Beispiel #1
void wxControlContainer::HandleOnNavigationKey( wxNavigationKeyEvent& event )
    // for a TLW we shouldn't involve the parent window, it has nothing to do
    // with keyboard navigation inside this TLW
    wxWindow *parent = m_winParent->IsTopLevel() ? NULL
                                                 : m_winParent->GetParent();

    // the event is propagated downwards if the event emitter was our parent
    bool goingDown = event.GetEventObject() == parent;

    const wxWindowList& children = m_winParent->GetChildren();

    // if we have exactly one notebook-like child window (actually it could be
    // any window that returns true from its HasMultiplePages()), then
    // [Shift-]Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-PageUp/Down keys should iterate over its pages
    // even if the focus is outside of the control because this is how the
    // standard MSW properties dialogs behave and we do it under other platforms
    // as well because it seems like a good idea -- but we can always put this
    // block inside "#ifdef __WXMSW__" if it's not suitable there
    if ( event.IsWindowChange() && !goingDown )
        // check if we have a unique notebook-like child
        wxWindow *bookctrl = NULL;
        for ( wxWindowList::const_iterator i = children.begin(),
                                         end = children.end();
              i != end;
              ++i )
            wxWindow * const window = *i;
            if ( window->HasMultiplePages() )
                if ( bookctrl )
                    // this is the second book-like control already so don't do
                    // anything as we don't know which one should have its page
                    // changed
                    bookctrl = NULL;

                bookctrl = window;

        if ( bookctrl )
            // make sure that we don't bubble up the event again from the book
            // control resulting in infinite recursion
            wxNavigationKeyEvent eventCopy(event);
            if ( bookctrl->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(eventCopy) )

    // there is not much to do if we don't have children and we're not
    // interested in "notebook page change" events here
    if ( !children.GetCount() || event.IsWindowChange() )
        // let the parent process it unless it already comes from our parent
        // of we don't have any
        if ( goingDown ||
             !parent || !parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )


    // where are we going?
    const bool forward = event.GetDirection();

    // the node of the children list from which we should start looking for the
    // next acceptable child
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node, start_node;

    // we should start from the first/last control and not from the one which
    // had focus the last time if we're propagating the event downwards because
    // for our parent we look like a single control
    if ( goingDown )
        // just to be sure it's not used (normally this is not necessary, but
        // doesn't hurt neither)
        m_winLastFocused = NULL;

        // start from first or last depending on where we're going
        node = forward ? children.GetFirst() : children.GetLast();
    else // going up
        // try to find the child which has the focus currently

        // the event emitter might have done this for us
        wxWindow *winFocus = event.GetCurrentFocus();

        // but if not, we might know where the focus was ourselves
        if (!winFocus)
            winFocus = m_winLastFocused;

        // if still no luck, do it the hard way
        if (!winFocus)
            winFocus = wxWindow::FindFocus();

        if ( winFocus )
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && wxUSE_RADIOBTN
            // If we are in a radio button group, start from the first item in the
            // group
            if ( event.IsFromTab() && wxIsKindOf(winFocus, wxRadioButton ) )
                winFocus = wxGetFirstButtonInGroup((wxRadioButton*)winFocus);
#endif // __WXMSW__
            // ok, we found the focus - now is it our child?
            start_node = children.Find( winFocus );

        if ( !start_node && m_winLastFocused )
            // window which has focus isn't our child, fall back to the one
            // which had the focus the last time
            start_node = children.Find( m_winLastFocused );

        // if we still didn't find anything, we should start with the first one
        if ( !start_node )
            start_node = children.GetFirst();

        // and the first child which we can try setting focus to is the next or
        // the previous one
        node = forward ? start_node->GetNext() : start_node->GetPrevious();

    // we want to cycle over all elements passing by NULL
    for ( ;; )
        // don't go into infinite loop
        if ( start_node && node && node == start_node )

