Beispiel #1
int main() {
  int ido = 0;
  char bmat[] = "I";
  int N = 1000;
  char which[] = "LM";
  int nev = 9;
  double tol = 0;
  double resid[N];
  int ncv = 2*nev+1;
  double V[ncv*N];
  int ldv = N;
  int iparam[11];
  int ipntr[14];
  double workd[3*N];
  int rvec = 1;
  char howmny[] = "A";
  double* dr = (double*) malloc((nev+1)*sizeof(double));
  double* di = (double*) malloc((nev+1)*sizeof(double));
  int select[3*ncv];
  double z[(N+1)*(nev+1)];
  int ldz = N+1;
  double sigmar=0;
  double sigmai=0;
  double workev[3*ncv];
  int k;
  for (k=0; k < 3*N; ++k )
    workd[k] = 0;
  double workl[3*(ncv*ncv) + 6*ncv];
  for (k=0; k < 3*(ncv*ncv) + 6*ncv; ++k )
    workl[k] = 0;
  int lworkl = 3*(ncv*ncv) + 6*ncv;
  int info = 0;

  iparam[0] = 1;
  iparam[2] = 10*N;
  iparam[3] = 1;
  iparam[6] = 1;

  dnaupd_(&ido, bmat, &N, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr,
	 workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);

  while(ido == 1) {

    matVec(&(workd[ipntr[0]-1]), &(workd[ipntr[1]-1]));

    dnaupd_(&ido, bmat, &N, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr,
	 workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);

  dneupd_( &rvec, howmny, select, dr,di, z, &ldz, &sigmar, &sigmai,workev,
	   bmat, &N, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr,
	   workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nev; ++i) {
    printf("%f\n", dr[i]);
    if(fabs(dr[i] - (double)(1000-i))>1e-6){
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
void dninst_(int *n,         int *nev,    double *sigmar,
             double *sigmai, int *colptr, int *rowind, 
             double *nzvals, double *dr,  double *di,  
             double *z,      int *ldz,    int *info,     double *ptol)

/*  Arguement list:

    n       (int*)    Dimension of the problem.  (INPUT)

    nev     (int*)    Number of eigenvalues requested.  (INPUT/OUTPUT)
                      This routine is used to compute NEV eigenvalues
                      nearest to a shift (sigmar, sigmai).
                      On return, it gives the number of converged

    sigmar  (double*) Real part of the shift. (INPUT)

    sigmai  (double*) Imaginar part of the shift. (INPUT)

    colptr  (int*)    dimension n+1. (INPUT)
                      Column pointers for the sparse matrix.

    rowind  (int*)    dimension colptr[*n]-1. (INPUT)
                      Row indices for the sparse matrix.

    nzvals  (double*) dimension colptr[*n]-1. (INPUT)
                      Nonzero values of the sparse matrix.
                      The sparse matrix is represented by
                      the above three arrays colptr, rowind, nzvals.

    dr      (double*) dimension nev+1.  (OUTPUT)
                      Real part of the eigenvalue.

    di      (double*) dimension nev+1.  (OUTPUT)
                      Imaginar part of the eigenvalue.

    z       (double*) dimension ldz by nev+1. (OUTPUT)
                      Eigenvector matrix.
                      If the j-th eigenvalue is real, the j-th column
                      of z contains the corresponding eigenvector.
                      If the j-th and j+1st eigenvalues form a complex
                      conjuagate pair, then the j-th column of z contains
                      the real part of the eigenvector, and the j+1st column
                      of z contains the imaginary part of the eigenvector.

    ldz      (int*)   The leading dimension of z. (INPUT)

    info     (int*)   Error flag to indicate whether the eigenvalues 
                      calculation is successful. (OUTPUT)
                      *info = 0, successful exit
                      *info = 1, Maximum number of iteration is reached
                                 before all requested eigenvalues 
                                 have converged.

