      access_type access,
		      device *client)
  hw_pal_device *pal = (hw_pal_device*)device_data(me);
  pal->disk = client;
Beispiel #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // setup command line arguments
    po::options_description options("options");
        ("help", "show usage instructions")
        ("size", po::value<size_t>()->default_value(8192), "input size")
        ("trials", po::value<size_t>()->default_value(3), "number of trials to run")
        ("tune", "run tuning procedure")
    po::positional_options_description positional_options;
    positional_options.add("size", 1);

    // parse command line
    po::variables_map vm;
        po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)

    const size_t size = vm["size"].as<size_t>();
    const size_t trials = vm["trials"].as<size_t>();
    std::cout << "size: " << size << std::endl;

    // setup context and queue for the default device
    compute::device device = compute::system::default_device();
    compute::context context(device);
    compute::command_queue queue(context, device);
    std::cout << "device: " << << std::endl;

    // create vector of random numbers on the host
    std::vector<int> host_data(size);
    std::generate(host_data.begin(), host_data.end(), rand_int);

    // create vector on the device and copy the data
    compute::vector<int> device_data(
        host_data.begin(), host_data.end(), queue

    // run tuning proceure (if requested)
        tune_accumulate(device_data, trials, queue);

    // run benchmark
    double t = perf_accumulate(device_data, trials, queue);
    std::cout << "time: " << t / 1e6 << " ms" << std::endl;

    return 0;
Beispiel #13
static unsigned
hw_ide_io_write_buffer(device *me,
		       const void *source,
		       int space,
		       unsigned_word addr,
		       unsigned nr_bytes,
		       cpu *processor,
		       unsigned_word cia)
  hw_ide_device *ide = (hw_ide_device *)device_data(me);
  int control_nr;
  int reg;
  ide_controller *controller;

  /* find the interface */
  decode_address(me, &ide->decoder, space, addr, &control_nr, &reg, is_write);
  controller = &ide->controller[control_nr];

  /* process the access */
  switch (reg) {
  case ide_data_reg:
    do_fifo_write(me, controller, source, nr_bytes);
  case ide_command_reg:
    do_command(me, controller, *(unsigned8*)source);
  case ide_control_reg:
    controller->reg[reg] = *(unsigned8*)source;
    /* possibly cancel interrupts */
    if ((controller->reg[reg] & 0x02) == 0x02)
      clear_interrupt(me, controller);
  case ide_feature_reg:
  case ide_sector_count_reg:
  case ide_sector_number_reg:
  case ide_cylinder_reg0:
  case ide_cylinder_reg1:
  case ide_drive_head_reg:
  case ide_dma_command_reg:
  case ide_dma_status_reg:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg0:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg1:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg2:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg3:
    controller->reg[reg] = *(unsigned8*)source;
    device_error(me, "bus-error at 0x%lx", addr);
  return nr_bytes;
Beispiel #14
static unsigned
hw_ide_io_read_buffer(device *me,
		      void *dest,
		      int space,
		      unsigned_word addr,
		      unsigned nr_bytes,
		      cpu *processor,
		      unsigned_word cia)
  hw_ide_device *ide = (hw_ide_device *)device_data(me);
  int control_nr;
  int reg;
  ide_controller *controller;

  /* find the interface */
  decode_address(me, &ide->decoder, space, addr, &control_nr, &reg, is_read);
  controller = & ide->controller[control_nr];

  /* process the transfer */
  memset(dest, 0, nr_bytes);
  switch (reg) {
  case ide_data_reg:
    do_fifo_read(me, controller, dest, nr_bytes);
  case ide_status_reg:
    *(unsigned8*)dest = get_status(me, controller);
    clear_interrupt(me, controller);
  case ide_alternate_status_reg:
    *(unsigned8*)dest = get_status(me, controller);
  case ide_error_reg:
  case ide_sector_count_reg:
  case ide_sector_number_reg:
  case ide_cylinder_reg0:
  case ide_cylinder_reg1:
  case ide_drive_head_reg:
  case ide_control_reg:
  case ide_dma_command_reg:
  case ide_dma_status_reg:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg0:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg1:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg2:
  case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg3:
    *(unsigned8*)dest = controller->reg[reg];
    device_error(me, "bus-error at address 0x%lx", addr);
  return nr_bytes;
Beispiel #15
static void
hw_nvram_init_address(device *me)
  hw_nvram_device *nvram = (hw_nvram_device*)device_data(me);
  /* use the generic init code to attach this device to its parent bus */

