void ScoreLoopThread::DisplayDialog(AppData_t *app, const char* title, const char* message) {
	/* Close a former dialog - if any */
	if (app->dialog) {
		app->dialog = 0;

	/* Open a new alert dialog here - you would probably want to do something more elaborate */
	dialog_set_title_text(app->dialog, title);
	dialog_set_alert_message_text(app->dialog, message);
	dialog_add_button(app->dialog, DIALOG_OK_LABEL, true, NULL, true);
bool QQnxFileDialogHelper::show(Qt::WindowFlags flags, Qt::WindowModality modality, QWindow *parent)
    qFileDialogHelperDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;

    QQnxBpsEventFilter *eventFilter = m_integration->bpsEventFilter();
    // We *really* need the bps event filter ;)
    if (!eventFilter)
        return false;

    // Native dialogs can only handle application modal use cases so far
    if (modality != Qt::ApplicationModal)
        return false;

    // Tear down any existing dialog and start again as dialog mode may have changed
    if (m_dialog) {
        m_dialog = 0;

    // Create dialog
    const QSharedPointer<QFileDialogOptions> &opts = options();
    if (opts->acceptMode() == QFileDialogOptions::AcceptOpen) {
        if (dialog_create_filebrowse(&m_dialog) != BPS_SUCCESS) {
            qWarning("dialog_create_filebrowse failed");
            return false;

        // Select one or many files?
        bool multiSelect = (opts->fileMode() == QFileDialogOptions::ExistingFiles);
        dialog_set_filebrowse_multiselect(m_dialog, multiSelect);

        // Set the actual list of extensions
        if (!opts->nameFilters().isEmpty()) {
            qFileDialogHelperDebug() << "nameFilters =" << opts->nameFilters();
        } else {
            QString defaultNameFilter = QStringLiteral("*.*");
    } else {
        if (dialog_create_filesave(&m_dialog) != BPS_SUCCESS) {
            qWarning("dialog_create_filesave failed");
            return false;

        // Maybe pre-select a filename
        if (!opts->initiallySelectedFiles().isEmpty()) {
            QString fileName = opts->initiallySelectedFiles().first().toLocalFile();
            dialog_set_filesave_filename(m_dialog, QFile::encodeName(fileName).constData());

        // Add OK and Cancel buttons. We add the buttons in the order "CANCEL" followed by "OK
        // such that they have indices matching the buttons on the file open dialog which
        // is automatically populated with buttons.
        if (dialog_add_button(m_dialog, tr("CANCEL").toLocal8Bit().constData(), true, 0, true) != BPS_SUCCESS) {
            qWarning("dialog_add_button failed");
            return false;

        if (dialog_add_button(m_dialog, tr("OK").toLocal8Bit().constData(), true, 0, true) != BPS_SUCCESS) {
            qWarning("dialog_add_button failed");
            return false;

    // Cache the accept mode so we know which functions to use to get the results back
    m_acceptMode = opts->acceptMode();

    // Set the libscreen window group and common properties

    QQnxScreen *nativeScreen = parent ? static_cast<QQnxScreen *>(parent->screen()->handle()) :
    dialog_set_group_id(m_dialog, nativeScreen->windowGroupName());
    dialog_set_title_text(m_dialog, opts->windowTitle().toLocal8Bit().constData());

    // Register ourselves for dialog domain events from bps

    // Show the dialog

    return true;