        // Have we come to the last or first item on the panel?
        if ( !node )
            if ( !start_node )
                // exit now as otherwise we'd loop forever

            if ( !goingDown )
                // Check if our (maybe grand) parent is another panel: if this
                // is the case, they will know what to do with this navigation
                // key and so give them the chance to process it instead of
                // looping inside this panel (normally, the focus will go to
                // the next/previous item after this panel in the parent
                // panel).
                wxWindow *focusedParent = m_winParent;
                while ( parent )
                    // We don't want to tab into a different dialog or frame or
                    // even an MDI child frame, so test for this explicitly
                    // (and in particular don't just use IsTopLevel() which
                    // would return false in the latter case).
                    if ( focusedParent->IsTopNavigationDomain() )

                    event.SetCurrentFocus( focusedParent );
                    if ( parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) )

                    focusedParent = parent;

                    parent = parent->GetParent();
            //else: as the focus came from our parent, we definitely don't want
            //      to send it back to it!

            // no, we are not inside another panel so process this ourself
            node = forward ? children.GetFirst() : children.GetLast();


        wxWindow *child = node->GetData();

        // don't TAB to another TLW
        if ( child->IsTopLevel() )
            node = forward ? node->GetNext() : node->GetPrevious();


#if defined(__WXMSW__) && wxUSE_RADIOBTN
        if ( event.IsFromTab() )
            if ( wxIsKindOf(child, wxRadioButton) )
                // only radio buttons with either wxRB_GROUP or wxRB_SINGLE
                // can be tabbed to
                if ( child->HasFlag(wxRB_GROUP) )
                    // need to tab into the active button within a group
                    wxRadioButton *rb = wxGetSelectedButtonInGroup((wxRadioButton*)child);
                    if ( rb )
                        child = rb;
                else if ( !child->HasFlag(wxRB_SINGLE) )
                    node = forward ? node->GetNext() : node->GetPrevious();
        else if ( m_winLastFocused &&
                  wxIsKindOf(m_winLastFocused, wxRadioButton) &&
                  !m_winLastFocused->HasFlag(wxRB_SINGLE) )
            wxRadioButton * const
                lastBtn = static_cast<wxRadioButton *>(m_winLastFocused);

            // cursor keys don't navigate out of a radio button group so
            // find the correct radio button to focus
            if ( forward )
                child = wxGetNextButtonInGroup(lastBtn);
                if ( !child )
                    // no next button in group, set it to the first button
                    child = wxGetFirstButtonInGroup(lastBtn);
                child = wxGetPreviousButtonInGroup(lastBtn);
                if ( !child )
                    // no previous button in group, set it to the last button
                    child = wxGetLastButtonInGroup(lastBtn);

            if ( child == m_winLastFocused )
                // must be a group consisting of only one button therefore
                // no need to send a navigation event
#endif // __WXMSW__

        if ( child->CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard() )
            // if we're setting the focus to a child panel we should prevent it
            // from giving it to the child which had the focus the last time
            // and instead give it to the first/last child depending from which
            // direction we're coming

            // disable propagation for this call as otherwise the event might
            // bounce back to us.
            wxPropagationDisabler disableProp(event);
            if ( !child->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
                // set it first in case SetFocusFromKbd() results in focus
                // change too
                m_winLastFocused = child;

                // everything is simple: just give focus to it
            //else: the child manages its focus itself

            event.Skip( false );


        node = forward ? node->GetNext() : node->GetPrevious();

    // we cycled through all of our children and none of them wanted to accept
    // focus
Beispiel #2
void wxControlContainer::HandleOnNavigationKey( wxNavigationKeyEvent& event )
    wxWindow *parent = m_winParent->GetParent();

    // the event is propagated downwards if the event emitter was our parent
    bool goingDown = event.GetEventObject() == parent;

    const wxWindowList& children = m_winParent->GetChildren();

    // there is not much to do if we don't have children and we're not
    // interested in "notebook page change" events here
    if ( !children.GetCount() || event.IsWindowChange() )
        // let the parent process it unless it already comes from our parent
        // of we don't have any
        if ( goingDown ||
             !parent || !parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )


    // where are we going?
    bool forward = event.GetDirection();

    // the node of the children list from which we should start looking for the
    // next acceptable child
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node, start_node;

    // we should start from the first/last control and not from the one which
    // had focus the last time if we're propagating the event downwards because
    // for our parent we look like a single control
    if ( goingDown )
        // just to be sure it's not used (normally this is not necessary, but
        // doesn't hurt neither)
        m_winLastFocused = (wxWindow *)NULL;

