Beispiel #1
static gint
add_record (GnomePilotConduitSyncAbs *conduit,
	    GnomePilotRecord *remote,
	    EMemoConduitContext *ctxt)
	ECalComponent *comp;
	char *uid;
	int retval = 0;

	g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);

	LOG (g_message ( "add_record: adding %s to desktop\n", print_remote (remote) ));

	comp = comp_from_remote_record (conduit, remote, ctxt->default_comp, ctxt->timezone, &(ctxt->ai));

	/* Give it a new UID otherwise it will be the uid of the default comp */
	uid = e_cal_component_gen_uid ();
	e_cal_component_set_uid (comp, uid);

	if (!e_cal_create_object (ctxt->client, e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (comp), NULL, NULL))
		return -1;

	e_pilot_map_insert (ctxt->map, remote->ID, uid, FALSE);

	g_object_unref (comp);

	return retval;
Beispiel #2
 * e_cal_util_new_component:
 * @kind: Kind of the component to create.
 * Creates a new #icalcomponent of the specified kind.
 * Returns: the newly created component.
icalcomponent *
e_cal_util_new_component (icalcomponent_kind kind)
	icalcomponent *comp;
	struct icaltimetype dtstamp;
	gchar *uid;

	comp = icalcomponent_new (kind);
	uid = e_cal_component_gen_uid ();
	icalcomponent_set_uid (comp, uid);
	g_free (uid);
	dtstamp = icaltime_current_time_with_zone (icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ());
	icalcomponent_set_dtstamp (comp, dtstamp);

	return comp;
Beispiel #3
static gboolean
do_manage_comp_idle (struct _manage_comp *mc)
	GError *error = NULL;
	ECalClientSourceType source_type = E_CAL_CLIENT_SOURCE_TYPE_LAST;
	ECalComponent *edit_comp = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (mc, FALSE);

	source_type = e_cal_client_get_source_type (mc->client);

	if (source_type == E_CAL_CLIENT_SOURCE_TYPE_LAST) {
		free_manage_comp_struct (mc);

		g_warning ("mail-to-task: Incorrect call of %s, no data given", G_STRFUNC);
		return FALSE;

	if (mc->stored_comp) {
		const gchar *ask = get_question_edit_old (source_type);

		if (ask) {
			gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (ask, icalcomponent_get_summary (mc->stored_comp) ? icalcomponent_get_summary (mc->stored_comp) : _("[No Summary]"));
			gint chosen;

			chosen = do_ask (msg, TRUE);

			if (chosen == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) {
				edit_comp = e_cal_component_new ();
				if (!e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent (edit_comp, icalcomponent_new_clone (mc->stored_comp))) {
					g_object_unref (edit_comp);
					edit_comp = NULL;
					error = g_error_new (
						"%s", _("Invalid object returned from a server"));

			} else if (chosen == GTK_RESPONSE_NO) {
				/* user wants to create a new event, thus generate a new UID */
				gchar *new_uid = e_cal_component_gen_uid ();
				edit_comp = mc->comp;
				e_cal_component_set_uid (edit_comp, new_uid);
				e_cal_component_set_recurid (edit_comp, NULL);
				g_free (new_uid);
			g_free (msg);
	} else {
		edit_comp = mc->comp;

	if (edit_comp) {
		EShell *shell;
		ECompEditor *comp_editor;

		/* FIXME Pass in the EShell instance. */
		shell = e_shell_get_default ();
		comp_editor = get_component_editor (
			shell, mc->client, edit_comp,
			edit_comp == mc->comp, &error);

		if (comp_editor && !error) {
			comp_editor_title_changed (GTK_WIDGET (comp_editor), NULL, mc);

			e_signal_connect_notify (
				comp_editor, "notify::title",
				G_CALLBACK (comp_editor_title_changed), mc);
			g_signal_connect (
				comp_editor, "editor-closed",
				G_CALLBACK (comp_editor_closed), mc);

			gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (comp_editor));

