Beispiel #1
/* eigs_sps - computs a few eigenvalues of a sparse symmetric matrix
 *   Inputs :
 *         n                       - size
 *         val, indx, pntrB, pntrE - represents the sparse matrix A
 *         which                   - character array, can be 'SA' 'LA' 'BE' 'SM' 'LM'
 *         nev                     - number of eigenvalues to be computed
 *         d                       - pre-allocated array, serves as the output eigenvalues
 *   Return Value :
 *         (int) 0                 - process exits normally
 *         (int) != 0              - process exits with errors
int eigs_sps(MKL_INT n, double* val, MKL_INT* indx, MKL_INT* pntrB, MKL_INT* pntrE, char* which, MKL_INT nev, double *d){
	int ido = 0, ncv = int(nev*1.1+1), ldv = n, lworkl = ncv*(ncv+8), info = 0, revc = 0, ierr = 0;
	int iparam[11], ipntr[11], *select;
	unsigned long pntr0, pntr1;
	double tol = 0, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, sigma = 0.0;
	double *resid, *workd, *workl, *v;
	char bmat[] = {'I'}, transa[] = {'N'}, matdescra[] = {'G', 'L', 'N', 'F'}, howmny[] = {'A'};
	resid = new double[n];
	workd = new double[3*n];
	workl = new double[lworkl];
	v = new double[ncv*ldv];
	select = new int[ncv];
	iparam[0] = 1;
	iparam[2] = 300;
	iparam[6] = 1;
		dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info, 1, 2);
		if(ido == 1 || ido == -1){
			pntr0 = (unsigned long)ipntr[0]; pntr1 = (unsigned long)ipntr[1];
			mkl_dcscmv(transa, &n, &n, &alpha, matdescra, val, indx, pntrB, pntrE, (double*)pntr0, &beta, (double*)pntr1);
	dseupd_(&revc, howmny, select, d, v, &ldv, &sigma, bmat, &n, which, &ncv, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &ierr, 1, 1, 2);
	if(ierr != 0){
		printf("Error with dseupd, info = %d\n", ierr);
	delete []resid;
	delete []workd;
	delete []workl;
	delete []select;
	delete []v;
	return info;
Beispiel #2
BandArpackSolver::solve(int numModes, bool generalized, bool findSmallest)
  if (generalized == false) {
    opserr << "BandArpackSolver::solve(int numMode, bool generalized) - only solves generalized problem\n";
    return -1;

    if (theSOE == 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve(void)- ";
	opserr << " No LinearSOE object has been set\n";
	return -1;

    int n = theSOE->size;    
    // check iPiv is large enough
    if (iPivSize < n) {
	opserr << "WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve(void)- ";
	opserr << " iPiv not large enough - has setSize() been called?\n";
	return -1;

    // set some variables
    int kl = theSOE->numSubD;
    int ku = theSOE->numSuperD;
    int ldA = 2*kl + ku +1;
    int nrhs = 1;
    int ldB = n;
    int info;
    double *Aptr = theSOE->A;
    int    *iPIV = iPiv;

    int nev = numModes;;
    int ncv = getNCV(n, nev);

    // set up the space for ARPACK functions.
    // this is done each time method is called!! .. this needs to be cleaned up
    int ldv = n;
    int lworkl = ncv*ncv + 8*ncv;
    double *v = new double[ldv * ncv];
    double *workl = new double[lworkl + 1];
    double *workd = new double[3 * n + 1];
    double *d = new double[nev];
    double *z= new double[n * nev];
    double *resid = new double[n];
    int *iparam = new int[11];
    int *ipntr = new int[11];
    logical *select = new logical[ncv];

    static char which[3]; 
    if (findSmallest == true) {
      strcpy(which, "LM");
    }  else {
      strcpy(which, "SM");

    char bmat = 'G';
    char howmy = 'A';

    // some more variables
    int maxitr, mode;
    double tol = 0.0;
    info = 0;
    maxitr = 1000;
    mode = 3;

    iparam[0] = 1;
    iparam[2] = maxitr;
    iparam[6] = mode; 

    bool rvec = true;

    int ido = 0;

    int ierr = 0;

    // Do the factorization of Matrix (A-dM) here.
#ifdef _WIN32
    DGBTRF(&n, &n, &kl, &ku, Aptr, &ldA, iPiv, &ierr); 
    dgbtrf_(&n, &n, &kl, &ku, Aptr, &ldA, iPiv, &ierr); 

    if ( ierr != 0 ) {
       opserr << " BandArpackSolver::Error in dgbtrf_ " << endln;
       return -1;

    while (1) { 

#ifdef _WIN32
      unsigned int sizeWhich =2;
      unsigned int sizeBmat =1;
      unsigned int sizeHowmany =1;
      unsigned int sizeOne = 1;
	DSAUPD(&ido, &bmat, &sizeBmat, &n, which, &sizeWhich, &nev, &tol, resid, 
	&ncv, v, &ldv,
	iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);
      DSAUPD(&ido, &bmat, &n, which, &nev, &tol, resid, 
	     &ncv, v, &ldv,
	     iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);

      dsaupd_(&ido, &bmat, &n, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv,
	      iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);
      if (ido == -1) {

	  myMv(n, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], &workd[ipntr[1]-1]); 
#ifdef _WIN32
	  DGBTRS("N", &sizeOne, &n, &kl, &ku, &nrhs, Aptr, &ldA, iPIV, 
		 &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &ldB, &ierr);
	  DGBTRS("N", &n, &kl, &ku, &nrhs, Aptr, &ldA, iPIV, 
		 &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &ldB, &ierr);
	  dgbtrs_("N", &n, &kl, &ku, &nrhs, Aptr, &ldA, iPIV, 
		  &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &ldB, &ierr);

	  if (ierr != 0) {
	      opserr << "BandArpackSolver::Error with dgbtrs_ 1" <<endln;
      } else if (ido == 1) {

