Beispiel #1
/* Opens the file designated by file handle FH for reading as a
   data file.  Providing fh_inline_file() for FH designates the
   "inline file", that is, data included inline in the command
   file between BEGIN FILE and END FILE.  Returns a reader if
   successful, or a null pointer otherwise. */
struct dfm_reader *
dfm_open_reader (struct file_handle *fh, struct lexer *lexer)
  struct dfm_reader *r;
  struct fh_lock *lock;

  /* TRANSLATORS: this fragment will be interpolated into
     messages in fh_lock() that identify types of files. */
  lock = fh_lock (fh, FH_REF_FILE | FH_REF_INLINE, N_("data file"),
                  FH_ACC_READ, false);
  if (lock == NULL)
    return NULL;

  r = fh_lock_get_aux (lock);
  if (r != NULL)
    return r;

  r = xmalloc (sizeof *r);
  r->fh = fh_ref (fh);
  r->lock = lock;
  r->lexer = lexer;
  ds_init_empty (&r->line);
  ds_init_empty (&r->scratch);
  r->flags = DFM_ADVANCE;
  r->eof_cnt = 0;
  r->block_left = 0;
  if (fh_get_referent (fh) != FH_REF_INLINE)
      struct stat s;
      r->line_number = 0;
      r->file = fn_open (fh_get_file_name (fh), "rb");
      if (r->file == NULL)
          msg (ME, _("Could not open `%s' for reading as a data file: %s."),
               fh_get_file_name (r->fh), strerror (errno));
          fh_unlock (r->lock);
          fh_unref (fh);
          free (r);
          return NULL;
      r->file_size = fstat (fileno (r->file), &s) == 0 ? s.st_size : -1;
    r->file_size = -1;
  fh_lock_set_aux (lock, r);

  return r;
Beispiel #2
static char *
generate_syntax (const struct comment_dialog *cd)
    gint i;

    GString *str;
    gchar *text;
    GtkWidget *tv = get_widget_assert (cd->xml, "comments-textview1");
    GtkWidget *check = get_widget_assert (cd->xml, "comments-checkbutton1");
    GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv));

    str = g_string_new ("\n* Data File Comments.\n\n");

    if (dict_get_documents (cd->dict->dict) != NULL)
        g_string_append (str, "DROP DOCUMENTS.\n");

    g_string_append (str, "ADD DOCUMENT\n");

    for (i = 0 ; i < gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (buffer) ; ++i )
        struct string tmp;
        GtkTextIter start;
        char *line;

        gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line (buffer, &start, i);
        if (gtk_text_iter_ends_line (&start))
            line = g_strdup ("");
            GtkTextIter end = start;
            gtk_text_iter_forward_to_line_end (&end);
            line = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE);

        ds_init_empty (&tmp);
        syntax_gen_string (&tmp, ss_cstr (line));
        g_free (line);

        g_string_append_printf (str, " %s\n", ds_cstr (&tmp));

        ds_destroy (&tmp);
    g_string_append (str, " .\n");

    if ( gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (check)))
        g_string_append (str, "DISPLAY DOCUMENTS.\n");

    text = str->str;

    g_string_free (str, FALSE);

    return text;
Beispiel #3
static void
acc (struct statistic *s, const struct ccase *cx,
     double c UNUSED, double cc UNUSED, double y)
  struct box_whisker *bw = UP_CAST (s, struct box_whisker, parent.parent);
  bool extreme;
  struct outlier *o;

  if ( y > bw->hinges[2] + bw->step) /* Upper outlier */
      extreme = (y > bw->hinges[2] + 2 * bw->step) ;

  else if (y < bw->hinges[0] - bw->step) /* Lower outlier */
      extreme = (y < bw->hinges[0] - 2 * bw->step) ;

  else /* Not an outlier */
      if (bw->whiskers[0] == SYSMIS)
	bw->whiskers[0] = y;

      if (y > bw->whiskers[1])
	bw->whiskers[1] = y;

