/* Description: link data from a peer connection to a client-facing connection
 * peer_conn: a peer connection
 * msg      : msg with data from the peer connection after parsing
static void
dnode_rsp_forward(struct context *ctx, struct conn *peer_conn, struct msg *msg)
	rstatus_t status;
	struct msg *pmsg;
	struct conn *c_conn;

	log_debug(LOG_VERB, "dnode_rsp_forward entering ...");
	ASSERT(!peer_conn->dnode_client && !peer_conn->dnode_server);

	/* response from a peer implies that peer is ok and heartbeating */
	dnode_peer_ok(ctx, peer_conn);

	/* dequeue peer message (request) from peer conn */
	pmsg = TAILQ_FIRST(&peer_conn->omsg_q);
	ASSERT(pmsg != NULL && pmsg->peer == NULL);
	ASSERT(pmsg->request && !pmsg->done);

	   loga("Dumping content for msg:   ");

	   loga("msg id %d", msg->id);

	   loga("Dumping content for pmsg :");

	   loga("pmsg id %d", pmsg->id);

	peer_conn->dequeue_outq(ctx, peer_conn, pmsg);
	pmsg->done = 1;

	/* establish msg <-> pmsg (response <-> request) link */
	pmsg->peer = msg;
	msg->peer = pmsg;


	c_conn = pmsg->owner;
	ASSERT(c_conn->client && !c_conn->proxy);

	if (TAILQ_FIRST(&c_conn->omsg_q) != NULL && dnode_req_done(c_conn, TAILQ_FIRST(&c_conn->omsg_q))) {
		status = event_add_out(ctx->evb, c_conn);
		if (status != DN_OK) {
			c_conn->err = errno;

	dnode_rsp_forward_stats(ctx, peer_conn->owner, msg);
Beispiel #2
/* Description: link data from a peer connection to a client-facing connection
 * peer_conn: a peer connection
 * msg      : msg with data from the peer connection after parsing
static void
dnode_rsp_forward_match(struct context *ctx, struct conn *peer_conn, struct msg *rsp)
    rstatus_t status;
    struct msg *req;
    struct conn *c_conn;

    req = TAILQ_FIRST(&peer_conn->omsg_q);
    c_conn = req->owner;

    /* if client consistency is dc_one forward the response from only the
       local node. Since dyn_dnode_peer is always a remote node, drop the rsp */
    if (req->consistency == DC_ONE) {
        if (req->swallow) {
            dnode_rsp_swallow(ctx, peer_conn, req, rsp);
        log_warn("req %d:%d with DC_ONE consistency is not being swallowed");

    /* if client consistency is dc_quorum, forward the response from only the
       local region/DC. */
    if ((req->consistency == DC_QUORUM) && !peer_conn->same_dc) {
        if (req->swallow) {
            dnode_rsp_swallow(ctx, peer_conn, req, rsp);
        log_warn("req %d:%d with DC_QUORUM consistency is not being swallowed");

    log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "DNODE RSP RECEIVED %c %d dmsg->id %u req %u:%u rsp %u:%u, ",
              peer_conn->dnode_client ? 'c' : (peer_conn->dnode_server ? 's' : 'p'),
              peer_conn->sd, rsp->dmsg->id,
              req->id, req->parent_id, rsp->id, rsp->parent_id);
    ASSERT(req != NULL && req->peer == NULL);
    ASSERT(req->request && !req->done);

    if (log_loggable(LOG_VVERB)) {
        loga("Dumping content for response:   ");

        loga("rsp id %d", rsp->id);

        loga("Dumping content for request:");

        loga("req id %d", req->id);

    peer_conn->dequeue_outq(ctx, peer_conn, req);
    req->done = 1;

    log_debug(LOG_VERB, "%p <-> %p", req, rsp);
    /* establish rsp <-> req (response <-> request) link */
    req->peer = rsp;
    rsp->peer = req;


    ASSERT((c_conn->client && !c_conn->proxy) || (c_conn->dnode_client && !c_conn->dnode_server));

    dnode_rsp_forward_stats(ctx, peer_conn->owner, rsp);
    if (TAILQ_FIRST(&c_conn->omsg_q) != NULL && dnode_req_done(c_conn, req)) {
        log_debug(LOG_INFO, "handle rsp %d:%d for req %d:%d conn %p",
                  rsp->id, rsp->parent_id, req->id, req->parent_id, c_conn);
        // c_conn owns respnse now
        rstatus_t status = conn_handle_response(c_conn,
                                                req->parent_id ? req->parent_id : req->id,
        if (req->swallow) {
            log_debug(LOG_INFO, "swallow request %d:%d", req->id, req->parent_id);
/* Description: link data from a peer connection to a client-facing connection
 * peer_conn: a peer connection
 * msg      : msg with data from the peer connection after parsing
static void
dnode_rsp_forward_match(struct context *ctx, struct conn *peer_conn, struct msg *rsp)
    rstatus_t status;
    struct msg *req;
    struct conn *c_conn;

    req = TAILQ_FIRST(&peer_conn->omsg_q);
    c_conn = req->owner;

    /* if client consistency is dc_one forward the response from only the
       local node. Since dyn_dnode_peer is always a remote node, drop the rsp */
    if (req->consistency == DC_ONE) {
        if (req->swallow) {
            dnode_rsp_swallow(ctx, peer_conn, req, rsp);
        log_warn("req %d:%d with DC_ONE consistency is not being swallowed");

    /* if client consistency is dc_quorum, forward the response from only the
       local region/DC. */
    if ((req->consistency == DC_QUORUM) && !peer_conn->same_dc) {
        if (req->swallow) {
            dnode_rsp_swallow(ctx, peer_conn, req, rsp);
        log_warn("req %d:%d with DC_QUORUM consistency is not being swallowed");

    log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "DNODE RSP RECEIVED %s %d dmsg->id %u req %u:%u rsp %u:%u, ",
              peer_conn->sd, rsp->dmsg->id,
              req->id, req->parent_id, rsp->id, rsp->parent_id);
    ASSERT(req != NULL && req->peer == NULL);
    ASSERT(req->request && !req->done);

    if (log_loggable(LOG_VVERB)) {
        loga("Dumping content for response:   ");

        loga("rsp id %d", rsp->id);

        loga("Dumping content for request:");

        loga("req id %d", req->id);

    conn_dequeue_outq(ctx, peer_conn, req);
    req->done = 1;

    log_info("c_conn:%p %d:%d <-> %d:%d", c_conn, req->id, req->parent_id,
             rsp->id, rsp->parent_id);
    /* establish rsp <-> req (response <-> request) link */
    req->peer = rsp;
    rsp->peer = req;


    ASSERT_LOG((c_conn->type == CONN_CLIENT) ||
               (c_conn->type == CONN_DNODE_PEER_CLIENT),
               "c_conn type %s", conn_get_type_string(c_conn));

    dnode_rsp_forward_stats(ctx, peer_conn->owner, rsp);
    // c_conn owns respnse now
    status = conn_handle_response(c_conn, req->parent_id ? req->parent_id : req->id,
    if (req->swallow) {
        log_info("swallow request %d:%d", req->id, req->parent_id);