Beispiel #1
void CJOCh264bitstream::add4bytesnoemulationprevention (unsigned int nVal, bool bDoAlign)
	//Used to add NAL header stream
	//Remember: NAL header is byte oriented

	if (bDoAlign == true)

	if ((m_nLastbitinbuffer % 8) != 0)
		throw "Error: Save to file must be byte aligned";

	while (m_nLastbitinbuffer != 0)

	unsigned char cbyte = (nVal & 0xFF000000)>>24;
	fwrite(&cbyte, 1, 1, m_pOutFile);

	cbyte = (nVal & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
	fwrite(&cbyte, 1, 1, m_pOutFile);

	cbyte = (nVal & 0x0000FF00)>>8;
	fwrite(&cbyte, 1, 1, m_pOutFile);

	cbyte = (nVal & 0x000000FF);
	fwrite(&cbyte, 1, 1, m_pOutFile);
//Creates and saves the NAL PPS (one per file)
void CJOCh264encoder::create_pps ()
	add4bytesnoemulationprevention (0x000001); // NAL header
	addbits (0x0,1); // forbidden_bit
	addbits (0x3,2); // nal_ref_idc
	addbits (0x8,5); // nal_unit_type : 8 ( PPS )
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // pic_parameter_set_id
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // seq_parameter_set_id
	addbits (0x0,1); // entropy_coding_mode_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // bottom_field_pic_order_in frame_present_flag
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // nun_slices_groups_minus1
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // num_ref_idx10_default_active_minus
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // num_ref_idx11_default_active_minus
	addbits (0x0,1); // weighted_pred_flag
	addbits (0x0,2); // weighted_bipred_idc
	addexpgolombsigned(0); // pic_init_qp_minus26
	addexpgolombsigned(0); // pic_init_qs_minus26
	addexpgolombsigned(0); // chroma_qp_index_offset
	addbits (0x0,1); //deblocking_filter_present_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // constrained_intra_pred_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); //redundant_pic_ent_present_flag
	addbits(0x1,1); // rbsp stop bit

Beispiel #3
void CJOCh264bitstream::close()
	//Flush the data in stream buffer


	while (m_nLastbitinbuffer != 0)
//Codifies & save the video frame (it only uses 16x16 intra PCM -> NO COMPRESSION!)
void CJOCh264encoder::CodeAndSaveFrame()
	//The slice header is not byte aligned, so the first macroblock header is not byte aligned
	create_slice_header (m_lNumFramesAdded);

	//Loop over macroblock size
	unsigned int y,x;
	for (y = 0; y < m_frame.nYheight / m_frame.nYmbheight; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < m_frame.nYwidth / m_frame.nYmbwidth; x++)
			create_macroblock(y, x);


//Creates & saves a macroblock (coded INTRA 16x16)
void CJOCh264encoder::create_macroblock(unsigned int nYpos, unsigned int nXpos)
	unsigned int x,y;



	unsigned int nYsize = m_frame.nYwidth * m_frame.nYheight;
	for(y = nYpos * m_frame.nYmbheight; y < (nYpos+1) * m_frame.nYmbheight; y++)
		for (x = nXpos * m_frame.nYmbwidth; x < (nXpos+1) * m_frame.nYmbwidth; x++)
			addbyte (m_frame.yuv420pframe.pYCbCr[(y * m_frame.nYwidth +  x)]);

	unsigned int nCsize = m_frame.nCwidth * m_frame.nCheight;
	for(y = nYpos * m_frame.nCmbheight; y < (nYpos+1) * m_frame.nCmbheight; y++)
		for (x = nXpos * m_frame.nCmbwidth; x < (nXpos+1) * m_frame.nCmbwidth; x++)
			addbyte(m_frame.yuv420pframe.pYCbCr[nYsize + (y * m_frame.nCwidth +  x)]);

	for(y = nYpos * m_frame.nCmbheight; y < (nYpos+1) * m_frame.nCmbheight; y++)
		for (x = nXpos * m_frame.nCmbwidth; x < (nXpos+1) * m_frame.nCmbwidth; x++)
			addbyte(m_frame.yuv420pframe.pYCbCr[nYsize + nCsize + (y * m_frame.nCwidth +  x)]);
//Creates and saves the NAL SPS (including VUI) (one per file)
void CJOCh264encoder::create_sps (int nImW, int nImH, int nMbW, int nMbH, int nFps, int nSARw, int nSARh)
	add4bytesnoemulationprevention (0x000001); // NAL header
	addbits (0x0,1); // forbidden_bit
	addbits (0x3,2); // nal_ref_idc
	addbits (0x7,5); // nal_unit_type : 7 ( SPS )
	addbits (0x42,8); // profile_idc = baseline ( 0x42 )
	addbits (0x0,1); // constraint_set0_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // constraint_set1_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // constraint_set2_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // constraint_set3_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // constraint_set4_flag
	addbits (0x0,1); // constraint_set5_flag
	addbits (0x0,2); // reserved_zero_2bits /* equal to 0 */
	addbits (0x0a,8); // level_idc: 3.1 (0x0a)
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // seq_parameter_set_id
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // pic_order_cnt_type
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4
	addexpgolombunsigned(0); // max_num_refs_frames
	addbits(0x0,1); // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag

	int nWinMbs = nImW / nMbW;
	addexpgolombunsigned(nWinMbs-1); // pic_width_in_mbs_minus_1
	int nHinMbs = nImH / nMbH;
	addexpgolombunsigned(nHinMbs-1); // pic_height_in_map_units_minus_1

	addbits(0x1,1); // frame_mbs_only_flag
	addbits(0x0,1); // direct_8x8_interfernce
	addbits(0x0,1); // frame_cropping_flag
	addbits(0x1,1); // vui_parameter_present

	//VUI parameters (AR, timming)
	addbits(0x1,1); //aspect_ratio_info_present_flag
	addbits(0xFF,8); //aspect_ratio_idc = Extended_SAR

	addbits(nSARw, 16); //sar_width
	addbits(nSARh, 16); //sar_height

	addbits(0x0,1); //overscan_info_present_flag
	addbits(0x0,1); //video_signal_type_present_flag
	addbits(0x0,1); //chroma_loc_info_present_flag
	addbits(0x1,1); //timing_info_present_flag

	unsigned int nnum_units_in_tick = TIME_SCALE_IN_HZ / (2*nFps);
	addbits(nnum_units_in_tick,32); //num_units_in_tick
	addbits(TIME_SCALE_IN_HZ,32); //time_scale
	addbits(0x1,1);  //fixed_frame_rate_flag

	addbits(0x0,1);  //nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag
	addbits(0x0,1);  //vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag
	addbits(0x0,1);  //pic_struct_present_flag
	addbits(0x0,1);  //bitstream_restriction_flag

	addbits(0x0,1); // frame_mbs_only_flag
	addbits(0x1,1); // rbsp stop bit