	//          double ratio = 1.0;
	  myCopy(n, &workd[ipntr[2]-1], &workd[ipntr[1]-1]);

#ifdef _WIN32
	  DGBTRS("N", &sizeOne, &n, &kl, &ku, &nrhs, Aptr, &ldA, iPIV, 
		 &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &ldB, &ierr);
	  DGBTRS("N", &n, &kl, &ku, &nrhs, Aptr, &ldA, iPIV, 
		 &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &ldB, &ierr);
	  dgbtrs_("N", &n, &kl, &ku, &nrhs, Aptr, &ldA, iPIV, 
		  &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &ldB, &ierr);

	  if (ierr != 0) {
	      opserr << "BandArpackSolver::Error with dgbtrs_ 2" <<endln;
      } else if (ido == 2) {     

	  myMv(n, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], &workd[ipntr[1]-1]);


    if (info < 0) {
      opserr << "BandArpackSolver::Error with _saupd info = " << info << endln;
      switch(info) {

         case -1: 
	   opserr << "N must be positive.\n";
         case -2: 
	   opserr << "NEV must be positive.\n";
         case -3: 
	   opserr << "NCV must be greater than NEV and less than or equal to N.\n";
         case -4:
	   opserr << "The maximum number of Arnoldi update iterations allowed";
         case -5: 
	   opserr << "WHICH must be one of 'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA' or 'BE'.\n";
         case -6: 
	   opserr << "BMAT must be one of 'I' or 'G'.\n";
         case -7: 
	   opserr << "Length of private work array WORKL is not sufficient.\n";
         case -8: 
	   opserr << "Error return from trid. eigenvalue calculation";
	   opserr << "Informatinal error from LAPACK routine dsteqr.\n";
         case -9: 
	   opserr << "Starting vector is zero.\n";
         case -10: 
	   opserr << "IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4,5.\n";
         case -11: 
	   opserr << "IPARAM(7) = 1 and BMAT = 'G' are incompatable.\n";
         case -12: 
	   opserr << "IPARAM(1) must be equal to 0 or 1.\n";
         case -13:
	   opserr << "NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatable.\n";
         case -9999:
	   opserr << "Could not build an Arnoldi factorization.";
	   opserr << "IPARAM(5) returns the size of the current Arnoldi\n";
	   opserr << "factorization. The user is advised to check that";
	   opserr << "enough workspace and array storage has been allocated.\n";
	   opserr << "unrecognised return value\n";

      // clean up the memory
      delete [] workl;
      delete [] workd;
      delete [] resid;
      delete [] iparam;
      delete [] v;
      delete [] select;
      delete [] ipntr;
      delete [] d;
      delete [] z;

      value = 0;
      eigenvector = 0;
      return info;
    } else {
        if (info == 1) {
	  opserr << "BandArpackSolver::Maximum number of iteration reached." << endln;
	} else if (info == 3) {
	  opserr << "BandArpackSolver::No Shifts could be applied during implicit,";
	  opserr << "Arnoldi update, try increasing NCV." << endln;

	double sigma = theSOE->shift;
	if (iparam[4] > 0) {
	    rvec = true;
	    n = theSOE->size;    
	    ldv = n;

#ifdef _WIN32
	    unsigned int sizeWhich =2;
	    unsigned int sizeBmat =1;
	    unsigned int sizeHowmany =1;
	    DSEUPD(&rvec, &howmy, &sizeHowmany, select, d, z, &ldv, &sigma, &bmat,
		   &sizeBmat, &n, which, &sizeWhich,
		   &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd,
		   workl, &lworkl, &info);
		DSEUPD(&rvec, &howmy, select, d, z, &ldv, &sigma, &bmat, &n, which,
		   &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd,
		   workl, &lworkl, &info);
	    dseupd_(&rvec, &howmy, select, d, z, &ldv, &sigma, &bmat, &n, which,
		    &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd,
		    workl, &lworkl, &info);
	    if (info != 0) {
	        opserr << "BandArpackSolver::Error with dseupd_" << info;
		switch(info) {

		case -1: 
		   opserr << " N must be positive.\n";
		case -2: 
		   opserr << " NEV must be positive.\n";
		case -3: 
		   opserr << " NCV must be greater than NEV and less than or equal to N.\n";
		case -5: 
		   opserr << " WHICH must be one of 'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA' or 'BE'.\n";
		case -6: 
                   opserr << " BMAT must be one of 'I' or 'G'.\n";
		case -7: 
		   opserr << " Length of private work WORKL array is not sufficient.\n";
		case -8: 
                   opserr << " Error return from trid. eigenvalue calculation";
		   opserr << "Information error from LAPACK routine dsteqr.\n";
		case -9: 
                   opserr << " Starting vector is zero.\n";
		case -10: 
                   opserr << " IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4,5.\n";
		case -11: 
                   opserr << " IPARAM(7) = 1 and BMAT = 'G' are incompatibl\n";
		case -12: 
		   opserr << " NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatible.\n";
		case -14: 
		   opserr << " DSAUPD did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.\n";
		case -15: 
		   opserr << " HOWMNY must be one of 'A' or 'S' if RVEC = .true.\n";
		case -16: 
		   opserr << " HOWMNY = 'S' not yet implemented\n";

		// clean up the memory
		delete [] workl;
		delete [] workd;
		delete [] resid;
		delete [] iparam;
		delete [] v;
		delete [] select;
		delete [] ipntr;
		delete [] d;
		delete [] z;

		value = 0;
		eigenvector = 0;

		return info;


    value = d;
    eigenvector = z;

    theSOE->factored = true;

