Beispiel #1
void moveForwardSquare()
  double xDist = 0;
  double yDist = 0;
  double angle = 0;
  double distance = 0;

  int prevTicksLeft = 0;
  int prevTicksRight = 0;

  drive_getTicks(&prevTicksLeft, &prevTicksRight);
  while(distance < GRID_SIZE) {
      int changeVal;
      if(irLeft < SENSOR_VALUE && irRight < SENSOR_VALUE){ // Wall either side
          changeVal = (irLeft - irRight) * MULTIPLIER;
      } else if ( irLeft < SENSOR_VALUE ) { // Wall to the left
          changeVal = (irLeft - IR_LEFT) * MULTIPLIER;
      } else if ( irRight < SENSOR_VALUE ) { // Wall to the right
          changeVal = (IR_RIGHT - irRight) * MULTIPLIER;
      } else { // If no walls to the side, carry on as normal
          changeVal = 0;

      drive_speed(BASE_SPEED_TICKS - changeVal, BASE_SPEED_TICKS + changeVal); // Set the new drive speed with the new changeVal

      int ticksLeft, ticksRight;
      drive_getTicks(&ticksLeft,  &ticksRight); // get current ticks count

      // calculate distances
      double distRight = calcDistance(ticksRight, prevTicksRight); // Distance of left wheel
      double distLeft = calcDistance(ticksLeft, prevTicksLeft); // Distance of right wheel
      double distCentre = (distRight + distLeft) / 2; // The average of the left and right distance
      angle = angle + (distRight - distLeft) / ROBOT_WIDTH;
      // update prevTicks
      prevTicksLeft = ticksLeft;
      prevTicksRight = ticksRight;

      xDist = xDist + distCentre * cos(angle);
      yDist = yDist + distCentre * sin(angle);
      distance = sqrt(xDist*xDist + yDist*yDist); // work out distance travelled using pythagoras
void getTicks(void)
  ticksLeftOld = ticksLeft;
  ticksRightOld = ticksRight;
  ticksLeftCalcOld = ticksLeftCalc;
  ticksRightCalcOld = ticksRightCalc;      
  drive_getTicks(&ticksLeft, &ticksRight);
  drive_getTicksCalc(&ticksLeftCalc, &ticksRightCalc);      
  drive_getSpeedCalc(&speedLeft, &speedRight);
Beispiel #3
int checkClose(){
  irLeft = 0;
  irRight = 0;
  distance = ping_cm(8);

  for(int dacVal = 0; dacVal < 160; dacVal += 8){
    dac_ctr(26, 0, dacVal);
    freqout(11, 1, 38000);
    irLeft += input(10);

    dac_ctr(27, 1, dacVal);
    freqout(1, 1, 38000);
    irRight += input(2);

  if (irLeft<7) {
  } else if (irLeft > 9 || irLeft == 0){
  } else {
  if (distance<=5){

  drive_getTicks(&ticksLeft, &ticksRight);
  leftDeg = ((ticksLeft * 360) / 332.38128) * 3.25;
  rightDeg = ((ticksRight * 360) / 332.38128) * 3.25;
  degrees = degrees + (rightDeg - leftDeg);
  moved = ticksLeft * 3.25;
int main()                                    // main function
  simpleterm_reopen(RX_PIN, TX_PIN, 0, BAUD);
  int l=1;
  int r=1;

  while(1)                                    // Repeat indefinitely
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
      drive_getTicks(&l,&r); //only works when actually moving, otherwise no response
      int ultrasonic = ping(PING_PIN);
      //print("ultrasonic %d uS\n",ultrasonic);
      print("%d %d\n", l, r);
char *drive_goto(int distLeft, int distRight)
  char s[32];
  memset(s, 0, 32);
  char *reply = dhb10_reply;

  int ticksL = 0, ticksR = 0, ticksLi = 0, ticksLf = 0, ticksRi = 0, ticksRf = 0;
  int ticksLold = 0, ticksRold = 0;
  if(!ard_opened) drive_open();
  #ifdef ARLO_DEBUG
    dprint(ard_dhb10_terminal, "drive_goto(%d, %d)\n", distLeft, distRight);