			if (edit_comp != mc->comp)
				g_object_unref (edit_comp);
		} else {
			g_warning ("Failed to create event editor: %s", error ? error->message : "Unknown error");
			g_cond_signal (&mc->cond);
	} else {
		/* User canceled editing already existing event, so
		 * treat it as if he just closed the editor window. */
		comp_editor_closed (NULL, FALSE, mc);

	if (error != NULL) {
		e_notice (
			_("An error occurred during processing: %s"),
		g_clear_error (&error);

	return FALSE;
Beispiel #4
static gboolean
cal_backend_http_load (ECalBackendHttp *backend,
                       const gchar *uri,
		       gchar **out_certificate_pem,
		       GTlsCertificateFlags *out_certificate_errors,
                       GCancellable *cancellable,
                       GError **error)
	ECalBackendHttpPrivate *priv = backend->priv;
	ETimezoneCache *timezone_cache;
	SoupMessage *soup_message;
	SoupSession *soup_session;
	icalcomponent *icalcomp, *subcomp;
	icalcomponent_kind kind;
	const gchar *newuri;
	SoupURI *uri_parsed;
	GHashTable *old_cache;
	GSList *comps_in_cache;
	ESource *source;
	guint status_code;
	gulong cancel_id = 0;

	struct {
		SoupSession *soup_session;
		SoupMessage *soup_message;
	} cancel_data;

	timezone_cache = E_TIMEZONE_CACHE (backend);

	soup_session = backend->priv->soup_session;
	soup_message = cal_backend_http_new_message (backend, uri);

	if (soup_message == NULL) {
		g_set_error (
			error, SOUP_HTTP_ERROR,
			_("Malformed URI: %s"), uri);
		return FALSE;

	if (G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable)) {
		cancel_data.soup_session = soup_session;
		cancel_data.soup_message = soup_message;

		cancel_id = g_cancellable_connect (
			G_CALLBACK (cal_backend_http_cancelled),
			&cancel_data, (GDestroyNotify) NULL);

	source = e_backend_get_source (E_BACKEND (backend));

	e_soup_ssl_trust_connect (soup_message, source);

	e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING);

	status_code = soup_session_send_message (soup_session, soup_message);

	if (G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable))
		g_cancellable_disconnect (cancellable, cancel_id);

	if (status_code == SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) {
		e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED);

		/* attempts with ETag can result in 304 status code */
		g_object_unref (soup_message);
		priv->opened = TRUE;
		return TRUE;

	/* Handle redirection ourselves */
	if (SOUP_STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (status_code)) {
		gboolean success;

		newuri = soup_message_headers_get_list (
			soup_message->response_headers, "Location");

		d (g_message ("Redirected from %s to %s\n", async_context->uri, newuri));

		if (newuri != NULL) {
			gchar *redirected_uri;

			if (newuri[0]=='/') {
				g_warning ("Hey! Relative URI returned! Working around...\n");

				uri_parsed = soup_uri_new (uri);
				soup_uri_set_path (uri_parsed, newuri);
				soup_uri_set_query (uri_parsed, NULL);
				/* g_free (newuri); */

				newuri = soup_uri_to_string (uri_parsed, FALSE);
				g_message ("Translated URI: %s\n", newuri);
				soup_uri_free (uri_parsed);

			redirected_uri =
				webcal_to_http_method (newuri, FALSE);
			success = cal_backend_http_load (
				backend, redirected_uri, out_certificate_pem, out_certificate_errors, cancellable, error);
			g_free (redirected_uri);

		} else {
			g_set_error (
				error, SOUP_HTTP_ERROR,
				_("Redirected to Invalid URI"));
			success = FALSE;

		if (success) {
			e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED);
		} else {
			e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED);

		g_object_unref (soup_message);
		return success;

