int prDirectory_At(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	PyrSlot *dirPathSlot = slotRawObject(a)->slots + 0;
	int err, index;
	err = slotIntVal(c, &index);
	if (err) {
		return err;

	char name[256], fullPathName[256];
	int nameLength, creationDate, modificationDate, isDirectory, isVisible, sizeIfFile;
	int dirPathLength = slotRawObject(dirPathSlot)->size;

	err = dir_Lookup(slotRawObject(dirPathSlot)s->s, dirPathLength, index+1,
		name, &nameLength, &creationDate, &modificationDate, &isDirectory, &isVisible, &sizeIfFile);
	if (err == 1) {
		return errNone;
	if (err) {
		error("Invalid path\n");
		return errFailed;

	if (dirPathLength + nameLength + 1 > 255) {
		error("Full path name too long.\n");
		return errFailed;

	PyrSlot *entryName = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 0;
	PyrSlot *entryPath = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 1;
	PyrSlot *entryIsDir = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 2;
	PyrSlot *entryIsVisible = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 3;

	PyrString *nameString = newPyrString(g->gc, name, 0, true);
	SetObject(entryName, nameString);
	g->gc->GCWrite(slotRawObject(b), (PyrObject*)nameString);

	memcpy(fullPathName, slotRawObject(dirPathSlot)s->s, dirPathLength);
	fullPathName[dirPathLength] = DELIMITOR;
	strcpy(fullPathName + dirPathLength + 1, name);

	PyrString *pathString = newPyrString(g->gc, fullPathName, 0, true);
	SetObject(entryPath, pathString);
	g->gc->GCWrite(slotRawObject(b), (PyrObject*)pathString);

	if (isDirectory) { SetTrue(entryIsDir); } else { SetFalse(entryIsDir); }
	if (isVisible) { SetTrue(entryIsVisible); } else { SetFalse(entryIsVisible); }


	return errNone;
Beispiel #2
    sqInt createDate;
    sqInt dirFlag;
    char entryName[256];
    sqInt entryNameSize;
    squeakFileOffsetType fileSize;
    sqInt index;
    sqInt modifiedDate;
    sqInt okToList;
    sqInt pathName;
    char *pathNameIndex;
    sqInt pathNameSize;
    sqInt status;

	index = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(0);
	pathName = interpreterProxy->stackValue(1);
	if (!(interpreterProxy->isBytes(pathName))) {
		return interpreterProxy->primitiveFail();
	pathNameIndex = interpreterProxy->firstIndexableField(pathName);

	/* If the security plugin can be loaded, use it to check for permission.
	If not, assume it's ok */

	pathNameSize = interpreterProxy->byteSizeOf(pathName);
	if (sCLPfn != 0) {
		okToList = ((sqInt (*)(char *, sqInt))sCLPfn)(pathNameIndex, pathNameSize);
	else {
		okToList = 1;
	if (okToList) {
		status = dir_Lookup(pathNameIndex, pathNameSize, index,
												entryName, &entryNameSize, &createDate,
												&modifiedDate, &dirFlag, &fileSize);
	else {
		status = DirNoMoreEntries;
	if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
		return null;
	if (status == DirNoMoreEntries) {
		interpreterProxy->popthenPush(3, interpreterProxy->nilObject());
		return null;
	if (status == DirBadPath) {
		return interpreterProxy->primitiveFail();
	interpreterProxy->popthenPush(3, makeDirEntryNamesizecreateDatemodDateisDirfileSize(entryName, entryNameSize, createDate, modifiedDate, dirFlag, fileSize));
	// FilePlugin>>#primitiveDirectoryLookup
    sqInt createDate;
    sqInt dirFlag;
    char entryName[256];
    sqInt entryNameSize;
    squeakFileOffsetType fileSize;
    sqInt index;
    sqInt modifiedDate;
    sqInt okToList;
    sqInt pathName;
    char *pathNameIndex;
    sqInt pathNameSize;
    sqInt posixPermissions;
    sqInt status;
    sqInt symlinkFlag;

	index = stackIntegerValue(0);
	pathName = stackValue(1);
	if (!(isBytes(pathName))) {
		return primitiveFail();
	pathNameIndex = firstIndexableField(pathName);

	/* If the security plugin can be loaded, use it to check for permission.
	   If not, assume it's ok */

	pathNameSize = byteSizeOf(pathName);
	if (sCLPfn != 0) {
		okToList = ((sqInt (*)(char *, sqInt))sCLPfn)(pathNameIndex, pathNameSize);
	else {
okToList = 1;
	if (okToList) {
status = dir_Lookup(
	else {
status = DirNoMoreEntries;
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	if (status == DirNoMoreEntries) {

		/* no more entries; return nil */
		/* pop pathName, index, rcvr */

popthenPush(3, nilObject());
		return null;
	if (status == DirBadPath) {
return primitiveFail();
	popthenPush(3, makeDirEntryNamesizecreateDatemodDateisDirfileSizeposixPermissionsisSymlink(entryName, entryNameSize, createDate, modifiedDate, dirFlag, fileSize, posixPermissions, symlinkFlag));