Beispiel #1
 *				main					     *
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	message m_out;
	int r, ipc_status;
	size_t size;

	/* SEF local startup. */
	env_setargs(argc, argv);

	for (;;) {
		/* Wait for request. */
		if(driver_receive(ANY, &m_in, &ipc_status) != OK) {
			panic("driver_receive failed");

#if DEBUG2
		printf("Filter: got request %d from %d\n",
			m_in.m_type, m_in.m_source);

		if(m_in.m_source == DS_PROC_NR && is_ipc_notify(ipc_status)) {

		who_e = m_in.m_source;
		req_id = m_in.BDEV_ID;
		grant_id = m_in.BDEV_GRANT;
		size = 0;

		/* Forword the request message to the drivers. */
		switch(m_in.m_type) {
		case BDEV_OPEN:		/* open/close is a noop for filter. */
		case BDEV_CLOSE:	r = OK;				break;
		case BDEV_READ:		r = do_rdwt(FLT_READ);		break;
		case BDEV_WRITE:	r = do_rdwt(FLT_WRITE);		break;
		case BDEV_GATHER:	r = do_vrdwt(FLT_READ);		break;
		case BDEV_SCATTER:	r = do_vrdwt(FLT_WRITE);	break;
		case BDEV_IOCTL:	r = do_ioctl(&m_in);		break;

			printf("Filter: ignoring unknown request %d from %d\n", 
				m_in.m_type, m_in.m_source);

#if DEBUG2
		printf("Filter: replying with code %d\n", r);

		/* Send back reply message. */
		m_out.m_type = BDEV_REPLY;
		m_out.BDEV_ID = req_id;
		m_out.BDEV_STATUS = r;
		send(who_e, &m_out);

	return 0;
 *				driver_task				     *
PUBLIC void driver_task(void)
	/* Main program of any device driver task. */

	int r;
	message mess;

	/* Here is the main loop of the disk task.  It waits for a message, carries
	* it out, and sends a reply.
	while (TRUE) {
		printf("CD: waiting for messages\n");
		/* Wait for a request to read or write a disk block. */
		if(receive(ANY, &mess) != OK) continue;
		device_caller = mess.m_source;
        proc_nr = mess.PROC_NR;
		printf("CD: message from %u, type %u\n",device_caller,proc_nr,mess.m_type);
		/* Now carry out the work. */
		switch(mess.m_type) {
				case DEV_OPEN:		
				case DEV_CLOSE:			
				case CANCEL:		
				case DEV_SELECT:	
					/* forwards message to diskdriver and  forwards response to caller*/
					mess.m_source = thispid; /*make this the source*/
					if(OK != sendrec(DRVR_PROC_NR, &mess))
						panic("CryptcDrive","2 Message not sent back",s);
					printf("CD: waiting for diskdriver\n");	
					mess.m_source = thispid; /*make this the source*/
					if(OK != send(device_caller, &mess))
						panic("CryptDrive","3 Message not sent back",s);
					printf("CD: message to %u\n",device_caller);
				case DEV_IOCTL:	

				case DEV_READ:	
				case DEV_WRITE:	 		
				case DEV_GATHER: 
				case DEV_SCATTER:

				case HARD_INT:
				case SYS_SIG:
				case SYN_ALARM:	break;	/* don't reply */
Beispiel #3
 *				blockdriver_handle_request		     *
int blockdriver_handle_request(struct blockdriver *bdp, message *m_ptr,
	thread_id_t id)
/* Call the appropiate driver function, based on the type of request. Return
 * the result code that is to be sent back to the caller, or EDONTREPLY if no
 * reply is to be sent.
  int r;

  /* We might get spurious requests if the driver has been restarted. Deny any
   * requests on devices that have not previously been opened, signaling the
   * caller that something went wrong.
  if (IS_BDEV_RQ(m_ptr->m_type) && !is_open_dev(m_ptr->BDEV_MINOR)) {
	/* Reply ERESTART to spurious requests for unopened devices. */
	if (m_ptr->m_type != BDEV_OPEN)
		return ERESTART;

	/* Mark the device as opened otherwise. */

  trace_start(id, m_ptr);

  /* Call the appropriate function(s) for this request. */
  switch (m_ptr->m_type) {
  case BDEV_OPEN:	r = do_open(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case BDEV_CLOSE:	r = do_close(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case BDEV_READ:
  case BDEV_WRITE:	r = do_rdwt(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case BDEV_SCATTER:	r = do_vrdwt(bdp, m_ptr, id);	break;
  case BDEV_IOCTL:	r = do_ioctl(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
	if (bdp->bdr_other)
		r = bdp->bdr_other(m_ptr);
		r = EINVAL;

  /* Let the driver perform any cleanup. */
  if (bdp->bdr_cleanup != NULL)

  trace_finish(id, r);

  return r;
Beispiel #4
 *				handle_request				     *
static int handle_request(struct chardriver *cdp, message *m_ptr)
/* Call the appropiate driver function, based on the type of request. Return
 * the result code that is to be sent back to the caller, or EDONTREPLY if no
 * reply is to be sent.
  int r;

