e_task_shell_view_set_status_message (ETaskShellView *task_shell_view,
                                      const gchar *status_message,
                                      gdouble percent)
	EActivity *activity;
	EShellView *shell_view;
	EShellBackend *shell_backend;

	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_TASK_SHELL_VIEW (task_shell_view));

	activity = task_shell_view->priv->activity;
	shell_view = E_SHELL_VIEW (task_shell_view);
	shell_backend = e_shell_view_get_shell_backend (shell_view);

	if (status_message == NULL || *status_message == '\0') {
		if (activity != NULL) {
			e_activity_set_state (activity, E_ACTIVITY_COMPLETED);
			g_object_unref (activity);
			activity = NULL;

	} else if (activity == NULL) {
		activity = e_activity_new ();
		e_activity_set_percent (activity, percent);
		e_activity_set_text (activity, status_message);
		e_shell_backend_add_activity (shell_backend, activity);

	} else {
		e_activity_set_percent (activity, percent);
		e_activity_set_text (activity, status_message);

	task_shell_view->priv->activity = activity;
Beispiel #2
 * e_source_util_remove:
 * @source: the #ESource to be removed
 * @alert_sink: an #EAlertSink
 * Requests the D-Bus service to delete the key files for @source and all of
 * its descendants and broadcast their removal to all clients.  If an error
 * occurs, an #EAlert will be posted to @alert_sink.
 * This function does not block.  The returned #EActivity can either be
 * ignored or passed to something that can display activity status to the
 * user, such as e_shell_backend_add_activity().
 * Returns: an #EActivity to track the operation
EActivity *
e_source_util_remove (ESource *source,
                      EAlertSink *alert_sink)
	AsyncContext *async_context;
	GCancellable *cancellable;

	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_SOURCE (source), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_ALERT_SINK (alert_sink), NULL);

	cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();

	async_context = g_slice_new0 (AsyncContext);
	async_context->activity = e_activity_new ();

	e_activity_set_alert_sink (async_context->activity, alert_sink);
	e_activity_set_cancellable (async_context->activity, cancellable);

	e_source_remove (
		source, cancellable,

	g_object_unref (cancellable);

	return async_context->activity;
Beispiel #3
static void
shell_prepare_for_online (EShell *shell)
	/* Are preparations already in progress? */
	if (shell->priv->preparing_for_line_change != NULL)

	shell->priv->preparing_for_line_change = e_activity_new ();

	e_activity_set_text (
		_("Preparing to go online..."));

	g_object_add_toggle_ref (
		G_OBJECT (shell->priv->preparing_for_line_change),
		(GToggleNotify) shell_ready_for_online, shell);

	g_object_add_weak_pointer (
		G_OBJECT (shell->priv->preparing_for_line_change),

	g_signal_emit (
		shell, signals[PREPARE_FOR_ONLINE], 0,

	g_object_unref (shell->priv->preparing_for_line_change);
Beispiel #4
 * e_alert_sink_submit_thread_job:
 * @alert_sink: an #EAlertSink instance
 * @description: user-friendly description of the job, to be shown in UI
 * @alert_ident: in case of an error, this alert identificator is used
 *    for EAlert construction
 * @alert_arg_0: (allow-none): in case of an error, use this string as
 *    the first argument to the EAlert construction; the second argument
 *    is the actual error message; can be #NULL, in which case only
 *    the error message is passed to the EAlert construction
 * @func: function to be run in a dedicated thread
 * @user_data: (allow-none): custom data passed into @func; can be #NULL
 * @free_user_data: (allow-none): function to be called on @user_data,
 *   when the job is over; can be #NULL
 * Runs the @func in a dedicated thread. Any error is propagated to UI.
 * The cancellable passed into the @func is a #CamelOperation, thus
 * the caller can overwrite progress and description message on it.
 * Returns: (transfer full): Newly created #EActivity on success.
 *   The caller is responsible to g_object_unref() it when done with it.
 * Note: The @free_user_data, if set, is called in the main thread.
 * Note: This function should be called only from the main thread.
 * Since: 3.16
EActivity *
e_alert_sink_submit_thread_job (EAlertSink *alert_sink,
				const gchar *description,
				const gchar *alert_ident,
				const gchar *alert_arg_0,
				EAlertSinkThreadJobFunc func,
				gpointer user_data,
				GDestroyNotify free_user_data)
	EActivity *activity;
	GCancellable *cancellable;
	EAlertSinkThreadJobData *job_data;
	GThread *thread;

	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_ALERT_SINK (alert_sink), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (description != NULL, NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (func != NULL, NULL);

	activity = e_activity_new ();
	cancellable = camel_operation_new ();

	e_activity_set_alert_sink (activity, alert_sink);
	e_activity_set_cancellable (activity, cancellable);
	e_activity_set_text (activity, description);

	camel_operation_push_message (cancellable, "%s", description);

	job_data = g_new0 (EAlertSinkThreadJobData, 1);
	job_data->activity = g_object_ref (activity);
	job_data->alert_ident = g_strdup (alert_ident);
	job_data->alert_arg_0 = g_strdup (alert_arg_0);
	job_data->error = NULL;
	job_data->func = func;
	job_data->user_data = user_data;
	job_data->free_user_data = free_user_data;

	thread = g_thread_try_new (G_STRFUNC, e_alert_sink_thread_job, job_data, &job_data->error);

	g_object_unref (cancellable);

	if (thread) {
		g_thread_unref (thread);
	} else {
		g_prefix_error (&job_data->error, _("Failed to create a thread: "));
		g_timeout_add (1, e_alert_sink_thread_job_done_cb, job_data);

	return activity;
Beispiel #5
static void
shell_prepare_for_quit (EShell *shell)
	GtkApplication *application;
	GList *list, *iter;

