int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { putenv("LANG="); do_all(argc, argv); /* Return on error */ perror(argv[0]); exit(1); return 1; }
void dserv_daemon(dserv_handle_t *handle) { struct svcpool_args dserv_svcpool; struct protob dservproto; bzero(&dserv_svcpool, sizeof (dserv_svcpool)); = UNIQUE_SVCPOOL_ID; if (_nfssys(SVCPOOL_CREATE, &dserv_svcpool)) { dserv_log(handle, LOG_ERR, gettext("SVCPOOL_CREATE failed: %m")); exit(1); } dserv_set_pool_id(handle,; if (svcwait( { dserv_log(handle, LOG_ERR, gettext("svcwait(DSERV_SVCPOOL_ID) failed: %m")); exit(1); } dservproto.serv = "DSERV"; dservproto.versmin = PNFSCTLMDS_V1; dservproto.versmax = PNFSCTLMDS_V1; dservproto.program = PNFSCTLMDS; dservproto.flags = PROTOB_NO_REGISTER; = NULL; /* * We love globals! */ Mysvc4 = dserv_service; do_all_handle = handle; if (do_all(&dservproto, NULL, 0) == -1) { dserv_log(handle, LOG_ERR, gettext("do_all(): %m")); exit(1); } if (num_fds == 0) { dserv_log(handle, LOG_ERR, gettext("Could not start DSERV service for any protocol")); exit(1); } end_listen_fds = num_fds; poll_for_action(); dserv_log(handle, LOG_INFO, gettext("I am shutting down now")); exit(1); }
int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { char *display=NULL; unsigned long vmask; XSetWindowAttributes xswat; XGCValues gcvals; Bool use_planes=False; int i; srandom(getpid()); for (i=1; i < argc; i++) { if (strncmp(argv[i], "-dis", 4) == 0) { if (argv[i+1]) display=argv[++i]; else usage(); } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-p", 2) == 0) { use_planes=1; } else usage(); } if ((dpy=XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open display\n"); exit(0); } screen=DefaultScreen(dpy); xswat.override_redirect=True; xswat.do_not_propagate_mask=KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask; vmask=CWOverrideRedirect|CWDontPropagate; win=XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen), 0, 0, DisplayWidth(dpy, screen), DisplayHeight(dpy, screen), 0, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, vmask, &xswat); XMapWindow(dpy, win); gcvals.graphics_exposures=False; /* copyplane gc wants to leave the data alone */ gcvals.foreground=1; gcvals.background=0; copygc=XCreateGC(dpy, win, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCGraphicsExposures, &gcvals); gcvals.foreground=BlackPixel(dpy, screen); fillgc=XCreateGC(dpy, win, GCForeground, &gcvals); XSync(dpy, 0); if (use_planes) { do_planes(); } else { do_all(); } sleep(2); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
FrameIterator::FrameIterator( frame* _f, RegisterLocator* _rl, bool z, RegisterString m, bool r, OopClosure* c ) { f = _f; rl = _rl; zap = z; mask = m; reinit = r; oop_closure = c; do_all(); }
void edit_level(void) { int ch = 0; int kohta = 0; int c; int x, y, n1, n2; int current = -1; int active = -1; int airfield_set = -1; unsigned char colori = 0; FILE *faili; Bitmap *pointti; pointti = new Bitmap(1, 1, &colori); while (!(ch == SDLK_ESCAPE)) { colori++; pb_picture->blit(-kohta, 0); for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) { if (leveldata.struct_x[c]) { struct_picture[c]->blit(leveldata.struct_x[c] - kohta, leveldata.struct_y[c]); } } if (active != -1) { if (leveldata.struct_x[active] >= kohta && leveldata.struct_x[active] <= (kohta + 300)) boxi(leveldata.struct_x[active] - kohta, leveldata.struct_y[active], leveldata.struct_x[active] - kohta + picture_width[active], leveldata.struct_y[active] + picture_height[active], 1); } for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) if (leveldata.airfield_x[c]) omaline(leveldata.airfield_x[c] - kohta, leveldata.airfield_y[c], leveldata.airfield_x[c] - kohta + leveldata.airfield_lenght[c], leveldata.airfield_y[c], colori); if (active != -1) { lappu1->blit(220, 0); fontti->printf(235, 4, "%s", leveldata.pd_name[active]); fontti->printf(235, 14, "X:%d Y:%d", leveldata.struct_x[active], leveldata.struct_y[active]); fontti->printf(235, 23, "%s", owner_names[leveldata.struct_owner[active]]); fontti->printf(235, 32, "%s", hitting_names[leveldata.struct_hit[active]]); fontti->printf(235, 41, "%s", type_names[leveldata.struct_type[active]]); } lappu2->blit(262, 184); fontti->printf(265, 188, "%s", leveldata.pb_name); koords(&x, &y, &n1, &n2); hiirikursori->blit(x, y); if (airfield_set != -1 && (n1 || n2)) { hiirikursori = hiirik; leveldata.airfield_x[airfield_set] = x + kohta; leveldata.airfield_y[airfield_set] = y; if (n1) leveldata.plane_direction[airfield_set] = 0; else leveldata.plane_direction[airfield_set] = 1; airfield_set = -1; } if (n1 && (current != -1)) { leveldata.struct_x[current] = x + kohta; leveldata.struct_y[current] = y; hiirikursori = hiirik; current = -1; } else if (n1 && (active == -1)) { for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) { if ((x + kohta) >= leveldata.struct_x[c] && (x + kohta) <= (leveldata.struct_x[c] + picture_width[c]) && y >= leveldata.struct_y[c] && y <= (leveldata.struct_y[c] + picture_height[c])) break; } if (c != MAX_STRUCTURES) { active = c; } } if (n2 && (active != -1)) { active = -1; } do_all(); //while(!kbhit()); if (kbhit()) { ch = getch(); switch (ch) { case SDLK_F2: swap_byte_order(); faili = fopen(filename, "wb"); fwrite(&leveldata, sizeof(leveldata), 1, faili); fclose(faili); swap_byte_order(); break; case SDLK_INSERT: if (active != -1) break; for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) if (!leveldata.struct_x[c]) break; if (c == MAX_STRUCTURES) break; fontti->printf(10, 10, "StructureNAME"); fontti->scanf(10, 20, leveldata.pd_name[c], 6); if (!leveldata.pd_name[c][0]) break; if (!bitmap_exists(leveldata.pd_name[c])) break; struct_picture[c] = new Bitmap(leveldata.pd_name[c]); hiirikursori = struct_picture[c]; hiirikursori->info(&picture_width[c], &picture_height[c]); current = c; break; case SDLK_F5: if (active != -1) break; for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) if (!leveldata.struct_x[c]) break; if (c == MAX_STRUCTURES) break; strcpy(leveldata.pd_name[c], "INFAN"); if (!bitmap_exists(leveldata.pd_name[c])) break; leveldata.struct_owner[c] = 0; leveldata.struct_type[c] = 0; struct_picture[c] = new Bitmap(leveldata.pd_name[c]); hiirikursori = struct_picture[c]; hiirikursori->info(&picture_width[c], &picture_height[c]); current = c; break; case SDLK_F6: if (active != -1) break; for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) if (!leveldata.struct_x[c]) break; if (c == MAX_STRUCTURES) break; strcpy(leveldata.pd_name[c], "INFAN"); if (!bitmap_exists(leveldata.pd_name[c])) break; leveldata.struct_owner[c] = 1; leveldata.struct_type[c] = 0; struct_picture[c] = new Bitmap(leveldata.pd_name[c]); hiirikursori = struct_picture[c]; hiirikursori->info(&picture_width[c], &picture_height[c]); current = c; break; case SDLK_F7: if (active != -1) break; for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) if (!leveldata.struct_x[c]) break; if (c == MAX_STRUCTURES) break; strcpy(leveldata.pd_name[c], "INFAN"); if (!bitmap_exists(leveldata.pd_name[c])) break; leveldata.struct_owner[c] = 2; leveldata.struct_type[c] = 0; struct_picture[c] = new Bitmap(leveldata.pd_name[c]); hiirikursori = struct_picture[c]; hiirikursori->info(&picture_width[c], &picture_height[c]); current = c; break; case SDLK_F8: if (active != -1) break; for (c = 0; c < MAX_STRUCTURES; c++) if (!leveldata.struct_x[c]) break; if (c == MAX_STRUCTURES) break; strcpy(leveldata.pd_name[c], "INFAN"); if (!bitmap_exists(leveldata.pd_name[c])) break; leveldata.struct_owner[c] = 3; leveldata.struct_type[c] = 0; struct_picture[c] = new Bitmap(leveldata.pd_name[c]); hiirikursori = struct_picture[c]; hiirikursori->info(&picture_width[c], &picture_height[c]); current = c; break; case SDLK_DELETE: if (active != -1) { leveldata.struct_x[active] = 0; delete struct_picture[active]; active = -1; } break; case SDLK_HOME: if (active != -1) { leveldata.struct_owner[active]++; if (leveldata.struct_owner[active] >= 5) leveldata.struct_owner[active] = 0; } break; case SDLK_END: if (active != -1) { leveldata.struct_hit[active]++; if (leveldata.struct_hit[active] >= 2) leveldata.struct_hit[active] = 0; } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: kohta += 106; if (kohta > 2080) kohta = 2080; break; case SDLK_LEFT: kohta -= 106; if (kohta < 0) kohta = 0; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: char temp_stringi[10]; temp_stringi[0] = 0; fontti->scanf(265, 178, temp_stringi, 6); if (!bitmap_exists(temp_stringi)) break; strcpy(leveldata.pb_name, temp_stringi); delete pb_picture; pb_picture = new Bitmap(temp_stringi); break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: if (active != -1) { leveldata.struct_type[active]++; if (leveldata.struct_type[active] >= MAX_TYPES) leveldata.struct_type[active] = 0; } break; case SDLK_q: leveldata.airfield_lenght[0]++; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[0] > MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[0] = MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_w: leveldata.airfield_lenght[1]++; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[1] > MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[1] = MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_e: leveldata.airfield_lenght[2]++; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[2] > MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[2] = MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_r: leveldata.airfield_lenght[3]++; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[3] > MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[3] = MAX_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_a: leveldata.airfield_lenght[0]--; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[0] < MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[0] = MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_s: leveldata.airfield_lenght[1]--; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[1] < MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[1] = MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_d: leveldata.airfield_lenght[2]--; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[2] < MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[2] = MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_f: leveldata.airfield_lenght[3]--; if (leveldata.airfield_lenght[3] < MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT) leveldata.airfield_lenght[3] = MIN_AIRFIELD_LENGHT; break; case SDLK_PLUS: if (active == -1 || active == 99) break; if (leveldata.struct_x[active + 1]); active++; break; case SDLK_MINUS: if (active < 1) break; if (leveldata.struct_x[active - 1]); active--; break; default: if ((ch >= SDLK_1) && (ch <= SDLK_4)) { airfield_set = ch - SDLK_1; hiirikursori = pointti; } break; } } } delete pointti; }
