Beispiel #1
static void
create_ppc_aix_stack_frame(device *me,
			   unsigned_word bottom_of_stack,
			   char **argv,
			   char **envp)
  unsigned_word core_envp;
  unsigned_word core_argv;
  unsigned_word core_argc;
  unsigned_word core_aux;
  unsigned_word top_of_stack;

  /* cheat - create an elf stack frame */
  create_ppc_elf_stack_frame(me, bottom_of_stack, argv, envp);
  /* extract argument addresses from registers */
  psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0,
		     &top_of_stack, "r1", cooked_transfer);
  psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0,
		     &core_argc, "r3", cooked_transfer);
  psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0,
		     &core_argv, "r4", cooked_transfer);
  psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0,
		     &core_envp, "r5", cooked_transfer);
  psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0,
		     &core_aux, "r6", cooked_transfer);

  /* extract arguments from registers */
  device_error(me, "Unfinished procedure create_ppc_aix_stack_frame\n");
Beispiel #2
static void
create_ppc_elf_stack_frame(device *me,
			   unsigned_word bottom_of_stack,
			   char **argv,
			   char **envp)
  /* fixme - this is over aligned */

  /* information block */
  const unsigned sizeof_envp_block = sizeof_argument_strings(envp);
  const unsigned_word start_envp_block = bottom_of_stack - sizeof_envp_block;
  const unsigned sizeof_argv_block = sizeof_argument_strings(argv);
  const unsigned_word start_argv_block = start_envp_block - sizeof_argv_block;

  /* auxiliary vector - contains only one entry */
  const unsigned sizeof_aux_entry = 2*sizeof(unsigned_word); /* magic */
  const unsigned_word start_aux = start_argv_block - ALIGN_8(sizeof_aux_entry);

  /* environment points (including null sentinal) */
  const unsigned sizeof_envp = sizeof_arguments(envp);
  const unsigned_word start_envp = start_aux - sizeof_envp;

  /* argument pointers (including null sentinal) */
  const int argc = number_of_arguments(argv);
  const unsigned sizeof_argv = sizeof_arguments(argv);
  const unsigned_word start_argv = start_envp - sizeof_argv;

  /* link register save address - alligned to a 16byte boundary */
  const unsigned_word top_of_stack = ((start_argv
				       - 2 * sizeof(unsigned_word))
				      & ~0xf);

  /* install arguments on stack */
  write_stack_arguments(me, envp,
			start_envp_block, bottom_of_stack,
			start_envp, start_aux);
  write_stack_arguments(me, argv,
			start_argv_block, start_envp_block,
			start_argv, start_envp);

  /* set up the registers */
  psim_write_register(device_system(me), -1,
		      &top_of_stack, "sp", cooked_transfer);
  psim_write_register(device_system(me), -1,
		      &argc, "r3", cooked_transfer);
  psim_write_register(device_system(me), -1,
		      &start_argv, "r4", cooked_transfer);
  psim_write_register(device_system(me), -1,
		      &start_envp, "r5", cooked_transfer);
  psim_write_register(device_system(me), -1,
		      &start_aux, "r6", cooked_transfer);
Beispiel #3
static void
write_stack_arguments(device *me,
		      char **arg,
		      unsigned_word start_block,
		      unsigned_word end_block,
		      unsigned_word start_arg,
		      unsigned_word end_arg)
	("write_stack_arguments(device=%s, arg=0x%lx, start_block=0x%lx, end_block=0x%lx, start_arg=0x%lx, end_arg=0x%lx)\n",
	 device_name(me), (long)arg, (long)start_block, (long)end_block, (long)start_arg, (long)end_arg));
  if (arg == NULL)
    device_error(me, "Attempt to write a null array onto the stack\n");
  /* only copy in arguments, memory is already zero */
  for (; *arg != NULL; arg++) {
    int len = strlen(*arg)+1;
    unsigned_word target_start_block;
	  ("write_stack_arguments() write %s=%s at %s=0x%lx %s=0x%lx %s=0x%lx\n",
	   "**arg", *arg, "start_block", (long)start_block,
	   "len", (long)len, "start_arg", (long)start_arg));
    if (psim_write_memory(device_system(me), 0, *arg,
			  start_block, len,
			  0/*violate_readonly*/) != len)
      device_error(me, "Write of **arg (%s) at 0x%lx of stack failed\n",
		   *arg, (unsigned long)start_block);
    target_start_block = H2T_word(start_block);
    if (psim_write_memory(device_system(me), 0, &target_start_block,
			  start_arg, sizeof(target_start_block),
			  0) != sizeof(target_start_block))
      device_error(me, "Write of *arg onto stack failed\n");
    start_block += ALIGN_8(len);
    start_arg += sizeof(start_block);
  start_arg += sizeof(start_block); /*the null at the end*/
  if (start_block != end_block
      || ALIGN_8(start_arg) != end_arg)
    device_error(me, "Probable corrpution of stack arguments\n");
  DTRACE(stack, ("write_stack_arguments() = void\n"));
Beispiel #4
static void
do_register_init(device *me,
		 const device_property *prop)
  psim *system = device_system(me);
  if (prop != NULL) {
    const char *name = prop->name;
    unsigned32 value = device_find_integer_property(me, name);
    int processor;

    do_register_init(me, device_next_property(prop));

    if (strchr(name, '.') == NULL) {
      processor = -1;
      DTRACE(register, ("%s=0x%lx\n", name, (unsigned long)value));
    else {