Beispiel #1
static void
init_panelize (void)
        int ret_cmd;
        button_flags_t flags;
        const char *text;
    } panelize_but[] =
        /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize") },
        { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Remove") },
        { B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Add new") },
        { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Cancel") }
        /* *INDENT-ON* */

    size_t i;
    int blen;
    int panelize_cols;
    struct panelize *current;
    int x, y;

    last_listitem = 0;

    do_refresh ();

    i = G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but);
    blen = i - 1;               /* gaps between buttons */
    while (i-- != 0)
        panelize_but[i].text = _(panelize_but[i].text);
        blen += str_term_width1 (panelize_but[i].text) + 3 + 1;
        if (panelize_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
            blen += 2;

    panelize_cols = COLS - 6;
    panelize_cols = max (panelize_cols, blen + 4);

    panelize_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 20, panelize_cols, dialog_colors, panelize_callback, NULL,
                    "[External panelize]", _("External panelize"), DLG_CENTER);

    /* add listbox to the dialogs */
    y = UY;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, groupbox_new (y++, UX, 12, panelize_cols - UX * 2, ""));

    l_panelize = listbox_new (y, UX + 1, 10, panelize_cols - UX * 2 - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    for (current = panelize; current != NULL; current = current->next)
        listbox_add_item (l_panelize, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, current->label, current);
    listbox_select_entry (l_panelize, listbox_search_text (l_panelize, _("Other command")));
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, l_panelize);

    y += WIDGET (l_panelize)->lines + 1;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, label_new (y++, UX, _("Command")));
    pname =
        input_new (y++, UX, input_colors, panelize_cols - UX * 2, "", "in",
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, pname);

    add_widget (panelize_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    x = (panelize_cols - blen) / 2;
    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but); i++)
        WButton *b;

        b = button_new (y, x,
                        panelize_but[i].ret_cmd, panelize_but[i].flags, panelize_but[i].text, NULL);
        add_widget (panelize_dlg, b);

        x += button_get_len (b) + 1;

    dlg_select_widget (l_panelize);
Beispiel #2
static void
init_chown_advanced (void)
    int i;
    int dlg_h = 12;
    int dlg_w = 74;
    int y;

    static gboolean i18n = FALSE;

    if (!i18n)
        for (i = BUTTONS_PERM; i < BUTTONS; i++)
            chown_advanced_but[i].text = _(chown_advanced_but[i].text);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

            chown_advanced_but[i].len = str_term_width1 (chown_advanced_but[i].text) + 3;
            if (chown_advanced_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
                chown_advanced_but[i].len += 2; /* "<>" */

        i18n = TRUE;

    do_refresh ();

    sf_stat = g_new (struct stat, 1);
    current_file = 0;
    end_chown = need_update = FALSE;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2);
    memset (ch_flags, '=', 11);
    flag_pos = 0;
    x_toggle = 070;

    if (!single_set)
        dlg_h += 2;

    ch_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_h, dlg_w, dialog_colors, advanced_chown_callback, NULL,
                    "[Advanced Chown]", _("Chown advanced command"), DLG_CENTER);

    l_filename = label_new (2, 3, "");
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_filename);

    add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (3, -1, -1));

#define XTRACT(i,y) y, BX+chown_advanced_but[i].x, \
        chown_advanced_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_advanced_but[i].flags, \
        (chown_advanced_but[i].text), NULL
    b_att[0] = button_new (XTRACT (0, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[0].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[0]);
    b_att[1] = button_new (XTRACT (1, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[1].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[1]);
    b_att[2] = button_new (XTRACT (2, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[2].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[2]);
    b_user = button_new (XTRACT (3, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[3].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_user);
    b_group = button_new (XTRACT (4, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[4].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_group);
#undef XTRACT

    l_mode = label_new (BY + 2, 3, "");
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_mode);

    y = BY + 3;
    if (!single_set)
        i = BUTTONS_PERM;
        add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));
        chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                               button_new (y,
                                                           WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 -
                                                           chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));
        chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                               button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1,
                                                           chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));

    i = BUTTONS_PERM + 2;
    add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));
    chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                           button_new (y,
                                                       WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 -
                                                       chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));
    chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                           button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1,
                                                       chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));

    dlg_select_widget (b_att[0]);
Beispiel #3
static gboolean
learn_check_key (int c)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < learn_total; i++)
        if (key_name_conv_tab[i].code != c || learnkeys[i].ok)

