Beispiel #1
void file_load(fpath filename) {

  filename = asset_map_filename(filename);

  if (dict_contains(asset_dict, filename.ptr)) {
    error("Asset '%s' already loaded", filename.ptr);

  fpath ext;
  SDL_PathFileExtension(ext.ptr, filename.ptr);

  for(int i=0; i < num_asset_handlers; i++) {
    asset_handler handler = asset_handlers[i];

    if (strcmp(ext.ptr, handler.extension) == 0) {
      debug("Loading: '%s'", filename.ptr);
      asset* a = handler.load_func(filename.ptr);
      dict_set(asset_dict, filename.ptr, a);


Beispiel #2
char variable_exists(char*name) 
    return dict_contains(state->vars, name);
Beispiel #3
dnode_t *dict_delete(dict_t *dict, dnode_t *target)
    dnode_t *nil = dict_nil(dict), *child, *delparent = target->parent;

    /* basic deletion */

    assert (!dict_isempty(dict));
    assert (dict_contains(dict, target));

     * If the node being deleted has two children, then we replace it with its
     * successor (i.e. the leftmost node in the right subtree.) By doing this,
     * we avoid the traditional algorithm under which the successor's key and
     * value *only* move to the deleted node and the successor is spliced out
     * from the tree. We cannot use this approach because the user may hold
     * pointers to the successor, or nodes may be inextricably tied to some
     * other structures by way of embedding, etc. So we must splice out the
     * node we are given, not some other node, and must not move contents from
     * one node to another behind the user's back.

    if (target->left != nil && target->right != nil) {
        dnode_t *next = dict_next(dict, target);
        dnode_t *nextparent = next->parent;
        dnode_color_t nextcolor = next->color;

        assert (next != nil);
        assert (next->parent != nil);
        assert (next->left == nil);

         * First, splice out the successor from the tree completely, by
         * moving up its right child into its place.

        child = next->right;
        child->parent = nextparent;

        if (nextparent->left == next) {
            nextparent->left = child;
        } else {
            assert (nextparent->right == next);
            nextparent->right = child;

         * Now that the successor has been extricated from the tree, install it
         * in place of the node that we want deleted.

        next->parent = delparent;
        next->left = target->left;
        next->right = target->right;
        next->left->parent = next;
        next->right->parent = next;
        next->color = target->color;
        target->color = nextcolor;

        if (delparent->left == target) {
            delparent->left = next;
        } else {
            assert (delparent->right == target);
            delparent->right = next;

    } else {
        assert (target != nil);
        assert (target->left == nil || target->right == nil);

        child = (target->left != nil) ? target->left : target->right;

        child->parent = delparent = target->parent;

        if (target == delparent->left) {
            delparent->left = child;
        } else {
            assert (target == delparent->right);
            delparent->right = child;

    target->parent = NULL;
    target->right = NULL;
    target->left = NULL;


    assert (verify_bintree(dict));

    /* red-black adjustments */

    if (target->color == dnode_black) {
        dnode_t *parent, *sister;

        dict_root(dict)->color = dnode_red;

        while (child->color == dnode_black) {
            parent = child->parent;
            if (child == parent->left) {
                sister = parent->right;
                assert (sister != nil);
                if (sister->color == dnode_red) {
                    sister->color = dnode_black;
                    parent->color = dnode_red;
                    sister = parent->right;
                    assert (sister != nil);
                if (sister->left->color == dnode_black
                        && sister->right->color == dnode_black) {
                    sister->color = dnode_red;
                    child = parent;
                } else {
                    if (sister->right->color == dnode_black) {
                        assert (sister->left->color == dnode_red);
                        sister->left->color = dnode_black;
                        sister->color = dnode_red;
                        sister = parent->right;
                        assert (sister != nil);
                    sister->color = parent->color;
                    sister->right->color = dnode_black;
                    parent->color = dnode_black;
            } else {    /* symmetric case: child == child->parent->right */
                assert (child == parent->right);
                sister = parent->left;
                assert (sister != nil);
                if (sister->color == dnode_red) {
                    sister->color = dnode_black;
                    parent->color = dnode_red;
                    sister = parent->left;
                    assert (sister != nil);
                if (sister->right->color == dnode_black
                        && sister->left->color == dnode_black) {
                    sister->color = dnode_red;
                    child = parent;
                } else {
                    if (sister->left->color == dnode_black) {
                        assert (sister->right->color == dnode_red);
                        sister->right->color = dnode_black;
                        sister->color = dnode_red;
                        sister = parent->left;
                        assert (sister != nil);
                    sister->color = parent->color;
                    sister->left->color = dnode_black;
                    parent->color = dnode_black;

