Beispiel #1
void FatWalk::walk(int cluster)
    FatEntry root;

    if (cluster == system.rootDirectory) {
        root = system.rootEntry();
    } else {
        root.cluster = cluster;
        root.attributes = FAT_ATTRIBUTES_DIR;
        root.longName = "/";
    set<int> visited;
    onEntry(root, root, "/");
    doWalk(visited, root, "/");
Beispiel #2
int Router::walkToTalkToMega(byte *ob_logic, byte *ob_graph, byte *ob_mega, byte *ob_walkdata, uint32 megaId, uint32 separation) {
	ObjectMega obMega(ob_mega);

	int16 target_x = 0;
	int16 target_y = 0;
	uint8 target_dir = 0;

	// If this is the start of the walk, calculate the route.

	ObjectLogic obLogic(ob_logic);

	if (obLogic.getLooping() == 0) {
		assert(_vm->_resman->fetchType(megaId) == GAME_OBJECT);

		// Call the base script. This is the graphic/mouse service
		// call, and will set _engineMega to the ObjectMega of mega we
		// want to route to.

		_vm->_logic->runResScript(megaId, 3);

		ObjectMega targetMega(_vm->_logic->getEngineMega());

		// Stand exactly beside the mega, ie. at same y-coord
		target_y = targetMega.getFeetY();

		int scale = obMega.calcScale();
		int mega_separation = (separation * scale) / 256;

		debug(4, "Target is at (%d, %d), separation %d", targetMega.getFeetX(), targetMega.getFeetY(), mega_separation);

		if (targetMega.getFeetX() < obMega.getFeetX()) {
			// Target is left of us, so aim to stand to their
			// right. Face down_left

			target_x = targetMega.getFeetX() + mega_separation;
			target_dir = 5;
		} else {
			// Ok, must be right of us so aim to stand to their
			// left. Face down_right.

			target_x = targetMega.getFeetX() - mega_separation;
			target_dir = 3;

	return doWalk(ob_logic, ob_graph, ob_mega, ob_walkdata, target_x, target_y, target_dir);
Beispiel #3
int Router::doFace(byte *ob_logic, byte *ob_graph, byte *ob_mega, byte *ob_walkdata, uint8 target_dir) {
	int16 target_x = 0;
	int16 target_y = 0;

	// If this is the start of the turn, get the mega's current feet
	// coords + the required direction

	ObjectLogic obLogic(ob_logic);

	if (obLogic.getLooping() == 0) {
		assert(target_dir <= 7);

		ObjectMega obMega(ob_mega);

		target_x = obMega.getFeetX();
		target_y = obMega.getFeetY();

	return doWalk(ob_logic, ob_graph, ob_mega, ob_walkdata, target_x, target_y, target_dir);
Beispiel #4
int Router::walkToAnim(byte *ob_logic, byte *ob_graph, byte *ob_mega, byte *ob_walkdata, uint32 animRes) {
	int16 target_x = 0;
	int16 target_y = 0;
	uint8 target_dir = 0;

	// Walkdata is needed for earlySlowOut if player clicks elsewhere
	// during the walk.

	// If this is the start of the walk, read anim file to get start coords

	ObjectLogic obLogic(ob_logic);

	if (obLogic.getLooping() == 0) {
		byte *anim_file = _vm->_resman->openResource(animRes);
		AnimHeader anim_head;>fetchAnimHeader(anim_file));

		target_x = anim_head.feetStartX;
		target_y = anim_head.feetStartY;
		target_dir = anim_head.feetStartDir;


		// If start coords not yet set in anim header, use the standby
		// coords (which should be set beforehand in the script).

		if (target_x == 0 && target_y == 0) {
			target_x = _standbyX;
			target_y = _standbyY;
			target_dir = _standbyDir;

		assert(target_dir <= 7);

	return doWalk(ob_logic, ob_graph, ob_mega, ob_walkdata, target_x, target_y, target_dir);
Beispiel #5
void FatWalk::doWalk(set<int> &visited, FatEntry &currentEntry, string name)
    int cluster = currentEntry.cluster;

    if (visited.find(cluster) != visited.end()) {


    vector<FatEntry> entries = system.getEntries(cluster);
    vector<FatEntry>::iterator it;

    for (it=entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); it++) {
        FatEntry &entry = *it;

        if ((!walkErased) && entry.isErased()) {

        if (entry.getFilename() != "." && entry.getFilename() != "..") {
            string subname = name;

            if (subname != "" && subname != "/") {
                subname += "/";

            subname += entry.getFilename();

            if (entry.isDirectory()) {
                onDirectory(currentEntry, entry, subname);
                doWalk(visited, entry, subname);

            onEntry(currentEntry, entry, subname);