Beispiel #1
void wxModalEventLoop::DoRun()
    wxWindowDisabler disabler(m_modalWindow);
    wxMacAutoreleasePool autoreleasepool;

    bool resetGroupParent = false;

    WindowGroupRef windowGroup = NULL;
    WindowGroupRef formerParentGroup = NULL;

    // make sure modal dialogs are in the right layer so that they are not covered
    if ( m_modalWindow != NULL )
        if ( m_modalWindow->GetParent() == NULL )
            windowGroup = GetWindowGroup(m_modalNativeWindow) ;
            if ( windowGroup != GetWindowGroupOfClass( kMovableModalWindowClass ) )
                formerParentGroup = GetWindowGroupParent( windowGroup );
                SetWindowGroupParent( windowGroup, GetWindowGroupOfClass( kMovableModalWindowClass ) );
                resetGroupParent = true;



    if ( resetGroupParent )
        SetWindowGroupParent( windowGroup , formerParentGroup );

void RenderFlowThread::repaintRectangleInRegions(const LayoutRect& repaintRect, bool immediate)
    if (!shouldRepaint(repaintRect) || !hasValidRegionInfo())

    for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) {
        RenderRegion* region = *iter;
        if (!region->isValid())

        // We only have to issue a repaint in this region if the region rect intersects the repaint rect.
        LayoutRect flippedRegionRect(region->regionRect());
        LayoutRect flippedRegionOverflowRect(region->regionOverflowRect());
        flipForWritingMode(flippedRegionRect); // Put the region rects into physical coordinates.

        LayoutRect clippedRect(repaintRect);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // Put the region rect into the region's physical coordinate space.
        clippedRect.setLocation(region->contentBoxRect().location() + (clippedRect.location() - flippedRegionRect.location()));

        // Now switch to the region's writing mode coordinate space and let it repaint itself.
        LayoutStateDisabler layoutStateDisabler(view()); // We can't use layout state to repaint, since the region is somewhere else.

        // Can't use currentFlowThread as it possible to have imbricated flow threads and the wrong one could be used,
        // so, we let each region figure out the proper enclosing flow thread
        CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler disabler(view());
        region->repaintRectangle(clippedRect, immediate);
void disconnectSubframes(ContainerNode& root, SubframeDisconnectPolicy policy)
#ifndef NDEBUG

    Vector<Ref<HTMLFrameOwnerElement>> frameOwners;

    if (policy == RootAndDescendants) {
        if (is<HTMLFrameOwnerElement>(root))

    collectFrameOwners(frameOwners, root);

    // Must disable frame loading in the subtree so an unload handler cannot
    // insert more frames and create loaded frames in detached subtrees.
    SubframeLoadingDisabler disabler(root);

    bool isFirst = true;
    for (auto& owner : frameOwners) {
        // Don't need to traverse up the tree for the first owner since no
        // script could have moved it.
        if (isFirst || root.containsIncludingShadowDOM(&owner.get()))
        isFirst = false;
Beispiel #4
void OptionPage::DisableIfChecked(wxControl *cbx, wxControl *ctrl) {
	wxCheckBox *cb = dynamic_cast<wxCheckBox*>(cbx);
	if (!cb) return;

	cb->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, disabler(ctrl, false));
Beispiel #5
PassOwnPtr<Shape> Shape::createRasterShape(Image* image, float threshold, const LayoutRect& imageR, const LayoutRect& marginR, WritingMode writingMode, float margin)
    IntRect imageRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(imageR);
    IntRect marginRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(marginR);

    OwnPtr<RasterShapeIntervals> intervals = adoptPtr(new RasterShapeIntervals(marginRect.height(), -marginRect.y()));
    OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> imageBuffer = ImageBuffer::create(imageRect.size());

    if (image && imageBuffer) {
        // FIXME: This is not totally correct but it is needed to prevent shapes
        // that loads SVG Images during paint invalidations to mark layoutObjects for
        // layout, which is not allowed. See
        ImageObserverDisabler disabler(image);
        SkPaint paint;
        IntRect imageSourceRect(IntPoint(), image->size());
        IntRect imageDestRect(IntPoint(), imageRect.size());
        image->draw(imageBuffer->canvas(), paint, imageDestRect, imageSourceRect, DoNotRespectImageOrientation, Image::DoNotClampImageToSourceRect);

