Beispiel #1
/* -- FOLDING ---------------------------------------------------------------
//    The performance boost is achieved by a process that I call it FOLDING.
//    Folding can be viewed as an extension of Shamir's trick but it is based
//    on break down of the scalar multiplier of a*P into a polynomial of the
//    form:
//        a*P = SUM(a_i*2^(i*w))*P    for i = 0,1,2,...n-1
//        a*P = SUM(a_i*P_i)
//        where P_i = (2^(i*w))*P
//              n = number of folds
//              w = bit-length of a_i
//    For folding of 8, 256-bit multiplier 'a' is chopped into 8 limbs of 
//    32-bits each (a_0, a_1,...a_7). P_0 - P_7 can be pre-calculated and 
//    their 256-different permutations can be cached or hard-coded 
//    directly into the code.
//    This arrangement combined with double-and-add approach reduces the 
//    number of EC point calculations by a factor of 8. We only need 31
//    double & add operations.
//       +---+---+---+---+---+---+- .... -+---+---+---+---+---+---+
//  a = (|255|254|253|252|251|250|        | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |)
//       +---+---+---+---+---+---+- .... -+---+---+---+---+---+---+
//                     a_i                       P_i
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+    ----------
// a7 = (|255|254|253|       |226|225|226|) * (2**224)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a6 = (|225|224|223|       |194|193|192|) * (2**192)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a5 = (|191|190|189|       |162|161|160|) * (2**160)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a4 = (|159|158|157|       |130|129|128|) * (2**128)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a3 = (|127|126|125|       | 98| 97| 96|) * (2**96)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a2 = (| 95| 94| 93|       | 66| 65| 64|) * (2**64)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a1 = (| 63| 62| 61|       | 34| 33| 32|) * (2**32)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
// a0 = (| 31| 30| 29|       | 2 | 1 | 0 |) * (2**0)*P
//       +---+---+---+ .... -+---+---+---+
//         |   |                   |   |
//         |   +--+                |   +--+
//         |      |                |      |
//         V      V     slices     V      V
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       |255|  |254|            |225|  |226|   P7
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       |225|  |224|            |193|  |192|   P6
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       |191|  |190|            |161|  |160|   P5
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       |159|  |158|            |129|  |128|   P4
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       |127|  |126|            | 97|  | 96|   P3
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       | 95|  | 94|            | 65|  | 64|   P2
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       | 63|  | 62|            | 33|  | 32|   P1
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
//       | 31|  | 30|            | 1 |  | 0 |   P0
//       +---+  +---+    ....    +---+  +---+
// cut[]:  0      1      ....      30     31
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return S = a*P where P is ed25519 base point and R is random
void edp_BasePointMult(
    OUT Ext_POINT *S, 
    IN const U_WORD *sk, 
    IN const U_WORD *R)
    int i = 1;
    U8 cut[32];
    const PA_POINT *p0;

    ecp_8Folds(cut, sk);

    p0 = &_w_base_folding8[cut[0]];

    ecp_SubReduce(S->x, p0->YpX, p0->YmX);  /* 2x */
    ecp_AddReduce(S->y, p0->YpX, p0->YmX);  /* 2y */
    ecp_MulReduce(S->t, p0->T2d, _w_di);    /* 2xy */

    /* Randomize starting point */

    ecp_AddReduce(S->z, R, R);              /* Z = 2R */
    ecp_MulReduce(S->x, S->x, R);           /* X = 2xR */
    ecp_MulReduce(S->t, S->t, R);           /* T = 2xyR */
    ecp_MulReduce(S->y, S->y, R);           /* Y = 2yR */

        edp_AddAffinePoint(S, &_w_base_folding8[cut[i]]);
    } while (i++ < 31);
Beispiel #2
/* return P = P + Q, Q = 2Q */
void ecp_Mont(XZ_POINT *P, XZ_POINT *Q, IN const U_WORD *Base)
    /* x3 = ((x1-z1)(x2+z2) + (x1+z1)(x2-z2))^2*zb     zb=1 */
    /* z3 = ((x1-z1)(x2+z2) - (x1+z1)(x2-z2))^2*xb     xb=Base */
    ecp_SubReduce(A, P->X, P->Z);   /* A = x1-z1 */
    ecp_AddReduce(B, P->X, P->Z);   /* B = x1+z1 */
    ecp_SubReduce(C, Q->X, Q->Z);   /* C = x2-z2 */
    ecp_AddReduce(D, Q->X, Q->Z);   /* D = x2+z2 */
    ecp_MulReduce(A, A, D);         /* A = (x1-z1)(x2+z2) */
    ecp_MulReduce(B, B, C);         /* B = (x1+z1)(x2-z2) */
    ecp_AddReduce(E, A, B);         /* E = (x1-z1)(x2+z2) + (x1+z1)(x2-z2) */
    ecp_SubReduce(B, A, B);         /* B = (x1-z1)(x2+z2) - (x1+z1)(x2-z2) */
    ecp_SqrReduce(P->X, E);         /* x3 = ((x1-z1)(x2+z2) + (x1+z1)(x2-z2))^2 */
    ecp_SqrReduce(A, B);            /* A = ((x1-z1)(x2+z2) - (x1+z1)(x2-z2))^2 */
    ecp_MulReduce(P->Z, A, Base);   /* z3 = ((x1-z1)(x2+z2) - (x1+z1)(x2-z2))^2*Base */

