void WaypointDialog::load(QWidget *parent){ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(parent,"Open Waypoint File",QString(),"Waypoint Files (*.txt *.wyp)"); if(fileName.isNull()) return; doLoad(parent,fileName); qDebug() << "Load: " << fileName; }
int main() { uint64_t data = 0xdead; uint16_t addr = 1; printf("[INFO] Write R[%d] = %lx\n", addr, data); doWrite(addr, data); printf("[INFO] Read R[%d]\n", addr); uint64_t y = doRead(addr); printf("[INFO] Received %lx\n", y); assert(y == data); uint64_t data_accum = -0x1fbe; printf("[INFO] Accum R[%d] with %lx\n", addr, data_accum); y = doAccum(addr, data_accum); printf("[INFO] Received %lx\n", y); assert(y == data); printf("[INFO] Read R[%d]\n", addr); y = doRead(addr); printf("[INFO] Received %lx\n", y); assert(y == data + data_accum); data = 0xbeef; uint64_t data_addr = doTranslate((void *) &data); printf("[INFO] Load %lx (0x%lx) via L1 data cache\n", data, data_addr); y = doLoad(addr, data_addr); printf("[INFO] Received %lx\n", y); return 0; }
bool XMLParseBase::LoadBaseTheme(void) { bool ok = false; bool loadOnlyWindows = false; bool showWarnings = true; const QStringList searchpath = GetMythUI()->GetThemeSearchPath(); QStringList::const_iterator it = searchpath.begin(); for (; it != searchpath.end(); ++it) { QString themefile = *it + "base.xml"; if (doLoad(QString(), GetGlobalObjectStore(), themefile, loadOnlyWindows, showWarnings)) { VERBOSE(VB_GUI, LOC + QString("Loaded base theme from '%1'").arg(themefile)); // Don't complain about duplicate definitions after first // successful load (set showWarnings to false). showWarnings = false; ok = true; } else { VERBOSE(VB_GUI|VB_FILE, LOC_WARN + QString("No theme file '%1'").arg(themefile)); } } return ok; }
void NewLoader::setCache(ImageCache *_cache) { this->cache = _cache; cache->init(dm->currentDirectory(), dm->getFileList()); worker = new LoadHelper(cache, this->thread()); worker->moveToThread(loadThread); //connect(worker, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SLOT(errorString(QString))); //connect(loadThread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(doLoad())); connect(this, SIGNAL(startLoad()), worker, SLOT(doLoad())); connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(onLoadFinished(int))); //connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished(int)), loadThread, SLOT(quit())); //connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished(Image*, int)), worker, SLOT(deleteLater())); //connect(loadThread, SIGNAL(finished()), loadThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); loadTimer = new QTimer(this); loadTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(loadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onLoadTimeout())); preloadTimer = new QTimer(this); preloadTimer->setSingleShot(true); if(globalSettings->usePreloader()) { connect(preloadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onPreloadTimeout())); } loadThread->start(); //connect(loadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), loadTimer, SLOT(deleteLater())); }
void Library::load() { if( isLoaded() ) return; doLoad(); }
bool XMLParseBase::LoadWindowFromXML(const QString &xmlfile, const QString &windowname, MythUIType *parent) { bool onlyLoadWindows = true; bool showWarnings = true; const QStringList searchpath = GetMythUI()->GetThemeSearchPath(); QStringList::const_iterator it = searchpath.begin(); for (; it != searchpath.end(); ++it) { QString themefile = *it + xmlfile; LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Loading window %1 from %2").arg(windowname).arg(themefile)); if (doLoad(windowname, parent, themefile, onlyLoadWindows, showWarnings)) { return true; } else { LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_ERR, LOC + "No theme file " + themefile); } } LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, LOC + QString("Unable to load window '%1' from '%2'") .arg(windowname).arg(xmlfile)); return false; }
bool XMLParseBase::LoadWindowFromXML(const QString &xmlfile, const QString &windowname, MythUIType *parent) { bool onlyLoadWindows = true; bool showWarnings = true; const QStringList searchpath = GetMythUI()->GetThemeSearchPath(); QStringList::const_iterator it = searchpath.begin(); for (; it != searchpath.end(); ++it) { QString themefile = *it + xmlfile; VERBOSE(VB_GUI, LOC + "Loading window theme from " + themefile); if (doLoad(windowname, parent, themefile, onlyLoadWindows, showWarnings)) { return true; } else { VERBOSE(VB_FILE+VB_EXTRA, LOC_ERR + "No theme file " + themefile); } } VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC_ERR + QString("Unable to load window '%1' from '%2'") .arg(windowname).arg(xmlfile)); return false; }