  /* y is an outlier */

  o = xzalloc (sizeof *o) ;
  o->value = y;
  o->extreme = extreme;
  ds_init_empty (&o->label);

  if (bw->id_var)
      char *s = data_out (case_data_idx (cx, bw->id_idx),
                           var_get_encoding (bw->id_var),
                           var_get_print_format (bw->id_var));

      ds_put_cstr (&o->label, s);
      free (s);
      ds_put_format (&o->label,
                     (casenumber) case_data_idx (cx, bw->id_idx)->f);

  ll_push_head (&bw->outliers, &o->ll);
Beispiel #4
/* Create a table which can be populated with the encodings for
   the covariance matrix COV */
struct tab_table *
covariance_dump_enc_header (const struct covariance *cov, int length)
  struct tab_table *t = tab_create (cov->dim,  length);
  int n;
  int i;

  tab_title (t, "Covariance Encoding");

  tab_box (t, 
	   TAL_2, TAL_2, 0, 0,
	   0, 0,   tab_nc (t) - 1,   tab_nr (t) - 1);

  tab_hline (t, TAL_2, 0, tab_nc (t) - 1, 1);

  for (i = 0 ; i < cov->n_vars; ++i)
      tab_text (t, i, 0, TAT_TITLE, var_get_name (cov->vars[i]));
      tab_vline (t, TAL_1, i + 1, 0, tab_nr (t) - 1);

  n = 0;
  while (i < cov->dim)
      struct string str;
      int idx = i - cov->n_vars;
      const struct interaction *iact =
	categoricals_get_interaction_by_subscript (cov->categoricals, idx);
      int df;

      ds_init_empty (&str);
      interaction_to_string (iact, &str);

      df = categoricals_df (cov->categoricals, n);

      tab_joint_text (t,
		      i, 0,
		      i + df - 1, 0,
		      TAT_TITLE, ds_cstr (&str));

      if (i + df < tab_nr (t) - 1)
	tab_vline (t, TAL_1, i + df, 0, tab_nr (t) - 1);

      i += df;
      ds_destroy (&str);

  return t;
Beispiel #5
/* Returns a single string that consists of each of the strings in SA
   concatenated, separated from each other with SEPARATOR.

   The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string with free(). */
char *
string_array_join (const struct string_array *sa, const char *separator)
  struct string dst;
  const char *s;
  size_t i;

  ds_init_empty (&dst);
      if (i > 0)
        ds_put_cstr (&dst, separator);
      ds_put_cstr (&dst, s);
  return ds_steal_cstr (&dst);
static char *
generate_syntax (PsppireDialogAction *a)
  PsppireDialogActionIndepSamps *act = PSPPIRE_DIALOG_ACTION_INDEP_SAMPS (a);
  gchar *text;

  GString *str = g_string_new ("T-TEST /VARIABLES=");

  psppire_var_view_append_names (PSPPIRE_VAR_VIEW (act->test_vars_tv), 0, str);

  g_string_append (str, "\n\t/GROUPS=");

  g_string_append (str, var_get_name (act->grp_var));

  if (act->group_defn != GROUPS_UNDEF)
      g_string_append (str, "(");

        const union value *val = 
          (act->group_defn == GROUPS_VALUES) ?
          &act->grp_val[0] :

        struct string strx;        
        ds_init_empty (&strx);
        syntax_gen_value (&strx, val, var_get_width (act->grp_var),
                          var_get_print_format (act->grp_var));
        g_string_append (str, ds_cstr (&strx));
        ds_destroy (&strx);

      if (act->group_defn == GROUPS_VALUES)
	  g_string_append (str, ",");

            struct string strx;
            ds_init_empty (&strx);
            syntax_gen_value (&strx, &act->grp_val[1], var_get_width (act->grp_var),
                              var_get_print_format (act->grp_var));
            g_string_append (str, ds_cstr (&strx));
            ds_destroy (&strx);

      g_string_append (str, ")");

  tt_options_dialog_append_syntax (act->opts, str);

  g_string_append (str, ".\n");

  text = str->str;

  g_string_free (str, FALSE);

  return text;
Beispiel #7
/* Checks that test state TS matches the test model TM and
   reports any mismatches via mc_error.  Then, adds SX to MC as a
   new state. */
static void
check_state (struct mc *mc, struct test_state *ts, const struct test_model *tm)
  const struct test_params *params = mc_get_aux (mc);
  int n_columns = params->n_columns;
  unsigned int hash;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < params->n_xarrays; i++)
      const struct xarray_model *model = &tm->models[i];
      const struct sparse_xarray *sx = ts->xarrays[i];
      bool difference;
      int row, col;
      int n_rows;

      assert (n_columns < MAX_COLS);