        WTF::ArrayBufferContents contents;
        imageBuffer->getImageData(Unmultiplied, IntRect(IntPoint(), imageRect.size()), contents);
        RefPtr<DOMArrayBuffer> arrayBuffer = DOMArrayBuffer::create(contents);
        RefPtr<DOMUint8ClampedArray> pixelArray = DOMUint8ClampedArray::create(arrayBuffer, 0, arrayBuffer->byteLength());
        unsigned pixelArrayOffset = 3; // Each pixel is four bytes: RGBA.
        uint8_t alphaPixelThreshold = threshold * 255;

        ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(imageRect.width() * imageRect.height() * 4) == pixelArray->length());

        int minBufferY = std::max(0, marginRect.y() - imageRect.y());
        int maxBufferY = std::min(imageRect.height(), marginRect.maxY() - imageRect.y());

        for (int y = minBufferY; y < maxBufferY; ++y) {
            int startX = -1;
            for (int x = 0; x < imageRect.width(); ++x, pixelArrayOffset += 4) {
                uint8_t alpha = pixelArray->item(pixelArrayOffset);
                bool alphaAboveThreshold = alpha > alphaPixelThreshold;
                if (startX == -1 && alphaAboveThreshold) {
                    startX = x;
                } else if (startX != -1 && (!alphaAboveThreshold || x == imageRect.width() - 1)) {
                    int endX = alphaAboveThreshold ? x + 1 : x;
                    intervals->intervalAt(y + imageRect.y()).unite(IntShapeInterval(startX + imageRect.x(), endX + imageRect.x()));
                    startX = -1;

    OwnPtr<RasterShape> rasterShape = adoptPtr(new RasterShape(intervals.release(), marginRect.size()));
    rasterShape->m_writingMode = writingMode;
    rasterShape->m_margin = margin;
    return rasterShape.release();
void ChildFrameDisconnector::disconnectCollectedFrameOwners()
    // Must disable frame loading in the subtree so an unload handler cannot
    // insert more frames and create loaded frames in detached subtrees.
    SubframeLoadingDisabler disabler(root());

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_frameOwners.size(); ++i) {
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = m_frameOwners[i].get();
        // Don't need to traverse up the tree for the first owner since no
        // script could have moved it.
        if (!i || root().containsIncludingShadowDOM(owner))
void RenderFlowThread::repaintRectangleInRegions(const LayoutRect& repaintRect, bool immediate) const
    if (!shouldRepaint(repaintRect) || !hasValidRegionInfo())

    LayoutStateDisabler layoutStateDisabler(view()); // We can't use layout state to repaint, since the regions are somewhere else.

    // We can't use currentFlowThread as it is possible to have interleaved flow threads and the wrong one could be used.
    // Let each region figure out the proper enclosing flow thread.
    CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler disabler(view());
    for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) {
        RenderRegion* region = *iter;

        region->repaintFlowThreadContent(repaintRect, immediate);
void HTMLPlugInImageElement::attach()
    PostAttachCallbackDisabler disabler(this);

    bool isImage = isImageType();
    if (!isImage)
        queuePostAttachCallback(&HTMLPlugInImageElement::updateWidgetCallback, this);


    if (isImage && renderer() && !useFallbackContent()) {
        if (!m_imageLoader)
            m_imageLoader = adoptPtr(new HTMLImageLoader(this));
void RenderFlowThread::repaintRectangleInRegions(const LayoutRect& repaintRect) const
    if (!shouldRepaint(repaintRect) || !hasValidRegionInfo())

    ForceHorriblySlowRectMapping slowRectMapping(*this); // We can't use layout state to repaint, since the regions are somewhere else.

