Beispiel #1
void Sound::replyFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) {

    // replace our byte array with the downloaded data
    QByteArray rawAudioByteArray = reply->readAll();

    // foreach(QByteArray b, reply->rawHeaderList())
    //     qDebug() << b.constData() << ": " << reply->rawHeader(b).constData();

    if (reply->hasRawHeader("Content-Type")) {

        QByteArray headerContentType = reply->rawHeader("Content-Type");

        // WAV audio file encountered
        if (headerContentType == "audio/x-wav"
            || headerContentType == "audio/wav"
            || headerContentType == "audio/wave") {

            QByteArray outputAudioByteArray;

            interpretAsWav(rawAudioByteArray, outputAudioByteArray);
        } else {
            //  Process as RAW file
    } else {
        qDebug() << "Network reply without 'Content-Type'.";
Beispiel #2
void Sound::downloadFinished(const QByteArray& data) {
    // replace our byte array with the downloaded data
    QByteArray rawAudioByteArray = QByteArray(data);
    QString fileName = getURL().fileName().toLower();

    static const QString WAV_EXTENSION = ".wav";
    static const QString RAW_EXTENSION = ".raw";
    if (fileName.endsWith(WAV_EXTENSION)) {

        QByteArray outputAudioByteArray;

        interpretAsWav(rawAudioByteArray, outputAudioByteArray);
    } else if (fileName.endsWith(RAW_EXTENSION)) {
        // check if this was a stereo raw file
        // since it's raw the only way for us to know that is if the file was called .stereo.raw
        if (fileName.toLower().endsWith("stereo.raw")) {
            _isStereo = true;
            qCDebug(audio) << "Processing sound of" << rawAudioByteArray.size() << "bytes from" << getURL() << "as stereo audio file.";

        // Process as RAW file
    } else {
        qCDebug(audio) << "Unknown sound file type";


    _isReady = true;
    emit ready();
Beispiel #3
void BloomEffect::apply(const sf::RenderTexture& input, sf::RenderTarget& output){

	filterBright(input, mBrightnessTexture);

	downSample(mBrightnessTexture, mFirstPassTextures[0]);

	downSample(mFirstPassTextures[0], mSecondPassTextures[0]);

	add(mFirstPassTextures[0], mSecondPassTextures[0], mFirstPassTextures[1]);
	add(input, mFirstPassTextures[1], output);
Beispiel #4
 * \brief sub-sample a mono image by a certain factor
 * \param img mono image data (one byte per pixel)
 * \param img_width width of the image
 * \param img_height height of the image
 * \param bytes_per_pixel number of bytes per pixel
 * \param buffer temporary buffer used for downsampling
 * \param factor downsampling factor
 * \param result downsampled result
void processimage::downSample(
    unsigned char* img,
    int img_width,
    int img_height,
    int bytes_per_pixel,
    int factor,
    int *buffer0,
    int *buffer1,
    unsigned char *result)
    if (factor <= 2)
        if (factor == 2)
            // do a single downsample (half original image size)
            downSample(img, img_width, img_height, bytes_per_pixel, result);
        // do multiple downsamples
        // note here that we sum pixels and then divide at
        // the end for greater accuracy
        int pixels = img_width * img_height;
        int *img2 = buffer0; //new int[pixels];
        for (int i = pixels - 1; i >= 0; i--) img2[i] = img[i];

        int target_img_width = img_width / factor;

        int* img3 = buffer1;
        int *temp_img = NULL;
        int grouped_pixels = 2;
        while (img_width > target_img_width)
            if (temp_img != NULL) delete[] temp_img;
            //img3 = buffer1; //new int[(img_width/2)*(img_height/2)];
            downSampleSum(img2, img_width, img_height, bytes_per_pixel, img3);
            img_width /= 2;
            img_height /= 2;
            temp_img = img2;
            img2 = img3;
            img3 = temp_img;
            grouped_pixels *= grouped_pixels;

        // divide the summed pixel values
        float divisor = 1.0f / grouped_pixels;
        for (int i = (img_width * img_height) - 1; i >= 0; i--) result[i] = (unsigned char)((float)img2[i] * divisor);

        //if (temp_img != NULL)
        //    delete[] temp_img;
        //    delete[] img2;

        //if (img3 != NULL) delete[] img3;
Beispiel #5
void PostBloom::apply(const sf::RenderTexture& src, sf::RenderTarget& dest)

    filterBright(src, m_brightnessTexture);

    downSample(m_brightnessTexture, m_firstPassTextures[0]);


    downSample(m_firstPassTextures[0], m_secondPassTextures[0]);


    add(m_firstPassTextures[0], m_secondPassTextures[0], m_firstPassTextures[1]);

    add(src, m_firstPassTextures[1], dest);
Beispiel #6
void SoundProcessor::run() {

    qCDebug(audio) << "Processing sound file" << _url.toDisplayString();