    int    i, j, ibegin, iend, ncv, neqns, token, order=2;
    int    lworkl, ldv,  nnz, ione = 1;
    double tol=1.0e-10, zero = 0.0;
    double *workl, *workd, *resid, *workev, *v, *ax;
    double numr, numi, denr, deni;
    int    *select, first;
    int    ido, ishfts, maxitr, mode, rvec, ierr1, ierr2;
    int    iparam[11], ipntr[14];
    char   *which="LM", bmat[2], *all="A";
    doublecomplex *cvals, *cx, *crhs;

    neqns = *n;
    *info = 0;
    tol   = *ptol;
    if ( tol < 1.0e-10 ) tol = 1.0e-10;
    if ( tol > 1.0e-1  ) tol = 1.0e-1;

    if (*n - *nev < 2) {
       *info = -1000;
       fprintf(stderr, " NEV must be less than N-2!\n");
       goto Error_handle; 

    /* set parameters and allocate temp space for ARPACK*/
    ncv = max(*nev+20, 2*(*nev));
    if (ncv > neqns) ncv = neqns;

    /* Convert from 1-based index to 0-based index */
    nnz = colptr[neqns]-1;
    for (j=0;j<=neqns;j++) colptr[j]--;
    for (i=0;i<nnz;i++) rowind[i]--;

    /* Subtract shift from the matrix */
    if ( *sigmai == 0.0) {
       /* real shift */
       for (j = 0; j<neqns; j++) {
          ibegin = colptr[j];
          iend   = colptr[j+1]-1;
          for (i=ibegin;i<=iend;i++) 
             if (j == rowind[i]) nzvals[i] = nzvals[i] - *sigmar;
    else {
       printf("Arpack/SuperLU : complex sigma not supported.\n");
       /* complex shift need additional storage for the
          shifted matrix */
       cvals = (doublecomplex*)malloc(nnz*sizeof(doublecomplex));
       if (!cvals) {
          fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate cvals!\n");
          goto Error_handle;

       for (i = 0; i<nnz; i++) {
          cvals[i].r = nzvals[i];
          cvals[i].i = 0.0;
       for (j = 0; j<neqns; j++) {
          ibegin = colptr[j];
          iend   = colptr[j+1]-1;
          for (i=ibegin;i<=iend;i++) 
             if (j == rowind[i]) {
                cvals[i].r = cvals[i].r - *sigmar;
                cvals[i].i = -(*sigmai); 

    /* order and factor the shifted matrix */
    token = 0;
    if (*sigmai == 0.0) {
       dsparse_preprocess_(&token, &neqns, colptr, rowind, nzvals, &order);
    else {
       zsparse_preprocess_(&token, &neqns, colptr, rowind, cvals, &order);

    /* add the shift back if shift is real */
    if (*sigmai == 0) {
       for (j = 0; j<neqns; j++) {
          ibegin = colptr[j];
          iend   = colptr[j+1]-1;
          for (i=ibegin;i<=iend;i++)
             if (j == rowind[i]) nzvals[i] = nzvals[i] + *sigmar;

    /* change from 0-based index to 1-based index */
    for (j=0;j<=neqns;j++) colptr[j]++;
    for (i=0;i<nnz;i++) rowind[i]++;

    /* set parameters and allocate temp space for ARPACK*/
    lworkl = 3*ncv*ncv+6*ncv;
    ido    = 0;
    ierr1  = 0;
    ishfts = 1;
    maxitr = 300;
    mode   = 3;
    ldv    = neqns;

    iparam[0] = ishfts;
    iparam[2] = maxitr;
    iparam[6] = mode;

    resid = (double*) malloc(neqns*sizeof(double));
    if (!resid) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate resid\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    workl = (double*) malloc(lworkl*sizeof(double));
    if (!workl) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate workl\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    v     = (double*) malloc(ldv*ncv*sizeof(double));
    if (!v) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate v\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    workd = (double*) malloc(neqns*3*sizeof(double));
    if (!workd) {
       fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate workd\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    workev= (double*) malloc(ncv*3*sizeof(double));
    if (!workev) {
       fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate workev\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    select= (int*) malloc(ncv*sizeof(int));
    if (!select) {
       fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate select\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    if (*sigmai != 0.0) {
       cx    = (doublecomplex*)malloc(neqns*sizeof(doublecomplex));
       if (!cx) {
          fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate cx\n");
          goto Error_handle;
       crhs  = (doublecomplex*)malloc(neqns*sizeof(doublecomplex));
       if (!crhs) {
          fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate crhs\n");
          goto Error_handle;