    // clean up the memory
    delete [] workl;
    delete [] workd;
    delete [] resid;
    delete [] iparam;
    delete [] v;
    delete [] select;
    delete [] ipntr;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  const char* program_name = "decomp_sparse_nystrom";
  bool optsOK = true;
  cout << "   Reads the symmetric CSC format sparse matrix from" << endl;
  cout << "   input-file, and computes the number of requested" << endl;
  cout << "   eigenvalues/vectors of the normalized laplacian" << endl;
  cout << "   using ARPACK and a gaussian kernel of width sigma." << endl;
  cout << "   The general CSC format sparse matrix is projected" << endl;
  cout << "   onto the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix for" << endl;
  cerr << "   out-of-sample prediction." << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "   Use -h or --help to see the complete list of options." << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Option vars...
  double sigma_a;
  int nev;
  string ssm_filename;
  string gsm_filename;
  string evals_filename;
  string evecs_filename;
  string residuals_filename;

  // Declare the supported options.
  po::options_description cmdline_options;
  po::options_description program_options("Program options");
    ("help,h", "show this help message and exit")
    ("sigma,q", po::value<double>(&sigma_a), "Input:  Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (real)")
    ("nevals,n", po::value<int>(&nev), "Input:  Number of eigenvalues/vectors (int)")
    ("ssm-file,s", po::value<string>(&ssm_filename)->default_value("distances.ssm"), "Input:  Symmetric sparse matrix file (string:filename)")
    ("gsm-file,g", po::value<string>(&gsm_filename)->default_value("distances.gsm"), "Input:  General sparse matrix file (string:filename)")
    ("evals-file,v", po::value<string>(&evals_filename)->default_value("eigenvalues.dat"), "Output:  Eigenvalues file (string:filename)")
    ("evecs-file,e", po::value<string>(&evecs_filename)->default_value("eigenvectors.dat"), "Output: Eigenvectors file (string:filename)")    
    ("residuals-file,r", po::value<string>(&residuals_filename)->default_value("residuals.dat"), "Output: Residuals file (string:filename)")    

  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_options), vm);

  if (vm.count("help")) {
    cout << "usage: " << program_name << " [options]" << endl;
    cout << cmdline_options << endl;
    return 1;
  if (!vm.count("sigma")) {
    cout << "ERROR: --sigma not supplied." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    optsOK = false;
  if (!vm.count("nevals")) {
    cout << "ERROR: --nevals not supplied." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    optsOK = false;

  if (!optsOK) {
    return -1;

  cout << "Running with the following options:" << endl;
  cout << "sigma =          " << sigma_a << endl;
  cout << "nevals =         " << nev << endl;
  cout << "ssm-file =       " << ssm_filename << endl;
  cout << "gsm-file =       " << gsm_filename << endl;
  cout << "evals-file =     " << evals_filename << endl;
  cout << "evecs-file =     " << evecs_filename << endl;
  cout << "residuals-file = " << residuals_filename << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // General
  int     n;   // Dimension of the problem.
  int     m;   // Outer dimension

  // Main affinity matrix
  int     nnzA;
  int     *irowA;
  int     *pcolA;
  double  *A;   // Pointer to an array that stores the lower
		// triangular elements of A.

  // Expanded affinity matrix
  int     nnzB;
  int     *irowB;
  int     *pcolB;
  double  *B;   // Pointer to an array that stores the
		// sparse elements of B.

  // File input streams
  ifstream ssm;
  ifstream gsm;

  // File output streams
  ofstream eigenvalues;
  ofstream eigenvectors;
  ofstream residuals;

  // EPS
  double eps = 1.0;
  do { eps /= 2.0; } while (1.0 + (eps / 2.0) != 1.0);
  eps = sqrt(eps);
  // Open files;;;;;

  // Read symmetric CSC matrix*) &n, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)));
  pcolA = new int[n+1];*) pcolA, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * (n+1));
  nnzA = pcolA[n];
  A = new double[nnzA];
  irowA = new int[nnzA];*) irowA, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * nnzA);*) A, (sizeof(double) / sizeof(char)) * nnzA);

  // Read general CSC matrix*) &m, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)));
  pcolB = new int[m+1];*) pcolB, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * (m+1));
  nnzB = pcolB[m];
  B = new double[nnzB];
  irowB = new int[nnzB];*) irowB, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * nnzB);*) B, (sizeof(double) / sizeof(char)) * nnzB);

  // Turn distances into normalized affinities...
  double *d_a = new double[n];
  double *d_b = new double[m];

  // Make affinity matrices...
  for (int x = 0; x < nnzA; x++)
    A[x] = exp(-(A[x] * A[x]) / (2.0 * sigma_a * sigma_a));
  for (int x = 0; x < nnzB; x++)
    B[x] = exp(-(B[x] * B[x]) / (2.0 * sigma_a * sigma_a));
  // Calculate D_A
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
    d_a[x] = 0.0;
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolA[x]; y < pcolA[x+1]; y++) {
      d_a[x] += A[y];
      d_a[irowA[y]] += A[y];
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
    d_a[x] = 1.0 / sqrt(d_a[x]);

  // Calculate D_B
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++)
    d_b[x] = 0.0;
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolB[x]; y < pcolB[x+1]; y++) {
      d_b[x] += B[y];
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++)
    d_b[x] = 1.0 / sqrt(d_b[x]);

  // Normalize the affinity matrix...
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolA[x]; y < pcolA[x+1]; y++) {
      A[y] *= d_a[irowA[y]] * d_a[x];

  // Normalized B matrix...
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolB[x]; y < pcolB[x+1]; y++) {
      B[y] *= d_a[irowB[y]] * d_b[x];

  delete [] d_a;
  delete [] d_b;

  // Eigen decomposition of nomalized affinity matrix...

