Beispiel #1
int mount( int argc, char **argv )
  /* show a little bit of information */
  printf( "trying to initalize device %s\n", devname );

  /* init the ATA Device (Bus 0, Device 0 => Primary Master) */
  ata_device= ataDevCreate( 0, 0, 0, 63 );

  hd_volume= dosFsMkfs( devname, ata_device );
  /* init the Dos FS on the newly created device */
  hd_volume= dosFsDevInit( devname, ata_device, NULL );

  /* display the configuration data of the newly createtd device on stdio */
  dosFsShow( devname, 0 );
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
    int         bootSize;

     * We are considered initialized once flashDosVolDesc is non-NULL.

    if (flashDosVolDesc) {
	return OK;

    if (flashDrvLibInit() == ERROR) {
	printf("flashFsLibInit(): flashDrvLibInit() failed\n");
	return (ERROR);

     * Determine where our file system starts

    if (flashFsFindBootPartition(&bootSize) == OK) {
        flashBootSize = bootSize;
    printf("Flash boot partition size = %d KB\n", flashBootSize / 1024);

     * Set up BLK DEV structure

    flashBlkDev.bd_blkRd = flashFsBlkRead;
    flashBlkDev.bd_blkWrt = flashFsBlkWrite;
    flashBlkDev.bd_ioctl = flashFsIoctl;
    flashBlkDev.bd_reset = NULL;
    flashBlkDev.bd_statusChk = NULL;
    flashBlkDev.bd_removable = FALSE;
    flashBlkDev.bd_nBlocks = FLASH_FS_SIZE_BLOCKS;
    flashBlkDev.bd_bytesPerBlk = FLASH_FS_BLOCK_SIZE;
    flashBlkDev.bd_blksPerTrack = 1;
    flashBlkDev.bd_nHeads = 1;
    flashBlkDev.bd_retry = 1;
    flashBlkDev.bd_mode = O_RDWR;
    flashBlkDev.bd_readyChanged = FALSE;

    if (flashFsVerbose) {
	printf("flashFsLibInit: Initializing...");

    if (!flashDosFormat) {
        if (dosFsDevInitOptionsSet (DOS_OPT_DYNAMIC) != OK) {
            printf("flashFsLibInit: dosFsDevInitOptionsSet failed\n");
            return (ERROR);
        flashDosVolDesc = dosFsDevInit(FLASH_FS_NAME, &flashBlkDev, NULL);

    if (flashDosVolDesc == NULL) {
	if (flashFsVerbose) {
	    printf("\nflashFsLibInit: first time initialization...\n");

	if (dosFsMkfsOptionsSet(DOS_OPT_LONGNAMES) == ERROR) {
	    printf("flashFsLibInit: dosFsMkfsOptionsSet failed\n");

	flashDosVolDesc = dosFsMkfs(FLASH_FS_NAME, &flashBlkDev);

	if (flashDosVolDesc == NULL) {
	    printf("flashFsLibInit (first init): dosFsMkfs failed!");
	    printf("(0x%x)\n", errno);
	    return ERROR;
	} else {
	    if (flashFsVerbose) {

    if (flashFsVerbose) {


    return OK;
Beispiel #3
STATUS usrCFConfig
    int     drive,	/* drive number of hard disk (0 or 1) */
    char *  fileName	/* mount point */
    BLK_DEV *pBlkDev;
    char bootDir [BOOT_FILE_LEN];
    char buffer [1024];
    int offset = 0;
    char *pSys;
    DOS_PART_TBL *pPart;

    if ((UINT)drive >= DATAFLASH_MAX_DRIVES)
	printErr ("drive is out of range (0-%d).\n", DATAFLASH_MAX_DRIVES - 1);
	return (ERROR);

    /* split off boot device from boot file */

    devSplit (fileName, bootDir);
    /* read the boot sector */

    cfRaw.cylinder	= 0;
    cfRaw.head		= 0;
    cfRaw.sector	= 1;
    cfRaw.pBuf		= buffer;
    cfRaw.nSecs	= 1;
    cfRaw.direction	= 0;

    cfcRawio (drive, &cfRaw);