    /* intialize all work arrays */
    for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) resid[i] = 0.0;
    for (i=0;i<lworkl;i++) workl[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<ldv*ncv;i++) v[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<3*neqns;i++) workd[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<3*ncv;i++) workev[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<ncv;i++) select[i] = 0;

    if (*sigmai == 0.0) {
      bmat[0] = 'I';
    else {
      bmat[0] = 'G';

    /* ARPACK reverse comm to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
    if (*sigmai == 0.0) {
       while (ido != 99 ) {
          dnaupd_(&ido,    bmat, n,    which,  nev,   &tol,  resid, 
                  &ncv,    v,    &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
                  &lworkl, &ierr1);
          if (ido == -1 || ido == 1) {
             dsparse_solve_(&token, &workd[ipntr[1]-1],&workd[ipntr[0]-1]);
    else {
       while (ido != 99 ) {
          dnaupd_(&ido,    bmat, n,    which,  nev,   &tol,  resid,
                  &ncv,    v,    &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
                  &lworkl, &ierr1);
          if (ido == -1) {
              dcopy_(n, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], &ione, &workd[ipntr[1]-1], &ione);
              for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) {
                 crhs[i].r = workd[ipntr[1]-1+i];
                 crhs[i].i = 0.0; 
              zsparse_solve_(&token, cx, crhs);
              for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) {
                 workd[ipntr[1]-1+i] = cx[i].r;
          else if (ido == 1) {
              for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) {
                 crhs[i].r = workd[ipntr[2]-1+i];
                 crhs[i].i = 0.0;
              zsparse_solve_(&token, cx, crhs);
              for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) {
                 workd[ipntr[1]-1+i] = cx[i].r;
          else if (ido == 2) {
              dcopy_(n, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], &ione, 
                        &workd[ipntr[1]-1], &ione);

    /* ARPACK postprocessing */
    if (ierr1 < 0) {
       fprintf(stderr, " Error with _naupd, ierr = %d\n", ierr1);
    else {
       rvec = 1;

       dneupd_(&rvec, all,   select,  dr,   di,   z,      ldz, 
              sigmar, sigmai,workev,  bmat, n,    which,  nev,
              &tol,   resid, &ncv,    v,    &ldv, iparam, ipntr, 
              workd,  workl, &lworkl, &ierr2);

       *nev = iparam[4];

       if (ierr2 != 0) {
          fprintf(stderr," Error with _neupd, ierr = %d\n",ierr2);
          goto Error_handle;

    if (*sigmai != 0) {
       /* Use Rayleigh quotient to recover Ritz values */
       ax = (double*)malloc(neqns*sizeof(double));
       if (!ax) {
          fprintf(stderr, " Fail to allocate AX!\n");
          goto Error_handle;

       for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) ax[i] = 0.0;
       first = 1;
       for (j = 1; j<=*nev; j++) {
          if (di(j) == 0.0) {
             dmvm_(n, nzvals, rowind, colptr, &z(1,j), ax, &ione);
             numr = ddot_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione);
             dcopy_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione);
             denr = ddot_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione);
             dr(j) = numr/denr;  
          else if (first) {
             /* compute trans(x) A x */
             dmvm_(n, nzvals, rowind, colptr, &z(1,j), ax, &ione);
             numr = ddot_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione);
             numi = ddot_(n, &z(1,j+1), &ione, ax, &ione);
             dmvm_(n, nzvals, rowind, colptr, &z(1,j+1), ax, &ione);
             numr = numr  + ddot_(n, &z(1,j+1), &ione, ax, &ione);
             numi = -numi + ddot_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione);