    // replace our byte array with the downloaded data
    QByteArray rawAudioByteArray = QByteArray(_data);
    QString fileName = _url.fileName().toLower();

    static const QString WAV_EXTENSION = ".wav";
    static const QString RAW_EXTENSION = ".raw";
    if (fileName.endsWith(WAV_EXTENSION)) {

        QByteArray outputAudioByteArray;

        int sampleRate = interpretAsWav(rawAudioByteArray, outputAudioByteArray);
        if (sampleRate == 0) {
            qCDebug(audio) << "Unsupported WAV file type";
            emit onError(300, "Failed to load sound file, reason: unsupported WAV file type");

        downSample(outputAudioByteArray, sampleRate);
    } else if (fileName.endsWith(RAW_EXTENSION)) {
        // check if this was a stereo raw file
        // since it's raw the only way for us to know that is if the file was called .stereo.raw
        if (fileName.toLower().endsWith("stereo.raw")) {
            _isStereo = true;
            qCDebug(audio) << "Processing sound of" << rawAudioByteArray.size() << "bytes from" << _url << "as stereo audio file.";

        // Process as 48khz RAW file
        downSample(rawAudioByteArray, 48000);
    } else {
        qCDebug(audio) << "Unknown sound file type";
        emit onError(300, "Failed to load sound file, reason: unknown sound file type");

    emit onSuccess(_data, _isStereo, _isAmbisonic, _duration);
Beispiel #7
void Sound::downloadFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) {
    // replace our byte array with the downloaded data
    QByteArray rawAudioByteArray = reply->readAll();

    if (reply->hasRawHeader("Content-Type")) {

        QByteArray headerContentType = reply->rawHeader("Content-Type");

        // WAV audio file encountered
        if (headerContentType == "audio/x-wav"
            || headerContentType == "audio/wav"
            || headerContentType == "audio/wave") {

            QByteArray outputAudioByteArray;

            interpretAsWav(rawAudioByteArray, outputAudioByteArray);
        } else {
            // check if this was a stereo raw file
            // since it's raw the only way for us to know that is if the file was called .stereo.raw
            if (reply->url().fileName().toLower().endsWith("stereo.raw")) {
                _isStereo = true;
                qCDebug(audio) << "Processing sound of" << rawAudioByteArray.size() << "bytes from" << reply->url() << "as stereo audio file.";
            // Process as RAW file
    } else {
        qCDebug(audio) << "Network reply without 'Content-Type'.";
    _isReady = true;
void kpoAnalyzerThread::operator ()()
    std::cout << "cloud has " << scene_cloud_->size() << " points" << std::endl;

    Cloud cleanCloud;
    removeNoise(scene_cloud_, cleanCloud);
    pcl::copyPointCloud(cleanCloud, *scene_cloud_);

    std::cout << "filtered cloud has " << scene_cloud_->size() << " points" << std::endl;
    if (scene_cloud_->size() < 25) {
        std::cout << "cloud too small" << std::endl;
    if (scene_cloud_->size() > 40000) {
        std::cout << "cloud too large" << std::endl;
    NormalCloud::Ptr scene_normals_(new NormalCloud());
    estimateNormals(scene_cloud_, scene_normals_);

    Cloud::Ptr scene_keypoints_(new Cloud());
    downSample(scene_cloud_, scene_keypoints_);

    DescriptorCloud::Ptr scene_descriptors_(new DescriptorCloud());
    computeShotDescriptors(scene_cloud_, scene_keypoints_, scene_normals_, scene_descriptors_);

    RFCloud::Ptr scene_refs_(new RFCloud());
    estimateReferenceFrames(scene_cloud_, scene_normals_, scene_keypoints_, scene_refs_);

    kpoCloudDescription od; = *scene_cloud_;
    od.keypoints = *scene_keypoints_;
    od.normals = *scene_normals_;
    od.descriptors = *scene_descriptors_;
    od.reference_frames = *scene_refs_;

    od.filename = filename;
    od.object_id = object_id;

Beispiel #9
void CDVDongleThread::processEncode()
	wxFloat32 audioIn[DSTAR_RADIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
	::memset(audioIn, 0x00, DSTAR_RADIO_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(wxFloat32));

	m_encodeAudio.getData(audioIn, DSTAR_RADIO_BLOCK_SIZE);

	wxFloat32 audioOut[DSTAR_AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
	downSample(audioIn, audioOut);

	// Convert the audio into AMBE data
	m_dongle->encodeIn(audioOut, DSTAR_AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);

	unsigned char ambe[VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES];
	bool res = m_dongle->encodeOut(ambe, VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES);
	if (!res)
		wxLogError(wxT("An error occurred in encodeOut"));

	m_encodeCallback->encodeCallback(ambe, VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES, PS_NONE);
int  xDistanceFontGenerator::gen(wchar_t _char , FILE* file , int Offset , xDFFCharDesc& desc)
	FT_Face  pFT_Face = (FT_Face)m_FT_Face;

	bool bAntilias = true;

