int process_cc_data (struct lib_cc_decode *ctx, unsigned char *cc_data, int cc_count, struct cc_subtitle *sub)
	int ret = -1;
	for (int j = 0; j < cc_count * 3; j = j + 3)
		if (validate_cc_data_pair( cc_data + j ) )
		ret = do_cb(ctx, cc_data + j, sub);
		if (ret == 1) //1 means success here
			ret = 0;
	return ret;
Beispiel #2
// Parse the user data for captions. The udtype variable denotes
// to which type of data it belongs:
// 0 .. sequence header
// 1 .. GOP header
// 2 .. picture header
// Return TRUE if the data parsing finished, FALSE otherwise.
// estream->pos is advanced. Data is only processed if ustream->error
// is FALSE, parsing can set ustream->error to TRUE.
int user_data(struct lib_cc_decode *ctx, struct bitstream *ustream, int udtype, struct cc_subtitle *sub)
	dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "user_data(%d)\n", udtype);

	// Shall not happen
	if (ustream->error || ustream->bitsleft <= 0)
		// ustream->error=1;
		return 0; // Actually discarded on call.
		// CFS: Seen in a Wobble edited file.
		// fatal(CCX_COMMON_EXIT_BUG_BUG, "user_data: Impossible!");

	// Do something

	unsigned char *ud_header = next_bytes(ustream, 4);
	if (ustream->error || ustream->bitsleft <= 0)
		return 0;  // Actually discarded on call.
		// CFS: Seen in Stick_VHS.mpg.
		// fatal(CCX_COMMON_EXIT_BUG_BUG, "user_data: Impossible!");

	// DVD CC header, see
	// <>
	if ( !memcmp(ud_header,"\x43\x43", 2 ) )

		// Probably unneeded, but keep looking for extra caption blocks
		int maybeextracb = 1;

		read_bytes(ustream, 4); // "43 43 01 F8"

		unsigned char pattern_flag = (unsigned char) read_bits(ustream,1);
		int capcount=(int) read_bits(ustream,5);
		int truncate_flag = (int) read_bits(ustream,1); // truncate_flag - one CB extra

		int field1packet = 0; // expect Field 1 first
		if (pattern_flag == 0x00)
			field1packet=1; // expect Field 1 second

		dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading %d%s DVD CC segments\n",
				capcount, (truncate_flag?"+1":""));

		capcount += truncate_flag;

		// This data comes before the first frame header, so
		// in order to get the correct timing we need to set the
		// current time to one frame after the maximum time of the
		// last GOP.  Only useful when there are frames before
		// the GOP.
		if (ctx->timing->fts_max > 0)
			ctx->timing->fts_now = ctx->timing->fts_max + (LLONG) (1000.0/current_fps);

		int rcbcount = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<capcount; i++)
			for (int j=0;j<2;j++)
				unsigned char data[3];

				// Obey the truncate flag.
				if ( truncate_flag && i == capcount-1 && j == 1 )
					maybeextracb = 0;
				/* Field 1 and 2 data can be in either order,
				   with marker bytes of \xff and \xfe
				   Since markers can be repeated, use pattern as well */
				if ((data[0]&0xFE) == 0xFE) // Check if valid
					if (data[0]==0xff && j==field1packet)
						data[0]=0x04; // Field 1
						data[0]=0x05; // Field 2
					do_cb(ctx, data, sub);
					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Illegal caption segment - stop here.\n");
					maybeextracb = 0;
		// Theoretically this should not happen, oh well ...
		// Deal with extra closed captions some DVD have.
		int ecbcount = 0;
		while ( maybeextracb && (next_u8(ustream)&0xFE) == 0xFE )
			for (int j=0;j<2;j++)
				unsigned char data[3];
				/* Field 1 and 2 data can be in either order,
				   with marker bytes of \xff and \xfe
				   Since markers can be repeated, use pattern as well */
				if ((data[0]&0xFE) == 0xFE) // Check if valid
					if (data[0]==0xff && j==field1packet)
						data[0]=0x04; // Field 1
						data[0]=0x05; // Field 2
					do_cb(ctx, data, sub);
					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Illegal (extra) caption segment - stop here.\n");
					maybeextracb = 0;

		dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Read %d/%d DVD CC blocks\n", rcbcount, ecbcount);
	// SCTE 20 user data
	else if (!ctx->noscte20 && ud_header[0] == 0x03)
		if ((ud_header[1]&0x7F) == 0x01)
			unsigned char cc_data[3*31+1]; // Maximum cc_count is 31