        dlg_select_widget (learnkeys[i].button);
        /* TRANSLATORS: This label appears near learned keys.  Keep it short.  */
        label_set_text (LABEL (learnkeys[i].label), _("OK"));
        learnkeys[i].ok = TRUE;
        if (learnok >= learn_total)
            learn_dlg->ret_value = B_CANCEL;
            if (learnchanged)
                if (query_dialog (learn_title,
                                  ("It seems that all your keys already\n"
                                   "work fine. That's great."), D_ERROR, 2,
                                  _("&Save"), _("&Discard")) == 0)
                    learn_dlg->ret_value = B_ENTER;
                message (D_ERROR, learn_title,
                         ("Great! You have a complete terminal database!\n"
                          "All your keys work well."));
            dlg_stop (learn_dlg);
        return TRUE;

    switch (c)
    case KEY_LEFT:
    case 'h':
        return learn_move (FALSE);
    case KEY_RIGHT:
    case 'l':
        return learn_move (TRUE);
    case 'j':
        dlg_one_down (learn_dlg);
        return TRUE;
    case 'k':
        dlg_one_up (learn_dlg);
        return TRUE;

    /* Prevent from disappearing if a non-defined sequence is pressed
       and contains a button hotkey.  Only recognize hotkeys with ALT.  */
    return (c < 255 && g_ascii_isalnum (c));
Beispiel #4
Datei: boxes.c Projekt: andi5/mc
static cb_ret_t
panel_listing_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data)
    WDialog *h = DIALOG (w);

    switch (msg)
    case MSG_KEY:
        if (parm == '\n')
            Widget *wi;

            wi = dlg_find_by_id (h, panel_listing_types_id);
            if (widget_is_active (wi))
                WInput *in;

                in = INPUT (dlg_find_by_id (h, mini_user_format_id));
                input_assign_text (in, status_format[RADIO (wi)->sel]);
                dlg_stop (h);
                return MSG_HANDLED;

            wi = dlg_find_by_id (h, panel_user_format_id);
            if (widget_is_active (wi))
                h->ret_value = B_USER + 6;
                dlg_stop (h);
                return MSG_HANDLED;

            wi = dlg_find_by_id (h, mini_user_format_id);
            if (widget_is_active (wi))
                h->ret_value = B_USER + 7;
                dlg_stop (h);
                return MSG_HANDLED;

        if (g_ascii_tolower (parm) == listing_user_hotkey)
            Widget *wi;

            wi = dlg_find_by_id (h, panel_user_format_id);
            if (widget_is_active (wi))
                wi = dlg_find_by_id (h, mini_user_format_id);
                if (widget_is_active (wi))
                    WRadio *r;

                    r = RADIO (dlg_find_by_id (h, panel_listing_types_id));
                    r->pos = r->sel = panel_listing_user_idx;
                    dlg_select_widget (WIDGET (r));     /* force redraw */
                    send_message (h, r, MSG_ACTION, 0, NULL);
                    return MSG_HANDLED;
        return MSG_NOT_HANDLED;

    case MSG_ACTION:
        if (sender != NULL && sender->id == panel_listing_types_id)
            WCheck *ch;
            WInput *in1, *in2;

            in1 = INPUT (dlg_find_by_id (h, panel_user_format_id));
            ch = CHECK (dlg_find_by_id (h, mini_user_status_id));
            in2 = INPUT (dlg_find_by_id (h, mini_user_format_id));

            if (!(ch->state & C_BOOL))
                input_assign_text (in2, status_format[RADIO (sender)->sel]);
            input_update (in2, FALSE);
            input_update (in1, FALSE);
            widget_disable (WIDGET (in1), RADIO (sender)->sel != panel_listing_user_idx);
            return MSG_HANDLED;

        if (sender != NULL && sender->id == mini_user_status_id)
            WInput *in;

            in = INPUT (dlg_find_by_id (h, mini_user_format_id));

            if (CHECK (sender)->state & C_BOOL)
                widget_disable (WIDGET (in), FALSE);
                input_assign_text (in, status_format[3]);
                WRadio *r;

                r = RADIO (dlg_find_by_id (h, panel_listing_types_id));
                widget_disable (WIDGET (in), TRUE);
                input_assign_text (in, status_format[r->sel]);
            /* input_update (in, FALSE); */
            return MSG_HANDLED;

        return MSG_NOT_HANDLED;

        return dlg_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data);
Beispiel #5
static WDialog *
init_chown (void)
    int lines, cols;
    int i;
    int y;
    struct passwd *l_pass;
    struct group *l_grp;
    WDialog *ch_dlg;

    do_refresh ();

    end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 3 : 0;

    cols = GW * 3 + 2 + 6;
    lines = GH + 4 + (single_set ? 2 : 4);

    ch_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, chown_callback, NULL, "[Chown]",
                    _("Chown command"), DLG_CENTER);