        // start from first or last depending on where we're going
        node = forward ? children.GetFirst() : children.GetLast();

        // we want to cycle over all nodes
        start_node = wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator();
        // try to find the child which has the focus currently

        // the event emitter might have done this for us
        wxWindow *winFocus = event.GetCurrentFocus();

        // but if not, we might know where the focus was ourselves
        if (!winFocus)
            winFocus = m_winLastFocused;

        // if still no luck, do it the hard way
        if (!winFocus)
            winFocus = wxWindow::FindFocus();

        if ( winFocus )
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            // If we are in a radio button group, start from the first item in the
            // group
            if ( event.IsFromTab() && wxIsKindOf(winFocus, wxRadioButton ) )
                winFocus = wxGetFirstButtonInGroup((wxRadioButton*)winFocus);
            // ok, we found the focus - now is it our child?
            start_node = children.Find( winFocus );
            start_node = wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator();

        if ( !start_node && m_winLastFocused )
            // window which has focus isn't our child, fall back to the one
            // which had the focus the last time
            start_node = children.Find( m_winLastFocused );

        // if we still didn't find anything, we should start with the first one
        if ( !start_node )
            start_node = children.GetFirst();

        // and the first child which we can try setting focus to is the next or
        // the previous one
        node = forward ? start_node->GetNext() : start_node->GetPrevious();

    // we want to cycle over all elements passing by NULL
    while ( node != start_node )
        // Have we come to the last or first item on the panel?
        if ( !node )
            if ( !goingDown )
                // Check if our (may be grand) parent is another panel: if this
                // is the case, they will know what to do with this navigation
                // key and so give them the chance to process it instead of
                // looping inside this panel (normally, the focus will go to
                // the next/previous item after this panel in the parent
                // panel).
                wxWindow *focussed_child_of_parent = m_winParent;
                while ( parent )
                    // we don't want to tab into a different dialog or frame
                    if ( focussed_child_of_parent->IsTopLevel() )

                    event.SetCurrentFocus( focussed_child_of_parent );
                    if ( parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) )

                    focussed_child_of_parent = parent;

                    parent = parent->GetParent();
            //else: as the focus came from our parent, we definitely don't want
            //      to send it back to it!

            // no, we are not inside another panel so process this ourself
            node = forward ? children.GetFirst() : children.GetLast();


        wxWindow *child = node->GetData();

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        bool canSelectRadioButton = true;
        if (!event.IsFromTab())
            // If navigating using cursor keys, make sure not to navigate out of a radio button group.
            if (m_winLastFocused && wxIsKindOf(m_winLastFocused, wxRadioButton))
                if (!wxIsKindOf(child, wxRadioButton))
                    child = forward ?
                                wxGetNextButtonInGroup((wxRadioButton*)m_winLastFocused) :
                    if (!child)
            // If navigating using tabs, skip all but the first radio button in a group.
            if (wxIsKindOf(child, wxRadioButton))
                if (wxGetPreviousButtonInGroup((wxRadioButton*)child))
                    canSelectRadioButton = false;
        static bool canSelectRadioButton = true;

        if ( child->AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() && canSelectRadioButton )
            // if we're setting the focus to a child panel we should prevent it
            // from giving it to the child which had the focus the last time
            // and instead give it to the first/last child depending from which
            // direction we're coming

#if defined(__WXMSW__)
            // we need to hop to the next activated
            // radio button, not just the next radio
            // button under MSW
            if (wxIsKindOf(child, wxRadioButton) && event.IsFromTab())
                wxRadioButton *rb = wxGetSelectedButtonInGroup((wxRadioButton*)child);
                if (rb)
                    child = rb;
#endif // __WXMSW__

            // disable propagation for this call as otherwise the event might
            // bounce back to us.
            wxPropagationDisabler disableProp(event);
            if ( !child->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
                // set it first in case SetFocusFromKbd() results in focus
                // change too
                m_winLastFocused = child;

                // everything is simple: just give focus to it
            //else: the child manages its focus itself

            event.Skip( false );


        node = forward ? node->GetNext() : node->GetPrevious();

    // we cycled through all of our children and none of them wanted to accept
    // focus