  // ARPACK setup...
  double  *Ax = new double[n];  // Array for residual calculation
  double  residual = 0.0;
  double  max_residual = 0.0;
  int ido = 0;
  char bmat = 'I';
  char which[2];
  which[0] = 'L';
  which[1] = 'A';
  double tol = 0.0;
  double *resid = new double[n];
  // NOTE: Need about one order of magnitude more arnoldi vectors to
  // converge for the normalized Laplacian (according to residuals...)
  int ncv = ((10*nev+1)>n)?n:(10*nev+1);
  double *V = new double[(ncv*n)+1];
  int ldv = n;
  int *iparam = new int[12];
  iparam[1] = 1;
  iparam[3] = 100 * nev;
  iparam[4] = 1;
  iparam[7] = 1;
  int *ipntr = new int[15];
  double *workd = new double[(3*n)+1];
  int lworkl = ncv*(ncv+9);
  double *workl = new double[lworkl+1];
  int info = 0;
  int rvec = 1;
  char HowMny = 'A';
  int *lselect = new int[ncv];
  double *d = new double[nev];
  double *Z = &V[1];
  int ldz = n;
  double sigma = 0.0;
  double *extrap_evec = new double[m];
  double *norm_evec = new double[n];

  while (ido != 99) {
    dsaupd_(&ido, &bmat, &n, which,
	    &nev, &tol, resid,
	    &ncv, &V[1], &ldv,
	    &iparam[1], &ipntr[1], &workd[1],
	    &workl[1], &lworkl, &info);
    if (ido == -1 || ido == 1) {
      // Matrix-vector multiplication
      sp_dsymv(n, irowA, pcolA, A,
  dseupd_(&rvec, &HowMny, lselect,
	  d, Z, &ldz,
	  &sigma, &bmat, &n,
	  which, &nev, &tol,
	  resid, &ncv, &V[1],
	  &ldv, &iparam[1], &ipntr[1],
	  &workd[1], &workl[1],
	  &lworkl, &info);

  cout << "Number of converged eigenvalues/vectors found: "
       << iparam[5] << endl;

  for (int x = nev-1; x >= 0; x--) {

    eigenvalues.write((char*) &d[x],(sizeof(double) / sizeof(char)));
    eigenvectors.write((char*) &Z[n*x],(sizeof(double) * n) / sizeof(char));
    eigenvalues << d[x] << endl;
    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++)
      eigenvectors << Z[(n*x)+y] << " ";

    // Extrapolate remaining points onto the vector space
    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++)
      norm_evec[y] = Z[(n*x)+y] / d[x];
    sp_dgemv(m, irowB, pcolB, B, norm_evec, extrap_evec);

    eigenvectors.write((char*) extrap_evec,(sizeof(double) * m) / sizeof(char));
    for (int y = 0; y < m; y++)
      eigenvectors << extrap_evec[y] << " ";
    eigenvectors << endl;

    // Calculate residual...
    // Matrix-vector multiplication
    sp_dsymv(n, irowA, pcolA, A,
	     &Z[n*x], Ax);

    double t = -d[x];
    int i = 1;
    daxpy_(&n, &t, &Z[n*x], &i, Ax, &i);
    residual = dnrm2_(&n, Ax, &i)/fabs(d[x]);
    if (residual > max_residual)
      max_residual = residual;
    residuals.write((char*) &residual, sizeof(double) / sizeof(char));
    residuals << residual << endl;

  cout << "Max residual: " << max_residual
       << " (eps: " << eps << ")" << endl;
  if (max_residual > eps) {
    cout << "*** Sum of residuals too high (max_r > eps)!" << endl;
    cout << "*** Please, check results manually..." << endl;


  delete [] irowA;
  delete [] pcolA;
  delete [] A;

  delete [] irowB;
  delete [] pcolB;
  delete [] B;

  delete [] lselect;
  delete [] d;
  delete [] resid;
  delete [] Ax;
  delete [] V;
  delete [] iparam;
  delete [] ipntr;
  delete [] workd;
  delete [] workl;
  delete [] norm_evec;
  delete [] extrap_evec;