int main(int ac, char *av[]) { char *dir = "/"; int allflag = 0; int df_allflag = 0; int opt_cnt = 0; int maxservers = 1; /* zero allows inifinte number of threads */ int maxservers_set = 0; int logmaxservers = 0; int pid; int i; char *provider = (char *)NULL; char *df_provider = (char *)NULL; struct protob *protobp0, *protobp; NETSELDECL(proto) = NULL; NETSELDECL(df_proto) = NULL; NETSELPDECL(providerp); char *defval; boolean_t can_do_mlp; uint_t dss_npaths = 0; char **dss_pathnames = NULL; sigset_t sgset; char name[PATH_MAX], value[PATH_MAX]; int ret, bufsz; int pipe_fd = -1; MyName = *av; /* * Initializations that require more privileges than we need to run. */ (void) _create_daemon_lock(NFSD, DAEMON_UID, DAEMON_GID); svcsetprio(); can_do_mlp = priv_ineffect(PRIV_NET_BINDMLP); if (__init_daemon_priv(PU_RESETGROUPS|PU_CLEARLIMITSET, DAEMON_UID, DAEMON_GID, PRIV_SYS_NFS, can_do_mlp ? PRIV_NET_BINDMLP : NULL, NULL) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s should be run with" " sufficient privileges\n", av[0]); exit(1); } (void) enable_extended_FILE_stdio(-1, -1); /* * Read in the values from SMF first before we check * command line options so the options override SMF values. */ bufsz = PATH_MAX; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("max_connections", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_INTEGER, NFSD, &bufsz); if (ret == SA_OK) { errno = 0; max_conns_allowed = strtol(value, (char **)NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) max_conns_allowed = -1; } bufsz = PATH_MAX; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("listen_backlog", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_INTEGER, NFSD, &bufsz); if (ret == SA_OK) { errno = 0; listen_backlog = strtol(value, (char **)NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { listen_backlog = 32; } } bufsz = PATH_MAX; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("protocol", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, NFSD, &bufsz); if ((ret == SA_OK) && strlen(value) > 0) { df_proto = strdup(value); opt_cnt++; if (strncasecmp("ALL", value, 3) == 0) { free(df_proto); df_proto = NULL; df_allflag = 1; } } bufsz = PATH_MAX; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("device", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, NFSD, &bufsz); if ((ret == SA_OK) && strlen(value) > 0) { df_provider = strdup(value); opt_cnt++; } bufsz = PATH_MAX; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("servers", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_INTEGER, NFSD, &bufsz); if (ret == SA_OK) { errno = 0; maxservers = strtol(value, (char **)NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) maxservers = 1; else maxservers_set = 1; } bufsz = 4; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("server_versmin", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_INTEGER, NFSD, &bufsz); if (ret == SA_OK) nfs_server_vers_min = strtol(value, (char **)NULL, 10); bufsz = 4; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("server_versmax", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_INTEGER, NFSD, &bufsz); if (ret == SA_OK) nfs_server_vers_max = strtol(value, (char **)NULL, 10); bufsz = PATH_MAX; ret = nfs_smf_get_prop("server_delegation", value, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, NFSD, &bufsz); if (ret == SA_OK) if (strncasecmp(value, "off", 3) == 0) nfs_server_delegation = FALSE; /* * Conflict options error messages. */ if (opt_cnt > 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "\nConflicting options, only one of " "the following options can be specified\n" "in SMF:\n" "\tprotocol=ALL\n" "\tprotocol=protocol\n" "\tdevice=devicename\n\n"); usage(); } opt_cnt = 0; while ((i = getopt(ac, av, "ac:p:s:t:l:")) != EOF) { switch (i) { case 'a': free(df_proto); df_proto = NULL; free(df_provider); df_provider = NULL; allflag = 1; opt_cnt++; break; case 'c': max_conns_allowed = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': proto = optarg; df_allflag = 0; opt_cnt++; break; /* * DSS: NFSv4 distributed stable storage. * * This is a Contracted Project Private interface, for * the sole use of Sun Cluster HA-NFS. See PSARC/2006/313. */ case 's': if (strlen(optarg) < MAXPATHLEN) { /* first "-s" option encountered? */ if (dss_pathnames == NULL) { /* * Allocate maximum possible space * required given cmdline arg count; * "-s <path>" consumes two args. */ size_t sz = (ac / 2) * sizeof (char *); dss_pathnames = (char **)malloc(sz); if (dss_pathnames == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: " "dss paths malloc failed\n", av[0]); exit(1); } (void) memset(dss_pathnames, 0, sz); } dss_pathnames[dss_npaths] = optarg; dss_npaths++; } else { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -s pathname too long.