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 3, GH, GW, _("User name")));
    l_user = listbox_new (3, 4, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_user);
    /* add field for unknown names (numbers) */
    listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown user>"), NULL);
    /* get and put user names in the listbox */
    setpwent ();
    while ((l_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL)
        listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL);
    endpwent ();

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 4 + GW, GH, GW, _("Group name")));
    l_group = listbox_new (3, 5 + GW, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_group);
    /* add field for unknown names (numbers) */
    listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown group>"), NULL);
    /* get and put group names in the listbox */
    setgrent ();
    while ((l_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL)
        listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL);
    endgrent ();

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 5 + GW * 2, GH, GW, _("File")));
    /* add widgets for the file information */
    for (i = 0; i < LABELS; i++)
        chown_label[i].l = label_new (chown_label[i].y, 7 + GW * 2, "");
        add_widget (ch_dlg, chown_label[i].l);

    if (!single_set)
        int x;

        add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (lines - chown_but[0].y - 1, -1, -1));

        y = lines - chown_but[0].y;
        x = (cols - blen) / 2;

        for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - 2; i++)
            add_widget (ch_dlg,
                        button_new (y, x, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags,
                                    chown_but[i].text, NULL));
            x += chown_but[i].len + 1;

    i = BUTTONS - 2;
    y = lines - chown_but[i].y;
    add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y - 1, -1, -1));
    add_widget (ch_dlg,
                button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 - chown_but[i].len, chown_but[i].ret_cmd,
                            chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL));
    add_widget (ch_dlg,
                button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1, chown_but[i].ret_cmd,
                            chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL));

    /* select first listbox */
    dlg_select_widget (l_user);

    return ch_dlg;
Beispiel #6
static WDialog *
init_layout (void)
    WDialog *layout_dlg;
    int l1 = 0, width;
    int b1, b2, b;
    size_t i;

    const char *title1 = N_("Panel split");
    const char *title2 = N_("Console output");
    const char *title3 = N_("Other options");

    const char *s_split_direction[2] = {

    const char *ok_button = N_("&OK");
    const char *cancel_button = N_("&Cancel");

    output_lines_label = _("Output lines:");

    /* save old params */
    old_output_lines = -1;
    _output_lines = output_lines;

        static gboolean i18n = FALSE;

        title1 = _(title1);
        title2 = _(title2);
        title3 = _(title3);

        i = G_N_ELEMENTS (s_split_direction);
        while (i-- != 0)
            s_split_direction[i] = _(s_split_direction[i]);

        if (!i18n)
            for (i = 0; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++)
                check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text);
            i18n = TRUE;

        ok_button = _(ok_button);
        cancel_button = _(cancel_button);

    /* radiobuttons */
    i = G_N_ELEMENTS (s_split_direction);
    while (i-- != 0)
        l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (s_split_direction[i]) + 7);
    /* checkboxes */
    for (i = 0; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++)
        l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (check_options[i].text) + 7);
    /* groupboxes */
    l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title1) + 4);
    l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title2) + 4);
    l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title3) + 4);
    /* label + "+"/"-" buttons */
    output_lines_label_len = str_term_width1 (output_lines_label);
    l1 = max (l1, output_lines_label_len + 12);
    /* buttons */
    b1 = str_term_width1 (ok_button) + 5;       /* default button */
    b2 = str_term_width1 (cancel_button) + 3;
    b = b1 + b2 + 1;
    /* dialog width */
    width = max (l1 * 2 + 7, b);

    layout_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 15, width, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors, layout_callback, NULL,
                    "[Layout]", _("Layout"));