void NewLoader::open(int pos) { //cache->unloadAll(); dm->setCurrentPos(pos); emit loadStarted(); doLoad(dm->currentFilePos()); freeAuto(); }
void ImportIconsWizard::menuSelection(MythUIButtonListItem *item) { if (!item) return; SearchEntry entry = item->GetData().value<SearchEntry>(); LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Menu Selection: %1 %2 %3") .arg(entry.strID) .arg(entry.strName) .arg(entry.strLogo)); enableControls(STATE_SEARCHING); CSVEntry entry2 = (*m_missingIter); m_strMatches += QString("%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9\n") .arg(escape_csv(entry.strID)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strName)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strXmlTvId)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strCallsign)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strTransportId)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strAtscMajorChan)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strAtscMinorChan)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strNetworkId)) .arg(escape_csv(entry2.strServiceId)); if (checkAndDownload(entry.strLogo, entry2.strChanId)) { m_statusText->SetText(tr("Icon for %1 was downloaded successfully.") .arg(entry2.strName)); } else { m_statusText->SetText(tr("Failed to download the icon for %1.") .arg(entry2.strName)); } if (m_missingMaxCount > 1) { m_missingCount++; m_missingIter++; if (!doLoad()) { if (!m_strMatches.isEmpty()) askSubmit(m_strMatches); else Close(); } } else { enableControls(STATE_DISABLED); SetFocusWidget(m_iconsList); if (!m_strMatches.isEmpty()) askSubmit(m_strMatches); else Close(); } }
Texture::Texture(const int width, const int height, string filename, bool allowMipmaps) { DataFile file(filename); uint8_t *data = new uint8_t[width * height * 4]; file.read(data, width * height * 4); doLoad(width, height, data, allowMipmaps); delete data; };
bool Module::load() { if(!_loaded) { _loaded = doLoad(); } return _loaded; }
CurveWidget::CurveWidget( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { CurveWidgetLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); CurveWidgetLayout->setMargin(5); CurveWidgetLayout->setSpacing(5); layout1 = new QVBoxLayout; layout1->setMargin(0); layout1->setSpacing(5); invertButton = new QPushButton( this ); invertButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); invertButton->setIcon( IconManager::instance()->loadIcon("invert.png") ); invertButton->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); layout1->addWidget( invertButton ); resetButton = new QPushButton( this ); resetButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); resetButton->setIcon( IconManager::instance()->loadIcon("reload.png") ); resetButton->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); layout1->addWidget( resetButton ); linearButton = new QPushButton( this ); QIcon ic; ic.addPixmap(IconManager::instance()->loadPixmap("curvebezier.png"), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); ic.addPixmap(IconManager::instance()->loadPixmap("curvelinear.png"), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); linearButton->setIcon(ic); linearButton->setCheckable( true ); linearButton->setChecked(false); linearButton->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); linearButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); layout1->addWidget( linearButton ); spacer1 = new QSpacerItem( 2, 3, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); layout1->addItem( spacer1 ); loadButton = new QPushButton( this ); loadButton->setIcon( IconManager::instance()->loadIcon("22/document-open.png") ); loadButton->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); loadButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); layout1->addWidget( loadButton ); saveButton = new QPushButton( this ); saveButton->setIcon( IconManager::instance()->loadIcon("22/document-save-as.png") ); saveButton->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); saveButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); layout1->addWidget( saveButton ); CurveWidgetLayout->addLayout( layout1 ); cDisplay = new KCurve(this); cDisplay->setMinimumSize( QSize( 150, 150 ) ); CurveWidgetLayout->addWidget( cDisplay ); languageChange(); connect(invertButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doInvert())); connect(resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doReset())); connect(linearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doLinear())); connect(loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doLoad())); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doSave())); }