    // We can't use currentFlowThread as it is possible to have interleaved flow threads and the wrong one could be used.
    // Let each columnSet figure out the proper enclosing flow thread.
    CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler disabler(view());

    for (RenderMultiColumnSetList::const_iterator iter = m_multiColumnSetList.begin(); iter != m_multiColumnSetList.end(); ++iter) {
        RenderMultiColumnSet* columnSet = *iter;

void FILEFile::init()
    // Open mode for file's open
    const char *omode = "rb";

    if (OpenFlags & Open_Truncate)
        if (OpenFlags & Open_Read)
            omode = "w+b";
            omode = "wb";
    else if (OpenFlags & Open_Create)
        if (OpenFlags & Open_Read)
            omode = "a+b";
            omode = "ab";
    else if (OpenFlags & Open_Write)
        omode = "r+b";

#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
    SysErrorModeDisabler disabler(FileName.ToCStr());

#if defined(OVR_CC_MSVC) && (OVR_CC_MSVC >= 1400)
    wchar_t womode[16];
    wchar_t *pwFileName = (wchar_t*)OVR_ALLOC((UTF8Util::GetLength(FileName.ToCStr())+1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
    UTF8Util::DecodeString(pwFileName, FileName.ToCStr());
    OVR_ASSERT(strlen(omode) < sizeof(womode)/sizeof(womode[0]));
    UTF8Util::DecodeString(womode, omode);
    _wfopen_s(&fs, pwFileName, womode);
    fs = fopen(FileName.ToCStr(), omode);
    if (fs)
        rewind (fs);
    Opened = (fs != NULL);
    // Set error code
    if (!Opened)
        ErrorCode = SFerror();
        // If we are testing file seek correctness, pre-load the entire file so
        // that we can do comparison tests later.
        TestPos         = 0;
        fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_END);
        FileTestLength  = ftell(fs);
        fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_SET);
        pFileTestBuffer = (UByte*)OVR_ALLOC(FileTestLength);
        if (pFileTestBuffer)
            OVR_ASSERT(FileTestLength == (unsigned)Read(pFileTestBuffer, FileTestLength));
            Seek(0, Seek_Set);

        ErrorCode = 0;
    LastOp = 0;
void medAnnIntSeedPointHelper::annotationModified( medAnnotationData* annData )
    medSeedPointAnnotationData * spad = qobject_cast<medSeedPointAnnotationData*>(annData);

    vtkScopedCommandDisabler disabler( d->spCbk );

    ActorInfo & actorInfo(this->getActorMap()[spad]);
    vtkSeedWidget * seedActor2d =  vtkSeedWidget::SafeDownCast(actorInfo.actor2d);
    vtkSeedWidget * seedActor3d =  vtkSeedWidget::SafeDownCast(actorInfo.actor3d);

    const int numSeeds = spad->getNumberOfSeeds();

    // Delete excess seeds, and add new seeds.
    vtkSeedRepresentation * rep2d = seedActor2d->GetSeedRepresentation();
    while ( rep2d->GetNumberOfSeeds() > numSeeds ) {
        seedActor2d->DeleteSeed(rep2d->GetNumberOfSeeds() - 1);
    while ( rep2d->GetNumberOfSeeds() < numSeeds ) {
        int iSeed = rep2d->GetNumberOfSeeds();
        seedActor2d->GetCurrentRenderer()->AddActor( rep2d->GetHandleRepresentation(iSeed) );

    vtkSeedRepresentation * rep3d = seedActor3d->GetSeedRepresentation();
    while ( rep3d->GetNumberOfSeeds() > numSeeds ) {
        seedActor3d->DeleteSeed(rep3d->GetNumberOfSeeds() - 1);
    while ( rep3d->GetNumberOfSeeds() < numSeeds ) {
        int iSeed = rep3d->GetNumberOfSeeds();
        seedActor3d->GetCurrentRenderer()->AddActor( rep3d->GetHandleRepresentation(iSeed) );

    const int selectedSeed = spad->selectedSeed();
//    for ( int iSeed(0); iSeed<numSeeds; ++iSeed) {
//        medAbstractViewCoordinates::qtVector3dToDouble(spad->centerWorld(iSeed), p);
//        rep2d->GetHandleRepresentation(iSeed)->SetWorldPosition(p);
//        rep3d->GetHandleRepresentation(iSeed)->SetWorldPosition(p);

//        int isHighlighted = ( iSeed == selectedSeed ) ? 1 : 0;
//        rep2d->GetHandleRepresentation(iSeed)->Highlight(isHighlighted);
//        rep3d->GetHandleRepresentation(iSeed)->Highlight(isHighlighted);
//    }

    if ( selectedSeed >= 0 ) {
    } else {

    medAbstractImageView * view = this->getView();
    medVtkViewBackend* backend = static_cast<medVtkViewBackend*>(view->backend());