			read_bytes(ustream, 2); // "03 01"

			unsigned cc_count = (unsigned int) read_bits(ustream,5);
			dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading %d SCTE 20 CC blocks\n", cc_count);

			unsigned field_number;
			unsigned cc_data1;
			unsigned cc_data2;

			for (unsigned j=0;j<cc_count;j++)
				skip_bits(ustream,2); // priority - unused
				field_number = (unsigned int) read_bits(ustream,2);
				skip_bits(ustream,5); // line_offset - unused
				cc_data1 = (unsigned int) read_bits(ustream,8);
				cc_data2 = (unsigned int) read_bits(ustream,8);
				read_bits(ustream,1); // TODO: Add syntax check */

				if (ustream->bitsleft < 0)
					fatal(CCX_COMMON_EXIT_BUG_BUG, "In user_data: ustream->bitsleft < 0. Cannot continue.");

				// Field_number is either
				//  0 .. forbidden
				//  1 .. field 1 (odd)
				//  2 .. field 2 (even)
				//  3 .. repeated, from repeat_first_field, effectively field 1
				if (field_number < 1)
					// 0 is invalid
					cc_data[j*3]=0x00; // Set to invalid
					// Treat field_number 3 as 1
					field_number = (field_number - 1) & 0x01;
					// top_field_first also affects to which field the caption
					// belongs.
						field_number ^= 0x01;
			store_hdcc(ctx, cc_data, cc_count, ctx->timing->current_tref, ctx->timing->fts_now, sub);

			dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading SCTE 20 CC blocks - done\n");
		// reserved - unspecified
	// ReplayTV 4000/5000 caption header - parsing information
	// derived from CCExtract.bdl
	else if ( (ud_header[0] == 0xbb     //ReplayTV 4000
				|| ud_header[0] == 0x99) //ReplayTV 5000
			&& ud_header[1] == 0x02 )
		unsigned char data[3];

		if (ud_header[0]==0xbb)

		read_bytes(ustream, 2); // "BB 02" or "99 02"
		data[0]=0x05; // Field 2
		do_cb(ctx, data, sub);
		read_bytes(ustream, 2); // Skip "CC 02" for R4000 or "AA 02" for R5000
		data[0]=0x04; // Field 1
		do_cb(ctx, data, sub);
	// HDTV - see A/53 Part 4 (Video)
	else if ( !memcmp(ud_header,"\x47\x41\x39\x34", 4 ) )

		read_bytes(ustream, 4); // "47 41 39 34"

		unsigned char type_code = read_u8(ustream);
		if (type_code==0x03) // CC data.
			skip_bits(ustream,1); // reserved
			unsigned char process_cc_data = (unsigned char) read_bits(ustream,1);
			skip_bits(ustream,1); // additional_data - unused
			unsigned char cc_count = (unsigned char) read_bits(ustream,5);
			read_bytes(ustream, 1); // "FF"
			if (process_cc_data)
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading %d HDTV CC blocks\n", cc_count);

				int proceed = 1;
				unsigned char *cc_data = read_bytes(ustream, cc_count*3);
				if (ustream->bitsleft < 0)
					fatal(CCX_COMMON_EXIT_BUG_BUG, "In user_data: ustream->bitsleft < 0. Cannot continue.\n");

				// Check for proper marker - This read makes sure that
				// cc_count*3+1 bytes are read and available in cc_data.
				if (read_u8(ustream)!=0xFF)

				if (!proceed)
					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "\rThe following payload is not properly terminated.\n");
					dump (CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, cc_data, cc_count*3+1, 0, 0);
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading %d HD CC blocks\n", cc_count);

				// B-frames might be (temporal) before or after the anchor
				// frame they belong to. Store the buffer until the next anchor
				// frame occurs.  The buffer will be flushed (sorted) in the
				// picture header (or GOP) section when the next anchor occurs.
				// Please note we store the current value of the global
				// fts_now variable (and not get_fts()) as we are going to
				// re-create the timeline in process_hdcc() (Slightly ugly).
				store_hdcc(ctx, cc_data, cc_count, ctx->timing->current_tref, ctx->timing->fts_now, sub);