int SoundPool::load(const char* path, int priority) { ALOGV("load: path=%s, priority=%d", path, priority); Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock); sp<Sample> sample = new Sample(++mNextSampleID, path); mSamples.add(sample->sampleID(), sample); doLoad(sample); return sample->sampleID(); }
int SoundPool::load(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, int priority) { ALOGV("load: fd=%d, offset=%lld, length=%lld, priority=%d", fd, offset, length, priority); Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock); sp<Sample> sample = new Sample(++mNextSampleID, fd, offset, length); mSamples.add(sample->sampleID(), sample); doLoad(sample); return sample->sampleID(); }
void Asset::load(const std::string& fileName, const SurgSim::Framework::ApplicationData& data) { m_fileName = fileName; SURGSIM_ASSERT(!m_fileName.empty()) << "File name is empty"; std::string path = data.findFile(m_fileName); SURGSIM_ASSERT(!path.empty()) << "Can not locate file " << m_fileName; SURGSIM_ASSERT(doLoad(path)) << "Failed to load file " << m_fileName; }
void NewLoader::openBlocking(QString path) { freeAuto(); if(!dm->existsInCurrentDir(path)) { dm->setFile(path); reinitCache(); } else { dm->setFile(path); } emit loadStarted(); doLoad(dm->currentFilePos()); }
void NewLoader::loadPrev() { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if(dm->peekPrev(1) != dm->currentFilePos()) { if(setLoadTarget(dm->prevPos())) { emit loadStarted(); preloadTarget = dm->peekPrev(1); doLoad(loadTarget); freeAuto(); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { // ###### Note: please consider adding new tests to karchivetest (so that they can be automated) // rather than here (interactive) printf("\n" " Usage :\n" " ./kziptest list /path/to/existing_file.zip tests listing an existing zip\n" " ./kziptest print-all file.zip prints contents of all files.\n" " ./kziptest print file.zip filename prints contents of one file.\n" " ./kziptest update file.zip filename update filename in file.zip.\n" " ./kziptest save file.zip save file.\n" " ./kziptest load file.zip load file.\n" " ./kziptest write file.bz2 write compressed file.\n" " ./kziptest read file.bz2 read uncompressed file.\n" ); return 1; } QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QString command = argv[1]; if (command == QLatin1String("list")) { return doList(QFile::decodeName(argv[2])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("print-all")) { return doPrintAll(QFile::decodeName(argv[2])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("print")) { if (argc != 4) { printf("usage: kziptest print archivename filename"); return 1; } return doPrint(QFile::decodeName(argv[2]), argv[3]); } else if (command == QLatin1String("save")) { return doSave(QFile::decodeName(argv[2])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("load")) { return doLoad(QFile::decodeName(argv[2])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("write")) { return doCompress(QFile::decodeName(argv[2])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("read")) { return doUncompress(QFile::decodeName(argv[2])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("update")) { if (argc != 4) { printf("usage: kziptest update archivename filename"); return 1; } return doUpdate(QFile::decodeName(argv[2]), QFile::decodeName(argv[3])); } else if (command == QLatin1String("transfer")) { if (argc != 4) { printf("usage: kziptest transfer sourcefile destfile"); return 1; } return doTransfer(QFile::decodeName(argv[2]), QFile::decodeName(argv[3])); } else { printf("Unknown command\n"); } }
void ImportIconsWizard::Init() { if (m_nMaxCount > 0) { m_missingIter = m_missingEntries.begin(); if (!doLoad()) { if (!m_strMatches.isEmpty()) askSubmit(m_strMatches); } } }
void MainWindow::quickLoad() { QFile file(LAST_LOAD_FILE); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { slotSetStatusBarMessage("No saved load file"); return; } QTextStream in(&file); QString line = in.readLine(); doLoad(line.toStdString()); }
