Beispiel #1
void Table::run()  
	// TODO :: button must be set to next button player for next singleGame

		for( int i = PRE_START; i <= SHOWDOWN; i++ ) 
			this->currentRound = static_cast<BetRound>(i);

			if (currentRound != 1)		// darf PRE_FLOP die blins nicht abkassieren
				tellThemNextRound();	// and collect money // Peda: sollte das nicht am Ende der Schleife stehen???

			// todo:
			// 1. depending on bet round give 0 cardspre, then 3 cards, 1 card, or 1 card, or showdown
			if( PRE_START == currentRound)
			if( PRE_FLOP == currentRound) 
			if( ON_FLOP == currentRound) 
			if( ON_TURN == currentRound) 
			if( ON_RIVER == currentRound) 
			if( SHOWDOWN == currentRound) 

			// 1.1. display action status on SCREEN (community cards + players active with tehre status and player-bet-size) 

			cout << endl << endl; 
			for( Card *j : communityCards ) 
				cout << *j << " - ";
			cout << endl; 

/*			for ( iter = communityCards.begin( ) ; iter != communityCards.end( ) ; iter++ ) {
			  Card * communityCards = *iter;
			  cout << *communityCards << " - ";
			// 2. now each player can perform its/his action 
			doActionsForPlayers( currentRound ); 

			// 3. after each player has done its things we must: 
			//    check if there are more than 1 player still active, if only one he is the winner !

		} // end for betrounds

			// if there are more than one player left then check showdown
			// this means compare best hand for each player 5 out of 7
			// determine best overall hand == winner ! 

} // end run 
Beispiel #2
void Table::run()  {

		// TODO :: button must be set to next button player for next singleGame

		for( int i = PRE_FLOP; i <= ON_RIVER; i++ ) {
			this->currentRound = static_cast<BetRound>(i);

			tellThemNextRound(); // and collect money 
			// todo:
			// 1. depending on bet round give 0 cardspre, then 3 cards, 1 card, or 1 card, or showdown
			if( PRE_FLOP == currentRound) 
			if( ON_FLOP == currentRound) 
			if( ON_TURN == currentRound) 
			if( ON_RIVER == currentRound) 

			// 1.1. display action status on SCREEN (community cards + players active with tehre status and player-bet-size) 

			// 2. now each player can perform its/his action 
			doActionsForPlayers( currentRound ); 

			// 3. after each player has done its things we must: 
			//    check if there are more than 1 player still active, if only one he is the winner !

		} // end for betrounds

			// if there are more than one player left then check showdown

			// this means compare best hand for each player 5 out of 7
			// determine best overall hand == winner ! 

} // end run