Beispiel #1
long UnregisterGPONode(
        PCSTR pszDomain,
        PCSTR pszGPOName
    long macError = eDSNoErr;
    tDataListPtr nodeNameList = NULL;
    char szChildNodeName[1024];

	if (!pszDomain)
        macError = eDSEmptyParameter;

    /* Build up node names for each child node found */
    nodeNameList = dsDataListAllocate(0);
    if ( !nodeNameList )
        macError = eDSAllocationFailed;
        GOTO_CLEANUP_ON_MACERROR( macError );

    memset(szChildNodeName, 0, sizeof(szChildNodeName));
    strcpy(szChildNodeName, PLUGIN_ROOT_PATH);
    strcat(szChildNodeName, "/");
    strcat(szChildNodeName, pszDomain);
    strcat(szChildNodeName, "/");
    strcat(szChildNodeName, pszGPOName);

    macError = dsBuildListFromPathAlloc(0, nodeNameList, szChildNodeName, "/");

    macError = DSUnregisterNode(GlobalState.Signature, nodeNameList);


    if (nodeNameList)
        dsDataListDeallocate(0, nodeNameList);

    return macError;
Beispiel #2
 * This must be called between GS_ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE() and GS_RELEASE().
static long Activate(void)
    long macError = eDSNoErr;
    tDataListPtr nodeNameList = NULL;
    BOOLEAN bIsStarted = FALSE;


    LOG("Verify that LSASS service is operational");
    GlobalState.IsStartupComplete = false;

    // Verify that startup has completed successfully for lsass service.
    if (bIsStarted)
        LOG("LSASS service is operational");
        GlobalState.IsStartupComplete = true;

    if ( !GlobalState.DsRoot )
        macError = dsOpenDirService( &GlobalState.DsRoot );
        GOTO_CLEANUP_ON_MACERROR( macError );

    if ( !GlobalState.NodeNameList )
        nodeNameList = dsDataListAllocate(0);
        if ( !nodeNameList )
            macError = eDSAllocationFailed;
            GOTO_CLEANUP_ON_MACERROR( macError );

        macError = dsBuildListFromPathAlloc(0, nodeNameList, PLUGIN_ROOT_PATH, "/");
        GOTO_CLEANUP_ON_MACERROR( macError );

        macError = DSRegisterNode(GlobalState.Signature, nodeNameList, kDirNodeType);
        GOTO_CLEANUP_ON_MACERROR( macError );

        GlobalState.NodeNameList = nodeNameList;
        nodeNameList = NULL;

    if ( !GlobalState.NodeDictionary )
        GlobalState.NodeDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,

    if (nodeNameList)
        dsDataListDeallocate(0, nodeNameList);

    if (macError)
        long localMacError = Deactivate();
        if (localMacError)
            LOG_ERROR("Unexpected error: %d", localMacError);

    LOG_LEAVE("--> %d", macError);
    return macError;
	CDSLocalPlugin* inPlugin,
	tDirNodeReference inNodeRef,
	tRecordReference inRecordRef,
	CAuthAuthority &inAATank )
	tDirStatus siResult = eDSAuthFailed;
	UInt32 avIndex = 0;
	UInt32 avCount = 0;
	char *aaStr = NULL;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef nodeDict = NULL;
	CFStringRef preRootAuthString = NULL;
	tDataListPtr attrValueList = NULL;
		// retrieve the same nodeDict the plugin object is going to use 
		CFDictionaryRef openRecordDict = inPlugin->RecordDictForRecordRef( inRecordRef );
		if ( openRecordDict == NULL )
			throw( eDSInvalidRecordRef );
		nodeDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( openRecordDict, CFSTR(kOpenRecordDictNodeDict) );
		if ( nodeDict == NULL )
			throw( eDSInvalidNodeRef );
		preRootAuthString = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( nodeDict, CFSTR(kNodeAuthenticatedUserName) );
		if ( preRootAuthString != NULL )
			CFRetain( preRootAuthString );
		CFDictionarySetValue( nodeDict, CFSTR(kNodeAuthenticatedUserName), CFSTR("root") );
		avCount = inAATank.GetValueCount();
		if ( avCount == 0 )
			siResult = inPlugin->RemoveAttribute( inRecordRef, CFSTR(kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority) );
			attrValueList = dsDataListAllocate( 0 );
			for ( avIndex = 0; avIndex < avCount; avIndex++ )
				aaStr = inAATank.GetValueAtIndex( avIndex );
				if ( aaStr != NULL )
					siResult = dsAppendStringToListAlloc( 0, attrValueList, aaStr );
					DSFreeString( aaStr );
					if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
						throw( siResult );
			// need to use SetAttributeValues() instead of RemoveAttribute() to avoid deleting the
			// shadow hash files.
			tDataNodePtr attrTypeNode = dsDataNodeAllocateString( 0, kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority );
			sSetAttributeValues apiData = { kSetAttributeValues, 0, inRecordRef, attrTypeNode, attrValueList };
			char *recTypeStr = inPlugin->GetRecordTypeFromRef( inRecordRef );
			siResult = inPlugin->SetAttributeValues( &apiData, recTypeStr );
			DSFreeString( recTypeStr );
			dsDataNodeDeAllocate( 0, attrTypeNode );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
			throw( siResult );
	catch( tDirStatus err )
		DbgLog(  kLogPlugin, "SaveAuthAuthorities(): got error %d", err );
		siResult = err;
	if ( preRootAuthString != NULL ) {
		CFDictionarySetValue( nodeDict, CFSTR(kNodeAuthenticatedUserName), preRootAuthString );
		CFRelease( preRootAuthString );
	else {
		CFDictionaryRemoveValue( nodeDict, CFSTR(kNodeAuthenticatedUserName) );
	DSFreeString( aaStr );
	if ( attrValueList != NULL ) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( 0, attrValueList );
		free( attrValueList );
	return siResult;