  /* find the first non zero reg property and use that as the device
     size */
  if (nvram->sizeof_memory == 0) {
    reg_property_spec reg;
    int reg_nr;
    for (reg_nr = 0;
	 device_find_reg_array_property(me, "reg", reg_nr, &reg);
	 reg_nr++) {
      unsigned attach_size;
      if (device_size_to_attach_size(device_parent(me),
				     &reg.size, &attach_size,
				     me)) {
	nvram->sizeof_memory = attach_size;
    if (nvram->sizeof_memory == 0)
      device_error(me, "reg property must contain a non-zero phys-addr:size tupple");
    if (nvram->sizeof_memory < 8)
      device_error(me, "NVRAM must be at least 8 bytes in size");

  /* initialize the hw_nvram */
  if (nvram->memory == NULL) {
    nvram->memory = zalloc(nvram->sizeof_memory);
    memset(nvram->memory, 0, nvram->sizeof_memory);
  if (device_find_property(me, "timezone") == NULL)
    nvram->timezone = 0;
    nvram->timezone = device_find_integer_property(me, "timezone");
  nvram->addr_year = nvram->sizeof_memory - 1;
  nvram->addr_month = nvram->sizeof_memory - 2;
  nvram->addr_date = nvram->sizeof_memory - 3;
  nvram->addr_day = nvram->sizeof_memory - 4;
  nvram->addr_hour = nvram->sizeof_memory - 5;
  nvram->addr_minutes = nvram->sizeof_memory - 6;
  nvram->addr_seconds = nvram->sizeof_memory - 7;
  nvram->addr_control = nvram->sizeof_memory - 8;
Beispiel #16
Datei: hw_shm.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
hw_shm_init_data(device *me)
  hw_shm_device *shm = (hw_shm_device*)device_data(me);
  const device_unit *d;
  reg_property_spec reg;
  int i;

  /* Obtain the Key Value */
  if (device_find_property(me, "key") == NULL)
    error("shm_init_data() required key property is missing\n");

  shm->key = (key_t) device_find_integer_property(me, "key");
  DTRACE(shm, ("shm key (0x%08x)\n", shm->key) );
  /* Figure out where this memory is in address space and how long it is */
  if ( !device_find_reg_array_property(me, "reg", 0, &reg) )
    error("hw_shm_init_data() no address registered\n");

  /* Determine the address and length being as paranoid as possible */
  shm->physical_address = 0xffffffff;
  shm->sizeof_memory = 0xffffffff;

  for ( i=0 ; i<reg.address.nr_cells; i++ ) {
    if (reg.address.cells[0] == 0 && reg.size.cells[0] == 0)

    if ( shm->physical_address != 0xffffffff )
      device_error(me, "Only single celled address ranges supported\n");

    shm->physical_address = reg.address.cells[i];
    DTRACE(shm, ("shm physical_address=0x%x\n", shm->physical_address));

    shm->sizeof_memory = reg.size.cells[i];
    DTRACE(shm, ("shm length=0x%x\n", shm->sizeof_memory));

  if ( shm->physical_address == 0xffffffff )
    device_error(me, "Address not specified\n" );

  if ( shm->sizeof_memory == 0xffffffff )
    device_error(me, "Length not specified\n" );

  /* Now actually attach to or create the shared memory area */
  shm->id = shmget(shm->key, shm->sizeof_memory, IPC_CREAT | 0660);
  if (shm->id == -1)
    error("hw_shm_init_data() shmget failed\n");

  shm->shm_address = shmat(shm->id, (char *)0, SHM_RND);
  if (shm->shm_address == (void *)-1)
    error("hw_shm_init_data() shmat failed\n");
Beispiel #17
Datei: hw_core.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_core_dma_read_buffer_callback(device *me,
				 void *dest,
				 int space,
				 unsigned_word addr,
				 unsigned nr_bytes)
  core *memory = (core*)device_data(me);
  return core_map_read_buffer(core_readable(memory),
Beispiel #18
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static int
hw_com_instance_write(device_instance *instance,
		      const void *buf,
		      unsigned_word len)
  device *me = device_instance_device(instance);
  hw_com_device *com = device_data(me);
  if (com->output.file == NULL)
    return sim_io_write_stdout(buf, len);
  else {
    return fwrite(buf, 1, len, com->output.file);
Beispiel #19
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static int
hw_com_instance_read(device_instance *instance,
		     void *buf,
		     unsigned_word len)
  device *me = device_instance_device(instance);
  hw_com_device *com = device_data(me);
  if (com->input.file == NULL)
    return sim_io_read_stdin(buf, len);
  else {
    return fread(buf, 1, len, com->input.file);
Beispiel #20
static device_instance *
hw_eeprom_create_instance(device *me,
			  const char *path,
			  const char *args)
  hw_eeprom_device *eeprom = device_data(me);
  hw_eeprom_instance *data = ZALLOC(hw_eeprom_instance);
  data->eeprom = eeprom;
  data->me = me;
  return device_create_instance_from(me, NULL,
				     path, args,
Beispiel #21
static void
hw_eeprom_init_data(device *me)
  hw_eeprom_device *eeprom = (hw_eeprom_device*)device_data(me);

