bool TransTable::resize( size_t sizeBytes ) { size_t sizeEntries = (sizeBytes + sizeof(TransEntry)-1)/sizeof(TransEntry); if ( sizeEntries <= buckets ) { // do dummy alloc (buckets entries) dummyAlloc(); return 1; } if ( !roundPow2( sizeEntries ) ) return 0; // bad size if ( size == sizeEntries ) return 1; // realloc! dealloc(); allocEntries = new(std::nothrow) TransEntry[ sizeEntries + alignSize/sizeof(TransEntry) ]; if ( !allocEntries ) { dummyAlloc(); return 0; } // align entries entries = static_cast<TransEntry *>(alignPtr( allocEntries, alignSize )); size = sizeEntries; return 1; }
TransTable::TransTable() : allocEntries(0) { memset( dummy, 0, sizeof(dummy) ); dummyAlloc(); }
/* int myhashfunc(LH_hashTable* table, void * data) { if(data == NULL) return -1; int slot = 0; int rslot = 0; int i = 1; dummyStruct* p = (dummyStruct*) data; slot = (p->id) % table->LH_capacity;//(kprimeCap(table->LH_primenums)); if(LlistIsEmpty(table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list)) { printf("\nAttempting to hash %c, the id is %d the slot is:%d \n",p->garbage,p->id, slot); printf("List is empty\n"); return slot; } else { printf("\nAttempting to hash %c, the id is %d the slot is:%d \n",p->garbage,p->id, slot); printf("List is not empty\n"); rslot = (p->id) % (kprimehash2(table->LH_primenums)); if(rslot == 0 && slot == 0) rslot = (p->id + 13) % (kprimehash2(table->LH_primenums)); do { printf("\nIn the do while hash2 \n"); slot = ((slot + (i * rslot)) % (table->LH_capacity)); if(LlistAtLeastOne(table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list) && (((sensorRdyPckt*)LlistRetFirst(table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list))-> == ((sensorRdyPckt)data)-> { int i = 0; LlistNode* current = (dummyStruct*)LlistRetFirstNode(table->LH_table[slot].list); uint16_t runningLength = 0; while(i < table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list->used) { runningLength += current->ip.fragoffset; current= current->next; i++; } current = (dummyStruct*)LlistRetFirstNode(table->LH_table[slot].list); if(current->ip.pktlen - 20 == runningLength) { char* payload = reassemblyAlg(table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list, current->ip.pktlen); if(LlistDel(table->LH_table[slot].list)) { table->LH_table[slot].list = LlistAlloc(10,dummyAlloc); table->LH_table[slot].list->head->used = 0; } } return slot; } i++; }while(!LlistAtLeastOne(table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list));//while(!LlistIsEmpty(table->LH_table[slot].LHN_list)); } return slot; } */ int main() { int curID = 0; char curGarbage = '!'; int i = 0; void * payloadArr[10]; LHN_hashNode* tmp = NULL; printf("****************************HashNodeSection*************************\n"); printf("Success at HashNodeAlloc() Test\n"); tmp = LHN_HashNodeAlloc(); if(tmp != NULL) printf("Success at HashNodeAlloc()++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); else printf("Failure at HashNodeAlloc()--------------------------\n"); printf("Success at HashNodeDel() Test\n"); if(LHN_HashNodeDel(tmp)) { tmp = NULL; printf("Success at HashNodeDel()++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); } else printf("Failure at HashNodeDel()--------------------------\n"); tmp = LHN_HashNodeDataAlloc(10, dummyAlloc); if(tmp != NULL) printf("Success at HashNodeDataAlloc()++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); else printf("Failure at HashNodeDataAlloc()--------------------------\n"); printf("LHN_HashNodePrint() Test\n"); LHN_HashNodePrint(tmp, printDummy); printf("\nIf show properly, success at LHN_HashNodePrint() Test\n"); printf("LHN_HashNodeSelfAlloc Test\n"); LHN_HashNodeDel(tmp); tmp = NULL; while(i < 10) { payloadArr[i] = malloc(sizeof(dummyStruct)); ((dummyStruct*)payloadArr[i])->id = curID; ((dummyStruct*)payloadArr[i])->garbage = curGarbage; curID++; curGarbage++; i++; } tmp = LHN_HashNodeSelfAlloc(dummyAlloc, payloadArr, 10); LHN_HashNodePrint(tmp, printDummy); printf("\nIf show properly, success at LHN_HashNodeSelfAlloc() Test\n"); printf("\nLHN_HashNodeIns()\n"); dummyStruct * ins =(dummyStruct*) dummyAlloc(); ins->id = curID; ins->garbage = curGarbage; curID++; curGarbage++; LHN_HashNodeIns(tmp,(void*) ins); LHN_HashNodePrint(tmp, printDummy); printf("\nIf show properly, success at LHN_HashNodeIns worked\n"); printf("\nIf show properly, success at LHN_HashNodeCpy() Test\n"); LHN_hashNode* cpy = LHN_HashNodeAlloc(); if(LHN_HashNodeCpy(tmp, cpy, dummyCpy,dummyAlloc)) printf("Success LHN_HashNodeCpy\n"); else printf("Failure LHN_HashNodeCpy\n"); printf("\nPrinting original\n"); LHN_HashNodePrint(tmp, printDummy); printf("\nPrinting copy\n"); LHN_HashNodePrint(cpy, printDummy); LHN_HashNodeDel(tmp); LHN_HashNodeDel(cpy); tmp = NULL; cpy = NULL; printf("\n\n****************************HashNodeSection*************************\n"); printf("Testing LH_HashTableAlloc() Test\n"); LH_hashTable* testTable = NULL; testTable = LH_HashTableAlloc(); if(testTable != NULL) printf("Success at HashTablelloc()++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); else printf("Failure at HasTableAlloc()--------------------------\n"); printf("Testing LH_HashTableDel()\n"); if(LH_HashTableDel(testTable)) printf("Success at HashTableDel()++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); else printf("Failure at HasTableDel()--------------------------\n"); printf("Testing LH_HashTableAllocBuff() Test\n"); testTable = NULL; testTable = LH_HashTableAllocBuff(dummyAlloc); if(testTable != NULL) printf("Success at LH_HashTableAllocBuff()++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); else printf("Failure at LH_HashTableAllocBuff()--------------------------\n"); printf("Printing the hashTable out\n"); LH_HashTablePrint(testTable, printDummy); i = 0; curID = 0; curGarbage = '!'; void* arrpayload[93]; void* arrpayload2[93]; while(i < 93) { arrpayload[i] = malloc(sizeof(dummyStruct)); ((dummyStruct*)arrpayload[i])->id = curID; ((dummyStruct*)arrpayload[i])->garbage = curGarbage; arrpayload2[i] = malloc(sizeof(dummyStruct)); ((dummyStruct*)arrpayload2[i])->id = curID; ((dummyStruct*)arrpayload2[i])->garbage = curGarbage; curID++; curGarbage++; i++; } i = 0; while(i < 93) { if(LH_hashFunc((&testTable), arrpayload[i],myhashfunc,dummyCpy,dummyAlloc,printDummy)) ; // printf("Successful hash\n"); else printf("ERROR hashing\n"); //if(LH_hashFunc((&testTable), arrpayload2[i],myhashfunc,dummyCpy,dummyAlloc,printDummy)) // ; // printf("Successful hash\n"); //else // printf("ERROR hashing\n"); i++; } printf("Finished hashing everything, attempting to print ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\n"); LH_HashTablePrint(testTable, printDummy); //int LH_HashTableDel(LH_hashTable*); }