	FT_UInt  glyph_index;
	/* retrieve glyph index from character code */
	glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index( pFT_Face, _char );
	/* load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one) */
	int error = FT_Load_Glyph( pFT_Face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT );

	error = FT_Render_Glyph( pFT_Face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL );

	memset(&desc , 0 , sizeof(desc) ) ;

	FT_Glyph glyph;
	if(FT_Get_Glyph( pFT_Face->glyph, &glyph ))
		XEVOL_LOG(eXL_DEBUG_HIGH,"FT_Load_Glyph failed\n");
		return false;
	FT_BitmapGlyph bitmap_glyph = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;

	FT_Bitmap& bitmap = bitmap_glyph->bitmap;

	int width  =  bitmap.width;
	int height =  bitmap.rows;
	if(width == 0 || height == 0 )
		return 0;

	desc.m_adv_x = pFT_Face->glyph->advance.x / 64.0f;
	desc.m_adv_y = pFT_Face->size->metrics.y_ppem; //m_FT_Face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY / 64.0f;
	desc.m_left  = (float)bitmap_glyph->left;
	desc.m_top   = (float)bitmap_glyph->top;
	desc.m_w     = width;
	desc.m_h     = height;

	if(bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY)
		for(int y=0; y  < height ; y++)
			for(int x=0; x < width; x++)
				int _y = y;
				unsigned char _vl =  0;
				if(x < bitmap.width && y < bitmap.rows) 
					_vl =  (x>=bitmap.width || y>=bitmap.rows) ? 0 : bitmap.buffer[x + bitmap.width*y];
				if(_vl >= 0x40) 
					_vl = 255; 
					_vl = 0;
				m_ttfBuffer[(1*x + _y * width)+0] = _vl;			
	else if(bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) //单色图
		for(int y=0; y  < height ; y++)
			for(int x=0; x < width; x++)
				int _y = y;
				unsigned char _vl =  0;
				if(x < bitmap.width && y < bitmap.rows) 
					_vl =  ((bitmap.buffer[(y * bitmap.pitch) + x / 8] << (x % 8)) & 0x80) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0x00000000;
				if(_vl > 0x7f) _vl = 255; else _vl = 0;
				m_ttfBuffer[(1*x + _y * width)+0] = _vl;


	wchar_t name[]=L" .bmp";
	name[0] = _char;
	ds_wstring fullName = _XEVOL_ABSPATH_(name);
	//saveBitMap(fullName.c_str() , width , height , m_ttfBuffer);
	float advx = desc.m_adv_x * (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize); 
	float advy = desc.m_adv_y * (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize); 

	desc.m_adv_x *= (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize);  
	desc.m_adv_y *= (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize);  
	desc.m_left  *= (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize);    
	desc.m_top   *= (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize);   
	desc.m_w     *= (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize);     
	desc.m_h     *= (m_fontSize/(float)m_ttfSize);

	if(desc.m_adv_x > 0 && advx == 0) desc.m_adv_x = 1; else  desc.m_adv_x  = advx;
	if(desc.m_adv_y > 0 && advy == 0) desc.m_adv_y = 1; else  desc.m_adv_y	= advy;
	if(desc.m_w == 0) desc.m_w = 1;
	if(desc.m_h == 0) desc.m_h = 1;

	int ow = desc.m_w * UPSAMPLES;
	int oh = desc.m_h * UPSAMPLES;

	float* tBuffer = new float[ow * oh];
	float dw = ((float)width) /ow;
	float dh = ((float)height)/oh;
	for(int y = 0 ; y < oh ; y ++)
		for(int x = 0 ; x < ow  ; x ++)
			int bx = (float)(x * dw + dw/2.0f);
			int by = (float)(y * dh + dh/2.0f);
			unsigned char* cl = getPixel(bx , by , width , height , m_ttfBuffer);
			float d = 0;
			if( *cl > 200)
				d = GetNearest(bx , by , 0x00 , width , height , m_ttfBuffer);
				d = -1.0f * GetNearest(bx , by , 0x00 , width , height , m_ttfBuffer);
			tBuffer[y * ow + x] = d ;

	float _min = 0.0f;
	float _max = 0.0f;
	for(int y = 0 ; y < oh ; y ++)
		for(int x = 0 ; x < ow  ; x ++)
			if(tBuffer[y * ow + x] > _max)
				_max =  tBuffer[y * ow + x];
			if(tBuffer[y * ow + x] < _min)
				_min =  tBuffer[y * ow + x];