  return 0;
/** Get eigenvectors and eigenvalues. They will be stored in descending 
  * order (largest eigenvalue first).
int DataSet_Modes::CalcEigen(DataSet_2D const& mIn, int n_to_calc) {
  mprinterr("Error: modes: Compiled without ARPACK/LAPACK/BLAS routines.\n");
  return 1;
  bool eigenvaluesOnly = false;
  int info = 0;
  if (mIn.MatrixKind() != DataSet_2D::HALF) {
    mprinterr("Error: DataSet_Modes: Eigenvector/value calc only for symmetric matrices.\n");
    return 1;
  // If number to calc is 0, assume we want eigenvalues only
  if (n_to_calc < 1) {
    if (n_to_calc == 0) eigenvaluesOnly = true;
    nmodes_ = (int)mIn.Ncols();
  } else
    nmodes_ = n_to_calc;
  if (nmodes_ > (int)mIn.Ncols()) {
    mprintf("Warning: Specified # of eigenvalues to calc (%i) > matrix dimension (%i).\n",
            nmodes_, mIn.Ncols());
    nmodes_ = mIn.Ncols();
    mprintf("Warning: Only calculating %i eigenvalues.\n", nmodes_);
  if (eigenvaluesOnly)
    mprintf("\tCalculating %i eigenvalues only.\n", nmodes_);
    mprintf("\tCalculating %i eigenvectors and eigenvalues.\n", nmodes_);
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  if (nmodes_ == (int)mIn.Ncols()) {
    // Calculate all eigenvalues (and optionally eigenvectors). 
    char jobz = 'V'; // Default: Calc both eigenvectors and eigenvalues
    vecsize_ = mIn.Ncols();
    // Check if only calculating eigenvalues
    if (eigenvaluesOnly) {
      jobz = 'N';
      vecsize_ = 1;
    // Set up space to hold eigenvectors
    if (evectors_ != 0) delete[] evectors_;
    if (!eigenvaluesOnly)
      evectors_ = new double[ nmodes_ * vecsize_ ];
      evectors_ = 0;
    // Set up space to hold eigenvalues
    if (evalues_ != 0) delete[] evalues_;
    evalues_ = new double[ nmodes_ ];
    // Create copy of matrix since call to dspev destroys it
    double* mat = mIn.MatrixArray();
    // Lower triangle; not upper since fortran array layout is inverted w.r.t. C/C++
    char uplo = 'L'; 
    // Allocate temporary workspace
    double* work = new double[ 3 * nmodes_ ];
    // NOTE: The call to dspev is supposed to store eigenvectors in columns. 
    //       However as mentioned above fortran array layout is inverted
    //       w.r.t. C/C++ so eigenvectors end up in rows.
    // NOTE: Eigenvalues/vectors are returned in ascending order.
    dspev_(jobz, uplo, nmodes_, mat, evalues_, evectors_, vecsize_, work, info);
    // If no eigenvectors calcd set vecsize to 0
    if (evectors_==0)
      vecsize_ = 0;
    delete[] work;
    delete[] mat;
    if (info != 0) {
      if (info < 0) {
        mprinterr("Internal Error: from dspev: Argument %i had illegal value.\n", -info);
        mprinterr("Args: %c %c %i matrix %x %x %i work %i\n", jobz, uplo, nmodes_,  
                  evalues_, evectors_, vecsize_, info);
      } else { // info > 0
        mprinterr("Internal Error: from dspev: The algorithm failed to converge.\n");
        mprinterr("%i off-diagonal elements of an intermediate tridiagonal form\n", info);
        mprinterr("did not converge to zero.\n");
      return 1;
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  } else {
    // Calculate up to n-1 eigenvalues/vectors using the Implicitly Restarted
    // Arnoldi iteration.
    // FIXME: Eigenvectors obtained with this method appear to have signs
    //        flipped compared to full method - is dot product wrong?
    int nelem = mIn.Ncols(); // Dimension of input matrix (N)
    // Allocate memory to store eigenvectors
    vecsize_ = mIn.Ncols();
    int ncv; // # of columns of the matrix V (evectors_), <= N (mIn.Ncols())
    if (evectors_!=0) delete[] evectors_;
    if (nmodes_*2 <= nelem) 
      ncv = nmodes_*2;
      ncv = nelem;
    evectors_ = new double[ ncv * nelem ];
    // Temporary storage for eigenvectors to avoid memory overlap in dseupd
    double* eigenvectors = new double[ ncv * nelem ];
    // Allocate memory to store eigenvalues
    if ( evalues_ != 0) delete[] evalues_;
    evalues_ = new double[ nelem ] ; // NOTE: Should this be nmodes?
    // Allocate workspace
    double* workd = new double[ 3 * nelem ];
    int lworkl = ncv * (ncv+8); // NOTE: should this be ncv^2 * (ncv+8)
    double* workl = new double[ lworkl ];
    double* resid = new double[ nelem ];
    // Set parameters for dsaupd (Arnolid)
    int ido = 0; // Reverse comm. flag; 0 = first call
    // The iparam array is used to set parameters for the calc.
    int iparam[11];
    std::fill( iparam, iparam + 11, 0 );
    iparam[0] = 1;   // Method for selecting implicit shifts; 1 = exact
    iparam[2] = 300; // Max # of iterations allowed
    iparam[3] = 1;   // blocksize to be used in the recurrence (code works with only 1).
    iparam[6] = 1;   // Type of eigenproblem being solved; 1: A*x = lambda*x
    double tol = 0;  // Stopping criterion (tolerance); 0 = arpack default 
    char bmat = 'I'; // Type of matrix B that defines semi-inner product; I = identity
    char which[2];   // Which of the Ritz values of OP to compute;
    which[0] = 'L';  // 'LA' = compute the NEV largest eigenvalues
    which[1] = 'A';
    // The ipntr array will hold starting locations in workd and workl arrays
    // for matrices/vectors used by the Lanczos iteration.
    int ipntr[11];
    std::fill( ipntr, ipntr + 11, 0 );
    // Create copy of matrix since it will be modified 
    double* mat = mIn.MatrixArray();
    // LOOP
    bool loop = false;
    do {
      if (loop) {
        // Dot products
        double* target = workd + (ipntr[1] - 1); // -1 since fortran indexing starts at 1
        double* vec    = workd + (ipntr[0] - 1);
        std::fill( target, target + nelem, 0 );
        for(int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
          for(int j = i; j < nelem; j++) {
            int ind = nelem * i + j - (i * (i + 1)) / 2;
            target[i] += mat[ind] * vec[j];
            if(i != j)
              target[j] += mat[ind] * vec[i];

      dsaupd_(ido, bmat, nelem, which, nmodes_, tol, resid,
              ncv, eigenvectors, nelem, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
              lworkl, info);
      loop = (ido == -1 || ido == 1);
    } while ( loop ); // END LOOP

    if (info != 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: DataSet_Modes: dsaupd returned %i\n",info);
    } else {
      int rvec = 1;
      char howmny = 'A';
      double sigma = 0.0;
      int* select = new int[ ncv ];
      dseupd_(rvec, howmny, select, evalues_, evectors_, nelem, sigma,
              bmat, nelem, which, nmodes_, tol, resid,
              ncv, eigenvectors, nelem, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
              lworkl, info);
      delete[] select;
    delete[] mat;
    delete[] workl;
    delete[] workd;
    delete[] resid;
    delete[] eigenvectors;
    if (info != 0) { 
      mprinterr("Error: DataSet_Modes: dseupd returned %i\n",info);
      return 1;
  // Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are in ascending order. Resort so that
  // they are in descending order (i.e. largest eigenvalue first).
  int pivot = nmodes_ / 2;
  int nmode = nmodes_ - 1;
  double* vtmp = 0;
  if (evectors_ != 0) 
    vtmp = new double[ vecsize_ ];
  for (int mode = 0; mode < pivot; ++mode) {
    // Swap eigenvalue
    double eval = evalues_[mode];
    evalues_[mode] = evalues_[nmode];
    evalues_[nmode] = eval;
    // Swap eigenvector
    if (vtmp != 0) {
      double* Vec0 = evectors_ + (mode  * vecsize_);
      double* Vec1 = evectors_ + (nmode * vecsize_);
      std::copy( Vec0, Vec0 + vecsize_, vtmp );
      std::copy( Vec1, Vec1 + vecsize_, Vec0 );
      std::copy( vtmp, vtmp + vecsize_, Vec1 );
  if (vtmp != 0) delete[] vtmp;