	/* check status code */
	if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (status_code)) {
		/* because evolution knows only G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED */
		if (status_code == SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED)
			g_set_error (
				"%s", soup_message->reason_phrase);
			g_set_error (
				error, SOUP_HTTP_ERROR, status_code,
				"%s", soup_message->reason_phrase);

		if (status_code == SOUP_STATUS_SSL_FAILED) {
			e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_SSL_FAILED);
			cal_backend_http_extract_ssl_failed_data (soup_message, out_certificate_pem, out_certificate_errors);
		} else {
			e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED);

		g_object_unref (soup_message);
		empty_cache (backend);
		return FALSE;

	e_source_set_connection_status (source, E_SOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED);

	if (priv->store) {
		const gchar *etag;

		etag = soup_message_headers_get_one (
			soup_message->response_headers, "ETag");

		if (etag != NULL && *etag == '\0')
			etag = NULL;

		e_cal_backend_store_put_key_value (priv->store, "ETag", etag);

	/* get the calendar from the response */
	icalcomp = icalparser_parse_string (soup_message->response_body->data);

	if (!icalcomp) {
		g_set_error (
			error, SOUP_HTTP_ERROR,
			_("Bad file format."));
		g_object_unref (soup_message);
		empty_cache (backend);
		return FALSE;

	if (icalcomponent_isa (icalcomp) != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT) {
		g_set_error (
			error, SOUP_HTTP_ERROR,
			_("Not a calendar."));
		icalcomponent_free (icalcomp);
		g_object_unref (soup_message);
		empty_cache (backend);
		return FALSE;

	g_object_unref (soup_message);
	soup_message = NULL;

	/* Update cache */
	old_cache = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);

	comps_in_cache = e_cal_backend_store_get_components (priv->store);
	while (comps_in_cache != NULL) {
		const gchar *uid;
		ECalComponent *comp = comps_in_cache->data;

		e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &uid);
		g_hash_table_insert (old_cache, g_strdup (uid), e_cal_component_get_as_string (comp));

		comps_in_cache = g_slist_remove (comps_in_cache, comps_in_cache->data);
		g_object_unref (comp);

	kind = e_cal_backend_get_kind (E_CAL_BACKEND (backend));
	subcomp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (icalcomp, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
	e_cal_backend_store_freeze_changes (priv->store);
	while (subcomp) {
		ECalComponent *comp;
		icalcomponent_kind subcomp_kind;
		icalproperty *prop = NULL;

		subcomp_kind = icalcomponent_isa (subcomp);
		prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (subcomp, ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
		if (!prop && subcomp_kind == kind) {
			gchar *new_uid = e_cal_component_gen_uid ();
			icalcomponent_set_uid (subcomp, new_uid);
			g_free (new_uid);

		if (subcomp_kind == kind) {
			comp = e_cal_component_new ();
			if (e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent (comp, icalcomponent_new_clone (subcomp))) {
				const gchar *uid;
				gpointer orig_key, orig_value;

				e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &uid);

				if (!put_component_to_store (backend, comp)) {
					g_hash_table_remove (old_cache, uid);
				} else if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (old_cache, uid, &orig_key, &orig_value)) {
					ECalComponent *orig_comp = e_cal_component_new_from_string (orig_value);

					e_cal_backend_notify_component_modified (E_CAL_BACKEND (backend), orig_comp, comp);

					g_hash_table_remove (old_cache, uid);
					if (orig_comp)
						g_object_unref (orig_comp);
				} else {
					e_cal_backend_notify_component_created (E_CAL_BACKEND (backend), comp);

			g_object_unref (comp);
		} else if (subcomp_kind == ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT) {
			icaltimezone *zone;

			zone = icaltimezone_new ();
			icaltimezone_set_component (zone, icalcomponent_new_clone (subcomp));
			e_timezone_cache_add_timezone (timezone_cache, zone);

			icaltimezone_free (zone, 1);

		subcomp = icalcomponent_get_next_component (icalcomp, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);

	e_cal_backend_store_thaw_changes (priv->store);

	/* notify the removals */
	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (old_cache, (GHRFunc) notify_and_remove_from_cache, backend);
	g_hash_table_destroy (old_cache);

	/* free memory */
	icalcomponent_free (icalcomp);

	priv->opened = TRUE;

	return TRUE;