  /* have we any input or output files */
  if (device_find_property(me, "input-file") != NULL)
    eeprom->input_file_name = device_find_string_property(me, "input-file");
  if (device_find_property(me, "output-file") != NULL)
    eeprom->input_file_name = device_find_string_property(me, "output-file");

  /* figure out the sectors in the eeprom */
  if (eeprom->sectors == NULL) {
    eeprom->nr_sectors = device_find_integer_property(me, "nr-sectors");
    eeprom->sizeof_sector = device_find_integer_property(me, "sector-size");
    eeprom->sectors = zalloc(eeprom->nr_sectors);
    memset(eeprom->sectors, 0, eeprom->nr_sectors);

  /* initialize the eeprom */
  if (eeprom->memory == NULL) {
    eeprom->sizeof_memory = eeprom->sizeof_sector * eeprom->nr_sectors;
    eeprom->memory = zalloc(eeprom->sizeof_memory);
    memset(eeprom->memory, 0, eeprom->sizeof_memory);
  if (eeprom->input_file_name != NULL) {
    int i;
    FILE *input_file = fopen(eeprom->input_file_name, "r");
    if (input_file == NULL) {
      device_error(me, "Failed to open input file %s\n", eeprom->input_file_name);
    for (i = 0; i < eeprom->sizeof_memory; i++) {
      if (fread(&eeprom->memory[i], 1, 1, input_file) != 1)

  /* timing */
  eeprom->byte_write_delay = device_find_integer_property(me, "byte-write-delay");
  eeprom->sector_start_delay = device_find_integer_property(me, "sector-start-delay");
  eeprom->erase_delay = device_find_integer_property(me, "erase-delay");

  /* misc */
  eeprom->manufacture_code = device_find_integer_property(me, "manufacture-code");
  eeprom->device_code = device_find_integer_property(me, "device-code");
Beispiel #22
Datei: hw_sem.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
hw_sem_init_data(device *me)
  hw_sem_device *sem = (hw_sem_device*)device_data(me);
  const device_unit *d;
  int status;
  union semun help;

  /* initialize the properties of the sem */

  if (device_find_property(me, "key") == NULL)
    error("sem_init_data() required key property is missing\n");

  if (device_find_property(me, "value") == NULL)
    error("sem_init_data() required value property is missing\n");

  sem->key = (key_t) device_find_integer_property(me, "key");
  DTRACE(sem, ("semaphore key (%d)\n", sem->key) );

  sem->initial = (int) device_find_integer_property(me, "value");
  DTRACE(sem, ("semaphore initial value (%d)\n", sem->initial) );

  d = device_unit_address(me);
  sem->physical_address = d->cells[ d->nr_cells-1 ];
  DTRACE(sem, ("semaphore physical_address=0x%x\n", sem->physical_address));

  /* Now to initialize the semaphore */

  if ( sem->initial != -1 ) {

    sem->id = semget(sem->key, 1, IPC_CREAT | 0660);
    if (sem->id == -1)
      error("hw_sem_init_data() semget failed\n");

    help.val = sem->initial;
    status = semctl( sem->id, 0, SETVAL, help );
    if (status == -1)
      error("hw_sem_init_data() semctl -- set value failed\n");

  } else {
    sem->id = semget(sem->key, 1, 0660);
    if (sem->id == -1)
      error("hw_sem_init_data() semget failed\n");

  sem->count = semctl( sem->id, 0, GETVAL, help );
  if (sem->count == -1)
    error("hw_sem_init_data() semctl -- get value failed\n");
  DTRACE(sem, ("semaphore OS value (%d)\n", sem->count) );
Beispiel #23
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
hw_com_device_init_data(device *me)
  hw_com_device *com = (hw_com_device*)device_data(me);
  /* clean up */
  if (com->output.file != NULL)
  if (com->input.file != NULL)
  memset(com, 0, sizeof(hw_com_device));

  /* the fifo speed */
  com->output.delay = (device_find_property(me, "output-delay") != NULL
		       ? device_find_integer_property(me, "output-delay")
		       : 0);
  com->input.delay = (device_find_property(me, "input-delay") != NULL
		      ? device_find_integer_property(me, "input-delay")
		      : 0);

  /* the data source/sink */
  if (device_find_property(me, "input-file") != NULL) {
    const char *input_file = device_find_string_property(me, "input-file");
    com->input.file = fopen(input_file, "r");
    if (com->input.file == NULL)
      device_error(me, "Problem opening input file %s\n", input_file);
    if (device_find_property(me, "input-buffering") != NULL) {
      const char *buffering = device_find_string_property(me, "input-buffering");
      if (strcmp(buffering, "unbuffered") == 0)
	setbuf(com->input.file, NULL);
  if (device_find_property(me, "output-file") != NULL) {
    const char *output_file = device_find_string_property(me, "output-file");
    com->output.file = fopen(output_file, "w");
    if (com->output.file == NULL)
      device_error(me, "Problem opening output file %s\n", output_file);
    if (device_find_property(me, "output-buffering") != NULL) {
      const char *buffering = device_find_string_property(me, "output-buffering");
      if (strcmp(buffering, "unbuffered") == 0)
	setbuf(com->output.file, NULL);