				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading HDTV blocks - done\n");
		// reserved - additional_cc_data
	// DVB closed caption header for Dish Network (Field 1 only) */
	else if ( !memcmp(ud_header,"\x05\x02", 2 ) )
		// Like HDTV (above) Dish Network captions can be stored at each
		// frame, but maximal two caption blocks per frame and only one
		// field is stored.
		// To process this with the HDTV framework we create a "HDTV" caption
		// format compatible array. Two times 3 bytes plus one for the 0xFF
		// marker at the end. Pre-init to field 1 and set the 0xFF marker.
		static unsigned char dishdata[7] = {0x04, 0, 0, 0x04, 0, 0, 0xFF};
		int cc_count;

		dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading Dish Network user data\n");


		read_bytes(ustream, 2); // "05 02"

		// The next bytes are like this:
		// header[2] : ID: 0x04 (MPEG?), 0x03 (H264?)
		// header[3-4]: Two byte counter (counting (sub-)GOPs?)
		// header[5-6]: Two bytes, maybe checksum?
		// header[7]: Pattern type
		//            on B-frame: 0x02, 0x04
		//            on I-/P-frame: 0x05
		unsigned char id = read_u8(ustream);
		unsigned dishcount = read_u16(ustream);
		unsigned something = read_u16(ustream);
		unsigned char type = read_u8(ustream);
		dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "DN  ID: %02X  Count: %5u  Unknown: %04X  Pattern: %X",
				id, dishcount, something, type);

		unsigned char hi;

		// The following block needs 4 to 6 bytes starting from the
		// current position
		unsigned char *dcd = ustream->pos; // dish caption data
		switch (type)
			case 0x02:
				// Two byte caption - always on B-frame
				// The following 4 bytes are:
				// 0  :  0x09
				// 1-2: caption block
				// 3  : REPEAT - 02: two bytes
				//             - 04: four bytes (repeat first two)
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "\n02 %02X  %02X:%02X - R:%02X :",
						dcd[0], dcd[1], dcd[2], dcd[3]);

				cc_count = 1;

				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%s", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata, 0) );

				type=dcd[3];  // repeater (0x02 or 0x04)
				hi = dishdata[1] & 0x7f; // Get only the 7 low bits
				if (type==0x04 && hi<32) // repeat (only for non-character pairs)
					cc_count = 2;
					dishdata[3]=0x04; // Field 1

					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%s:\n", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata+3, 0) );
					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, ":\n");

				dishdata[cc_count*3] = 0xFF; // Set end marker

				store_hdcc(ctx, dishdata, cc_count, ctx->timing->current_tref, ctx->timing->fts_now, sub);

				// Ignore 3 (0x0A, followed by two unknown) bytes.
			case 0x04:
				// Four byte caption - always on B-frame
				// The following 5 bytes are:
				// 0  :  0x09
				// 1-2: caption block
				// 3-4: caption block
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "\n04 %02X  %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X  :",
						dcd[0], dcd[1], dcd[2], dcd[3], dcd[4]);

				cc_count = 2;

				dishdata[3]=0x04; // Field 1
				dishdata[6] = 0xFF; // Set end marker

				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%s", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata, 0) );
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%s:\n", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata+3, 0) );

				store_hdcc(ctx, dishdata, cc_count, ctx->timing->current_tref, ctx->timing->fts_now, sub);

				// Ignore 4 (0x020A, followed by two unknown) bytes.
			case 0x05:
				// Buffered caption - always on I-/P-frame
				// The following six bytes are:
				// 0  :  0x04
				// - the following are from previous 0x05 caption header -
				// 1  : prev dcd[2]
				// 2-3: prev dcd[3-4]
				// 4-5: prev dcd[5-6]
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, " - %02X  pch: %02X %5u %02X:%02X\n",
						dcd[0], dcd[1],
						dcd[4], dcd[5]);
				dcd+=6; // Skip these 6 bytes

				// Now one of the "regular" 0x02 or 0x04 captions follows
				dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%02X %02X  %02X:%02X",
						dcd[0], dcd[1], dcd[2], dcd[3]);

				type=dcd[0]; // Number of caption bytes (0x02 or 0x04)

				cc_count = 1;

				dcd+=4; // Skip the first 4 bytes.
				if (type==0x02)
					type=dcd[0]; // repeater (0x02 or 0x04)
					dcd++; // Skip the repeater byte.