  /* We might get spurious requests if the driver has been restarted. Deny any
   * requests on devices that have not previously been opened, signaling the
   * caller that something went wrong.
  if (IS_CDEV_MINOR_RQ(m_ptr->m_type) && !is_open_dev(m_ptr->DEVICE)) {
	/* Reply ERESTART to spurious requests for unopened devices. */
	if (m_ptr->m_type != DEV_OPEN)
		return ERESTART;

	/* Mark the device as opened otherwise. */

  /* Call the appropriate function(s) for this request. */
  switch (m_ptr->m_type) {
  case DEV_OPEN:	r = (*cdp->cdr_open)(m_ptr);	break;
  case DEV_CLOSE:	r = (*cdp->cdr_close)(m_ptr);	break;
  case DEV_IOCTL_S:	r = (*cdp->cdr_ioctl)(m_ptr);	break;
  case CANCEL:		r = (*cdp->cdr_cancel)(m_ptr);	break;
  case DEV_SELECT:	r = (*cdp->cdr_select)(m_ptr);	break;
  case DEV_READ_S:
  case DEV_WRITE_S:	r = do_rdwt(cdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case DEV_GATHER_S:
  case DEV_SCATTER_S:	r = do_vrdwt(cdp, m_ptr);	break;
	if (cdp->cdr_other)
		r = cdp->cdr_other(m_ptr);
		r = EINVAL;

  /* Let the driver perform any cleanup. */
  if (cdp->cdr_cleanup)

  return r;
Beispiel #5
 *				floppy_task				     *
PUBLIC void floppy_task()
  register r, drive, caller, procno;

   * The main loop of the disk task.
   * It waits for a message, carries it out, and sends a reply.
  TRACE(printf("fd: task started\n"));
  dmagrab(FLOPPY, fdcint);
  dmawdat(FDC_CS, IRUPT, FDC_DELAY);		/* reset controller */
  for (drive = 0; drive < NR_FLOPDRIVES; drive++)
	curcyl[drive] = -1;	/* uncalibrated */
  while (TRUE) {
	receive(ANY, &mess);
	ASSERT(mess.m_source >= 0);
	TRACE(printf("fd: received %d from %d\n",mess.m_type,mess.m_source));
	caller = mess.m_source;
	procno = mess.PROC_NR;

	/* Now carry out the work. */
	switch (mess.m_type) {
	    case DISK_READ:
	    case DISK_WRITE:	r = do_rdwt(&mess);	break;
	    case SCATTERED_IO:	r = do_vrdwt(&mess, do_rdwt); break;
	    default:		r = EINVAL;		break;

	/* Finally, prepare and send the reply message. */
	mess.m_type = TASK_REPLY;	
	mess.REP_PROC_NR = procno;
	mess.REP_STATUS = r;	/* # of bytes transferred or error code */
	send(caller, &mess);	/* send reply to caller */
Beispiel #6
 *				blockdriver_process_on_thread		     *
void blockdriver_process_on_thread(struct blockdriver *bdp, message *m_ptr,
	int ipc_status, thread_id_t id)
/* Call the appropiate driver function, based on the type of request. Send
 * a result code to the caller. The call is processed in the context of the
 * given thread ID, which may be SINGLE_THREAD for single-threaded callers.
  int r;

  /* Check for notifications first. We never reply to notifications. */
  if (is_ipc_notify(ipc_status)) {
	switch (_ENDPOINT_P(m_ptr->m_source)) {
		if (bdp->bdr_intr)

	case CLOCK:
		if (bdp->bdr_alarm)

		if (bdp->bdr_other)
			(*bdp->bdr_other)(m_ptr, ipc_status);

	return; /* do not send a reply */

  /* Reply to character driver open requests with an error code. Otherwise, if
   * someone creates a character device node for a block driver, opening that
   * device node will cause the corresponding VFS thread to block forever.
  if (m_ptr->m_type == CDEV_OPEN) {
	do_char_open(m_ptr, ipc_status);


  /* We might get spurious requests if the driver has been restarted. Deny any
   * requests on devices that have not previously been opened, signaling the
   * caller that something went wrong.
  if (IS_BDEV_RQ(m_ptr->m_type) && !is_open_dev(m_ptr->m_lbdev_lblockdriver_msg.minor)) {
	/* Reply ERESTART to spurious requests for unopened devices. */
	if (m_ptr->m_type != BDEV_OPEN) {
		blockdriver_reply(m_ptr, ipc_status, ERESTART);


	/* Mark the device as opened otherwise. */

  trace_start(id, m_ptr);

  /* Call the appropriate function(s) for this request. */
  switch (m_ptr->m_type) {
  case BDEV_OPEN:	r = do_open(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case BDEV_CLOSE:	r = do_close(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case BDEV_READ:
  case BDEV_WRITE:	r = do_rdwt(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
  case BDEV_SCATTER:	r = do_vrdwt(bdp, m_ptr, id);	break;
  case BDEV_IOCTL:	r = do_ioctl(bdp, m_ptr);	break;
	if (bdp->bdr_other != NULL)
		(*bdp->bdr_other)(m_ptr, ipc_status);

	return;	/* do not send a reply */

  /* Let the driver perform any cleanup. */
  if (bdp->bdr_cleanup != NULL)

  trace_finish(id, r);

  blockdriver_reply(m_ptr, ipc_status, r);