  return 0;
Beispiel #5
ArpackSolver::solve(int numModes, bool generalized)
  if (generalized == false) {
    opserr << "ArpackSolver::solve() - at moment only solves generalized problem\n";
    return -1;

  theSOE = theArpackSOE->theSOE;

  if (theSOE == 0) {
    opserr << "ArpackSolver::setSize() - no LinearSOE set\n";
    return -1;
  // set up the space for ARPACK functions.
  // this is done each time method is called!! .. this needs to be cleaned up
  int n = size;
  int nev = numModes;
  int ncv = getNCV(n, nev);
  int ldv = n;
  int lworkl = ncv*ncv + 8*ncv;

  int processID = theArpackSOE->processID;
  // set up the space for ARPACK functions.
  // this is done each time method is called!! .. this needs to be cleaned up
  if (numModes > numModesMax) {
    if (v != 0) delete [] v;
    if (workl != 0) delete [] workl;
    if (workd != 0) delete [] workd;
    if (eigenvalues != 0) delete [] eigenvalues;
    if (eigenvectors != 0) delete [] eigenvectors;
    if (resid != 0) delete [] resid;
    if (select != 0) delete [] select;
    v = new double[ldv * ncv];
    workl = new double[lworkl + 1];
    workd = new double[3 * n + 1];
    eigenvalues = new double[nev];
    eigenvectors = new double[n * nev];
    resid = new double[n];
    select = new logical[ncv];

    for (int i=0; i<lworkl+1; i++)
	   workl[i] = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<3*n+1; i++)
      workd[i] = 0;

    for (int i=0; i<ldv*ncv; i++)
      v[i] = 0;
    numModesMax = numModes;

  static char which[3]; strcpy(which, "LM");
  char bmat = 'G';
  char howmy = 'A';
  // some more variables
  double tol = 0.0;
  int info = 0;
  int maxitr = 1000;
  int mode = 3;
  iparam[0] = 1;
  iparam[2] = maxitr;
  iparam[6] = mode; 

  bool rvec = true;
  int ido = 0;
  int ierr = 0;
  while (1) { 

#ifdef _WIN32
    unsigned int sizeWhich =2;
    unsigned int sizeBmat =1;
    unsigned int sizeHowmany =1;
    unsigned int sizeOne = 1;

    DSAUPD(&ido, &bmat, &n, which, &nev, &tol, resid, 
	   &ncv, v, &ldv,
	   iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);
    dsaupd_(&ido, &bmat, &n, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv,
	    iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);

    if (ido == -1) {

      myMv(n, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], &workd[ipntr[1]-1]); 
      theVector.setData(&workd[ipntr[1] - 1], size);
      ierr = theSOE->solve();
      const Vector &X = theSOE->getX();
      theVector = X;
    } else if (ido == 1) {
      //  double ratio = 1.0;
      myCopy(n, &workd[ipntr[2]-1], &workd[ipntr[1]-1]);
      theVector.setData(&workd[ipntr[1] - 1], size);
      if (processID > 0)

      const Vector &X = theSOE->getX();
      theVector = X;
      //      theVector.setData(&workd[ipntr[1] - 1], size);

    } else if (ido == 2) {     

      myMv(n, &workd[ipntr[0]-1], &workd[ipntr[1]-1]);