	for(int y = 0 ; y < oh ; y ++)
		for(int x = 0 ; x < ow  ; x ++)
			float v = 0.0f;
			if( tBuffer[y * ow + x] > 0 )
				v = tBuffer[y * ow + x] / _max;
				tBuffer[y * ow + x] = v ;
				v = -tBuffer[y * ow + x] / _min;
				tBuffer[y * ow + x] = v ;

	int nByte = sizeof(float16) * desc.m_w * desc.m_h;
	float16* outBuffer = new float16[desc.m_w * desc.m_h];
    downSample(tBuffer , outBuffer , desc.m_w , desc.m_h);
	fwrite(outBuffer , 1 , nByte , file);

	delete [] tBuffer;
	delete [] outBuffer;
	return nByte;
Beispiel #11
	int run(int argc, char **argv) {
		if(argc != 7 && argc != 9) {
			cout << "Down-sample grid volume data by a scale" << endl;
			cout << "Syntax: mtsutil downSampleVolume 0 <grid_volume> <scale x> <scale y> <scale z> <target_volume>" << endl;
			cout << "Syntax: mtsutil downSampleVolume 1 <hgrid_volume_dict> <scale x> <scale y> <scale z> <prefix> <origin_suffix> <target_suffix>" << endl;
			return -1;

		if (strcmp(argv[1], "0") == 0) {
			char *end_ptr = NULL;
			scale.x = strtol(argv[3], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.y = strtol(argv[4], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.z = strtol(argv[5], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");

			Properties props("gridvolume");
			props.setString("filename", argv[2]);
			props.setBoolean("sendData", false);

			VolumeDataSource *originVol = static_cast<VolumeDataSource *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
				createObject(MTS_CLASS(VolumeDataSource), props));

			Log(EInfo, "%s", originVol->getClass()->getName().c_str());
			Log(EInfo, "res = (%d, %d, %d)", originVol->getResolution().x, originVol->getResolution().y, originVol->getResolution().z);
			Log(EInfo, "channels = %d", originVol->getChannels());
			Log(EInfo, "min = (%.6f, %.6f, %.6f)", originVol->getAABB().min.x, originVol->getAABB().min.y, originVol->getAABB().min.z);
			Log(EInfo, "max = (%.6f, %.6f, %.6f)", originVol->getAABB().max.x, originVol->getAABB().max.y, originVol->getAABB().max.z);

			AABB bbox = originVol->getAABB();

			GridData s;
			downSample(originVol, s);

			Log(EInfo, "finish down-sampling, save volume data to file");
			ref<FileStream> outFile = new FileStream(argv[6], FileStream::ETruncReadWrite);
			writeVolume(s, bbox, originVol->getChannels(), outFile);
		else if (strcmp(argv[1], "1") == 0) {
			char *end_ptr = NULL;
			scale.x = strtol(argv[3], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.y = strtol(argv[4], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.z = strtol(argv[5], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");

			fs::path resolved = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver()->resolve(argv[2]);
			Log(EInfo, "Loading hierarchical grid dictrionary \"%s\"", argv[2]);
			ref<FileStream> stream = new FileStream(resolved, FileStream::EReadOnly);

			Float xmin = stream->readSingle(), ymin = stream->readSingle(), zmin = stream->readSingle();
			Float xmax = stream->readSingle(), ymax = stream->readSingle(), zmax = stream->readSingle();
			AABB aabb = AABB(Point(xmin, ymin, zmin), Point(xmax, ymax, zmax));

			Vector3i res = Vector3i(stream);
			int nCells = res.x * res.y * res.z;

			int numBlocks = 0;
			while (!stream->isEOF()) {
				Vector3i block = Vector3i(stream);
				Assert(block.x >= 0 && block.y >= 0 && block.z >= 0
					&& block.x < res.x && block.y < res.y && block.z < res.z);

				Properties props("gridvolume");
				props.setString("filename", formatString("%s%03i_%03i_%03i%s",
					argv[6], block.x, block.y, block.z, argv[7]));
				props.setBoolean("sendData", false);

				VolumeDataSource *ori = static_cast<VolumeDataSource *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
					createObject(MTS_CLASS(VolumeDataSource), props));

				//Log(EInfo, "Loading grid %03i_%03i_%03i", block.x, block.y, block.z);

				AABB bbox = ori->getAABB();

				GridData s;
				downSample(ori, s);

				std::string filename(formatString("%s%03i_%03i_%03i%s", argv[6], block.x, block.y, block.z, argv[8]));
				ref<FileStream> outFile = new FileStream(filename.c_str(), FileStream::ETruncReadWrite);

				writeVolume(s, bbox, ori->getChannels(), outFile);

			Log(EInfo, "%i blocks total, %s, resolution=%s", numBlocks,
				aabb.toString().c_str(), res.toString().c_str());

		return 0;