Beispiel #1
void dump_print( const tjson::Value &root, std::string &inden, bool bInden )
    if (root.IsString())
        printf("%s\"%s\"", bInden?inden.c_str():"", root.AsString());
    else if (root.IsInteger())
        printf("%s%lld", bInden?inden.c_str():"", root.AsInteger());
    else if (root.IsFloat())
        printf("%s%lf", bInden?inden.c_str():"", root.AsFloat());
    else if (root.IsBool())
        printf("%s%s", bInden?inden.c_str():"", root.AsBool()?"true":"false");
    else if (root.IsNull())
        printf("%s%s", bInden?inden.c_str():"", "null");
    else if (root.IsArray())
        printf("%s%s\n", bInden?inden.c_str():"", "[");
        inden += "  ";
        for (size_t i = 0; i < root.Size(); i++)
            dump_print(root[i], inden, true);
            if (i != root.Size() - 1)
                printf("%s\n", ",");
        inden.resize(inden.size() - 2);
        printf("\n%s%s", inden.c_str(), "]");
    else if (root.IsObject())
        printf("%s%s\n", bInden?inden.c_str():"", "{");
        inden += "  ";
        std::vector<const char*> keys;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
            printf("%s\"%s\":", inden.c_str(), keys[i]);
            dump_print(root[keys[i]], inden, false);
            if (i != keys.size() - 1)
                printf("%s\n", ",");
        inden.resize(inden.size() - 2);
        printf("\n%s%s", inden.c_str(), "}");
static void debug_dump_info_structure(DDRIVE *pdr, dword sector, byte *p)

    if (!raw_devio_xfer(pdr, sector, p, 1, TRUE, TRUE))
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"Read failed", PRFLG_NL);
    dump_print( "Signature 1 (Should be: 0x41615252):",   to_DWORD(p), 16, TRUE);
    dump_print( "Signature 2                        :",   to_DWORD(p+0x01e4), 16, TRUE);
    dump_print( "Free clusters                      :",   to_DWORD(p+0x01e8), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print( "First Free cluster                 :",   to_DWORD(p+0x01ec), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print( "Signature 3                        :",   to_DWORD(p+0x01fe), 16, TRUE);

Beispiel #3
void CascDumpIndexEntry(
    TCascStorage * /* hs */,
    TDumpContext * dc,
    PCASC_INDEX_ENTRY pIndexEntry,
    int /* nDumpLevel */)
    if(pIndexEntry != NULL)
        ULONGLONG FileOffset = ConvertBytesToInteger_5(pIndexEntry->FileOffsetBE);
        DWORD ArchIndex = (DWORD)(FileOffset >> 0x1E);
        DWORD FileSize = ConvertBytesToInteger_4_LE(pIndexEntry->FileSizeLE);

        // Mask the file offset
        FileOffset &= 0x3FFFFFFF;
        dump_print(dc, "    data.%03u at 0x%08x (0x%lx bytes)\n",

        //if(nDumpLevel > 2)
        //    QueryKey.pbData = pIndexEntry->IndexKey;
        //    QueryKey.cbData = MD5_HASH_SIZE;
        //    if(CascOpenFileByIndexKey((HANDLE)hs, &QueryKey, 0, &hFile))
        //    {
        //        // Make sure that the data file is open and frame header loaded
        //        CascGetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
        //        hf = IsValidFileHandle(hFile);
        //        assert(hf->pStream != NULL);

        //        // Read the header area
        //        FileOffset = hf->HeaderOffset - BLTE_HEADER_DELTA;
        //        FileStream_Read(hf->pStream, &FileOffset, HeaderArea, sizeof(HeaderArea));
        //        CascCloseFile(hFile);

        //        // Dump the header area
        //        dump_print(dc, "    FileSize: %X  Rest: %s\n",
        //                       ConvertBytesToInteger_4_LE(&HeaderArea[0x10]),
        //                       StringFromBinary(&HeaderArea[0x14], 10, szBuffer));
        //    }
Beispiel #4
static void TRootHandlerWoW6_Dump(
    TCascStorage * hs,
    TDumpContext * dc,                                      // Pointer to an opened file
    LPBYTE pbRootFile,
    DWORD cbRootFile,
    const TCHAR * szListFile,
    int nDumpLevel)
    PCASC_ENCODING_ENTRY pEncodingEntry;
    CASC_ROOT_BLOCK BlockInfo;
    QUERY_KEY EncodingKey;
    LPBYTE pbRootFileEnd = pbRootFile + cbRootFile;
    LPBYTE pbFilePointer;
    char szOneLine[0x100];
    DWORD i;