      /* Check row count. */
      n_rows = 0;
      for (row = 0; row < params->max_rows; row++)
        if (model->contains_row[row])
          n_rows = row + 1;
      if (n_rows != sparse_xarray_get_n_rows (sx))
        mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: row count (%zu) does not match expected "
                  "(%d)", i, sparse_xarray_get_n_rows (sx), n_rows);

      /* Check row containment. */
      for (row = 0; row < params->max_rows; row++)
          bool contains = sparse_xarray_contains_row (sx, row);
          if (contains && !model->contains_row[row])
            mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: row %d is contained by sparse_xarray "
                      "but should not be", i, row);
          else if (!contains && model->contains_row[row])
            mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: row %d is not contained by "
                      "sparse_xarray but should be", i, row);

      /* Check contents. */
      difference = false;
      for (row = 0; row < params->max_rows; row++)
          unsigned char data[MAX_COLS];

          if (!sparse_xarray_read (sx, row, 0, n_columns, data))
            NOT_REACHED ();
          for (col = 0; col < params->n_columns; col++)
            if (data[col] != model->data[row][col])
                mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: element %d,%d (of %d,%d) "
                          "differs: %d should be %d",
                          i, row, col, n_rows, n_columns, data[col],
                difference = true;

      if (difference)
          struct string ds;

          mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: expected:", i);
          ds_init_empty (&ds);
          for (row = 0; row < params->max_rows; row++)
              ds_clear (&ds);
              for (col = 0; col < n_columns; col++)
                ds_put_format (&ds, " %d", model->data[row][col]);
              mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: row %d:%s", i, row, ds_cstr (&ds));

          mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: actual:", i);
          ds_init_empty (&ds);
          for (row = 0; row < params->max_rows; row++)
              unsigned char data[MAX_COLS];

              if (!sparse_xarray_read (sx, row, 0, n_columns, data))
                NOT_REACHED ();

              ds_clear (&ds);
              for (col = 0; col < n_columns; col++)
                ds_put_format (&ds, " %d", data[col]);
              mc_error (mc, "xarray %d: row %d:%s", i, row, ds_cstr (&ds));

          ds_destroy (&ds);

  hash = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < params->n_xarrays; i++)
    hash = sparse_xarray_model_checker_hash (ts->xarrays[i], hash);
  if (mc_discard_dup_state (mc, hash))
    test_state_destroy (params, ts);
    mc_add_state (mc, ts);
Beispiel #8
static char *
generate_syntax (const struct recode_dialog *rd)
  gboolean ok;
  GtkTreeIter iter;
  gchar *text;

  GString *str = g_string_sized_new (100);

  /* Declare new string variables if applicable */
  if ( rd->different &&
       gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (rd->string_button)))
      GHashTableIter iter;

      struct variable *var = NULL;
      struct nlp *nlp = NULL;

      g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, rd->varmap);
      while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (void**) &var, (void**) &nlp))
	  g_string_append (str, "\nSTRING ");
	  g_string_append (str, nlp->name);
	  g_string_append_printf (str, " (A%d).",
				  gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (rd->width_entry) )

  g_string_append (str, "\nRECODE ");

  psppire_var_view_append_names (PSPPIRE_VAR_VIEW (rd->variable_treeview), 0, str);

  g_string_append (str, "\n\t");

  if ( gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (rd->convert_button)))
      g_string_append (str, "(CONVERT) ");

  for (ok = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (rd->value_map),
       ok = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (rd->value_map), &iter))
      GValue ov_value = {0};
      GValue nv_value = {0};
      struct old_value *ov;
      struct new_value *nv;
      gtk_tree_model_get_value (GTK_TREE_MODEL (rd->value_map), &iter,
				COL_VALUE_OLD, &ov_value);