    #ifdef ARLO_DEBUG
      dprint(ard_dhb10_terminal, "if(ard_blockGoto)...\n");
    drive_getTicks(&ticksLi, &ticksRi);
    ticksLf = ticksLi + distLeft;
    ticksRf = ticksRi + distRight;
    ticksLold = ticksLi;
    ticksRold = ticksRi;
    #ifdef ARLO_DEBUG
      dprint(ard_dhb10_terminal, "ticksLf(%d) = ticksLi(%d) + distLeft(%d)\n", ticksLf, ticksLi, distLeft);
      dprint(ard_dhb10_terminal, "ticksRf(%d) = ticksRi(%d) + distReft(%d)\n", ticksRf, ticksRi, distRight);

  sprint(s, "move %d %d %d\r", distLeft, distRight, ard_speedLimit);
  reply = dhb10_com(s);
  #ifdef ARLO_DEBUG
    dprint(ard_dhb10_terminal, "reply = %s\n", reply);

    int reps = 0;
    int repsOld = 0;
    while((reps < ard_gotoDoneReps) && (repsOld < ard_gotoDoneReps))
      drive_getTicks(&ticksL, &ticksR);
      if((abs(ticksLf - ticksL) <= (ard_deadZone)) && 
         (abs(ticksRf - ticksR) <= (ard_deadZone)))
      else if((abs(ticksL - ticksLold) <= (ard_deadZone)) && 
              (abs(ticksR - ticksRold) <= (ard_deadZone)))
        reps = 0;
        repsOld = 0;
      ticksLold = ticksL;
      ticksRold = ticksR;
    #ifdef ARLO_DEBUG
      dprint(ard_dhb10_terminal, "Total Error: %d\n", abs(ticksLf - ticksL) + abs(ticksRf - ticksR));
    //return abs(ticksLf - ticksL) + abs(ticksRf - ticksR);
  return reply;
Beispiel #6
void Drive(int leftTicks, int rightTicks, int speed)
  // Tick count when we started
  int startLeftTicks;
  int startRightTicks;
  drive_getTicks(&startLeftTicks, &startRightTicks);

  // Target tick counts
  const int leftTargetTicks  = startLeftTicks  + leftTicks;
  const int rightTargetTicks = startRightTicks + rightTicks;

  // Acceleration
  const int speedStep = 4; // Acceleration per 1/20th of a second
  int currentSpeed = 0;

  int destinationReached = 0;

  int leftOldTicks;
  int rightOldTicks;
  drive_getTicks(&leftOldTicks, &rightOldTicks);

  int stuck = 0;
  const int maxTimesStuck = 10; // This is the number of times the robot has to think it's stuck before it stops

    // Accelerate
    currentSpeed += speedStep;
    if(currentSpeed > speed)
      currentSpeed = speed;

    const int leftCurrentSpeed  = leftTicks  >= 0 ? currentSpeed : -currentSpeed;
    const int rightCurrentSpeed = rightTicks >= 0 ? currentSpeed : -currentSpeed;
    drive_speed(leftCurrentSpeed, rightCurrentSpeed);


    // Current tick count
    int leftCurrentTicks;
    int rightCurrentTicks;
    drive_getTicks(&leftCurrentTicks, &rightCurrentTicks);

    // Check if we're stuck
    if(leftOldTicks  == leftCurrentTicks ||
       rightOldTicks == rightCurrentTicks)
//      dprint(term, "stuck: %d\n", stuck);/**/
      stuck = 0;

    if(stuck > maxTimesStuck)
//      dprint(term, "Oh God, I really am stuck!!!\n");/**/
      drive_speed(0, 0);

    leftOldTicks = leftCurrentTicks;
    rightOldTicks = rightCurrentTicks;

    destinationReached = (leftTicks  >= 0 && leftCurrentTicks  >= leftTargetTicks)  ||
                         (leftTicks  <= 0 && leftCurrentTicks  <= leftTargetTicks)  ||
                         (rightTicks >= 0 && rightCurrentTicks >= rightTargetTicks) ||
                         (rightTicks <= 0 && rightCurrentTicks <= rightTargetTicks);

//dprint(term, "currentSpeed: %d leftCurrentTicks: %d rightCurrentTicks: %d\n", currentSpeed, leftCurrentTicks, rightCurrentTicks);/**/

  // Deaccelerate
  while(currentSpeed > 0)
    currentSpeed -= speedStep;
    if(currentSpeed < 0)
      currentSpeed = 0;

    const int leftCurrentSpeed  = leftTicks  >= 0 ? currentSpeed : -currentSpeed;
    const int rightCurrentSpeed = rightTicks >= 0 ? currentSpeed : -currentSpeed;
    drive_speed(leftCurrentSpeed, rightCurrentSpeed);