static void
update_contact_inline (EBookClient *book,
                       const gchar *uid)
	EContact *contact = NULL;
	EContactPhoto *photo;
	guchar *data;
	gsize length = 0;
	GError *error = NULL;

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book, uid, &contact, NULL, &error))
	  g_error ("Unable to get contact: %s", error->message);

	g_assert (contact);

	data = g_base64_decode (photo_data, &length);

	photo = g_new (EContactPhoto, 1);
	photo->data.inlined.mime_type = NULL;
	photo-> = data;
	photo->data.inlined.length = length;

	/* set the photo */
	e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_PHOTO, photo);

	if (!e_book_client_modify_contact_sync (book, contact, NULL, &error))
	    g_error ("Failed to modify contact with inline photo data: %s", error->message);
static void
remove_contact_by_uid_cb (GObject *source_object,
                          GAsyncResult *result,
                          gpointer uid)
	GError *error = NULL;
	EContact *contact = NULL;

	if (!e_book_client_remove_contact_by_uid_finish (E_BOOK_CLIENT (source_object), result, &error)) {
		report_error ("remove contact by uid finish", &error);
		stop_main_loop (1);

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (E_BOOK_CLIENT (source_object), uid, &contact, NULL, &error) &&
		g_clear_error (&error);
		stop_main_loop (0);
	} else {
		report_error ("fail with get contact on removed contact", &error);
		if (contact)
			g_object_unref (contact);
		stop_main_loop (1);
static void
test_modify_contact_sync (ETestServerFixture *fixture,
                          gconstpointer user_data)
	EBookClient *book_client;
	GError *error = NULL;
	EContact *contact, *book_contact;

	book_client = E_TEST_SERVER_UTILS_SERVICE (fixture, EBookClient);

	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "name-only", &contact))
		g_error ("Failed to add contact");

	verify_premodify_and_prepare_contact (contact);

	if (!e_book_client_modify_contact_sync (book_client, contact, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("modify contact sync: %s", error->message);

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book_client, e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_UID),
					     &book_contact, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("get contact sync: %s", error->message);

	verify_modify (book_contact);
	g_object_unref (book_contact);
	g_object_unref (contact);
static void
check_removed_contact (EBookClient *book_client,
		       const gchar *uid)
	GError *error = NULL;
	EContact *contact = NULL;

	if (e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book_client, uid, &contact, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("succeeded to fetch removed contact");
	else if (!g_error_matches (error, E_BOOK_CLIENT_ERROR, E_BOOK_CLIENT_ERROR_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND))
		g_error ("Wrong error in get contact sync on removed contact: %s (domain: %s, code: %d)",
			 error->message, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code);
		g_clear_error (&error);
static void
map_window_show_contact_editor_cb (EContactMapWindow *window,
                                   const gchar *contact_uid,
                                   gpointer user_data)
	EShell *shell = e_shell_get_default ();
	EBookShellView *book_shell_view = user_data;
	EBookShellSidebar *book_shell_sidebar;
	ESource *source;
	ESourceSelector *selector;
	EBookClient *book_client;
	EContact *contact;
	EABEditor *editor;
	GError *error = NULL;

	book_shell_sidebar = book_shell_view->priv->book_shell_sidebar;
	selector = e_book_shell_sidebar_get_selector (book_shell_sidebar);
	source = e_source_selector_get_primary_selection (selector);

	g_return_if_fail (source != NULL);
	book_client = e_book_client_new (source, &error);
	if (error) {
		g_warning ("Error loading addressbook: %s", error->message);
		g_error_free (error);
		if (book_client)
			g_object_unref (book_client);

	e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book_client, contact_uid, &contact, NULL, &error);
	if (error) {
		g_warning ("Error getting contact from addressbook: %s", error->message);
		g_error_free (error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);

	editor = e_contact_editor_new (shell, book_client, contact, FALSE, TRUE);

	g_signal_connect (editor, "contact-modified",
		G_CALLBACK (contact_editor_contact_modified_cb), window);
	g_signal_connect_swapped (editor, "editor-closed",
		G_CALLBACK (g_object_unref), editor);

	eab_editor_show (editor);
	g_object_unref (book_client);
static void
check_removed (EBookClient *book_client,
               const GSList *uids)
	g_return_if_fail (book_client != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (uids != NULL);

	while (uids) {
		GError *error = NULL;
		EContact *contact = NULL;

		if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book_client, uids->data, &contact, NULL, &error) &&
			g_clear_error (&error);
		} else
			g_error ("fail with get contact on removed contact: %s", error->message);

		uids = uids->next;
/* This assertion is made a couple of times in the view-complete
 * handler, we run it to ensure that binary blobs and cross-referenced
 * photo uris exist on disk while they should */
static void
assert_uri_exists (EBookClient *book,
                   const gchar *uid)
	EContact      *contact;
	EContactPhoto *photo;
	const gchar   *filename;
	GError        *error = NULL;