	/* Are preparations already in progress? */
	if (shell->priv->preparing_for_quit != NULL)

	application = GTK_APPLICATION (shell);

	shell->priv->inhibit_cookie = gtk_application_inhibit (
		application, NULL,
		_("Preparing to quit"));

	shell->priv->preparing_for_quit = e_activity_new ();

	e_activity_set_text (
		_("Preparing to quit..."));

	g_object_add_toggle_ref (
		G_OBJECT (shell->priv->preparing_for_quit),
		(GToggleNotify) shell_ready_for_quit, shell);

	g_object_add_weak_pointer (
		G_OBJECT (shell->priv->preparing_for_quit),

	g_signal_emit (
		shell, signals[PREPARE_FOR_QUIT], 0,

	g_object_unref (shell->priv->preparing_for_quit);

	/* Desensitize all watched windows to prevent user action. */
	list = gtk_application_get_windows (application);
	for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (iter->data), FALSE);
static void
action_address_book_refresh_cb (GtkAction *action,
                                EBookShellView *book_shell_view)
	EBookShellSidebar *book_shell_sidebar;
	ESourceSelector *selector;
	EClient *client = NULL;
	ESource *source;
	EActivity *activity;
	EAlertSink *alert_sink;
	EShellBackend *shell_backend;
	EShellContent *shell_content;
	EShellView *shell_view;
	EShell *shell;
	GCancellable *cancellable;

	book_shell_sidebar = book_shell_view->priv->book_shell_sidebar;
	selector = e_book_shell_sidebar_get_selector (book_shell_sidebar);

	shell_view = E_SHELL_VIEW (book_shell_view);
	shell_backend = e_shell_view_get_shell_backend (shell_view);
	shell_content = e_shell_view_get_shell_content (shell_view);
	shell = e_shell_backend_get_shell (shell_backend);

	source = e_source_selector_ref_primary_selection (selector);

	if (source != NULL) {
		client = e_client_selector_ref_cached_client (
			E_CLIENT_SELECTOR (selector), source);
		if (!client) {
			ESource *primary;

			e_shell_allow_auth_prompt_for (shell, source);

			primary = e_source_selector_ref_primary_selection (selector);
			if (primary == source)
				e_source_selector_set_primary_selection (selector, source);

			g_clear_object (&primary);

		g_object_unref (source);

	if (client == NULL)

	g_return_if_fail (e_client_check_refresh_supported (client));

	alert_sink = E_ALERT_SINK (shell_content);
	activity = e_activity_new ();
	cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();

	e_activity_set_alert_sink (activity, alert_sink);
	e_activity_set_cancellable (activity, cancellable);

	e_shell_allow_auth_prompt_for (shell, source);

	e_client_refresh (client, cancellable, address_book_refresh_done_cb, activity);

	e_shell_backend_add_activity (shell_backend, activity);

	g_object_unref (cancellable);
	g_object_unref (client);
Beispiel #7
 * e_file_replace_contents_async:
 * @file: input #GFile
 * @contents: string of contents to replace the file with
 * @length: the length of @contents in bytes
 * @etag: a new entity tag for the @file, or %NULL
 * @make_backup: %TRUE if a backup should be created
 * @flags: a set of #GFileCreateFlags
 * @callback: a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied
 * @user_data: the data to pass to the callback function
 * This is a wrapper for g_file_replace_contents_async() that also returns
 * an #EActivity to track the file operation.  Cancelling the activity will
 * cancel the file operation.  See g_file_replace_contents_async() for more
 * details.
 * Returns: an #EActivity for the file operation
EActivity *
e_file_replace_contents_async (GFile *file,
                               const gchar *contents,
                               gsize length,
                               const gchar *etag,
                               gboolean make_backup,
                               GFileCreateFlags flags,
                               GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                               gpointer user_data)
	GSimpleAsyncResult *simple;
	GCancellable *cancellable;
	AsyncContext *context;
	const gchar *format;
	gchar *description;
	gchar *basename;
	gchar *filename;
	gchar *hostname;
	gchar *uri;

	g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (contents != NULL, NULL);

	uri = g_file_get_uri (file);
	filename = g_filename_from_uri (uri, &hostname, NULL);
	if (filename != NULL)
		basename = g_filename_display_basename (filename);
		basename = g_strdup (_("(Unknown Filename)"));

	if (hostname == NULL) {
		/* Translators: The string value is the basename of a file. */
		format = _("Writing \"%s\"");
		description = g_strdup_printf (format, basename);
	} else {
		/* Translators: The first string value is the basename of a
		 * remote file, the second string value is the hostname. */
		format = _("Writing \"%s\" to %s");
		description = g_strdup_printf (format, basename, hostname);

	cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();

	context = g_slice_new0 (AsyncContext);
	context->activity = e_activity_new ();

	e_activity_set_text (context->activity, description);
	e_activity_set_cancellable (context->activity, cancellable);

	simple = g_simple_async_result_new (
		G_OBJECT (file), callback, user_data,

	g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (
		simple, context, (GDestroyNotify) async_context_free);

	g_file_replace_contents_async (
		file, contents, length, etag,
		make_backup, flags, cancellable,
		(GAsyncReadyCallback) file_replace_contents_cb,

	g_object_unref (cancellable);

	g_free (description);
	g_free (basename);
	g_free (filename);
	g_free (hostname);
	g_free (uri);

	return context->activity;