        child->color = dnode_black;
        dict_root(dict)->color = dnode_black;

    assert (dict_verify(dict));

    return target;
Beispiel #4
void dict_insert(dict_t *dict, dnode_t *node, const void *key)
    dnode_t *where = dict_root(dict), *nil = dict_nil(dict);
    dnode_t *parent = nil, *uncle, *grandpa;
    int result = -1;

    node->key = key;

    assert (!dict_isfull(dict));
    assert (!dict_contains(dict, node));
    assert (!dnode_is_in_a_dict(node));

    /* basic binary tree insert */

    while (where != nil) {
        parent = where;
        result = dict->compare(key, where->key);
        /* trap attempts at duplicate key insertion unless it's explicitly allowed */
        assert (dict->dupes || result != 0);
        if (result < 0)
            where = where->left;
            where = where->right;

    assert (where == nil);

    if (result < 0)
        parent->left = node;
        parent->right = node;

    node->parent = parent;
    node->left = nil;
    node->right = nil;


    /* red black adjustments */

    node->color = dnode_red;

    while (parent->color == dnode_red) {
        grandpa = parent->parent;
        if (parent == grandpa->left) {
            uncle = grandpa->right;
            if (uncle->color == dnode_red) {    /* red parent, red uncle */
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                uncle->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;
                node = grandpa;
                parent = grandpa->parent;
            } else {                            /* red parent, black uncle */
                if (node == parent->right) {
                    parent = node;
                    assert (grandpa == parent->parent);
                    /* rotation between parent and child preserves grandpa */
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;
        } else {        /* symmetric cases: parent == parent->parent->right */
            uncle = grandpa->left;
            if (uncle->color == dnode_red) {
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                uncle->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;
                node = grandpa;
                parent = grandpa->parent;
            } else {
                if (node == parent->left) {
                    parent = node;
                    assert (grandpa == parent->parent);
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;

    dict_root(dict)->color = dnode_black;

    assert (dict_verify(dict));
Beispiel #5
bool file_isloaded(fpath path) {
  path = asset_map_filename(path);
  return dict_contains(asset_dict, path.ptr);
const void * fc_solve_kaz_tree_insert(dict_t *dict, dnode_t *node, const void *key)
    dnode_t *where = dict_root(dict), *nil = dict_nil(dict);
    dnode_t *parent = nil, *uncle, *grandpa;
    int result = -1;

    node->key = key;

    assert (!dict_isfull(dict));
    assert (!dict_contains(dict, node));
    assert (!dnode_is_in_a_dict(node));

    /* basic binary tree insert */

    while (where != nil) {
        parent = where;
        result = dict->compare(key, where->key, dict->context);

        /* We are remming it out because instead of duplicating the key
         * we return the existing key. -- Shlomi Fish, fc-solve.
         * */
#if 0
        /* trap attempts at duplicate key insertion unless it's explicitly allowed */
        assert (dict->dupes || result != 0);
        if (result == 0)
            return where->dict_key;
        else if (result < 0)
            where = where->left;
            where = where->right;

    assert (where == nil);

    if (result < 0)
        parent->left = node;
        parent->right = node;

    node->parent = parent;
    node->left = nil;
    node->right = nil;

#ifdef NO_FC_SOLVE

    /* red black adjustments */

    node->color = dnode_red;

    while (parent->color == dnode_red) {
        grandpa = parent->parent;
        if (parent == grandpa->left) {
            uncle = grandpa->right;
            if (uncle->color == dnode_red) {    /* red parent, red uncle */
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                uncle->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;
                node = grandpa;
                parent = grandpa->parent;
            } else {                            /* red parent, black uncle */
                if (node == parent->right) {
                    parent = node;
                    assert (grandpa == parent->parent);
                    /* rotation between parent and child preserves grandpa */
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;
        } else {        /* symmetric cases: parent == parent->parent->right */
            uncle = grandpa->left;
            if (uncle->color == dnode_red) {
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                uncle->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;
                node = grandpa;
                parent = grandpa->parent;
            } else {
                if (node == parent->left) {
                    parent = node;
                    assert (grandpa == parent->parent);
                parent->color = dnode_black;
                grandpa->color = dnode_red;

    dict_root(dict)->color = dnode_black;

    assert (dict_verify(dict));

    return NULL;