bool CellmlFile::load() { // Check whether the file is already loaded and without any issues if (!mLoadingNeeded) return mIssues.isEmpty(); // Consider the file loaded // Note: even when we can't load the file, we still consider it 'loaded' // since we at least tried to load it, so unless the file gets // modified (and we are to reload it), we are 'fine'... mLoadingNeeded = false; // Try to load the model if (!doLoad(mFileName, QString(), &mModel, mIssues)) return false; // Retrieve all the RDF triples associated with the model and initialise our // list of original RDF triples ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::RDFRepresentation> rdfRepresentation = mModel->getRDFRepresentation(L"http://www.cellml.org/RDF/API"); if (rdfRepresentation) { mRdfApiRepresentation = QueryInterface(rdfRepresentation); if (mRdfApiRepresentation) { mRdfDataSource = mRdfApiRepresentation->source(); ObjRef<iface::rdf_api::TripleSet> rdfTriples = mRdfDataSource->getAllTriples(); ObjRef<iface::rdf_api::TripleEnumerator> rdfTriplesEnumerator = rdfTriples->enumerateTriples(); for (ObjRef<iface::rdf_api::Triple> rdfTriple = rdfTriplesEnumerator->getNextTriple(); rdfTriple; rdfTriple = rdfTriplesEnumerator->getNextTriple()) { mRdfTriples << new CellmlFileRdfTriple(this, rdfTriple); } mRdfTriples.updateOriginalRdfTriples(); } } // Determine which cmeta:ids are currently in use, be they in the various // CellML elements or RDF triples retrieveCmetaIdsFromCellmlElement(mModel); foreach (CellmlFileRdfTriple *rdfTriple, mRdfTriples) mUsedCmetaIds << rdfTriple->metadataId(); mUsedCmetaIds.removeDuplicates(); return true; }
void ImportIconsWizard::skip() { m_missingCount++; m_missingIter++; if (!doLoad()) { if (!m_strMatches.isEmpty()) askSubmit(m_strMatches); else Close(); } }
/** * @brief Load a single Object from a Result Set * @param[in] Result Set * @return New Domain Object */ typename D::Ptr load(cursor::row_t r) { int64_t id = r[0].as<int64_t>(); if ((m_loaded.find(id) != m_loaded.end()) && ! m_loaded[id].expired()) return downcast(m_loaded[id].lock()); typename D::Ptr result = doLoad(id, r); m_loaded[id] = Persistent::WeakPtr(upcast(result)); attachToSession(result); afterLoaded(result); mark_persistent_clean(result); return result; }
void NewLoader::open(QString path) { if(!dm->existsInCurrentDir(path)) { freeAll(); preloadTarget = 0; loadTarget = 0; dm->setFile(path); reinitCache(); } else { freeAuto(); dm->setFile(path); } emit loadStarted(); doLoad(dm->currentFilePos()); }
/* * ======== swiLoad ======== */ Void swiLoad(UArg arg1, UArg arg2) { static ULong oldLoad = ~0; /* display confirmation of load changes */ if (oldLoad != swiLoadVal) { oldLoad = swiLoadVal; Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "Swi load: new load = %d%%", swiLoadPercent[loadIndex]); } if (swiLoadVal) { doLoad(swiLoadVal); } }
/* * ======== hwiLoad ======== */ Void hwiLoad(Void) { static ULong oldLoad = ~0; /* display confirmation of load changes */ if (oldLoad != hwiLoadVal) { oldLoad = hwiLoadVal; Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "Hwi load: new load = %d%%", hwiLoadPercent[loadIndex]); } if (hwiLoadVal) { doLoad(hwiLoadVal); } }
void QcWaveform::load( const QString& filename ) { qcDebugMsg( 1, "QcWaveform::load( filename )" ); SF_INFO new_info; memset( &new_info, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO) ); SNDFILE *new_sf = sf_open( filename.toStdString().c_str(), SFM_READ, &new_info ); if( !new_sf ) { qcErrorMsg(QString("Could not open soundfile: ") + filename); return; } doLoad( new_sf, new_info, 0, new_info.frames ); }
void BaseConfigObject::loadNow() { if (m_saveTimer->isActive()) { saveNow(); } try { doLoad(FS::read(m_filename)); } catch (Exception & e) { qWarning() << "Error loading" << m_filename << ":" << e.cause(); } }
void Floater::load(KConfig *cfg) { move(firstPoint.x(), firstPoint.y()); QPoint start(wall->startPoint() + QPoint(wall->x(), wall->y())); start = cfg->readPointEntry("startPoint", &start); QPoint end(wall->endPoint() + QPoint(wall->x(), wall->y())); end = cfg->readPointEntry("endPoint", &end); wall->setPoints(start.x(), start.y(), end.x(), end.y()); wall->move(0, 0); setSpeed(cfg->readNumEntry("speed", -1)); doLoad(cfg); reset(); }
bool XMLParseBase::LoadBaseTheme(const QString &baseTheme) { LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Asked to load base file from '%1'").arg(baseTheme)); if (loadedBaseFiles.contains(baseTheme)) { LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Base file already loaded '%1'").arg(baseTheme)); return true; } bool ok = false; bool loadOnlyWindows = false; bool showWarnings = true; const QStringList searchpath = GetMythUI()->GetThemeSearchPath(); QStringList::const_iterator it = searchpath.begin(); for (; it != searchpath.end(); ++it) { QString themefile = *it + baseTheme; if (doLoad(QString(), GetGlobalObjectStore(), themefile, loadOnlyWindows, showWarnings)) { LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Loaded base theme from '%1'").arg(themefile)); // Don't complain about duplicate definitions after first // successful load (set showWarnings to false). showWarnings = false; ok = true; } else { LOG(VB_GUI | VB_FILE, LOG_WARNING, LOC + QString("No theme file '%1'").arg(themefile)); } } if (ok) loadedBaseFiles.append(baseTheme); return ok; }