Beispiel #1
/* (documented in header file) */
const char* dexProtoGetParameterDescriptors(const DexProto* pProto,
        DexStringCache* pCache) {
    DexParameterIterator iterator;
    size_t length = 1; /* +1 for the terminating '\0' */

    dexParameterIteratorInit(&iterator, pProto);

    for (;;) {
        const char* descriptor = dexParameterIteratorNextDescriptor(&iterator);
        if (descriptor == NULL) {

        length += strlen(descriptor);

    dexParameterIteratorInit(&iterator, pProto);

    dexStringCacheAlloc(pCache, length);
    char *at = (char*) pCache->value;

    for (;;) {
        const char* descriptor = dexParameterIteratorNextDescriptor(&iterator);
        if (descriptor == NULL) {

        strcpy(at, descriptor);
        at += strlen(descriptor);

    return pCache->value;
Beispiel #2
 * If the given DexStringCache doesn't already point at the given value,
 * make a copy of it into the cache. This always returns a writable
 * pointer to the contents (whether or not a copy had to be made). This
 * function is intended to be used after making a call that at least
 * sometimes doesn't populate a DexStringCache.
char* dexStringCacheEnsureCopy(DexStringCache* pCache, const char* value) {
    if (value != pCache->value) {
        size_t length = strlen(value) + 1;
        dexStringCacheAlloc(pCache, length);
        memcpy(pCache->value, value, length);

    return pCache->value;
 * Fills targetDescriptorCache with the descriptors of the classes in args.
 * This is the concatenation of the descriptors with no other adornment,
 * consistent with dexProtoGetParameterDescriptors.
static void createTargetDescriptor(ArrayObject* args,
    DexStringCache* targetDescriptorCache)
    ClassObject** argsArray = (ClassObject**)(void*)args->contents;
    size_t length = 1; /* +1 for the terminating '\0' */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < args->length; ++i) {
        length += strlen(argsArray[i]->descriptor);

    dexStringCacheAlloc(targetDescriptorCache, length);

    char* at = (char*) targetDescriptorCache->value;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < args->length; ++i) {
        const char* descriptor = argsArray[i]->descriptor;
        strcpy(at, descriptor);
        at += strlen(descriptor);
Beispiel #4
/* (documented in header file) */
const char* dexProtoGetMethodDescriptor(const DexProto* pProto,
        DexStringCache* pCache) {
    const DexFile* dexFile = pProto->dexFile;
#ifdef FASTIVA
		//const fastiva_MethodInfo* pMethod = (const fastiva_MethodInfo*)pProto->protoIdx;
		int args = FASTIVA_ARG_LIST_ID(pProto);
		int ret_t = FASTIVA_RET_TTYPE_ID(pProto);
		char buff[1024];
		char* dst = buff;
		*dst ++  = '(';

		JNI_ArgIterator it;
		const char* sig;
		for (int i = it.init(args); --i >= -1; ) {
			if (i < 0) {
				*dst++ = ')';
				sig = d2f_getTypeDescriptor(ret_t);
			else {
				sig = d2f_getTypeDescriptor(it.nextID());
			int len = strlen(sig);
			memcpy(dst, sig, len);
			dst += len;
		*dst++ = 0;
		int len = dst - buff;
		dexStringCacheAlloc(pCache, len);
		char *at = (char*) pCache->value;
		memcpy(at, buff, len);
		return pCache->value;
    const DexProtoId* protoId = getProtoId(pProto);
    const DexTypeList* typeList = dexGetProtoParameters(dexFile, protoId);
    size_t length = 3; // parens and terminating '\0'
    u4 paramCount = (typeList == NULL) ? 0 : typeList->size;
    u4 i;

    for (i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
        u4 idx = dexTypeListGetIdx(typeList, i);
        length += strlen(dexStringByTypeIdx(dexFile, idx));

    length += strlen(dexStringByTypeIdx(dexFile, protoId->returnTypeIdx));

    dexStringCacheAlloc(pCache, length);

    char *at = (char*) pCache->value;
    *(at++) = '(';

    for (i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
        u4 idx = dexTypeListGetIdx(typeList, i);
        const char* desc = dexStringByTypeIdx(dexFile, idx);
        strcpy(at, desc);
        at += strlen(desc);

    *(at++) = ')';

    strcpy(at, dexStringByTypeIdx(dexFile, protoId->returnTypeIdx));
    return pCache->value;