      gtk_tree_model_get_value (GTK_TREE_MODEL (rd->value_map), &iter,
				COL_VALUE_NEW, &nv_value);

      ov = g_value_get_boxed (&ov_value);
      nv = g_value_get_boxed (&nv_value);

      g_string_append (str, "(");

      old_value_append_syntax (str, ov);
      g_string_append (str, " = ");
      new_value_append_syntax (str, nv);

      g_string_append (str, ") ");
      g_value_unset (&ov_value);
      g_value_unset (&nv_value);

  if ( rd->different )

      GtkTreeIter iter;
      g_string_append (str, "\n\tINTO ");

      for (ok = psppire_var_view_get_iter_first (PSPPIRE_VAR_VIEW (rd->variable_treeview), &iter);
	   ok = psppire_var_view_get_iter_next (PSPPIRE_VAR_VIEW (rd->variable_treeview), &iter))
	    struct nlp *nlp = NULL;
	    const struct variable *var = psppire_var_view_get_variable (PSPPIRE_VAR_VIEW (rd->variable_treeview), 0, &iter);

	    nlp = g_hash_table_lookup (rd->varmap, var);
	    g_string_append (str, nlp->name);
	    g_string_append (str, " ");

  g_string_append (str, ".");

  /* If applicable, set labels for the new variables. */
  if ( rd->different )
      GHashTableIter iter;

      struct variable *var = NULL;
      struct nlp *nlp = NULL;

      g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, rd->varmap);
      while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (void**) &var, (void**) &nlp))
	  if (nlp->label)
	      struct string sl;
	      ds_init_empty (&sl);
	      syntax_gen_string (&sl, ss_cstr (nlp->label));
	      g_string_append_printf (str, "\nVARIABLE LABELS %s %s.",
				      nlp->name, ds_cstr (&sl));

	      ds_destroy (&sl);

  g_string_append (str, "\nEXECUTE.\n");

  text = str->str;

  g_string_free (str, FALSE);

  return text;
Beispiel #9
static bool
parse_commands (struct lexer *lexer, struct hmap *dummies)
  enum lex_syntax_mode syntax_mode;
  enum segmenter_mode mode;
  struct string *outputs;
  struct string input;
  size_t input_len;
  size_t n_values;
  char *file_name;
  int line_number;
  bool ok;
  size_t i;

  if (lex_get_file_name (lexer) != NULL)
    file_name = xstrdup (lex_get_file_name (lexer));
    file_name = NULL;
  line_number = lex_get_first_line_number (lexer, 0);

  ds_init_empty (&input);
  while (lex_is_string (lexer))
      ds_put_substring (&input, lex_tokss (lexer));
      ds_put_byte (&input, '\n');
      lex_get (lexer);
  if (ds_is_empty (&input))
    ds_put_byte (&input, '\n');
  ds_put_byte (&input, '\0');
  input_len = ds_length (&input);

  n_values = count_values (dummies);
  outputs = xmalloc (n_values * sizeof *outputs);
  for (i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
    ds_init_empty (&outputs[i]);

  syntax_mode = lex_get_syntax_mode (lexer);
  if (syntax_mode == LEX_SYNTAX_AUTO)
    mode = SEG_MODE_AUTO;
  else if (syntax_mode == LEX_SYNTAX_INTERACTIVE)
  else if (syntax_mode == LEX_SYNTAX_BATCH)
    mode = SEG_MODE_BATCH;
  do_parse_commands (ds_ss (&input), mode, dummies, outputs, n_values);

  ds_destroy (&input);

  while (lex_match (lexer, T_ENDCMD))

  ok = (lex_force_match_id (lexer, "END")
        && lex_force_match_id (lexer, "REPEAT"));
  if (ok)
    lex_match_id (lexer, "PRINT"); /* XXX */

  lex_discard_rest_of_command (lexer);

  for (i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
      struct string *output = &outputs[n_values - i - 1];
      struct lex_reader *reader;

      reader = lex_reader_for_substring_nocopy (ds_ss (output));
      lex_reader_set_file_name (reader, file_name);
      reader->line_number = line_number;
      lex_include (lexer, reader);
  free (file_name);

  return ok;
Beispiel #10
/* Parse all the aggregate functions. */
static bool
parse_aggregate_functions (struct lexer *lexer, const struct dictionary *dict,
			   struct agr_proc *agr)
  struct agr_var *tail; /* Tail of linked list starting at agr->vars. */