\n", av[0]); } break; case 't': provider = optarg; df_allflag = 0; opt_cnt++; break; case 'l': listen_backlog = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } allflag = df_allflag; if (proto == NULL) proto = df_proto; if (provider == NULL) provider = df_provider; /* * Conflict options error messages. */ if (opt_cnt > 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "\nConflicting options, only one of " "the following options can be specified\n" "on the command line:\n" "\t-a\n" "\t-p protocol\n" "\t-t transport\n\n"); usage(); } if (proto != NULL && strncasecmp(proto, NC_UDP, strlen(NC_UDP)) == 0) { if (nfs_server_vers_max == NFS_V4) { if (nfs_server_vers_min == NFS_V4) { fprintf(stderr, "NFS version 4 is not supported " "with the UDP protocol. Exiting\n"); exit(3); } else { fprintf(stderr, "NFS version 4 is not supported " "with the UDP protocol.\n"); } } } /* * If there is exactly one more argument, it is the number of * servers. */ if (optind == ac - 1) { maxservers = atoi(av[optind]); maxservers_set = 1; } /* * If there are two or more arguments, then this is a usage error. */ else if (optind < ac - 1) usage(); /* * Check the ranges for min/max version specified */ else if ((nfs_server_vers_min > nfs_server_vers_max) || (nfs_server_vers_min < NFS_VERSMIN) || (nfs_server_vers_max > NFS_VERSMAX)) usage(); /* * There are no additional arguments, and we haven't set maxservers * explicitly via the config file, we use a default number of * servers. We will log this. */ else if (maxservers_set == 0) logmaxservers = 1; /* * Basic Sanity checks on options * * max_conns_allowed must be positive, except for the special * value of -1 which is used internally to mean unlimited, -1 isn't * documented but we allow it anyway. * * maxservers must be positive * listen_backlog must be positive or zero */ if (((max_conns_allowed != -1) && (max_conns_allowed <= 0)) || (listen_backlog < 0) || (maxservers <= 0)) { usage(); } /* * Set current dir to server root */ if (chdir(dir) < 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", MyName); perror(dir); exit(1); } #ifndef DEBUG pipe_fd = daemonize_init(); #endif openlog(MyName, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON); /* * establish our lock on the lock file and write our pid to it. * exit if some other process holds the lock, or if there's any * error in writing/locking the file. */ pid = _enter_daemon_lock(NFSD); switch (pid) { case 0: break; case -1: fprintf(stderr, "error locking for %s: %s\n", NFSD, strerror(errno)); exit(2); default: /* daemon was already running */ exit(0); } /* * If we've been given a list of paths to be used for distributed * stable storage, and provided we're going to run a version * that supports it, setup the DSS paths. */ if (dss_pathnames != NULL && nfs_server_vers_max >= DSS_VERSMIN) { if (dss_init(dss_npaths, dss_pathnames) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", "dss_init failed. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } /* * Block all signals till we spawn other * threads. */ (void) sigfillset(&sgset); (void) thr_sigsetmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sgset, NULL); if (logmaxservers) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of servers not specified. Using default of %d.\n", maxservers); } /* * Make sure to unregister any previous versions in case the * user is reconfiguring the server in interesting ways. */ svc_unreg(NFS_PROGRAM, NFS_VERSION); svc_unreg(NFS_PROGRAM, NFS_V3); svc_unreg(NFS_PROGRAM, NFS_V4); svc_unreg(NFS_ACL_PROGRAM, NFS_ACL_V2); svc_unreg(NFS_ACL_PROGRAM, NFS_ACL_V3); /* * Set up kernel RPC thread pool for the NFS server. */ if (nfssvcpool(maxservers)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set up kernel NFS service: %s. " "Exiting.\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * Set up blocked thread to do LWP creation on behalf of the kernel. */ if (svcwait(NFS_SVCPOOL_ID)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set up NFS pool creator: %s. Exiting.\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * RDMA start and stop thread. * Per pool RDMA listener creation and * destructor thread. * * start rdma services and block in the kernel. * (only if proto or provider is not set to TCP or UDP) */ if ((proto == NULL) && (provider == NULL)) { if (svcrdma(NFS_SVCPOOL_ID, nfs_server_vers_min, nfs_server_vers_max, nfs_server_delegation)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set up RDMA creator thread : %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } /* * Now open up for signal delivery */ (void) thr_sigsetmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sgset, NULL); sigset(SIGTERM, sigflush); sigset(SIGUSR1, quiesce); /* * Build a protocol block list for registration. */ protobp0 = protobp = (struct protob *)malloc(sizeof (struct protob)); protobp->serv = "NFS"; protobp->versmin = nfs_server_vers_min; protobp->versmax = nfs_server_vers_max; protobp->program = NFS_PROGRAM; protobp->next = (struct protob *)malloc(sizeof (struct protob)); protobp = protobp->next; protobp->serv = "NFS_ACL"; /* not used */ protobp->versmin = nfs_server_vers_min; /* XXX - this needs work to get the version just right */ protobp->versmax = (nfs_server_vers_max > NFS_ACL_V3) ? NFS_ACL_V3 : nfs_server_vers_max; protobp->program = NFS_ACL_PROGRAM; protobp->next = (struct protob *)NULL; if (allflag) { if (do_all(protobp0, nfssvc) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "setnetconfig failed : %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } else if (proto) { /* there's more than one match for the same protocol */ struct netconfig *nconf; NCONF_HANDLE *nc; bool_t protoFound = FALSE; if ((nc = setnetconfig()) == (NCONF_HANDLE *) NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "setnetconfig failed : %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto done; } while (nconf = getnetconfig(nc)) { if (strcmp(nconf->nc_proto, proto) == 0) { protoFound = TRUE; do_one(nconf->nc_device, NULL, protobp0, nfssvc); } } (void) endnetconfig(nc); if (protoFound == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find netconfig entry for protocol %s\n", proto); } } else if (provider) do_one(provider, proto, protobp0, nfssvc); else { for (providerp = defaultproviders; *providerp != NULL; providerp++) { provider = *providerp; do_one(provider, NULL, protobp0, nfssvc); } } done: free(protobp); free(protobp0); if (num_fds == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not start NFS service for any protocol." " Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } end_listen_fds = num_fds; /* * nfsd is up and running as far as we are concerned. */ daemonize_fini(pipe_fd); /* * Get rid of unneeded privileges. */ __fini_daemon_priv(PRIV_PROC_FORK, PRIV_PROC_EXEC, PRIV_PROC_SESSION, PRIV_FILE_LINK_ANY, PRIV_PROC_INFO, (char *)NULL); /* * Poll for non-data control events on the transport descriptors. */ poll_for_action(); /* * If we get here, something failed in poll_for_action(). */ return (1); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { size_t num_voices; char **fn_voices; char* in_fname; char* output_fname; FILE * outfp; char* dur_fname; FILE * durfp; bool print_label = false; bool print_utt = false; bool write_raw = false; bool write_durlabel = false; CFSAString LexFileName, LexDFileName; HTS_Engine engine; double speed = 1.1; size_t fr = 48000; size_t fp = 240; float alpha = 0.55; float beta = 0.0; float ht = 2.0; float th = 0.5; float gvw1 = 1.0; float gvw2 = 1.2; FSCInit(); fn_voices = (char **) malloc(argc * sizeof (char *)); if (argc < 11) { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: liiga vähe parameetreid\n\n"); PrintUsage(); } for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (CFSAString("-lex") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { LexFileName = argv[++i]; } else { return PrintUsage(); } } if (CFSAString("-lexd") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { LexDFileName = argv[++i]; } else { return PrintUsage(); } } if (CFSAString("-m") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { fn_voices[0] = argv[i + 1]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: puudub *.htsvoice fail\n"); PrintUsage(); exit(0); } } if (CFSAString("-o") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { output_fname = argv[i + 1]; cfileexists(output_fname); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: puudb väljundfaili nimi\n"); PrintUsage(); exit(0); } } if (CFSAString("-f") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { in_fname = argv[i + 1]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: puudb sisendfaili nimi\n"); PrintUsage(); exit(0); } } if (CFSAString("-s") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { samplerate(fr, fp, alpha, atoi(argv[i + 1])); } } if (CFSAString("-r") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { speed = atof(argv[i + 1]); } } if (CFSAString("-ht") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { ht = atof(argv[i + 1]); } } if (CFSAString("-gvw1") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { gvw1 = atof(argv[i + 1]); } } if (CFSAString("-gvw2") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { gvw2 = atof(argv[i + 1]); } } if (CFSAString("-debug") == argv[i]) { print_label = true; } if (CFSAString("-utt") == argv[i]) { print_utt = true; } if (CFSAString("-raw") == argv[i]) { write_raw = true; } if (CFSAString("-dur") == argv[i]) { if (i + 1 < argc) { dur_fname = argv[i + 1]; cfileexists(dur_fname); write_durlabel = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: puudb kestustefaili nimi\n"); PrintUsage(); exit(0); } } } Linguistic.Open(LexFileName); Disambiguator.Open(LexDFileName); CFSWString text; ReadUTF8Text(text, in_fname); HTS_Engine_initialize(&engine); if (HTS_Engine_load(&engine, fn_voices, 1) != TRUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: puudub *.htsvoice. %p\n", fn_voices[0]); free(fn_voices); HTS_Engine_clear(&engine); exit(1); } free(fn_voices); HTS_Engine_set_sampling_frequency(&engine, (size_t) fr); HTS_Engine_set_phoneme_alignment_flag(&engine, FALSE); HTS_Engine_set_fperiod(&engine, (size_t) fp); HTS_Engine_set_alpha(&engine, alpha); HTS_Engine_set_beta(&engine, beta); HTS_Engine_set_speed(&engine, speed); HTS_Engine_add_half_tone(&engine, ht); HTS_Engine_set_msd_threshold(&engine, 1, th); /* HTS_Engine_set_duration_interpolation_weight(&engine, 1, diw); HTS_Engine_set_parameter_interpolation_weight(&engine, 0, 0, piw1); HTS_Engine_set_parameter_interpolation_weight(&engine, 0, 1, piw2); HTS_Engine_set_gv_interpolation_weight(&engine, 0, 0, giw1); HTS_Engine_set_gv_interpolation_weight(&engine, 0, 1, giw2); */ HTS_Engine_set_gv_weight(&engine, 0, gvw1); HTS_Engine_set_gv_weight(&engine, 1, gvw2); text = DealWithText(text); CFSArray<CFSWString> res = do_utterances(text); INTPTR data_size = 0; outfp = fopen(output_fname, "wb"); if (write_durlabel) durfp = fopen(dur_fname, "w"); if (!write_raw) HTS_Engine_write_header(&engine, outfp, 1); for (INTPTR i = 0; i < res.GetSize(); i++) { CFSArray<CFSWString> label = do_all(res[i], print_label, print_utt); std::vector<std::string> v; v = to_vector(label); std::vector<char*> vc; fill_char_vector(v, vc); size_t n_lines = vc.size(); if (HTS_Engine_synthesize_from_strings(&engine, &vc[0], n_lines) != TRUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Viga: süntees ebaonnestus.