#define XTRACT(i) *check_options[i].variable, check_options[i].text

    /* "Panel split" groupbox */
    add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 3, 6, l1, title1));

    radio_widget = radio_new (3, 5, 2, s_split_direction);
    radio_widget->sel = panels_layout.horizontal_split;
    add_widget (layout_dlg, radio_widget);

    check_options[0].widget = check_new (5, 5, XTRACT (0));
    add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[0].widget);

    equal_split = panels_layout.horizontal_split ?
        panels_layout.horizontal_equal : panels_layout.vertical_equal;

    bleft_widget = button_new (6, 8, B_2LEFT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&<", b_left_right_cback);
    widget_disable (WIDGET (bleft_widget), equal_split);
    add_widget (layout_dlg, bleft_widget);

    bright_widget = button_new (6, 14, B_2RIGHT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&>", b_left_right_cback);
    widget_disable (WIDGET (bright_widget), equal_split);
    add_widget (layout_dlg, bright_widget);

    /* "Console output" groupbox */
        widget_state_t disabled;
        Widget *w;

        disabled = mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' ? 0 : WST_DISABLED;

        w = WIDGET (groupbox_new (8, 3, 3, l1, title2));
        w->state |= disabled;
        add_widget (layout_dlg, w);

        w = WIDGET (button_new (9, output_lines_label_len + 5, B_PLUS,
                                NARROW_BUTTON, "&+", bplus_cback));
        w->state |= disabled;
        add_widget (layout_dlg, w);

        w = WIDGET (button_new (9, output_lines_label_len + 5 + 5, B_MINUS,
                                NARROW_BUTTON, "&-", bminus_cback));
        w->state |= disabled;
        add_widget (layout_dlg, w);

    /* "Other options" groupbox */
    add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 4 + l1, 9, l1, title3));

    for (i = 1; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++)
        check_options[i].widget = check_new (i + 2, 6 + l1, XTRACT (i));
        add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[i].widget);

#undef XTRACT

    add_widget (layout_dlg, hline_new (11, -1, -1));
    /* buttons */
    add_widget (layout_dlg,
                button_new (12, (width - b) / 2, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, ok_button, 0));
    add_widget (layout_dlg,
                button_new (12, (width - b) / 2 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON,
                            cancel_button, 0));

    dlg_select_widget (radio_widget);

    return layout_dlg;
Beispiel #7
swap_panels (void)
    WPanel *panel1, *panel2;
    Widget *tmp_widget;

    panel1 = PANEL (panels[0].widget);
    panel2 = PANEL (panels[1].widget);

    if (panels[0].type == view_listing && panels[1].type == view_listing &&
        !mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, CONFIG_PANELS_SECTION, "simple_swap", FALSE))
        WPanel panel;

#define panelswap(x) panel.x = panel1->x; panel1->x = panel2->x; panel2->x = panel.x;

#define panelswapstr(e) strcpy (panel.e, panel1->e); \
                        strcpy (panel1->e, panel2->e); \
                        strcpy (panel2->e, panel.e);
        /* Change content and related stuff */
        panelswap (dir);
        panelswap (active);
        panelswap (cwd_vpath);
        panelswap (lwd_vpath);
        panelswap (marked);
        panelswap (dirs_marked);
        panelswap (total);
        panelswap (top_file);
        panelswap (selected);
        panelswap (is_panelized);
        panelswap (dir_stat);
#undef panelswapstr
#undef panelswap

        panel1->searching = FALSE;
        panel2->searching = FALSE;

        if (current_panel == panel1)
            current_panel = panel2;
            current_panel = panel1;

        /* if sort options are different -> resort panels */
        if (memcmp (&panel1->sort_info, &panel2->sort_info, sizeof (dir_sort_options_t)) != 0)
            panel_re_sort (other_panel);
            panel_re_sort (current_panel);

        if (widget_is_active (panels[0].widget))
            dlg_select_widget (panels[1].widget);
        else if (widget_is_active (panels[1].widget))
            dlg_select_widget (panels[0].widget);
        WPanel *tmp_panel;
        int x, y, cols, lines;
        int tmp_type;

        tmp_panel = right_panel;
        right_panel = left_panel;
        left_panel = tmp_panel;

        if (panels[0].type == view_listing)
            if (strcmp (panel1->panel_name, get_nth_panel_name (0)) == 0)
                g_free (panel1->panel_name);
                panel1->panel_name = g_strdup (get_nth_panel_name (1));
        if (panels[1].type == view_listing)
            if (strcmp (panel2->panel_name, get_nth_panel_name (1)) == 0)
                g_free (panel2->panel_name);
                panel2->panel_name = g_strdup (get_nth_panel_name (0));

        x = panels[0].widget->x;
        y = panels[0].widget->y;
        cols = panels[0].widget->cols;
        lines = panels[0].widget->lines;