  /* Parse everything. */
  tail = NULL;
  for (;;)
      char **dest;
      char **dest_label;
      size_t n_dest;
      struct string function_name;

      enum mv_class exclude;
      const struct agr_func *function;
      int func_index;

      union agr_argument arg[2];

      const struct variable **src;
      size_t n_src;

      size_t i;

      dest = NULL;
      dest_label = NULL;
      n_dest = 0;
      src = NULL;
      function = NULL;
      n_src = 0;
      arg[0].c = NULL;
      arg[1].c = NULL;
      ds_init_empty (&function_name);

      /* Parse the list of target variables. */
      while (!lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS))
	  size_t n_dest_prev = n_dest;

	  if (!parse_DATA_LIST_vars (lexer, dict, &dest, &n_dest,
                                     (PV_APPEND | PV_SINGLE | PV_NO_SCRATCH
                                      | PV_NO_DUPLICATE)))
	    goto error;

	  /* Assign empty labels. */
	    int j;

	    dest_label = xnrealloc (dest_label, n_dest, sizeof *dest_label);
	    for (j = n_dest_prev; j < n_dest; j++)
	      dest_label[j] = NULL;

	  if (lex_is_string (lexer))
	      dest_label[n_dest - 1] = xstrdup (lex_tokcstr (lexer));
	      lex_get (lexer);

      /* Get the name of the aggregation function. */
      if (lex_token (lexer) != T_ID)
	  lex_error (lexer, _("expecting aggregation function"));
	  goto error;

      ds_assign_substring (&function_name, lex_tokss (lexer));
      exclude = ds_chomp_byte (&function_name, '.') ? MV_SYSTEM : MV_ANY;

      for (function = agr_func_tab; function->name; function++)
	if (!c_strcasecmp (function->name, ds_cstr (&function_name)))
      if (NULL == function->name)
	  msg (SE, _("Unknown aggregation function %s."),
	       ds_cstr (&function_name));
	  goto error;
      ds_destroy (&function_name);
      func_index = function - agr_func_tab;
      lex_get (lexer);

      /* Check for leading lparen. */
      if (!lex_match (lexer, T_LPAREN))
	  if (function->src_vars == AGR_SV_YES)
              lex_force_match (lexer, T_LPAREN);
	      goto error;
	  /* Parse list of source variables. */
	    int pv_opts = PV_NO_SCRATCH;

	    if (func_index == SUM || func_index == MEAN || func_index == SD)
	      pv_opts |= PV_NUMERIC;
	    else if (function->n_args)
	      pv_opts |= PV_SAME_TYPE;

	    if (!parse_variables_const (lexer, dict, &src, &n_src, pv_opts))
	      goto error;

	  /* Parse function arguments, for those functions that
	     require arguments. */
	  if (function->n_args != 0)
	    for (i = 0; i < function->n_args; i++)
		int type;

		lex_match (lexer, T_COMMA);
		if (lex_is_string (lexer))
		    arg[i].c = recode_string (dict_get_encoding (agr->dict),
                                              "UTF-8", lex_tokcstr (lexer),
		    type = VAL_STRING;
		else if (lex_is_number (lexer))
		    arg[i].f = lex_tokval (lexer);
		    type = VAL_NUMERIC;
		    msg (SE, _("Missing argument %zu to %s."),
                         i + 1, function->name);
		    goto error;

		lex_get (lexer);

		if (type != var_get_type (src[0]))
		    msg (SE, _("Arguments to %s must be of same type as "
			       "source variables."),
		    goto error;

	  /* Trailing rparen. */
	  if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RPAREN))
            goto error;