    /* x4 = (x2+z2)^2 * (x2-z2)^2 */
    /* z4 = ((x2+z2)^2 - (x2-z2)^2)*((x2+z2)^2 + 121665((x2+z2)^2 - (x2-z2)^2)) */
    /* C = (x2-z2) */
    /* D = (x2+z2) */
    ecp_SqrReduce(A, D);            /* A = (x2+z2)^2 */
    ecp_SqrReduce(B, C);            /* B = (x2-z2)^2 */
    ecp_MulReduce(Q->X, A, B);      /* x4 = (x2+z2)^2 * (x2-z2)^2 */
    ecp_SubReduce(B, A, B);         /* B = (x2+z2)^2 - (x2-z2)^2 */
    ecp_WordMulAddReduce(A, A, 121665, B);
    ecp_MulReduce(Q->Z, A, B);      /* z4 = B*((x2+z2)^2 + 121665*B) */
Beispiel #3
/* Y = X + X */
void ecp_MontDouble(XZ_POINT *Y, const XZ_POINT *X)
    /*  x2 = (x+z)^2 * (x-z)^2 */
    /*  z2 = ((x+z)^2 - (x-z)^2)*((x+z)^2 + ((A-2)/4)((x+z)^2 - (x-z)^2)) */
    ecp_AddReduce(A, X->X, X->Z);       /* A = (x+z) */
    ecp_SubReduce(B, X->X, X->Z);       /* B = (x-z) */
    ecp_SqrReduce(A, A);                /* A = (x+z)^2 */
    ecp_SqrReduce(B, B);                /* B = (x-z)^2 */
    ecp_MulReduce(Y->X, A, B);          /* x2 = (x+z)^2 * (x-z)^2 */
    ecp_SubReduce(B, A, B);             /* B = (x+z)^2 - (x-z)^2 */
    /* (486662-2)/4 = 121665 */
    ecp_WordMulAddReduce(A, A, 121665, B);
    ecp_MulReduce(Y->Z, A, B);          /* z2 = (B)*((x+z)^2 + ((A-2)/4)(B)) */
Beispiel #4
void edp_ExtPoint2PE(PE_POINT *r, const Ext_POINT *p)
    ecp_AddReduce(r->YpX, p->y, p->x);
    ecp_SubReduce(r->YmX, p->y, p->x);
    ecp_MulReduce(r->T2d, p->t, _w_2d);
    ecp_AddReduce(r->Z2, p->z, p->z);
Beispiel #5
    Cost: 4M + 4S + 7add
    Return: P = 2*P
void edp_DoublePoint(Ext_POINT *p)
    U_WORD a[K_WORDS], b[K_WORDS], c[K_WORDS], d[K_WORDS], e[K_WORDS];

    ecp_SqrReduce(a, p->x);         /* A = X1^2 */
    ecp_SqrReduce(b, p->y);         /* B = Y1^2 */
    ecp_SqrReduce(c, p->z);         /* C = 2*Z1^2 */
    ecp_AddReduce(c, c, c);
    ecp_SubReduce(d, _w_maxP, a);   /* D = -A */

    ecp_SubReduce(a, d, b);         /* H = D-B */
    ecp_AddReduce(d, d, b);         /* G = D+B */
    ecp_SubReduce(b, d, c);         /* F = G-C */
    ecp_AddReduce(e, p->x, p->y);   /* E = (X1+Y1)^2-A-B = (X1+Y1)^2+H */
    ecp_SqrReduce(e, e);
    ecp_AddReduce(e, e, a);