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book, uid, &contact, NULL, &error))
	  g_error ("Unable to get contact: %s", error->message);

	g_assert (contact);

	photo = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_PHOTO);
	g_assert (photo);
	g_assert (photo->type == E_CONTACT_PHOTO_TYPE_URI);

	filename = g_filename_from_uri (photo->data.uri, NULL, NULL);
	g_assert (filename);

	/* The file should absolutely exist at this point */
	g_assert (g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
Beispiel #8
add_contact_verify (EBookClient *book_client,
                    EContact *contact)
	EContact *contact_final;
	gchar *uid;
	GError *error = NULL;

	if (!e_book_client_add_contact_sync (book_client, contact, &uid, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("add contact sync: %s", error->message);

	e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_UID, uid);

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book_client, uid, &contact_final, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("get contact sync: %s", error->message);

        /* verify the contact was added "successfully" (not thorough) */
	g_assert (contacts_are_equal_shallow (contact, contact_final));

	g_object_unref (contact_final);
	g_free (uid);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
test_bulk_modify (EBookClient *client,
                  const gchar *vcard_str,
                  gint batch_size)
	gint i;
	EContact *contact;
	GSList *contacts = NULL;
	GSList *added_uids = NULL;
	const GSList *l, *ll;
	const gchar *old_first_name = "xyz mix";
	const gchar *new_first_name = "abc mix";

	for (i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
		EContact *contact = e_contact_new_from_vcard (vcard_str);
		contacts = g_slist_append (contacts, contact);

	g_print ("  * Bulk addition of %d contacts...\n", batch_size);
	/* Bulk addition */
	g_return_val_if_fail (e_book_client_add_contacts_sync (client, contacts, &added_uids, NULL, NULL), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (added_uids != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (added_uids->data != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (g_slist_length (added_uids) == batch_size, FALSE);

	g_print ("  * Bulk modification of %d contacts...\n", batch_size);
	ll = added_uids;
	for (l = contacts; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		const gchar * uid = ll->data;
		contact = E_CONTACT (l->data);

		/* Set contact UID */
		e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_UID, uid);

		/* Change contact first name */
		e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME, new_first_name);

		ll = ll->next;
	g_return_val_if_fail (e_book_client_modify_contacts_sync (client, contacts, NULL, NULL), FALSE);

	/* Validate */
	for (ll = added_uids; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next) {
		const gchar *first_name;
		const gchar *uid = ll->data;
		contact = NULL;

		g_return_val_if_fail (e_book_client_get_contact_sync (client, uid, &contact, NULL, NULL), FALSE);

		/* Check contact first name */
		first_name = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME);
		g_return_val_if_fail (g_strcmp0 (first_name, new_first_name) == 0, FALSE);

		g_object_unref (contact);

	/* Test failure case */
	g_print ("  * Bulk modification of %d contacts (expected failure)...\n", batch_size);
	contact = E_CONTACT (g_slist_nth_data (contacts, g_slist_length (contacts) - 2));
	g_return_val_if_fail (e_book_client_remove_contact_sync (client, contact, NULL, NULL), FALSE);
	for (l = contacts; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		contact = E_CONTACT (l->data);
		/* Change contact first name */
		e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME, old_first_name);
	g_return_val_if_fail (!e_book_client_modify_contacts_sync (client, contacts, NULL, NULL), FALSE);

	/* Remove the UID that no longer exists from the added_uid list */
	added_uids = g_slist_delete_link (added_uids, g_slist_nth (added_uids, g_slist_length (added_uids) - 2));

	/* Validate */
	for (ll = added_uids; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next) {
		const gchar *first_name;
		const gchar *uid = ll->data;
		contact = NULL;

		g_return_val_if_fail (e_book_client_get_contact_sync (client, uid, &contact, NULL, NULL), FALSE);