\n"); HTS_Engine_clear(&engine); exit(1); } clean_char_vector(vc); data_size += HTS_Engine_engine_speech_size(&engine); if (write_durlabel) HTS_Engine_save_durlabel(&engine, durfp); HTS_Engine_save_generated_speech(&engine, outfp); HTS_Engine_refresh(&engine); } //synth loop if (!write_raw) HTS_Engine_write_header(&engine, outfp, data_size); if (write_durlabel) fclose(durfp); fclose(outfp); HTS_Engine_clear(&engine); Linguistic.Close(); FSCTerminate(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch, options = 0, action = CCD_CONFIG; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "cCf:guUv")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': action = CCD_CONFIG; ++options; break; case 'C': action = CCD_CONFIGALL; ++options; break; case 'f': ccdconf = optarg; break; case 'g': action = CCD_DUMP; break; case 'u': action = CCD_UNCONFIG; ++options; break; case 'U': action = CCD_UNCONFIGALL; ++options; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (options > 1) usage(); if (modfind("g_ccd") < 0) { /* Not present in kernel, try loading it */ if (kldload("geom_ccd") < 0 || modfind("g_ccd") < 0) warn("geom_ccd module not available!"); } switch (action) { case CCD_CONFIG: case CCD_UNCONFIG: exit(do_single(argc, argv, action)); /* NOTREACHED */ case CCD_CONFIGALL: case CCD_UNCONFIGALL: exit(do_all(action)); /* NOTREACHED */ case CCD_DUMP: exit(dump_ccd(argc, argv)); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); }
WORD main( WORD argc, BYTE *argv[] ) { /* Hauptroutine */ struct time zeit1, zeit2; ERROR_STR *error_str, *temp_error_str; REG ULONG i, j; ULONG sec1, sec2; WORD state; /* Meldung ausgeben */ puts( INFO ); /* Zeit merken */ gettime( &zeit1 ); /* Zeit in Sekunden umwandeln */ sec1 = ( zeit1.ti_hour * 3600L ) + ( zeit1.ti_min * 60L ) + zeit1.ti_sec; /* Den Dateinamen merken */ file_name = argv[1]; /* Hauptroutine aufrufen */ state = do_all( argv[1] ); /* Traten Shift-/Reduce-Fehler auf ? */ if( sr_err || rr_err ) /* Es traten Shift-Reduce-Fehler auf */ fprintf( stderr, "\n\n%d Shift-/Reduce-Fehler, %d Reduce-/Reduce-Fehler registriert.", sr_err, rr_err ); /* Ausgabe der Fehler in Datei ? */ if( lr_info.err_dest == DFILE ) { /* Sind Fehler aufgetreten ? */ if( error_flag ) /* Meldung ausgeben */ fprintf( stderr, "\n\nEs sind Fehler aufgetreten !" ); else /* Meldung ausgeben */ fprintf( stderr, "\n\nEs sind keine Fehler aufgetreten !" ); } /* Speicher freigeben */ if( grammar ) /* Speicher der Grammatikdatei freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) grammar ); if( error_struct ) { /* Speicher der ERROR-Strukturen freigeben */ for( i = 0; i < error_struct_count; i++ ) { /* Zeiger auf ERROR_STR holen */ error_str = error_struct[i]; /* Muss noch Speciher freigegeben werden ? */ while( error_str ) { /* Folge-Struktur merken */ temp_error_str = error_str->error_str; /* Speicher des Fehlermeldung-Textes freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) error_str->err_msg ); /* Speicher der aktuellen ERROR_STR freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) error_str ); /* Pointer umkopieren */ error_str = temp_error_str; } } } if( hulle_str ) { /* Speicher s�mtlicher H�llen freigeben */ for( i = 0; i <= hulle_count; i++ ) { /* Das Lookahead-Array aller Items freigeben */ for( j = 0; j < hulle_str[i]->anz_items; j++ ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) hulle_str[i]->item_str[j].lookahead.term_arr ); /* Speicher der ITEM_STR freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) hulle_str[i]->item_str ); } } if( lr_tab ) { /* Speicher der LR-Tabelle freigeben */ for( i = 0; i <= hulle_count; i++ ) free( ( VOID * ) lr_tab[i] ); /* Den Speicher des Arrays freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) lr_tab ); } if( jump_tab ) /* Speicher der Zustandsueberg�nge freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) jump_tab ); if( ziel_tab ) /* Speicher der Ziel-Tabelle freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) ziel_tab ); if( nterm_str ) { /* Speicher s�mtlicher NTERM_STRs zurueckgeben */ for( i = 1; i <= nterm_count; i++ ) { /* Die FOLLOW-Elemente freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) nterm_str[i]->follow.term_arr ); /* Die NTERM_STR-Struktur freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) nterm_str[i] ); } /* Den Speicher des Arrays freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) nterm_str ); } if( term_str ) /* Speicher der Terminale freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) term_str ); if( prod_index_arr ) /* Speicher der Indexe der Produktionen freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) prod_index_arr ); if( gra_err_str ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) gra_err_str ); if( nterm_first ) { /* Speicher der FIRST-Elemente freigeben */ for( i = 0; i < nterm_first_count; i++ ) { /* Speicher der FIRST-Terminale freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) nterm_first[i]->first.term_arr ); free( ( VOID * ) nterm_first[i] ); } /* Den