  if (info < 0) {
    opserr << "ArpackSolver::Error with _saupd info = " << info << endln;
    switch(info) {
    case -1: 
      opserr << "N must be positive.\n";
    case -2: 
      opserr << "NEV must be positive.\n";
    case -3: 
      opserr << "NCV must be greater than NEV and less than or equal to N.\n";
    case -4:
      opserr << "The maximum number of Arnoldi update iterations allowed";
    case -5: 
      opserr << "WHICH must be one of 'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA' or 'BE'.\n";
    case -6: 
      opserr << "BMAT must be one of 'I' or 'G'.\n";
    case -7: 
      opserr << "Length of private work array WORKL is not sufficient.\n";
    case -8: 
      opserr << "Error return from trid. eigenvalue calculation";
      opserr << "Informatinal error from LAPACK routine dsteqr.\n";
    case -9: 
      opserr << "Starting vector is zero.\n";
    case -10: 
      opserr << "IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4,5.\n";
    case -11: 
      opserr << "IPARAM(7) = 1 and BMAT = 'G' are incompatable.\n";
    case -12: 
      opserr << "IPARAM(1) must be equal to 0 or 1.\n";
    case -13:
      opserr << "NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatable.\n";
    case -9999:
      opserr << "Could not build an Arnoldi factorization.";
      opserr << "IPARAM(5) the size of the current Arnoldi factorization: is ";
      opserr << iparam[4];
      opserr << "factorization. The user is advised to check that";
      opserr << "enough workspace and array storage has been allocated.\n";
      opserr << "unrecognised return value\n";
    eigenvalues = 0;
    eigenvectors = 0;
    return info;
  } else {
    if (info == 1) {
      opserr << "ArpackSolver::Maximum number of iteration reached." << endln;
    } else if (info == 3) {
      opserr << "ArpackSolver::No Shifts could be applied during implicit,";
      opserr << "Arnoldi update, try increasing NCV." << endln;
    double sigma = shift;
    if (iparam[4] > 0) {
      rvec = true;
      n = size;    
      ldv = n;
#ifdef _WIN32
      unsigned int sizeWhich =2;
      unsigned int sizeBmat =1;
      unsigned int sizeHowmany =1;
      DSEUPD(&rvec, &howmy, select, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, &ldv, &sigma, &bmat, &n, which,
	     &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd,
	     workl, &lworkl, &info);
      dseupd_(&rvec, &howmy, select, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, &ldv, &sigma, &bmat, &n, which,
	      &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd,
	      workl, &lworkl, &info);
      if (info != 0) {
	opserr << "ArpackSolver::Error with dseupd_" << info;
	switch(info) {
	case -1: 
	  opserr << " N must be positive.\n";
	case -2: 
	  opserr << " NEV must be positive.\n";
	case -3: 
	  opserr << " NCV must be greater than NEV and less than or equal to N.\n";
	case -5: 
	  opserr << " WHICH must be one of 'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA' or 'BE'.\n";
	case -6: 
	  opserr << " BMAT must be one of 'I' or 'G'.\n";
	case -7: 
	  opserr << " Length of private work WORKL array is not sufficient.\n";
	case -8: 
	  opserr << " Error return from trid. eigenvalue calculation";
	  opserr << "Information error from LAPACK routine dsteqr.\n";
	case -9: 
	  opserr << " Starting vector is zero.\n";
	case -10: 
	  opserr << " IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4,5.\n";
	case -11: 
	  opserr << " IPARAM(7) = 1 and BMAT = 'G' are incompatibl\n";
	case -12: 
	  opserr << " NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatible.\n";
	case -14: 
	  opserr << " DSAUPD did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.\n";
	case -15: 
	  opserr << " HOWMNY must be one of 'A' or 'S' if RVEC = .true.\n";
	case -16: 
	  opserr << " HOWMNY = 'S' not yet implemented\n";
	return info;
  numMode = numModes;
  // clean up the memory
  return 0;
Beispiel #6
/* obtain min and max of real part eigenvalues by dsaupd_()
 *  n : dimension of the matrix
 *  atimes (n, x, b, user_data) : routine to calc A.x and return b[]
 *  user_data : pointer to be passed to solver and atimes routines
 *  eps : required precision
 *  l[2] : l[0] = min
 *         l[1] = max
void dsaupd_wrap_min_max (int n, double *l,
			  void (*atimes)
			  (int, const double *, double *, void *),
			  void *user_data,
			  double eps)
  char bmat[2] = "I"; // standard eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*x
  char SA[3] = "SA"; // compute the NEV smallest (algebraic) eigenvalues.
  char LA[3] = "LA"; // compute the NEV largest (algebraic) eigenvalues.
  int nev = 1;

  double *resid = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (resid, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");

  int ncv;
  //ncv = 2 * nev + 1;
  ncv = 2 * nev * 14;
  if (ncv < 4) ncv = 4;
  if (ncv > n) ncv = n;
  ncv = n;
  //fprintf (stderr, "# n = %d, nev = %d, ncv = %d\n", n, nev, ncv);

  int ldv = n;
  double *v = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * ldv*ncv);
  CHECK_MALLOC (v, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");

  int iparam[11];
  int ishift = 1;     // exact shifts
  int maxitr = 3 * n; // max iterations of Arnoldi steps
  int mode   = 1;     // type of eigenproblem
  iparam[0] = ishift; // IPARAM(1) = ISHIFT
  iparam[2] = maxitr; // IPARAM(3) = MXITER
  iparam[6] = mode;   // IPARAM(7) = MODE

  int ipntr[11];

  int lworkl = ncv*(ncv+8);
  double *workd = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * 3 * n);
  double *workl = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * lworkl);
  CHECK_MALLOC (workd, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");
  CHECK_MALLOC (workl, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");

  // for post-process
  int rvec = 0;  // false? (no eigenvectors)
  char howmny[2] = "A"; // Compute NEV Ritz vectors; 
  int *select = (int *)malloc (sizeof (int) * ncv);
  double *d = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * nev);
  double *z = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n * nev);
  CHECK_MALLOC (select, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");
  CHECK_MALLOC (d, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");
  CHECK_MALLOC (z, "dsaupd_wrap_min_max");
  int ldz = n;
  double sigma;
  int ierr;

  // The Smallest Eigenvalue
  int ido = 0; // restart
  int info = 0; // a randomly initial residual vector is used.
  dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, SA, &nev, &eps, resid, 
	  &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
	  &lworkl, &info);

  while (ido == -1 || ido == 1)
      atimes (n,
	      workd + ipntr[0] - 1, // workd(ipntr(1))
	      workd + ipntr[1] - 1, // workd(ipntr(2))
      dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, SA, &nev, &eps, resid, 
	      &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
	      &lworkl, &info);

  if (info < 0)
      fprintf (stdout, "Error with dsaupd;\n");
      dsaupd_info (stderr, info);
      dseupd_(&rvec, howmny, select, d, z, &ldz, 
	      &sigma, bmat, &n, SA, &nev, &eps, 
	      resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
	      &lworkl, &ierr);

      if (ierr != 0)
	  fprintf (stdout, "Error with dseupd;\n");
	  dseupd_info (stdout, ierr);
      else if (info != 0)
	  dsaupd_info (stderr, info);

      int nconv  = iparam[4];

      fprintf (stdout, " _NDRV1 \n");
      fprintf (stdout, " ====== \n\n");
      fprintf (stdout, " Size of the matrix is %d\n", n);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of Ritz values requested is %d\n", nev);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of Arnoldi vectors generated"
	       " (NCV) is %d\n", ncv);
      fprintf (stdout, " What portion of the spectrum: %s\n", SA);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of converged Ritz values is %d\n",
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of Implicit Arnoldi update"
	       " iterations taken is %d\n", iparam[2]);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of OP*x is %d\n", iparam[8]);
      fprintf (stdout, " The convergence criterion is %e\n", eps);

      fprintf (stdout, "d [0] = %e + i %e\n", dr[0], di[0]);
      l[0] = d[0];