             /* compute trans(x) M x */
             dcopy_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione);
             denr = ddot_(n, &z(1,j),   &ione, ax, &ione);
             deni = ddot_(n, &z(1,j+1), &ione, ax, &ione);
             dcopy_(n, &z(1,j+1), &ione, ax, &ione);
             denr = denr + ddot_(n, &z(1,j+1), &ione, ax, &ione);
             deni = -deni + ddot_(n, &z(1,j), &ione, ax, &ione); 

             dr(j) = (numr*denr+numi*deni)/dlapy2_(&denr, &deni);
             di(j) = (numi*denr-numr*deni)/dlapy2_(&denr, &deni);
             first = 0;
          else {
             dr(j) = dr(j-1);
             di(j) = -di(j-1);
             first = 1;
    if (*sigmai != 0.0) {
    else {

    if (ierr1 != 0) *info = ierr1;
    if (ierr1 == 1) 
       fprintf(stderr, " Maxiumum number of iteration reached.\n");
Beispiel #3
void dnexge_(int *n,     int *nev,   char *which,
             int *aptr,  int *aind,  double *aval,   
             int *bptr,  int *bind,  double *bval,
             double *dr, double *di, double *z,
             int *ldz,   int *info)

/*  This routine computes extreme eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
    a matrix pair  (A,B).

    Arguement list:

    n      (int*)    Dimension of the problem. (INPUT)

    nev    (int*)    Number of eigenvalues requested. (INPUT/OUTPUT)
                     This routine is used to compute NEV extreme
                     On return, it gives the number of converged 

    which   (char*)  Specify which part of the spectrum is of interest.(INPUT)
                     which can be of the following type:
                     "LM" --- eigenvalues with the largest magnitude
                     "LR" --- eigenvalues with the largest real part.
                     "SR" --- eigenvalues with the smallest real part.
                     "LI" --- eigenvalues with the largest imag part.
                     "SI" --- eigenvalues with the largest imag part.
                     Eigenvalues with the smallest magnitude will 
                     be treated as interior eigenvalues.  One should
                     use dninge() with zero shift to find these eigenvalues.

    aptr   (int*)    dimension n+1. (INPUT)
                     Column pointers for the A matrix.

    aind   (int*)    dimension aptr[*n]-1. (INPUT)
                     Row indices for the A matrix.

    aval  (double*)  dimension aptr[*n]-1. (INPUT)
                     Nonzero values of the A matrix.
                     The sparse matrix A is represented by
                     the above three arrays aptr, aind, aval.

    bptr   (int*)    dimension n+1. (INPUT)
                     Column pointers for the B matrix.

    bind   (int*)    dimension bptr[*n]-1. (INPUT)
                     Row indices for the B matrix.

    bval  (double*)  dimension bptr[*n]-1. (INPUT)
                     Nonzero values of the B matrix.
                     The sparse matrix B is represented by
                     the above three arrays bptr, bind, bval.

    dr     (double*) dimension nev+1. (OUTPUT)
                     Real part of the eigenvalue.

    di     (double*) dimension nev+1. (OUTPUT)
                     Imaginar part of the eigenvalue.

    z      (double*) dimension ldz by nev+1. (OUTPUT)
                     Eigenvector matrix.
                     If the j-th eigenvalue is real, the j-th column
                     of z contains the corresponding eigenvector.
                     If the j-th and j+1st eigenvalues form a complex
                     conjuagate pair, then the j-th column of z contains
                     the real part of the eigenvector, and the j+1st column
                     of z contains the imaginary part of the eigenvector.

    ldz     (int*)   The leading dimension of z. (INPUT)

    info    (int*)   Error flag to indicate whether the eigenvalues 
                     calculation is successful.
                     *info = 0, successful exit.
                     *info = 1, maximum number of iteration reached before the
                                residual is below the default tolarance.


