static void
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        gchar *message = NULL;

        message = test_gnc_nums_internal(get_random_gnc_numeric(GNC_DENOM_AUTO));

        do_test_args(message == NULL, "dom_tree_to_gnc_numeric",
                     __FILE__, __LINE__, message);

        gchar *message = NULL;

        message = test_gnc_nums_internal
                  (gnc_numeric_create(18768786810LL, 100000));

        do_test_args(message == NULL, "gnc_num 18768786810/100000",
                     __FILE__, __LINE__, message);
static void
test_num_print_info (gnc_numeric n, GNCPrintAmountInfo print_info, int line)
    gnc_numeric n_parsed = gnc_numeric_zero();
    const char *s;
    gboolean ok, print_ok;

    auto msg = "[PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric from rounding: GNC_ERROR_OVERFLOW.";
    auto log_domain = "gnc.gui";
    auto loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING);
    auto check = test_error_struct_new (log_domain, loglevel, msg);

    /* Throws overflows during rounding step in xaccPrintAmount when the "fraction" is high. See bug 665707. */
    auto hdlr = g_log_set_handler (log_domain, loglevel,
                              (GLogFunc)test_checked_handler, &check);
    s = xaccPrintAmount (n, print_info);
    print_ok = (s && s[0] != '\0');
    if (!print_ok)

    ok = xaccParseAmount (s, print_info.monetary, &n_parsed, NULL);
    g_log_remove_handler (log_domain, hdlr);

    do_test_args (ok, "parsing failure", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "num: %s, string %s (line %d)", gnc_numeric_to_string (n), s, line);

    ok = gnc_numeric_equal (n, n_parsed);
    do_test_args (ok, "not equal", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "start: %s, string %s, finish: %s (line %d)",
                  gnc_numeric_to_string (n), s,
                  gnc_numeric_to_string (n_parsed), line);
    test_error_struct_free (check);

static gboolean
test_add_account (const char* tag, gpointer globaldata, gpointer data)
    Account* account = static_cast<decltype (account)> (data);
    act_data* gdata = (act_data*)globaldata;
    gnc_commodity* com;
    gnc_commodity* new_com;
    gnc_commodity_table* t;

    com = xaccAccountGetCommodity (account);

    t = gnc_commodity_table_get_table (sixbook);

    new_com = gnc_commodity_table_lookup (t,
                                          gnc_commodity_get_namespace (com),
                                          gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (com));

    if (new_com)
        xaccAccountSetCommodity (account, new_com);

    do_test_args (xaccAccountEqual ((Account*)account, (Account*) (gdata->act),
                  __FILE__, __LINE__, "%d", gdata->value);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
static void
test_load_file(const char *filename)
    QofSession *session;
    QofBook *book;
    Account *root;
    gboolean ignore_lock;
    gchar *logdomain = "GConf";
    guint loglevel = G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING;
    TestErrorStruct check = { loglevel, logdomain, NULL };
    g_log_set_handler (logdomain, loglevel,
		       (GLogFunc)test_checked_handler, &check);

    session = qof_session_new();


    ignore_lock = (safe_strcmp(g_getenv("SRCDIR"), ".") != 0);
    qof_session_begin(session, filename, ignore_lock, FALSE, TRUE);

    qof_session_load(session, NULL);
    book = qof_session_get_book (session);

    root = gnc_book_get_root_account(book);
    do_test (gnc_account_get_book (root) == book,
             "book and root account don't match");

    do_test_args(qof_session_get_error(session) == ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR,
                 "session load xml2", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                 "qof error=%d for file [%s]",
                 qof_session_get_error(session), filename);
    /* Uncomment the line below to generate corrected files */
    qof_session_save( session, NULL );
Beispiel #5
static gboolean
test_real_commodity (const char* tag, gpointer globaldata, gpointer data)
    const char* msg = node_and_commodity_equal ((xmlNodePtr)globaldata,
    do_test_args (msg == NULL, "test_real_commodity",
                  __FILE__, __LINE__, msg);
    gnc_commodity_destroy ((gnc_commodity*)data);
    return TRUE;
static gboolean
test_real_transaction (const char* tag, gpointer global_data, gpointer data)
    const char* msg;

    msg = node_and_transaction_equal ((xmlNodePtr)global_data,
    do_test_args (msg == NULL, "test_real_transaction",
                  __FILE__, __LINE__, msg);
    really_get_rid_of_transaction ((Transaction*)data);
    return TRUE;
static void
test_bad_string (void)
    const char* badstr = "foo\abar";
    const char* sanitized = "foo?bar";
    xmlNodePtr test_node = text_to_dom_tree ("test-string", badstr);