  /* ready from the start */
  com->input.ready = 1;
  com->modem.carrier = 1;
  com->output.ready = 1;
Beispiel #24
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_com_io_write_buffer_callback(device *me,
				const void *source,
				int space,
				unsigned_word addr,
				unsigned nr_bytes,
				cpu *processor,
				unsigned_word cia)
  hw_com_device *com = device_data(me);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nr_bytes; i++) {
    write_com(me, com, addr + i, ((char*)source)[i]);
  return nr_bytes;
Beispiel #25
Datei: hw_com.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_com_io_read_buffer_callback(device *me,
			       void *dest,
			       int space,
			       unsigned_word addr,
			       unsigned nr_bytes,
			       cpu *processor,
			       unsigned_word cia)
  hw_com_device *com = device_data(me);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nr_bytes; i++) {
    read_com(me, com, addr + i, &((char*)dest)[i]);
  return nr_bytes;
Beispiel #26
Datei: hw_shm.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static void
hw_shm_attach_address_callback(device *me,
				attach_type attach,
				int space,
				unsigned_word addr,
				unsigned nr_bytes,
				access_type access,
				device *client) /*callback/default*/
  hw_shm_device *shm = (hw_shm_device*)device_data(me);

  if (space != 0)
    error("shm_attach_address_callback() invalid address space\n");

  if (nr_bytes == 0)
    error("shm_attach_address_callback() invalid size\n");
Beispiel #27
Datei: hw_core.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_core_dma_write_buffer_callback(device *me,
				  const void *source,
				  int space,
				  unsigned_word addr,
				  unsigned nr_bytes,
				  int violate_read_only_section)
  core *memory = (core*)device_data(me);
  core_map *map = (violate_read_only_section
		   ? core_readable(memory)
		   : core_writeable(memory));
  return core_map_write_buffer(map,
Beispiel #28
Datei: hw_pal.c Projekt: 5kg/gdb
static unsigned
hw_pal_io_read_buffer_callback(device *me,
			       void *dest,
			       int space,
			       unsigned_word addr,
			       unsigned nr_bytes,
			       cpu *processor,
			       unsigned_word cia)
  hw_pal_device *hw_pal = (hw_pal_device*)device_data(me);
  unsigned_1 val;
  switch (addr & hw_pal_address_mask) {
  case hw_pal_cpu_nr_register:
    val = cpu_nr(processor);
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - cpu-nr %d\n", val));
  case hw_pal_nr_cpu_register:
    val = tree_find_integer_property(me, "/openprom/options/smp");
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - nr-cpu %d\n", val));
  case hw_pal_read_fifo:
    val = hw_pal->input.buffer;
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - input-fifo %d\n", val));
  case hw_pal_read_status:
    val = hw_pal->input.status;
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - input-status %d\n", val));
  case hw_pal_write_fifo:
    val = hw_pal->output.buffer;
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - output-fifo %d\n", val));
  case hw_pal_write_status:
    val = hw_pal->output.status;
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - output-status %d\n", val));
    val = 0;
    DTRACE(pal, ("read - ???\n"));
  memset(dest, 0, nr_bytes);
  *(unsigned_1*)dest = val;
  return nr_bytes;
Beispiel #29
static unsigned
hw_eeprom_io_read_buffer(device *me,
			 void *dest,
			 int space,
			 unsigned_word addr,
			 unsigned nr_bytes,
			 cpu *processor,
			 unsigned_word cia)
  hw_eeprom_device *eeprom = (hw_eeprom_device*)device_data(me);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nr_bytes; i++) {
    unsigned_word address = (addr + i) % eeprom->sizeof_memory;
    unsigned8 byte = read_byte(me, eeprom, address);
    ((unsigned8*)dest)[i] = byte;
  return nr_bytes;
Beispiel #30
static unsigned
hw_eeprom_io_write_buffer(device *me,
			  const void *source,
			  int space,
			  unsigned_word addr,
			  unsigned nr_bytes,
			  cpu *processor,
			  unsigned_word cia)
  hw_eeprom_device *eeprom = (hw_eeprom_device*)device_data(me);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nr_bytes; i++) {
    unsigned_word address = (addr + i) % eeprom->sizeof_memory;
    unsigned8 byte = ((unsigned8*)source)[i];
    write_byte(me, eeprom, address, byte);
  return nr_bytes;