    int    i, j, ibegin, iend, ncv,  neqns, token, order=2;
    int    lworkl, ldv,  nnzb, ione = 1;
    double tol=1.0e-10, zero = 0.0;
    double sigmar=0.0, sigmai=0.0;
    double *workl, *workd, *resid, *workev, *v, *ax;
    int    *select;
    int    ido, ishfts, maxitr, mode, rvec, ierr1, ierr2;
    int    iparam[11], ipntr[14];
    char   *bmat="I", *all="A";

    neqns = *n;
    nnzb  = bptr[neqns]-1;

    *info = 0;

    if (*n - *nev < 2) {
       *info = -1000;
       fprintf(stderr, " NEV must be less than N-2!\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    /* set parameters and allocate temp space for ARPACK*/
    ncv = max(*nev+20, 2*(*nev));
    if (ncv > neqns) ncv = neqns;

    /* change from 1-based index to 0-based index */
    for (j=0;j<=neqns;j++) bptr[j]--;
    for (i=0;i<nnzb;i++)  bind[i]--;

    /* order and factor the B matrix */
    token = 0;
    dsparse_preprocess_(&token, &neqns, bptr, bind, bval, &order);

    /* change from 0-based index to 1-based index */
    for (j=0;j<=neqns;j++) bptr[j]++;
    for (i=0;i<nnzb;i++)  bind[i]++;

    lworkl = 3*ncv*ncv+6*ncv;
    ido    = 0;
    ierr1  = 0;
    ishfts = 1;
    maxitr = 300;
    mode   = 1;
    ldv    = neqns;

    iparam[0] = ishfts;
    iparam[2] = maxitr;
    iparam[6] = mode;

    resid = (double*) malloc(neqns*sizeof(double));
    if (!resid) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate resid\n");
       goto Error_handle;
    workl = (double*) malloc(lworkl*sizeof(double));
    if (!workl) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate workl\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    v     = (double*) malloc(ldv*ncv*sizeof(double));
    if (!v) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate v\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    workd = (double*) malloc(neqns*3*sizeof(double));
    if (!workd) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate workd\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    workev= (double*) malloc(ncv*3*sizeof(double));
    if (!workev) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate workev\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    ax    = (double*)malloc(neqns*sizeof(double));
    if (!ax) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate ax\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    select= (int*) malloc(ncv*sizeof(int));
    if (!select) {
       fprintf(stderr," Fail to allocate select\n");
       goto Error_handle;

    /* intialize all work arrays */
    for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) resid[i] = 0.0;
    for (i=0;i<lworkl;i++) workl[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<ldv*ncv;i++) v[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<3*neqns;i++) workd[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<3*ncv;i++) workev[i]=0.0;
    for (i=0;i<ncv;i++)   select[i] = 0;
    for (i=0;i<neqns;i++) ax[i] = 0.0;

    /* ARPACK reverse comm to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
    while (ido != 99 ) {
       dnaupd_(&ido,    bmat, n,    which,  nev,   &tol,  resid, 
               &ncv,    v,    &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
               &lworkl, &ierr1);
       if (ido == -1 || ido == 1) {
          dmvm_(n, aval, aind, aptr, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], ax, &ione);
          dsparse_solve_(&token, &workd[ipntr[1]-1], ax);

    /* ARPACK postprocessing */
    if (ierr1 < 0) {
       fprintf(stderr, " Error with _naupd, info = %d\n", info);
       goto Error_handle;
    else {
       rvec = 1;
       dneupd_(&rvec,  all,     select,  dr,   di,   z,      ldz, 
              &sigmar, &sigmai, workev,  bmat, n,    which,  nev,
              &tol,    resid,   &ncv,    v,    &ldv, iparam, ipntr, 
              workd,   workl,   &lworkl, &ierr2);

       if (ierr2 != 0) {
          fprintf(stderr," Error with _neupd, ierr = %d\n",ierr2);
          goto Error_handle;
       *nev = iparam[4];


    if (ierr1 != 0) *info = ierr1;
    if (ierr1 == 1) 
       fprintf(stderr, " Maxiumum number of iteration reached.\n");