    char* backout = dom_tree_to_text (test_node);
    do_test_args (g_strcmp0 (backout, sanitized) == 0,
                  "string sanitizing", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "with string %s", badstr);
static gboolean
test_add_pricedb (const char* tag, gpointer globaldata, gpointer data)
    sixtp_gdv2* gdata = static_cast<decltype (gdata)> (globaldata);
    GNCPriceDB* db1 = static_cast<decltype (db1)> (data);
    GNCPriceDB* db2 = gnc_pricedb_get_db (gdata->book);

    do_test_args (gnc_pricedb_equal (db1, db2),
                  __FILE__, __LINE__, "%d", iter);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #9
static gboolean
test_add_commodity (const char* tag, gpointer globaldata, gpointer data)
    com_data* gdata = (com_data*)globaldata;

    do_test_args (gnc_commodity_equiv ((gnc_commodity*)data, gdata->com),
                  __FILE__, __LINE__, "%d", gdata->value);
    gnc_commodity_destroy ((gnc_commodity*)data);

    return TRUE;

static void
test_num (gnc_numeric n)
    GNCPrintAmountInfo print_info;
    int fraction;
    int i;

    print_info.commodity = NULL;
    print_info.min_decimal_places = 0;
    print_info.use_locale = 1;
    print_info.use_symbol = 0;

    for (i = 1, fraction = 10; i < 9; i++, fraction *= 10)
        gnc_numeric n1;

        print_info.use_separators = 1;
        print_info.monetary = 1;
        print_info.max_decimal_places = i;
        print_info.force_fit = 0;
        print_info.round = 0;

        n1 = gnc_numeric_convert (n, fraction, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP);
        if (gnc_numeric_check(n1))
            do_test_args((gnc_numeric_check(n1) == GNC_ERROR_OVERFLOW),
                         "BAD NUMERIC CONVERSION", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                         "num: %s, fraction: %d", gnc_numeric_to_string(n), fraction);

        test_num_print_info (n1, print_info, __LINE__);

        print_info.monetary = 0;
        test_num_print_info (n1, print_info, __LINE__);

        print_info.use_separators = 0;
        test_num_print_info (n1, print_info, __LINE__);

        print_info.round = 1;
        test_num_print_info (n1, print_info, __LINE__);

        print_info.round = 0;
        print_info.force_fit = 1;
        test_num_print_info (n1, print_info, __LINE__);

        print_info.round = 1;
        test_num_print_info (n1, print_info, __LINE__);
static void
test_num_print_info (gnc_numeric n, GNCPrintAmountInfo print_info, int line)
    gnc_numeric n_parsed = gnc_numeric_zero();
    const char *s;
    gboolean ok, print_ok;

    s = xaccPrintAmount (n, print_info);
    print_ok = (s && s[0] != '\0');
    if (!print_ok)

    ok = xaccParseAmount (s, print_info.monetary, &n_parsed, NULL);

    do_test_args (ok, "parsing failure", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "num: %s, string %s (line %d)", gnc_numeric_to_string (n), s, line);

    ok = gnc_numeric_equal (n, n_parsed);

    do_test_args (ok, "not equal", __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "start: %s, string %s, finish: %s (line %d)",
                  gnc_numeric_to_string (n), s,
                  gnc_numeric_to_string (n_parsed), line);
static void
test_string_converters (void)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; test_strings[i]; ++i)
        const char* mark = test_strings[i];
        xmlNodePtr test_node = text_to_dom_tree ("test-string", mark);
        char* backout = dom_tree_to_text (test_node);

        do_test_args (
            g_strcmp0 (backout, mark) == 0,
            "string converting", __FILE__, __LINE__, "with string %s", mark);
static gboolean
test_real_account (const char* tag, gpointer global_data, gpointer data)
    char* msg;
    Account* act = (Account*)data;

    if (!gnc_account_get_parent (act))
        gnc_account_append_child (gnc_book_get_root_account (sixbook), act);

    msg = node_and_account_equal ((xmlNodePtr)global_data, act);
    do_test_args (msg == NULL, "test_real_account",
                  __FILE__, __LINE__, msg);

    g_free (msg);
    return TRUE;
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;


    for (i = 0; strs[i].input != NULL; i++)
        char *daout;
        char *dain;
        char *wantout;

        if (strs[i].prefix_home == 1)
            dain = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), strs[i].input,
                                    (gchar *)NULL);
            wantout = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), strs[i].output,
                                       (gchar *)NULL);
        else if (strs[i].prefix_home == 2)
            dain = g_strdup(strs[i].input);
            wantout = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), strs[i].output,
                                       (gchar *)NULL);
            dain = g_strdup(strs[i].input);
            wantout = g_strdup(strs[i].output);