Speicher des Arrays freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) nterm_first ); } if( old_nterm_index ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) old_nterm_index ); if( init ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) init ); if( incl ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) incl ); if( error_hulle ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) error_hulle ); if( type_arr ) { /* Alle Eintr�ge freigeben */ for( i = 0; i < type_arr_count; i++ ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) type_arr[i] ); /* Speicher des Arrays freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) type_arr ); } if( sem_act ) { /* Alle Eintr�ge freigeben */ for( i = 0; i < sem_act_count; i++ ) /* Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) sem_act[i].sem_act_text ); /* Speicher des Arrays freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) sem_act ); } if( hash_tab ) { /* Speicher der HASH-Tabelle freigeben */ for( i = 0; i < lr_info.hash_tab_size; i++ ) { /* Ist etwas eingetragen ? */ if( hash_tab[i].name ) { /* Ja, Speicher freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) hash_tab[i].name ); free( ( VOID * ) hash_tab[i].term_str ); free( ( VOID * ) hash_tab[i].hulle_arr ); } /* Speicher der eigentlichen HASH-Tabelle freigeben */ free( ( VOID * ) hash_tab ); } } /* Datei schliessen */ if( handle != -1 ) { /* Datei schliessen */ if( close( handle ) < 0 ) /* Fehler */ return( error( CANNOT_CLOSE_GRAMMAR_FILE, 0, 0 ) ); } /* Parser-Source-Datei schliessen ? */ if( parser_file ) { /* Datei schliessen */ if( fclose( parser_file ) == EOF ) /* Fehler */ return( error( CANNOT_CLOSE_PARSER_FILE, 0, 0 ) ); } /* BNF-Grammatik-Datei schliessen ? */ if( bnf_file ) { /* Datei schliessen */ if( fclose( bnf_file ) == EOF ) /* Fehler */ return( error( CANNOT_CLOSE_BNF_FILE, 0, 0 ) ); } /* Ist ein Fehler aufgetreten ? */ if( state < 0 ) /* Fehler */ return( -1 ); /* Zeit holen */ gettime( &zeit2 ); /* Zeit in Sekunden umwandeln */ sec2 = ( zeit2.ti_hour * 3600L ) + ( zeit2.ti_min * 60L ) + zeit2.ti_sec; /* Zeit merken */ fprintf( file, "\n\nBen�tigte Zeit: %02lu:%02lu:%02lu", ( sec2 - sec1 ) / 3600L, ( ( sec2 - sec1 ) % 3600L ) / 60L, ( ( sec2 - sec1 ) % 3600L ) % 60L ); /* Ausgabe auf Bildschirm ? */ if( lr_info.dest == DSCREEN ) /* Auf Tastendruck warten */ Cnecin(); /* Datei schliessen */ if( fclose( file ) < 0 ) /* Fehler */ return( error( CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE, 0, 0 ) ); /* Fehler-Datei schliessen */ if( fclose( err_file ) < 0 ) /* Fehler */ return( error( CANNOT_CLOSE_ERR_FILE, 0, 0 ) ); /* Alles OK */ return( 0 ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ut_cache **cache = NULL; int num_cache = 0; int c = 0; int action = UT_NO_TASK; int interactive = false; int game_type = 0; char *home_dir; home_dir = getenv("HOME"); char cache_file[MAXLEN]; memset( cache_file, 0, sizeof(cache_file)); char tmp_cache[MAXLEN]; memset( tmp_cache, 0, sizeof(tmp_cache)); char tmp_config[MAXLEN]; memset( tmp_config, 0, sizeof(tmp_config)); char tmp_move[MAXLEN]; memset( tmp_move, 0, sizeof(tmp_move)); cache_dir = NULL; move_dir = NULL; config_dir = NULL; /* Handle args */ while( (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "adhivb:c:", long_options, NULL)) != -1 ) { switch (c) { case 'a': if(!action) action = UT_MOVE; else usage("can't move and delete all."); break; case 'b': move_dir = optarg; break; case 'c': config_dir = optarg; break; case 'd': if(!action) action = UT_DELETE; else usage("can't move and delete all."); break; case 'i': interactive = true; break; case 'v': //TODO: verbose echos move or delete action break; case UT99: if(!game_type) game_type = UT99; else usage("only one game type at a time"); break; case UT2003: if(!game_type) game_type = UT2003; else usage("only one game type at a time"); break; case UT2004: if(!game_type) game_type = UT2004; else usage("only one game type at a time"); break; case 'h': default: usage(ut_cache_usage_string); } } if( config_dir == NULL ) { switch(game_type) { case UT99: memcpy( tmp_config, home_dir, strlen(home_dir) * sizeof(char) ); strcat( tmp_config, "/.loki/ut"); config_dir = tmp_config; break; case UT2003: memcpy( tmp_config, home_dir, strlen(home_dir) * sizeof(char) ); strcat( tmp_config, "/.ut2003"); config_dir = tmp_config; break; case UT2004: memcpy( tmp_config, home_dir, strlen(home_dir) * sizeof(char) ); strcat( tmp_config, "/.ut2004"); config_dir = tmp_config; break; default: usage(ut_cache_usage_string); break; } } memcpy( tmp_cache, config_dir, strlen(config_dir) * sizeof(char)); strcat( tmp_cache, "/Cache" ); cache_dir = tmp_cache; fprintf(stderr, "using \"%s\" for cache directory\n", cache_dir); if( move_dir == NULL ) { move_dir = config_dir; fprintf(stderr, "no move directory specified. using \"%s\"\n", move_dir); } memcpy( cache_file, cache_dir, strlen(cache_dir) * sizeof(char)); strcat( cache_file, "/cache.ini" ); cache = read_cache( cache_file, &num_cache); if( cache == NULL ) { return 1; } if( interactive ) { do_interactive( cache, num_cache ); }else{ do_all( cache, num_cache, action ); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int pid; int i; struct protob *protobp; struct flock f; pid_t pi; struct svcpool_args cb_svcpool; MyName = "nfs4cbd"; Mysvc4 = nfs4svc; #ifndef