Beispiel #1
*              PARSE THE DNS REPLY
* Description : This function parses the reply message from DNS server.
* Arguments   : dhdr - is a pointer to the header for DNS message
*               buf  - is a pointer to the reply message.
*               len  - is the size of reply message.
* Returns     : None
* Note        :
uint8 parseMSG(struct dhdr * pdhdr, uint8 * pbuf)
  uint16 tmp;
  uint16 i;
  uint8 * msg;
  uint8 * cp;
  msg = pbuf;
  memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(pdhdr));
  pdhdr->id = ntohs(*((uint16*)&msg[0]));
  tmp = ntohs(*((uint16*)&msg[2]));
  if (tmp & 0x8000) pdhdr->qr = 1;
  pdhdr->opcode = (tmp >> 11) & 0xf;
  if (tmp & 0x0400) pdhdr->aa = 1;
  if (tmp & 0x0200) pdhdr->tc = 1;
  if (tmp & 0x0100) pdhdr->rd = 1;
  if (tmp & 0x0080) pdhdr->ra = 1;
  pdhdr->rcode = tmp & 0xf;
  pdhdr->qdcount = ntohs(*((uint16*)&msg[4]));
  pdhdr->ancount = ntohs(*((uint16*)&msg[6]));
  pdhdr->nscount = ntohs(*((uint16*)&msg[8]));
  pdhdr->arcount = ntohs(*((uint16*)&msg[10]));
  /* Now parse the variable length sections */
  cp = &msg[12];
  /* Question section */
  for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->qdcount; i++)
    cp = dns_question(msg, cp);
  /* Answer section */
  for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->ancount; i++)
    cp = dns_answer(msg, cp);
  /* Name server (authority) section */
  for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->nscount; i++)
  /* Additional section */
  for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->arcount; i++)
  if(pdhdr->rcode == 0) return 1;		// No error
  else return 0;
Beispiel #2
*              PARSE THE DNS REPLY
* Description : This function parses the reply message from DNS server.
* Arguments   : dhdr - is a pointer to the header for DNS message
*               buf  - is a pointer to the reply message.
* Returns     : None
* Note        :
u8 parseMSG(struct dhdr * pdhdr, u8 * pbuf, u8 * pSip)
	u16 tmp;
	u16 i;
	u8 * msg;
	u8 * cp;

	msg = pbuf;
	memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(pdhdr));

	pdhdr->id = get16(&msg[0]);
	tmp = get16(&msg[2]);
	if (tmp & 0x8000) pdhdr->qr = 1;

	pdhdr->opcode = (tmp >> 11) & 0xf;

	if (tmp & 0x0400) pdhdr->aa = 1;
	if (tmp & 0x0200) pdhdr->tc = 1;
	if (tmp & 0x0100) pdhdr->rd = 1;
	if (tmp & 0x0080) pdhdr->ra = 1;

	pdhdr->rcode = tmp & 0xf;
	pdhdr->qdcount = get16(&msg[4]);
	pdhdr->ancount = get16(&msg[6]);
	pdhdr->nscount = get16(&msg[8]);
	pdhdr->arcount = get16(&msg[10]);

#ifdef	DBG_DNS
	printf("dhdr->qdcount : %x\r\n", (u16)dhdr->qdcount);
	printf("dhdr->ancount : %x\r\n", (u16)dhdr->ancount);
	printf("dhdr->nscount : %x\r\n", (u16)dhdr->nscount);
	printf("dhdr->arcount : %x\r\n", (u16)dhdr->arcount);

	/* Now parse the variable length sections */
	cp = &msg[12];

	/* Question section */
	for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->qdcount; i++)
		cp = dns_question(msg, cp);

	/* Answer section */
	for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->ancount; i++)
		cp = dns_answer(msg, cp, pSip);

	/* Name server (authority) section */
	for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->nscount; i++)

	/* Additional section */
	for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->arcount; i++)

	if(pdhdr->rcode == 0) return 1;		// No error
	else return 0;