    /* get an offset if it is formated by MSDOS */

    pSys  = &buffer[DOS_BOOT_SYS_ID];
    pPart = (DOS_PART_TBL *)&buffer[DOS_BOOT_PART_TBL];
    if ((strncmp(pSys, VXDOS, strlen(VXDOS)) != 0) &&
        (strncmp(pSys, VXEXT, strlen(VXEXT)) != 0))
        offset = usrCFPartition (drive, pPart);

    if ((pBlkDev = cfcDevCreate(drive, 0, offset)) == (BLK_DEV *)NULL)
        printErr ("Error during cfDevCreate: %x\n", errno);
        return (ERROR);

    /* Make DOS file system */
#if 0	
    if (dosFsDevInit(bootDir, pBlkDev, NULL) == (DOS_VOL_DESC *)NULL)
	printErr ("Error during dosFsDevInit: %x\n", errno);
        return (ERROR);
    if (dosFsDevCreate(bootDir, pBlkDev, 20,0) == (DOS_VOL_DESC *)NULL)
		printErr ("Error during dosFsDevInit: %x\n", errno);
	    return (ERROR);
    return (OK);
Beispiel #4
STATUS sysScsiConfig (void)


    UINT which;
    int  scsiId;
    char modeData [4];		/* array for floppy MODE SELECT data */
    SCSI_OPTIONS options;

     * NOTE: Either of the following global variables may be set or reset
     * from the VxWorks shell. Under 5.0, they should NOT both be set at the
     * same time, or output will be interleaved and hard to read!! They are
     * intended as an aid to trouble-shooting SCSI problems.

    scsiDebug = FALSE;		/* enable SCSI debugging output */
    scsiIntsDebug = FALSE;	/* enable SCSI interrupt debugging output */

     * The following section of code provides sample configurations within
     * VxWorks of SCSI peripheral devices and VxWorks file systems. It 
     * should however be noted that the actual parameters provided to
     * scsiPhysDevCreate(), scsiBlkDevCreate(), dosFsDevInit() etc., are
     * highly dependent upon the user environment and should therefore be 
     * modified accordingly.

     * In order to configure a hard disk and initialise both dosFs and rt11Fs
     * file systems, the following initialisation code will serve as an
     * example.

    /* configure a SCSI hard disk at busId = 2, LUN = 0 */

    if ((pSpd20 = scsiPhysDevCreate (pSysScsiCtrl, 2, 0, 0, NONE, 0, 0, 0))
        == (SCSI_PHYS_DEV *) NULL)
        printErr ("usrScsiConfig: scsiPhysDevCreate failed.\n",
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	/* create block devices */

        if (((pSbd0 = scsiBlkDevCreate (pSpd20, 0x10000, 0)) == NULL)       ||
            ((pSbd1 = scsiBlkDevCreate (pSpd20, 0x10000, 0x10000)) == NULL) ||
            ((pSbd2 = scsiBlkDevCreate (pSpd20, 0, 0x20000)) == NULL))
    	    return (ERROR);

        if ((dosFsDevInit  ("/sd0/", pSbd0, NULL) == NULL) )
	    return (ERROR);

	    if ((rt11FsDevInit ("/sd1/", pSbd1, 0, 256, TRUE) == NULL) ||
	    (rt11FsDevInit ("/sd2/", pSbd2, 0, 256, TRUE) == NULL))
	    return (ERROR);

     * In order to configure a removable media floppy drive with a
     * dosFs file system, the following device specific code will serve
     * as an example. Note that some arguments like mode parameters are
     * highly devcie and vendor specific. Thus, the appropriate peripheral
     * hardware manual should be consulted.

    /* configure floppy at busId = 3, LUN = 1 */

    if ((pSpd31 = scsiPhysDevCreate (pSysScsiCtrl, 3, 1, 0, NONE, 0, 0, 0))
        printErr ("usrScsiConfig: scsiPhysDevCreate failed.\n");
	return (ERROR);

     * Zero modeData array, then set byte 1 to "medium code" (0x1b). NOTE:
     * MODE SELECT data is highly device-specific. If your device requires
     * configuration via MODE SELECT, please consult the device's Programmer's
     * Reference for the relevant data format.

    bzero (modeData, sizeof (modeData));
    modeData [1] = 0x1b;

     * issue the MODE SELECT command to correctly configure
     * floppy controller

    scsiModeSelect (pSpd31, 1, 0, modeData, sizeof (modeData));