DEBUG /* * Close existing file descriptors, open "/dev/null" as * standard input, output, and error, and detach from * controlling terminal. */ closefrom(0); (void) open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); (void) open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); (void) dup(1); (void) setsid(); #endif /* * create a child to continue our work * Parent's exit will tell mount command we're ready to go */ if ((pi = fork()) > 0) { exit(0); } if (pi == -1) { (void) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not start NFS4_CALLBACK service"); exit(1); } (void) _create_daemon_lock(NFS4CBD, DAEMON_UID, DAEMON_GID); svcsetprio(); if (__init_daemon_priv(PU_RESETGROUPS|PU_CLEARLIMITSET, DAEMON_UID, DAEMON_GID, PRIV_SYS_NFS, (char *)NULL) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s must be run with sufficient" " privileges\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* Basic privileges we don't need, remove from E/P. */ __fini_daemon_priv(PRIV_PROC_EXEC, PRIV_PROC_FORK, PRIV_FILE_LINK_ANY, PRIV_PROC_SESSION, PRIV_PROC_INFO, (char *)NULL); /* * establish our lock on the lock file and write our pid to it. * exit if some other process holds the lock, or if there's any * error in writing/locking the file. */ pid = _enter_daemon_lock(NFS4CBD); switch (pid) { case 0: break; case -1: syslog(LOG_ERR, "error locking for %s: %s", NFS4CBD, strerror(errno)); exit(2); default: /* daemon was already running */ exit(0); } openlog(MyName, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON); = NFS_CB_SVCPOOL_ID; cb_svcpool.maxthreads = 0; cb_svcpool.redline = 0; cb_svcpool.qsize = 0; cb_svcpool.timeout = 0; cb_svcpool.stksize = 0; cb_svcpool.max_same_xprt = 0; /* create a SVC_POOL for the nfsv4 callback deamon */ if (_nfssys(SVCPOOL_CREATE, &cb_svcpool)) { (void) syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't setup NFS_CB SVCPOOL: Exiting"); exit(1); } /* * Set up blocked thread to do LWP creation on behalf of the kernel. */ if (svcwait(NFS_CB_SVCPOOL_ID)) { (void) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Can't set up NFS_CB LWP creator: Exiting"); exit(1); } /* * Build a protocol block list for registration. */ protobp = (struct protob *)malloc(sizeof (struct protob)); protobp->serv = "NFS4_CALLBACK"; protobp->versmin = NFS_CB; protobp->versmax = NFS_CB; protobp->program = NFS4_CALLBACK; protobp->next = NULL; if (do_all(protobp, NULL, 0) == -1) { exit(1); } free(protobp); if (num_fds == 0) { (void) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not start NFS4_CALLBACK service for any protocol"); exit(1); } end_listen_fds = num_fds; /* * Poll for non-data control events on the transport descriptors. */ poll_for_action(); /* * If we get here, something failed in poll_for_action(). */ return (1); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Prepares globally used data on program start_up */ int number_of_lines = 0, number_of_matches = 0, number_of_rounds = 0, match_number = 0, user_input = 0; char **file_string, early[STR_LEN2], late[STR_LEN2], weekday[STR_LEN]; match_s *match; /* Note: Array declared, but not allocated or initialized */ team_s *team; /* Note: Array declared, but not allocated or initialized */ get_number_of_lines(&number_of_lines); get_number_of_matches(number_of_lines, &number_of_matches); get_number_of_rounds(number_of_lines, &number_of_rounds); file_string = (char **)calloc(number_of_lines,sizeof(char *)); for(match_number = 0; match_number < number_of_matches; match_number++) { file_string[match_number] = (char *)calloc(LINE_LENGTH,sizeof(char)); } read_file(file_string); match = (match_s *)calloc(number_of_matches,sizeof(match_s)); save_file_to_struct(match, file_string, number_of_lines); team = (team_s *)calloc(NUMBER_OF_TEAMS,sizeof(team_s)); get_teams(team, match, number_of_matches); /* Run program with user interaction */ if(argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--print") == 0) { do_all(match, team, number_of_matches, number_of_rounds); } else { printf("Please input a numner between 1 and 6 to run said program.\nInput 0 to exit the program:\n"); printf("Input:>> "); scanf("%d",&user_input); while(user_input != 0) { switch (user_input) { case 1: printf("\nTask one:\n"); printf("Print all matches that has 7 or more goals total:\n"); task_one(match, number_of_matches); break; case 2: printf("\nTask two:\n"); printf("Print the first round with most goals.\n"); task_two(match, number_of_rounds); break; case 3: printf("\nTask three:\n"); printf("Get the teams that win more mathces out than home:\n"); task_three(team); break; case 4: printf("Task four:\n"); printf("Print the team with fewest spectators when playing home.\n"); task_four(team); break; case 5: printf("Task five:\n"); printf("Print the matches in a specific time interval, and sort them by number of goals.\n"); prompt_time(early, late, weekday); task_five(match, number_of_matches, early, late, weekday); break; case 6: printf("Task six:\n"); printf("Print the result for the end of the season.\n"); task_six(team, number_of_rounds); break; default: printf("Invalid user input!\n"); break; } user_input = 0; printf("\nTo perform another task, input a number from 1 - 6.\nTo exit, input 0.\n"); printf("Input:>> "); scanf("%d",&user_input); } } free(match); free(team); return 0; }