        daout = gnc_resolve_file_path(dain);
        do_test_args(g_strcmp0(daout, wantout) == 0,
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "%s (%s) vs %s", daout, dain, wantout);
    return get_rv();
static gboolean
test_add_transaction (const char* tag, gpointer globaldata, gpointer data)
    Transaction* trans = static_cast<decltype (trans)> (data);
    tran_data* gdata = static_cast<decltype (gdata)> (globaldata);
    gboolean retval = TRUE;

    xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
    xaccTransSetCurrency (trans, gdata->com);
    xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);

    if (!do_test_args (xaccTransEqual (gdata->trn, trans, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
                       __FILE__, __LINE__,
                       "%d", gdata->value))
        retval = FALSE;

    gdata->new_trn = trans;

    return retval;
Beispiel #16
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;


    /* TEST: gnc_uri_get_components */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gchar *tprotocol = NULL;
        gchar *thostname = NULL;
        gchar *tusername = NULL;
        gchar *tpassword = NULL;
        gchar *tpath     = NULL;
        gint32 tport     = 0;
        gboolean testresult;

        gnc_uri_get_components( strs[i].uri, &tprotocol, &thostname,
                                &tport, &tusername, &tpassword, &tpath );
        testresult = ( safe_strcmp ( tprotocol, strs[i].protocol ) == 0 ) &
                     ( safe_strcmp ( thostname, strs[i].hostname ) == 0 ) &
                     ( safe_strcmp ( tusername, strs[i].username ) == 0 ) &
                     ( safe_strcmp ( tpassword, strs[i].password ) == 0 ) &
                     ( safe_strcmp ( tpath, strs[i].path ) == 0 ) &
                     ( tport == strs[i].port );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d\n"
                     "    Got     : %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d\n",
                     strs[i].uri, strs[i].protocol, strs[i].hostname,
                     strs[i].username, strs[i].password, strs[i].path, strs[i].port,
                     tprotocol, thostname, tusername, tpassword, tpath, tport);

    /* TEST: gnc_uri_get_protocol */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gchar *tprotocol = NULL;
        gboolean testresult;

        tprotocol = gnc_uri_get_protocol( strs[i].uri );
        testresult = ( safe_strcmp ( tprotocol, strs[i].protocol ) == 0 );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s\n"
                     "    Got     : %s\n",
                     strs[i].uri, strs[i].protocol, tprotocol );

    /* TEST: gnc_uri_get_path */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gchar *tpath = NULL;
        gboolean testresult;

        tpath = gnc_uri_get_path( strs[i].uri );
        testresult = ( safe_strcmp ( tpath, strs[i].path ) == 0 );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s\n"
                     "    Got     : %s\n",
                     strs[i].uri, strs[i].path, tpath );

    /* TEST: gnc_uri_create_uri */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gchar *turi = NULL;
        gboolean testresult;

        turi = gnc_uri_create_uri( strs[i].protocol, strs[i].hostname, strs[i].port,
                                   strs[i].username, strs[i].password, strs[i].path );
        testresult = ( safe_strcmp ( turi, strs[i].created_uri ) == 0 );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s\n"
                     "    Got     : %s\n",
                     strs[i].protocol, strs[i].hostname,
                     strs[i].username, strs[i].password, strs[i].path, strs[i].port,
                     strs[i].created_uri, turi);

    /* TEST: gnc_uri_normalize_uri */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gchar *turi = NULL;
        gboolean testresult;

        turi = gnc_uri_normalize_uri( strs[i].uri, strs[i].want_password );
        testresult = ( safe_strcmp ( turi, strs[i].normalized_uri ) == 0 );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s\n"
                     "    Got     : %s\n",
                     strs[i].uri, strs[i].normalized_uri, turi );

    /* TEST: gnc_uri_is_file_protocol */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gboolean tis_file_protocol;
        gboolean testresult;

        tis_file_protocol = gnc_uri_is_file_protocol( strs[i].protocol );
        testresult = ( tis_file_protocol == strs[i].is_file_protocol );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s\n"
                     "    Got     : %s\n",
                     strs[i].uri, strs[i].is_file_protocol, tis_file_protocol );

    /* TEST: gnc_uri_is_file_uri */
    for (i = 0; strs[i].uri != NULL; i++)
        gboolean tis_file_uri;
        gboolean testresult;

        tis_file_uri = gnc_uri_is_file_uri( strs[i].uri );
        testresult = ( tis_file_uri == strs[i].is_file_protocol );
                     __FILE__, __LINE__,
                     "\n  %s:\n"
                     "    Expected: %s\n"
                     "    Got     : %s\n",
                     strs[i].uri, strs[i].is_file_protocol, tis_file_uri );

    return get_rv();