     * delete and re-create the SCSI_PHYS_DEV so that INQUIRY will return the
     * new device parameters, i.e., correct number of blocks

    scsiPhysDevDelete (pSpd31);

    if ((pSpd31 = scsiPhysDevCreate (pSysScsiCtrl, 3, 1, 0, NONE, 0, 0, 0))
        printErr ("usrScsiConfig: scsiPhysDevCreate failed.\n");
	return (ERROR);

    if ((pSbdFloppy = scsiBlkDevCreate (pSpd31, 0, 0)) == NULL)
        printErr ("usrScsiConfig: scsiBlkDevCreate failed.\n");
	return (ERROR);

     * Fill in the <blksPerTrack> (blocks (or sectors) per track) and <nHeads>
     * (number of heads) BLK_DEV fields, since it is impossible to ascertain
     * this information from the SCSI adapter card. This is important for
     * PC compatibility, primarily.

    scsiBlkDevInit ((SCSI_BLK_DEV *) pSbdFloppy, 15, 2);

    /* Initialize as a dosFs device */

     * NOTE: pSbdFloppy is declared globally in case the following call
     * fails, in which case dosFsMkfs or dosFsDevInit can be
     * called (from the shell) with pSbdFloppy as an argument
     * (assuming pSbdFloppy != NULL)

    if (dosFsDevInit ("/fd0/", pSbdFloppy, NULL) == NULL)
        printErr ("usrScsiConfig: dosFsDevInit failed.\n");
	return (ERROR);

     * In order to configure a CD-ROM drive with cdromFs file system,
     * the following device specific code serves as an example.

    /* configure a SCSI CDROM at busId 6, LUN = 0 */

    if ((pSpd60 = scsiPhysDevCreate (pSysScsiCtrl, 6, 0, 0, NONE, 0,
                                 0, 0)) == (SCSI_PHYS_DEV *) NULL)
        SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("sysScsiConfig: scsiPhysDevCreate failed for CDROM.\n",
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    else if( (pSbdCd = scsiBlkDevCreate (pSpd60, 0, 0))== NULL )
        SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("sysScsiConfig: scsiBlkDevCreate failed for CDROM.\n",
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

     * Create an instance of a CDROM device in the I/O system. A block device
     * should have been created. The "cdromFsDevCreate" calls "iosDrvInstall"
     * which enters the appropriate driver routines in the I/O driver table.

    if ((cdVolDesc = cdromFsDevCreate ("cdrom:", (BLK_DEV *) pBlkDev)) == NULL)
        printErr (ERROR);

     * In order to configure a sequential access tape device and a tapeFs
     * file system, the following code will serve as an example. Note that
     * sequential access and tapeFs support are only available via SCSI-2.
     * To make sure that SCSI-2 is being used, check for the INCLUDE_SCSI2
     * macro definition in the BSP.
     * The tape device does not support synchronous data transfers
     * or wide data transfers. Therefore, turn off the automatic configuration
     * of these features within VxWorks.

    scsiId = 4;

    options.maxOffset = SCSI_SYNC_XFER_ASYNC_OFFSET;
    options.minPeriod = SCSI_SYNC_XFER_ASYNC_PERIOD;
    options.xferWidth = SCSI_WIDE_XFER_SIZE_NARROW;

    if (scsiTargetOptionsSet (pSysScsiCtrl, scsiId, &options, which) == ERROR)
        printf ("Could not set target option parameters\n");
        return (ERROR);

    /* create SCSI physical device and sequential device */

    if ((pSpd40 = scsiPhysDevCreate (pSysScsiCtrl, scsiId, 0,0,NONE,0,0,0)) 
            == NULL)
        printErr ("scsiPhysDevCreate failed.\n");
        return (ERROR);

    if ((pSd0 = scsiSeqDevCreate (pSpd40)) == NULL)
        printErr ("scsiSeqDevCreate failed.\n");
        return (ERROR);

    /* configure a fixed block and rewind, tape file system */

    pTapeConfig = (TAPE_CONFIG *) calloc (sizeof(TAPE_CONFIG),1);
    pTapeConfig->rewind = TRUE;		/* rewind device */
    pTapeConfig->blkSize = 512;		/* fixed 512 byte block */ 

    if (tapeFsDevInit ("/tape1", pSd0, pTapeConfig) == NULL)
	printErr ("tapeFsDevInit failed.\n");
	return (ERROR);


    return (OK);