    // Create the listfile map
    pListMap = ListFile_CreateMap(szListFile);

    // Dump the root entries
    for(pbFilePointer = pbRootFile; pbFilePointer <= pbRootFileEnd; )
        // Validate the root block
        pbFilePointer = VerifyLocaleBlock(&BlockInfo, pbFilePointer, pbRootFileEnd);
        if(pbFilePointer == NULL)

        // Dump the locale block
        dump_print(dc, "Flags: %08X  Locales: %08X  NumberOfFiles: %u\n"

        // Dump the hashes and encoding keys
        for(i = 0; i < BlockInfo.pLocaleBlockHdr->NumberOfFiles; i++)
            // Dump the entry
            dump_print(dc, "%08X %08X-%08X %s %s\n",
                           (DWORD)(BlockInfo.pRootEntries[i].FileNameHash >> 0x20),
                           StringFromMD5(BlockInfo.pRootEntries[i].EncodingKey.Value, szOneLine),
                           ListFile_FindName(pListMap, BlockInfo.pRootEntries[i].FileNameHash));

            // Find the encoding entry in the encoding table
            if(nDumpLevel >= DUMP_LEVEL_ENCODING_FILE)
                EncodingKey.pbData = BlockInfo.pRootEntries[i].EncodingKey.Value;
                EncodingKey.cbData = MD5_HASH_SIZE;
                pEncodingEntry = FindEncodingEntry(hs, &EncodingKey, NULL);
                CascDumpEncodingEntry(hs, dc, pEncodingEntry, nDumpLevel);

        // Put extra newline
        dump_print(dc, "\n");
static dword debug_dump_mbr(byte *pdata, BOOLEAN is_primary)
int i;
byte *pentry;
byte *ptable;
dword return_sector,dw;


    ptable = pdata + 0x1be;

    /* The table has four 16 bit partition table entries followed by the signature
       Each entry in the table has the followin fields
          byte  Name   width
          0     boot   1
          1     s_head 1
          2     s_cyl  2
          4     p_typ  1
          5     e_head 1
          6     e_cyl; 2
          8     r_sec  4
          12    p_size 4

    return_sector = 0;
    pentry = ptable;
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        word  w;
        dw = to_DWORD(pentry+12); /* Print the entry if it has a size */
        if (dw)
            dump_print("Partition #  ---->", i, 10, TRUE);
            dump_print("Boot ==  ",  *pentry, 16, FALSE);
            dump_print("Type ==  ",  *(pentry+4), 16, FALSE);

            dw = to_DWORD(pentry+12);
            dump_print("Size == ", dw, 10, FALSE);
            dw = to_DWORD(pentry+8);
            if (*(pentry+4) == 0x5 || *(pentry+4)  == 0xF)
                dump_print("Extended Partition starts at == ", dw, 10, TRUE);
                return_sector = dw;
                dump_print("Start == ", dw, 10, TRUE);

            dump_print("SHead == ",  *(pentry+1), 10, FALSE);
            w = to_WORD(pentry+2);
            dump_print("Packed Cyl =  ", w, 16, FALSE);
            dump_print("Sector   =  ", debug_unpack_sec_field(w), 10, FALSE);
            dump_print("Cylinder =  ", debug_unpack_cyl_field(w), 10, TRUE);
            dump_print("EHead ==    ",  *(pentry+5), 10, FALSE);
            w = to_WORD(pentry+6);
            dump_print("Packed Cyl =  ", w, 16, FALSE);
            dump_print("Sector   = ", debug_unpack_sec_field(w), 10, FALSE);
            dump_print("Cylinder = ", debug_unpack_cyl_field(w), 10, TRUE);
            dw = to_DWORD(pentry+8);
        pentry += 16;
    dw = to_WORD(ptable + 64);
    dump_print("Signature ", dw, 16, TRUE);
    /* Now for the signature   */
static void debug_dump_bpb(DDRIVE *pdr, dword sector, byte *p, int depth)
byte buff[32];

    dump_print("   DOS Boot sig (0xe9)  : ",  (dword ) *p, 16, TRUE);

