st_get_program_binary_driver_sha1(struct gl_context *ctx, uint8_t *sha1)
   disk_cache_compute_key(ctx->Cache, NULL, 0, sha1);
Beispiel #2
shader_cache_read_program_metadata(struct gl_context *ctx,
                                   struct gl_shader_program *prog)
   /* Fixed function programs generated by Mesa are not cached. So don't
    * try to read metadata for them from the cache.
   if (prog->Name == 0)
      return false;

   struct disk_cache *cache = ctx->Cache;
   if (!cache)
      return false;

   /* Include bindings when creating sha1. These bindings change the resulting
    * binary so they are just as important as the shader source.
   char *buf = ralloc_strdup(NULL, "vb: ");
   prog->AttributeBindings->iterate(create_binding_str, &buf);
   ralloc_strcat(&buf, "fb: ");
   prog->FragDataBindings->iterate(create_binding_str, &buf);
   ralloc_strcat(&buf, "fbi: ");
   prog->FragDataIndexBindings->iterate(create_binding_str, &buf);

   /* SSO has an effect on the linked program so include this when generating
    * the sha also.
   ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "sso: %s\n",
                          prog->SeparateShader ? "T" : "F");

   /* A shader might end up producing different output depending on the glsl
    * version supported by the compiler. For example a different path might be
    * taken by the preprocessor, so add the version to the hash input.
   ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "api: %d glsl: %d fglsl: %d\n",
                          ctx->API, ctx->Const.GLSLVersion,

   /* We run the preprocessor on shaders after hashing them, so we need to
    * add any extension override vars to the hash. If we don't do this the
    * preprocessor could result in different output and we could load the
    * wrong shader.
   char *ext_override = getenv("MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE");
   if (ext_override) {
      ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "ext:%s", ext_override);

   /* DRI config options may also change the output from the compiler so
    * include them as an input to sha1 creation.
   char sha1buf[41];
   _mesa_sha1_format(sha1buf, ctx->Const.dri_config_options_sha1);
   ralloc_strcat(&buf, sha1buf);

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumShaders; i++) {
      struct gl_shader *sh = prog->Shaders[i];
      _mesa_sha1_format(sha1buf, sh->sha1);
      ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "%s: %s\n",
                             _mesa_shader_stage_to_abbrev(sh->Stage), sha1buf);
   disk_cache_compute_key(cache, buf, strlen(buf), prog->data->sha1);

   size_t size;
   uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) disk_cache_get(cache, prog->data->sha1,
   if (buffer == NULL) {
      /* Cached program not found. We may have seen the individual shaders
       * before and skipped compiling but they may not have been used together
       * in this combination before. Fall back to linking shaders but first
       * re-compile the shaders.
       * We could probably only compile the shaders which were skipped here
       * but we need to be careful because the source may also have been
       * changed since the last compile so for now we just recompile
       * everything.
      compile_shaders(ctx, prog);
      return false;

   if (ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_CACHE_INFO) {
      _mesa_sha1_format(sha1buf, prog->data->sha1);
      fprintf(stderr, "loading shader program meta data from cache: %s\n",

   struct blob_reader metadata;
   blob_reader_init(&metadata, buffer, size);

   bool deserialized = deserialize_glsl_program(&metadata, ctx, prog);

   if (!deserialized || metadata.current != metadata.end || metadata.overrun) {
      /* Something has gone wrong discard the item from the cache and rebuild
       * from source.
      assert(!"Invalid GLSL shader disk cache item!");

      if (ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_CACHE_INFO) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Error reading program from cache (invalid GLSL "
                 "cache item)\n");

      disk_cache_remove(cache, prog->data->sha1);
      compile_shaders(ctx, prog);
      return false;

   /* This is used to flag a shader retrieved from cache */
   prog->data->LinkStatus = linking_skipped;

   /* Since the program load was successful, CompileStatus of all shaders at
    * this point should normally be compile_skipped. However because of how
    * the eviction works, it may happen that some of the individual shader keys
    * have been evicted, resulting in unnecessary recompiles on this load, so
    * mark them again to skip such recompiles next time.
   char sha1_buf[41];
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumShaders; i++) {
      if (prog->Shaders[i]->CompileStatus == compiled_no_opts) {
         disk_cache_put_key(cache, prog->Shaders[i]->sha1);
         if (ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_CACHE_INFO) {
            _mesa_sha1_format(sha1_buf, prog->Shaders[i]->sha1);
            fprintf(stderr, "re-marking shader: %s\n", sha1_buf);

   free (buffer);

   return true;