	  /* Now check that the number of source variables match
	     the number of target variables.  If we check earlier
	     than this, the user can get very misleading error
	     message, i.e. `AGGREGATE x=SUM(y t).' will get this
	     error message when a proper message would be more
	     like `unknown variable t'. */
	  if (n_src != n_dest)
	      msg (SE, _("Number of source variables (%zu) does not match "
			 "number of target variables (%zu)."),
		    n_src, n_dest);
	      goto error;

          if ((func_index == PIN || func_index == POUT
              || func_index == FIN || func_index == FOUT)
              && (var_is_numeric (src[0])
                  ? arg[0].f > arg[1].f
                  : str_compare_rpad (arg[0].c, arg[1].c) > 0))
              union agr_argument t = arg[0];
              arg[0] = arg[1];
              arg[1] = t;

              msg (SW, _("The value arguments passed to the %s function "
                         "are out-of-order.  They will be treated as if "
                         "they had been specified in the correct order."),

      /* Finally add these to the linked list of aggregation
         variables. */
      for (i = 0; i < n_dest; i++)
	  struct agr_var *v = xzalloc (sizeof *v);

	  /* Add variable to chain. */
	  if (agr->agr_vars != NULL)
	    tail->next = v;
	    agr->agr_vars = v;
          tail = v;
	  tail->next = NULL;
          v->moments = NULL;

	  /* Create the target variable in the aggregate
             dictionary. */
	    struct variable *destvar;

	    v->function = func_index;

	    if (src)
		v->src = src[i];

		if (var_is_alpha (src[i]))
		    v->function |= FSTRING;
		    v->string = xmalloc (var_get_width (src[i]));

		if (function->alpha_type == VAL_STRING)
		  destvar = dict_clone_var_as (agr->dict, v->src, dest[i]);
                    assert (var_is_numeric (v->src)
                            || function->alpha_type == VAL_NUMERIC);
                    destvar = dict_create_var (agr->dict, dest[i], 0);
                    if (destvar != NULL)
                        struct fmt_spec f;
                        if ((func_index == N || func_index == NMISS)
                            && dict_get_weight (dict) != NULL)
                          f = fmt_for_output (FMT_F, 8, 2);
                          f = function->format;
                        var_set_both_formats (destvar, &f);
	      } else {
                struct fmt_spec f;
		v->src = NULL;
		destvar = dict_create_var (agr->dict, dest[i], 0);
		if (destvar != NULL)
		    if ((func_index == N || func_index == NMISS)
			&& dict_get_weight (dict) != NULL)
		      f = fmt_for_output (FMT_F, 8, 2);
		      f = function->format;
		    var_set_both_formats (destvar, &f);

	    if (!destvar)
		msg (SE, _("Variable name %s is not unique within the "
			   "aggregate file dictionary, which contains "
			   "the aggregate variables and the break "
		goto error;

	    free (dest[i]);
	    if (dest_label[i])
              var_set_label (destvar, dest_label[i]);

	    v->dest = destvar;

	  v->exclude = exclude;

	  if (v->src != NULL)
	      int j;

	      if (var_is_numeric (v->src))
		for (j = 0; j < function->n_args; j++)
		  v->arg[j].f = arg[j].f;
		for (j = 0; j < function->n_args; j++)
		  v->arg[j].c = xstrdup (arg[j].c);

      if (src != NULL && var_is_alpha (src[0]))
	for (i = 0; i < function->n_args; i++)
	    free (arg[i].c);
	    arg[i].c = NULL;

      free (src);
      free (dest);
      free (dest_label);

      if (!lex_match (lexer, T_SLASH))
	  if (lex_token (lexer) == T_ENDCMD)
	    return true;

	  lex_error (lexer, "expecting end of command");
	  return false;

      ds_destroy (&function_name);
      for (i = 0; i < n_dest; i++)
	  free (dest[i]);
	  free (dest_label[i]);
      free (dest);
      free (dest_label);
      free (arg[0].c);
      free (arg[1].c);
      if (src && n_src && var_is_alpha (src[0]))
	for (i = 0; i < function->n_args; i++)
	    free (arg[i].c);
	    arg[i].c = NULL;
      free (src);

      return false;