    copybuff(buff, p+3, 8);
    buff[8] = 0;
    rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) "   OEM Name             :", 0);
    rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)buff, PRFLG_NL);
    dump_print("   Bytes per sector     :",    (dword) (to_WORD(p+0xb)), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Sectors per cluster  :", (dword) *(p+0xd), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Reserved sectors     :",    (dword) (to_WORD(p+0xe)), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Number of fats       :",    (dword)*(p+0x10),20, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Num Root             :",    (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x11)), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Total Sector(16)     :",   (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x13)), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Media Description    :",   (dword) *(p+0x15), 16, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Total Sector(32)     :",   (dword) (to_DWORD(p+0x20)), 10, TRUE);

    dump_print("   Sector per track     :",   (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x18)), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   Heads                :",   (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x1a)), 10, TRUE);
    dump_print("   NumHide              :",   (dword) (to_DWORD(p+0x1c)), 10, TRUE);

    dump_print("   DOS 4 Ext Sig        :",   (dword) *(p+0x26), 16, TRUE);
    dump_print("   DOS 7 Ext Sig        :",   (dword) *(p+0x42), 16, TRUE);

    if (*(p+0x26) == 0x29)     /* Use MS-DOS 4.0 Extended parameter block for FAT12 and Fat16 */
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"     MSDOS-4.0 EPB detected ", PRFLG_NL);
        dump_print("     Sector per FAT     :",   (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x16)), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("     Drive              :",   (dword) *(p+0x24), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("     Binary Volume      :",   to_DWORD(p+0x27), 16, TRUE);
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) "   Text Volume          :", 0);
        copybuff(buff, p+0x2b, 11);
        buff[11] = 0;
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) &buff[0], PRFLG_NL);
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) "   Filesys Type         :", 0);
        copybuff(buff, p+0x36, 8);
        buff[8] = 0;
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) &buff[0], PRFLG_NL);
    if (*(p+0x42) == 0x29)  /* Use MS-DOS 7.0 Extended parameter block FAT32 */
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"     MSDOS-7.0 EPB detected ", PRFLG_NL);
        dump_print("   Sector per FAT       :",   to_DWORD(p+0x24), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("   Flags and Version    :",   to_DWORD(p+0x28), 16, TRUE);
        dump_print("   Root Start Cluster   :",  to_DWORD(p+0x2c), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("   Info  Sector         :",   to_WORD(p+0x30), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("   BackupBPB Sector     :",   to_DWORD(p+0x32), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("   Drive                :",   *(p+0x40), 10, TRUE);
        dump_print("   Binary Volume        :",   to_DWORD(p+0x43), 16, TRUE);
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) "   Text Volume          :", 0);
        copybuff(buff, p+0x47, 11);
        buff[11] = 0;
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) &buff[0], PRFLG_NL);
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) "   Filesys Type         :", 0);
        copybuff(buff, p+0x52, 8);
        buff[8] = 0;
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *) &buff[0], PRFLG_NL);

    if (*(p+0x26) != 0x29 && *(p+0x42) != 0x29)
        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"   No valid EB signature found ", PRFLG_NL);
    dump_print(    "   Signature (aa55 ?)   :",   (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x1fe)), 16, TRUE);

    /* FAT32 */
    if (*(p+0x42) == 0x29)  /* Use MS-DOS 7.0 Extended parameter block FAT32 */
        dword info_sector, backup_info_sector, backup_boot_sector;
        backup_boot_sector = sector + (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x32));
        info_sector = sector + (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x30));
        backup_info_sector = backup_boot_sector + (dword) (to_WORD(p+0x30));

        rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"   Dumping Backup Boot Sector ", PRFLG_NL);
        if (depth == 0)
            debug_dump_bpb(pdr, backup_boot_sector, p, 1);
            rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"   Dumping Info Sector ", PRFLG_NL);
            debug_dump_info_structure(pdr, info_sector, p);
            rtfs_print_one_string((byte *)"   Dumping Backup Info Sector ", PRFLG_NL);
            debug_dump_info_structure(pdr, backup_info_sector, p);
Beispiel #7
 * Affichage du programme et des données
 * On affiche les instruction et les données en format hexadécimal, sous une
 * forme prête à être coupée-collée dans le simulateur.
 * Pendant qu'on y est, on produit aussi un dump binaire dans le fichier
 * dump.prog. Le format de ce fichier est compatible avec l'option -b de
 * test_simul.
 * \param pmach la machine en cours d'exécution
void dump_memory(Machine *pmach){
	//Délégation de l'affichage	
	//Délégation de la production du dump binaire