Beispiel #1
/* width and height are in mm */
metafile newmetafile(const char *name, double width, double height)
    metafile obj;
    HDC hDC;
    RECT wr;
    static double cppix=-1, ppix, cppiy, ppiy;

     * In theory, (cppix=ppix) and (cppiy=ppiy). However, we
     * use the ratio to adjust the 'reference dimension'
     * in case.... ("Importing graph in MsWord" thread)
    if (cppix < 0) {
        cppix = 25.40 * devicewidth(NULL) / devicewidthmm(NULL);
        ppix  = 100 * devicepixelsx(NULL);
        cppiy = 25.40 * deviceheight(NULL) / deviceheightmm(NULL);
        ppiy = 100 * devicepixelsy(NULL);
    /* This is all very peculiar. We would really like to create
       a metafile measured in some sensible units, but it seems
       we get it in units of 0.01mm *on the current screen* with
       horizontal and vertical resolution set for that screen.
       And of course Windows is famous for getting screen sizes wrong.

    wr.left = 0; =  0 ;
    wr.right =  (ppix * width) / cppix ;
    wr.bottom = (ppiy * height) / cppiy ;

    /* Here the size is in 0.01mm units */
    hDC = CreateEnhMetaFile(NULL, strlen(name) ? name : NULL, &wr,
    if ( !hDC ) {
        R_ShowMessage(_("Unable to create metafile"));
        return NULL;
    obj = new_object(MetafileObject, (HANDLE) hDC, get_metafile_base());
    if ( !obj ) {
        R_ShowMessage(_("Insufficient memory to create metafile"));
        return NULL;
    /* In looks like Windows rounds up the width and height, so we
       do too.  1 out is common, but 2 out has been seen.
       This is needed to get complete painting of the background.
    obj->rect = rect(0, 0, 2+(ppix * width)/2540, 2+(ppiy * height)/2540);
    obj->depth = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(hDC, PLANES);
    obj->die = private_delmetafile;
    obj->drawstate = copydrawstate();
    obj->drawstate->dest = obj;
    settext(obj, name ? name : "");
    return obj;
Beispiel #2
static void editorprint(control m)
    printer lpr;
    font f;
    textbox t = getdata(m);
    const char *contents = gettext(t);
    char msg[LF_FACESIZE + 128];
    char *linebuf = NULL;
    int cc, rr, fh, page, linep, i, j, istartline;
    int top, left;

    if (!(lpr = newprinter(0.0, 0.0, ""))) return;
    f = gnewfont(lpr, strcmp(fontname, "FixedFont") ? fontname : "Courier New",
		 fontsty, pointsize, 0.0, 1);
    top = devicepixelsy(lpr) / 5;
    left = devicepixelsx(lpr) / 5;
    fh = fontheight(f);
    rr = getheight(lpr) - top;
    cc = getwidth(lpr) - 2*left;

    linep = rr; /* line in printer page */
    page = 1;
    i = 0;
    while (i < strlen(contents)) {
	if ( linep + fh >= rr ) { /* new page */
	    if (page > 1) nextpage(lpr);
	    snprintf(msg, LF_FACESIZE + 128, "Page %d", page++);
	    gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(cc - gstrwidth(lpr, f, msg) - 1, top),
	    linep = top + 2*fh;
	j = 0;
	istartline = i;
	while (contents[i] != '\n' && contents[i] != '\0') {
	    ++i; ++j;
	linebuf = realloc(linebuf, (j+1)*sizeof(char));
	strncpy(linebuf, &contents[istartline], j);
	linebuf[j] = '\0';
	gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(left, linep), linebuf);
	linep += fh;
    if (f != FixedFont) del(f);