Beispiel #1
 double DubinsLength3D(double x0,double y0,double z0,double yaw0,
                       double x1,double y1,double z1,double yaw1,
		       double r)
    std::cout<< "DubinsLength3D"<< std::endl;
    std::cout<< x0<<" "<<y0<<" "<<z0<<" "<<yaw0/M_PI*180.<< std::endl;
    std::cout<< x1<<" "<<y1<<" "<<z1<<" "<<yaw1/M_PI*180.<< std::endl;
    std::cout<<"rho: "<< r<< std::endl;
    DubinsPath path2D;

    double q0[]= { x0, y0, yaw0 };
    double q1[]= { x1, y1, yaw1 };
    dubins_init(q0, q1, r, &path2D);
    double length_2d= dubins_path_length(&path2D);
    return sqrt(length_2d*length_2d+(z0-z1)*(z0-z1) );
// form flocks based on their trajectories and waypoints
void formFlocks(void) {

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)pobjects.size(); i++){
		// stop UAVs from following themselves
		if (pobjects[i].getLeader() == pobjects[i].getID()){
			std::cout << "UAV " << pobjects[i].getID() << " tried to follow itself. Stopping it now." << std::endl;
		// deflock when a leader gets close to its waypoint
		if (findDistance(pobjects[i].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[i].getDestination().longitude,
		pobjects[i].getLatitude(), pobjects[i].getLongitude()) < 2*COLLISION_THRESHOLD) {
			// detect clusters, check Dubins Paths, and form flocks
			for (int j = 0; j < (int)pobjects.size(); j++){
				// if we're not comparing the plane to itself
				if(i != j) {
					// stop UAVs from following the same plane
					if (pobjects[i].getLeader() == pobjects[j].getLeader() &&pobjects[i].getLeader() != -1){
						if (pobjects[pobjects[i].getLeader()].getFollower() == pobjects[i].getLeader()){
					// FLOCKING CASE 1: both planes are independent
					if(pobjects[i].getLeader() == -1 && pobjects[i].getFollower() == -1 &&
						pobjects[j].getLeader() == -1 && pobjects[j].getFollower() == -1) {
						// check their waypoints' distances
						if (findDistance(pobjects[i].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[i].getDestination().longitude,
						pobjects[j].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[j].getDestination().longitude) < flockVars.clusterDistance) {
							// generate Dubins Paths and divide by speed to get time required to get to correct vector position
							DubinsPath* dubinsPathij = setupDubins(&pobjects[i],&pobjects[j]);
							double ijDubinsTime = dubins_path_length(dubinsPathij)/MPS_SPEED;
							DubinsPath* dubinsPathji = setupDubins(&pobjects[j],&pobjects[i]);
							double jiDubinsTime = dubins_path_length(dubinsPathji)/MPS_SPEED;
							int leadingUAV = -1;
							int followingUAV= -1;

							// if both Dubins Paths are short enough, decide leader based on distance to waypoint
							if (ijDubinsTime < flockVars.flockTime && jiDubinsTime < flockVars.flockTime){
								// find out which member is closer and make it the leader
								// if i is closer than j, make i the leader
								if (AU_UAV_ROS::cmpDistToDest(pobjects[i], pobjects[j])){		
									leadingUAV = pobjects[i].getID();
									followingUAV = pobjects[j].getID();
									if (leadingUAV == followingUAV) {					// stop rings
									else {
										std::cout << "case 1 flocking " << leadingUAV << " and " << followingUAV << std::endl;
								else {
									leadingUAV = pobjects[j].getID();
									followingUAV = pobjects[i].getID();
									if (leadingUAV == followingUAV) {					// stop rings
									else {
										std::cout << "case 1 flocking " << leadingUAV << " and " << followingUAV << std::endl;
							// if only the Dubins Path of i is short enough, make j the leader				
							else if (ijDubinsTime < flockVars.flockTime){
								leadingUAV = pobjects[j].getID();
								followingUAV = pobjects[i].getID();
								if (leadingUAV == followingUAV) {					// stop rings
								else {
									std::cout << "case 1 flocking " << leadingUAV << " and " << followingUAV << std::endl;
							// if only the Dubins Path of j is short enough, make i the leader
							else if (jiDubinsTime < flockVars.flockTime){
								leadingUAV = pobjects[i].getID();
								followingUAV = pobjects[j].getID();
								if (leadingUAV == followingUAV) {					// stop rings
								else {
									std::cout << "case 1 flocking " << leadingUAV << " and " << followingUAV << std::endl;
					// FLOCKING CASE 2: independent or tail plane leads a flock
					// i is independent or a tail; j is a flock leader (doesn't have a leader, but has a follower)
					else if (pobjects[i].getFollower() == -1 &&	pobjects[j].getLeader() == -1 && pobjects[j].getFollower() != -1){
						// if the waypoints are close
						if (findDistance(pobjects[i].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[i].getDestination().longitude,
						pobjects[j].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[j].getDestination().longitude) < flockVars.clusterDistance) {
							// only need one Dubins Path here- check from flock to independent/tail
							DubinsPath* dubinsPathji = setupDubins(&pobjects[j],&pobjects[i]);
							double jiDubinsTime = dubins_path_length(dubinsPathji)/MPS_SPEED;
							if (jiDubinsTime < flockVars.flockTime){
								if (pobjects[i].getLeader() != pobjects[j].getID()) {		// stop rings
									std::cout << "case 2 flocking " << i << " and " << j << std::endl;
					// FLOCKING CASE 3: independent or lead plane follows a flock
					// i is independent; j is the end of a flock (has a leader, but doesn't have a follower)
					else if (pobjects[i].getLeader() == -1 && pobjects[j].getLeader() != -1 && pobjects[j].getFollower() == -1){
						// if the waypoints are close
						if (findDistance(pobjects[i].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[i].getDestination().longitude,
						pobjects[j].getDestination().latitude, pobjects[j].getDestination().longitude) < flockVars.clusterDistance) {
							// only need one Dubins Path here- check from independent/lead to flock
							DubinsPath* dubinsPathij = setupDubins(&pobjects[i],&pobjects[j]);
							double ijDubinsTime = dubins_path_length(dubinsPathij)/MPS_SPEED;
							if (ijDubinsTime < flockVars.flockTime){
								if (pobjects[j].getLeader() != pobjects[i].getID()){		// stop rings
									std::cout << "case 3 flocking " << j << " and " << i << std::endl;
Beispiel #3
qreal Dubins::length() const
    return dubins_path_length(;