        panels[0].widget->x = panels[1].widget->x;
        panels[0].widget->y = panels[1].widget->y;
        panels[0].widget->cols = panels[1].widget->cols;
        panels[0].widget->lines = panels[1].widget->lines;

        panels[1].widget->x = x;
        panels[1].widget->y = y;
        panels[1].widget->cols = cols;
        panels[1].widget->lines = lines;

        tmp_widget = panels[0].widget;
        panels[0].widget = panels[1].widget;
        panels[1].widget = tmp_widget;
        tmp_type = panels[0].type;
        panels[0].type = panels[1].type;
        panels[1].type = tmp_type;

        /* force update formats because of possible changed sizes */
        if (panels[0].type == view_listing)
            set_panel_formats (PANEL (panels[0].widget));
        if (panels[1].type == view_listing)
            set_panel_formats (PANEL (panels[1].widget));
Beispiel #8
Datei: menu.c Projekt: iNode/mc
static int
menubar_event (Gpm_Event * event, void *data)
    WMenuBar *menubar = MENUBAR (data);
    Widget *w = WIDGET (data);
    gboolean was_active = TRUE;
    int left_x, right_x, bottom_y;
    menu_t *menu;
    Gpm_Event local;

    if (!mouse_global_in_widget (event, w))
        return MOU_UNHANDLED;

    /* ignore unsupported events */
    if ((event->type & (GPM_UP | GPM_DOWN | GPM_DRAG)) == 0)
        return MOU_NORMAL;

    /* ignore wheel events if menu is inactive */
    if (!menubar->is_active && ((event->buttons & (GPM_B_MIDDLE | GPM_B_UP | GPM_B_DOWN)) != 0))
        return MOU_NORMAL;

    local = mouse_get_local (event, w);

    if (local.y == 1 && (local.type & GPM_UP) != 0)
        return MOU_NORMAL;

    if (!menubar->is_dropped)
        if (local.y > 1)
            /* mouse click below menubar -- close menu and send focus to widget under mouse */
            menubar_finish (menubar);
            return MOU_UNHANDLED;

        menubar->previous_widget = dlg_get_current_widget_id (w->owner);
        menubar->is_active = TRUE;
        menubar->is_dropped = TRUE;
        was_active = FALSE;

    /* Mouse operations on the menubar */
    if (local.y == 1 || !was_active)
        /* wheel events on menubar */
        if ((local.buttons & GPM_B_UP) != 0)
            menubar_left (menubar);
        else if ((local.buttons & GPM_B_DOWN) != 0)
            menubar_right (menubar);
            const unsigned int len = g_list_length (menubar->menu);
            unsigned int new_selection = 0;

            while ((new_selection < len)
                    && (local.x > MENU (g_list_nth_data (menubar->menu, new_selection))->start_x))

            if (new_selection != 0)     /* Don't set the invalid value -1 */

            if (!was_active)
                menubar->selected = new_selection;
                dlg_select_widget (menubar);
                menubar_remove (menubar);
                menubar->selected = new_selection;
            menubar_draw (menubar);
        return MOU_NORMAL;

    if (!menubar->is_dropped || (local.y < 2))
        return MOU_NORMAL;

    /* middle click -- everywhere */
    if (((local.buttons & GPM_B_MIDDLE) != 0) && ((local.type & GPM_DOWN) != 0))
        menubar_execute (menubar);
        return MOU_NORMAL;

    /* the mouse operation is on the menus or it is not */
    menu = MENU (g_list_nth_data (menubar->menu, menubar->selected));
    left_x = menu->start_x;
    right_x = left_x + menu->max_entry_len + 3;
    if (right_x > w->cols)
        left_x = w->cols - menu->max_entry_len - 3;
        right_x = w->cols;

    bottom_y = g_list_length (menu->entries) + 3;

    if ((local.x >= left_x) && (local.x <= right_x) && (local.y <= bottom_y))
        int pos = local.y - 3;
        const menu_entry_t *entry = MENUENTRY (g_list_nth_data (menu->entries, pos));

        /* mouse wheel */
        if ((local.buttons & GPM_B_UP) != 0 && (local.type & GPM_DOWN) != 0)
            menubar_up (menubar);
            return MOU_NORMAL;
        if ((local.buttons & GPM_B_DOWN) != 0 && (local.type & GPM_DOWN) != 0)
            menubar_down (menubar);
            return MOU_NORMAL;