  // The Largest Eigenvalue
  ido = 0;
  info = 0; // a randomly initial residual vector is used.
  //info = 1;
  /* RESID contains the initial residual vector,
   * possibly from a previous run.
  dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, LA, &nev, &eps, resid, 
	  &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
	  &lworkl, &info);

  while (ido == -1 || ido == 1)
      atimes (n,
	      workd + ipntr[0] - 1, // workd(ipntr(1))
	      workd + ipntr[1] - 1, // workd(ipntr(2))
      dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, LA, &nev, &eps, resid, 
	      &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
	      &lworkl, &info);

  if (info < 0)
      fprintf (stdout, "Error with dsaupd;\n");
      dsaupd_info (stderr, info);
      dseupd_(&rvec, howmny, select, d, z, &ldz, 
	      &sigma, bmat, &n, LA, &nev, &eps, 
	      resid, &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
	      &lworkl, &ierr);

      if (ierr != 0)
	  fprintf (stdout, "Error with dseupd;\n");
	  dseupd_info (stdout, ierr);
      else if (info != 0)
	  dsaupd_info (stderr, info);

      int nconv  = iparam[4];
      fprintf (stdout, "nconv = %d\n", nconv);

      fprintf (stdout, " _NDRV1 \n");
      fprintf (stdout, " ====== \n\n");
      fprintf (stdout, " Size of the matrix is %d\n", n);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of Ritz values requested is %d\n", nev);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of Arnoldi vectors generated"
	       " (NCV) is %d\n", ncv);
      fprintf (stdout, " What portion of the spectrum: %s\n", LA);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of converged Ritz values is %d\n",
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of Implicit Arnoldi update"
	       " iterations taken is %d\n", iparam[2]);
      fprintf (stdout, " The number of OP*x is %d\n", iparam[8]);
      fprintf (stdout, " The convergence criterion is %e\n", eps);

      fprintf (stdout, "d [0] = %e + i %e\n", dr[0], di[0]);
      l[1] = d[0];

  free (resid);
  free (workd);
  free (workl);
  free (v);

  free (select);
  free (d);
  free (z);
Beispiel #7
void arpack_dsaupd(double* matrix, int n, int nev, const char* which,
                   int mode, bool pos, double shift, double* eigenvalues,
                   double* eigenvectors, int& status)
    // check if nev is greater than n
    if (nev>n)
        SG_SERROR("Number of required eigenpairs is greater than order of the matrix");

    // check specified mode
    if (mode!=1 && mode!=3)
        SG_SERROR("Unknown mode specified");

    // init ARPACK's reverse communication parameter
    // (should be zero initially)
    int ido = 0;

    // specify that non-general eigenproblem will be solved
    // (Ax=lGx, where G=I)
    char bmat[2] = "I";

    // init tolerance (zero means machine precision)
    double tol = 0.0;

    // allocate array to hold residuals
    double* resid = new double[n];

    // set number of Lanczos basis vectors to be used
    // (with max(4*nev,n) sufficient for most tasks)
    int ncv = nev*4>n ? n : nev*4;

    // allocate array 'v' for dsaupd routine usage
    int ldv = n;
    double* v = new double[ldv*ncv];

    // init array for i/o params for routine
    int* iparam = new int[11];
    // specify method for selecting implicit shifts (1 - exact shifts)
    iparam[0] = 1;
    // specify max number of iterations
    iparam[2] = 2*2*n;
    // set the computation mode (1 for regular or 3 for shift-inverse)
    iparam[6] = mode;

    // init array indicating locations of vectors for routine callback
    int* ipntr = new int[11];

    // allocate workaround arrays
    double* workd = new double[3*n];
    int lworkl = ncv*(ncv+8);
    double* workl = new double[lworkl];

    // init info holding status (should be zero at first call)
    int info = 0;

    // which eigenpairs to find
    char* which_ = strdup(which);
    // All
    char* all_ = strdup("A");

    // shift-invert mode
    if (mode==3)
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            matrix[i*n+i] -= shift;

        if (pos)
            int* ipiv = new int[n];
            delete[] ipiv;
    // main computation loop
        dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, which_, &nev, &tol, resid,
                &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
                &lworkl, &info);

        if ((ido==1)||(ido==-1))
    } while ((ido==1)||(ido==-1));

    // check if DSAUPD failed
    if (info<0)
        if ((info<=-1)&&(info>=-6))
            SG_SWARNING("DSAUPD failed. Wrong parameter passed.");
        else if (info==-7)
            SG_SWARNING("DSAUPD failed. Workaround array size is not sufficient.");
            SG_SWARNING("DSAUPD failed. Error code: %d.", info);

        status = -1;
        if (info==1)
            SG_SWARNING("Maximum number of iterations reached.\n");

        // allocate select for dseupd
        int* select = new int[ncv];
        // allocate d to hold eigenvalues
        double* d = new double[2*ncv];
        // sigma for dseupd
        double sigma = shift;

        // init ierr indicating dseupd possible errors
        int ierr = 0;

        // specify that eigenvectors to be computed too
        int rvec = 1;

        dseupd_(&rvec, all_, select, d, v, &ldv, &sigma, bmat,
                &n, which_, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv,
                iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &ierr);

        if (ierr!=0)
            SG_SWARNING("DSEUPD failed with status=%d", ierr);
            status = -1;

            for (int i=0; i<nev; i++)
                eigenvalues[i] = d[i];

                for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
                    eigenvectors[j*nev+i] = v[i*n+j];

        // cleanup
        delete[] select;
        delete[] d;

    // cleanup
    delete[] all_;
    delete[] which_;
    delete[] resid;
    delete[] v;
    delete[] iparam;
    delete[] ipntr;
    delete[] workd;
    delete[] workl;