					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, " - R:%02X :%s", type, debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata, 0) );

					hi = dishdata[1] & 0x7f; // Get only the 7 low bits
					if (type==0x04 && hi<32)
						cc_count = 2;
						dishdata[3]=0x04; // Field 1
						dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%s:\n", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata+3, 0) );
						dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, ":\n");
					dishdata[cc_count*3] = 0xFF; // Set end marker
					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, ":%02X:%02X  ",
							dcd[0], dcd[1]);
					cc_count = 2;
					dishdata[3]=0x04; // Field 1
					dishdata[6] = 0xFF; // Set end marker

					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, ":%s", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata, 0) );
					dbg_print(CCX_DMT_PARSE, "%s:\n", debug_608_to_ASC( dishdata+3, 0) );

				store_hdcc(ctx, dishdata, cc_count, ctx->timing->current_tref, ctx->timing->fts_now, sub);

				// Ignore 3 (0x0A, followed by 2 unknown) bytes.
				// printf ("Unknown?\n");
		} // switch

		dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Reading Dish Network user data - done\n");
	// CEA 608 / aka "Divicom standard", see:
	else if ( !memcmp(ud_header,"\x02\x09", 2 ) )
		// Either a documentation or more examples are needed.

		unsigned char data[3];

		read_bytes(ustream, 2); // "02 09"
		read_bytes(ustream, 2); // "80 80" ???
		read_bytes(ustream, 2); // "02 0A" ???
		data[0]=0x04; // Field 1
		do_cb(ctx, data, sub);
		// This is probably incomplete!
	// GXF vbi OEM code
	else if ( !memcmp(ud_header,"\x73\x52\x21\x06", 4 ) )
		int udatalen = ustream->end - ustream->pos;
		uint16_t line_nb;
		uint8_t line_type;
		uint8_t field = 1;
		read_bytes(ustream, 4); //skip header code
		read_bytes(ustream, 2); //skip data length
		line_nb = read_bits(ustream, 16);
		line_type = read_u8(ustream);
		field = (line_type & 0x03);
		if(field == 0)
			mprint("MPEG:VBI: Invalid field\n");

		line_type = line_type >> 2;
		if(line_type != 1)
			mprint("MPEG:VBI: only support Luma line\n");

		if (udatalen < 720)
			mprint("MPEG:VBI: Minimum 720 bytes in luma line required\n");

		decode_vbi(ctx, field, ustream->pos, 720, sub);
		dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "GXF (vbi line %d) user data:\n", line_nb);
Beispiel #3
// Sort/flash caption block buffer
void process_hdcc (void)
    // Remember the current value
    LLONG store_fts_now = fts_now;

    dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Flush HD caption blocks\n");

    int reset_cb = -1;

    for (int seq=0; seq<SORTBUF; seq++)
        // We rely on this.
        if (ccx_bufferdatatype == CCX_H264)
            reset_cb = 1;

	// If fts_now is unchanged we rely on cc block counting,
	// otherwise reset counters as they get changed by do_cb()
	// below. This only happens when current_pts does not get
	// updated, like it used do happen for elementary streams.
	// Since use_gop_as_pts this is not needed anymore, but left
	// here for posterity.
	if (reset_cb < 0 && cc_fts[seq] && seq<SORTBUF-1 && cc_fts[seq+1])
	    if (cc_fts[seq] != cc_fts[seq+1])
		reset_cb = 1;
		reset_cb = 0;
	if (reset_cb == 1)
	    cb_field1 = 0;
	    cb_field2 = 0;
	    cb_708 = 0;

        // Skip sequence numbers without data
        if (cc_data_count[seq] == 0)

        if (cc_data_pkts[seq][cc_data_count[seq]*3]!=0xFF)
            // This is not optional. Something is wrong.
            dbg_print(CCX_DMT_VERBOSE, "Missing 0xFF marker at end\n");
            // A "continue;" here would ignore this caption, but we
            // process it.

        // Re-create original time
        fts_now = cc_fts[seq];

        for (int j=0; j<(cc_data_count[seq])*3; j=j+3)
            unsigned char cc_valid = (*(cc_data_pkts[seq]+j) & 4) >>2;
            unsigned char cc_type = (*(cc_data_pkts[seq]+j)) & 3;
            if (cc_valid && (cc_type==0 || cc_type==1))
                // For EIA-608 data we verify parity.
                if (!cc608_parity_table[cc_data_pkts[seq][j+2]])
                    // If the second byte doesn't pass parity, ignore pair
                if (!cc608_parity_table[cc_data_pkts[seq][j+1]])
                    // The first byte doesn't pass parity, we replace it with a solid blank
                    // and process the pair. 

        } // for loop over packets

    // Restore the value
    fts_now = store_fts_now;

    // Now that we are done, clean up.