		/* Check contact first name */
		first_name = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME);
		g_return_val_if_fail (g_strcmp0 (first_name, new_first_name) == 0, FALSE);

		g_object_unref (contact);

	g_print ("  * Bulk removal of %d contacts...\n", batch_size);

	/* Bulk removal */
	g_return_val_if_fail (e_book_client_remove_contacts_sync (client, added_uids, NULL, NULL), FALSE);

	g_slist_free_full (added_uids, g_free);
	g_slist_free_full (contacts, g_object_unref);
	return TRUE;
static void
map_window_show_contact_editor_cb (EContactMapWindow *window,
                                   const gchar *contact_uid,
                                   gpointer user_data)
	EBookShellView *book_shell_view = user_data;
	EBookShellSidebar *book_shell_sidebar;
	EShell *shell;
	EShellView *shell_view;
	EShellBackend *shell_backend;
	ESource *source;
	ESourceSelector *selector;
	EClient *client;
	EClientCache *client_cache;
	EContact *contact;
	EABEditor *editor;
	GError *error = NULL;

	book_shell_sidebar = book_shell_view->priv->book_shell_sidebar;
	selector = e_book_shell_sidebar_get_selector (book_shell_sidebar);
	source = e_source_selector_ref_primary_selection (selector);
	g_return_if_fail (source != NULL);

	shell_view = E_SHELL_VIEW (book_shell_view);
	shell_backend = e_shell_view_get_shell_backend (shell_view);
	shell = e_shell_backend_get_shell (shell_backend);
	client_cache = e_shell_get_client_cache (shell);

	/* FIXME This blocks.  Needs to be asynchronous. */
	client = e_client_cache_get_client_sync (
		client_cache, source,
		NULL, &error);

	g_object_unref (source);

	/* Sanity check. */
	g_return_if_fail (
		((client != NULL) && (error == NULL)) ||
		((client == NULL) && (error != NULL)));

	if (error != NULL) {
		g_warning ("Error loading addressbook: %s", error->message);
		g_error_free (error);

	e_book_client_get_contact_sync (
		E_BOOK_CLIENT (client), contact_uid, &contact, NULL, &error);
	if (error != NULL) {
		g_warning ("Error getting contact from addressbook: %s", error->message);
		g_error_free (error);
		g_object_unref (client);

	editor = e_contact_editor_new (
		shell, E_BOOK_CLIENT (client), contact, FALSE, TRUE);

	g_signal_connect (
		editor, "contact-modified",
		G_CALLBACK (contact_editor_contact_modified_cb), window);

	eab_editor_show (editor);
	g_object_unref (client);
main (gint argc,
      gchar **argv)
	EBookClient *book_client;
	GError *error = NULL;
	EContact *contact;
	gchar *uid;

	main_initialize ();

         * Setup
	book_client = new_temp_client (NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (book_client != NULL, 1);

	if (!e_client_open_sync (E_CLIENT (book_client), FALSE, NULL, &error)) {
		report_error ("client open sync", &error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		return 1;

         * Sync version
	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "simple-1", &contact)) {
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		return 1;

	uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
	g_object_unref (contact);

	if (!e_book_client_remove_contact_by_uid_sync (book_client, uid, NULL, &error)) {
		report_error ("remove contact sync", &error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		g_free (uid);
		return 1;

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book_client, uid, &contact, NULL, &error) &&
		g_clear_error (&error);
	} else {
		report_error ("fail with get contact sync on removed contact", &error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		g_free (uid);
		return 1;

	g_free (uid);

	if (!e_client_remove_sync (E_CLIENT (book_client), NULL, &error)) {
		report_error ("client remove sync", &error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		return 1;

	g_object_unref (book_client);

         * Async version
	book_client = new_temp_client (NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (book_client != NULL, 1);

	if (!e_client_open_sync (E_CLIENT (book_client), FALSE, NULL, &error)) {
		report_error ("client open sync", &error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		return 1;

	contact = NULL;

	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "simple-1", &contact)) {
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		return 1;

	uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
	g_object_unref (contact);
	e_book_client_remove_contact_by_uid (book_client, uid, NULL, remove_contact_by_uid_cb, uid);

	start_main_loop (NULL, NULL);

	g_free (uid);

	if (!e_client_remove_sync (E_CLIENT (book_client), NULL, &error)) {
		report_error ("client remove sync", &error);
		g_object_unref (book_client);
		return 1;

	g_object_unref (book_client);

	return 0;