        /* ignore events above and below dropped down menu */
        if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= bottom_y - 3))
            return MOU_NORMAL;

        if ((entry != NULL) && (entry->command != CK_IgnoreKey))
            menubar_paint_idx (menubar, menu->selected, MENU_ENTRY_COLOR);
            menu->selected = pos;
            menubar_paint_idx (menubar, menu->selected, MENU_SELECTED_COLOR);

            if ((event->type & GPM_UP) != 0)
                menubar_execute (menubar);
    else if (((local.type & GPM_DOWN) != 0) && ((local.buttons & (GPM_B_UP | GPM_B_DOWN)) == 0))
        /* use click not wheel to close menu */
        menubar_finish (menubar);

    return MOU_NORMAL;
Beispiel #9
file_op_context_create_ui (file_op_context_t * ctx, gboolean with_eta,
                           filegui_dialog_type_t dialog_type)
    file_op_context_ui_t *ui;
    int buttons_width;
    int dlg_width = 58, dlg_height = 17;
    int y = 2, x = 3;

    if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui != NULL)

    if (progress_buttons[0].len == -1)
        size_t i;

        for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (progress_buttons); i++)
            progress_buttons[i].text = _(progress_buttons[i].text);

    ctx->dialog_type = dialog_type;
    ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_YES;
    ctx->ui = g_new0 (file_op_context_ui_t, 1);

    ui = ctx->ui;
    ui->replace_result = REPLACE_YES;

    ui->op_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_height, dlg_width, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                    op_names[ctx->operation], DLG_CENTER);

    if (dialog_type != FILEGUI_DIALOG_DELETE_ITEM)
        ui->showing_eta = with_eta && ctx->progress_totals_computed;
        ui->showing_bps = with_eta;

        ui->src_file_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->src_file_label);

        ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->src_file);

        ui->tgt_file_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->tgt_file_label);

        ui->tgt_file = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->tgt_file);

        ui->progress_file_gauge = gauge_new (y++, x + 3, dlg_width - (x + 3) * 2, FALSE, 100, 0);
        if (!classic_progressbar && (current_panel == right_panel))
            ui->progress_file_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
        add_widget_autopos (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_gauge, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ,

        ui->progress_file_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_label);

        if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
            ui->total_bytes_label = hline_new (y++, -1, -1);
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_bytes_label);

            if (ctx->progress_totals_computed)
                ui->progress_total_gauge =
                    gauge_new (y++, x + 3, dlg_width - (x + 3) * 2, FALSE, 100, 0);
                if (!classic_progressbar && (current_panel == right_panel))
                    ui->progress_total_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
                add_widget_autopos (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_total_gauge,
                                    WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ, NULL);

            ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label);

            ui->time_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->time_label);
        ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->src_file);

        ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label);

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    progress_buttons[0].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[0].action,
                                                progress_buttons[0].flags, progress_buttons[0].text,
    if (progress_buttons[0].len == -1)
        progress_buttons[0].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[0].w));

    progress_buttons[1].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[1].action,
                                                progress_buttons[1].flags, progress_buttons[1].text,
    if (progress_buttons[1].len == -1)
        progress_buttons[1].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[1].w));

    if (progress_buttons[2].len == -1)
        /* create and destroy button to get it length */
        progress_buttons[2].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[2].action,
        progress_buttons[2].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[2].w));
        send_message (progress_buttons[2].w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
        g_free (progress_buttons[2].w);
    progress_buttons[2].w = progress_buttons[1].w;

    progress_buttons[3].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[3].action,
                                                progress_buttons[3].flags, progress_buttons[3].text,
    if (progress_buttons[3].len == -1)
        progress_buttons[3].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[3].w));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, progress_buttons[0].w);
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, progress_buttons[1].w);
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, progress_buttons[3].w);

    buttons_width = 2 +
        progress_buttons[0].len + max (progress_buttons[1].len, progress_buttons[2].len) +

    /* adjust dialog sizes  */
    dlg_set_size (ui->op_dlg, y + 3, max (COLS * 2 / 3, buttons_width + 6));

    place_progress_buttons (ui->op_dlg, FALSE);

    dlg_select_widget (progress_buttons[0].w);

    /* We will manage the dialog without any help, that's why
       we have to call dlg_init */
    dlg_init (ui->op_dlg);
/* Input lines */
static void
entry_click (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, WInput *in)
	dlg_select_widget (in->widget.parent, in);