    ecp_MulReduce(p->x, e, b);      /* E*F */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->y, a, d);      /* H*G */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->z, d, b);      /* G*F */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->t, e, a);      /* E*H */
Beispiel #6
    Assumptions: pre-computed q, q->Z=1
    Cost: 7M + 7add
    Return: P = P + Q
void edp_AddAffinePoint(Ext_POINT *p, const PA_POINT *q)
    U_WORD a[K_WORDS], b[K_WORDS], c[K_WORDS], d[K_WORDS], e[K_WORDS];
    ecp_SubReduce(a, p->y, p->x);           /* A = (Y1-X1)*(Y2-X2) */
    ecp_MulReduce(a, a, q->YmX);
    ecp_AddReduce(b, p->y, p->x);           /* B = (Y1+X1)*(Y2+X2) */
    ecp_MulReduce(b, b, q->YpX);
    ecp_MulReduce(c, p->t, q->T2d);         /* C = T1*2d*T2 */
    ecp_AddReduce(d, p->z, p->z);           /* D = Z1*2*Z2 (Z2=1)*/
    ecp_SubReduce(e, b, a);                 /* E = B-A */
    ecp_AddReduce(b, b, a);                 /* H = B+A */
    ecp_SubReduce(a, d, c);                 /* F = D-C */
    ecp_AddReduce(d, d, c);                 /* G = D+C */

    ecp_MulReduce(p->x, e, a);              /* E*F */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->y, b, d);              /* H*G */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->t, e, b);              /* E*H */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->z, d, a);              /* G*F */
Beispiel #7
    Cost: 7M + 7add
    Return: R = P + BasePoint
void edp_AddBasePoint(Ext_POINT *p)
    U_WORD a[K_WORDS], b[K_WORDS], c[K_WORDS], d[K_WORDS], e[K_WORDS];

    ecp_SubReduce(a, p->y, p->x);           /* A = (Y1-X1)*(Y2-X2) */
    ecp_MulReduce(a, a, _w_base_folding8[1].YmX);
    ecp_AddReduce(b, p->y, p->x);           /* B = (Y1+X1)*(Y2+X2) */
    ecp_MulReduce(b, b, _w_base_folding8[1].YpX);
    ecp_MulReduce(c, p->t, _w_base_folding8[1].T2d); /* C = T1*2d*T2 */
    ecp_AddReduce(d, p->z, p->z);           /* D = 2*Z1 */
    ecp_SubReduce(e, b, a);                 /* E = B-A */
    ecp_AddReduce(b, b, a);                 /* H = B+A */
    ecp_SubReduce(a, d, c);                 /* F = D-C */
    ecp_AddReduce(d, d, c);                 /* G = D+C */

    ecp_MulReduce(p->x, e, a);              /* E*F */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->y, b, d);              /* H*G */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->t, e, b);              /* E*H */
    ecp_MulReduce(p->z, d, a);              /* G*F */
Beispiel #8
int curve25519_SelfTest(int level)
    int rc = 0;
    U64 A[4], B[4], C[4];
    U8 a[32], b[32], c[32], d[32];

    ecp_AddReduce(A, _w_I, _w_P);
    if (ecp_Cmp(A, _w_I) != 0)
        printf("assert I+p == I mod p FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("A_1", A, 4);

    if (ecp_Cmp(_w_I, _w_P) >= 0)
        printf("assert I < P FAILED!!\n");

    if (ecp_Cmp(_w_P, _w_I) <= 0)
        printf("assert P > I FAILED!!\n");

    ecp_MulReduce(B, _w_I, _w_D);
    if (ecp_Cmp(B, _w_IxD) != 0)
        printf("assert I*D FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("A_2", B, 4);

    // assert I*I == p-1
    ecp_MulMod(A, _w_I, _w_I);
    if (ecp_Cmp(A, _w_Pm1) != 0)
        printf("assert mul(I,I) == p-1 FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("A_3", A, 4);

    // assert I**2 == p-1
    ecp_SqrReduce(B, _w_I);
    if (ecp_Cmp(B, _w_Pm1) != 0)
        printf("assert square(I) == p-1 FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("B_4", B, 4);

    // assert (-I)*(-I) == p-1
    ecp_Sub(B, _w_P, _w_I);
    ecp_MulMod(A, B, B);
    if (ecp_Cmp(A, _w_Pm1) != 0)
        printf("assert mul(-I,-I) == p-1 FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("A_5", A, 4);
        ecp_PrintHexWords("B_5", B, 4);

    ecp_SetValue(A, 50153);
    ecp_Inverse(B, A);
    ecp_MulMod(A, A, B);
    if (ecp_Cmp(A, _w_One) != 0)
        printf("invmod FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("inv_50153", B, 4);
        ecp_PrintHexWords("expected_1", A, 4);

    // assert expmod(d,(p-1)/2,p) == p-1
    ecp_ExpMod(A, _w_D, _b_Pm1d2, 32);
    if (ecp_Cmp(A, _w_Pm1) != 0)
        printf("assert expmod(d,(p-1)/2,p) == p-1 FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("A_3", A, 4);

    ecp_CalculateY(a, ecp_BasePoint);
    ecp_BytesToWords(A, a);
    if (ecp_Cmp(A, _w_Gy) != 0)
        printf("assert clacY(Base) == Base.y FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexBytes("Calculated_Base.y", a, 32);

    ecp_PointMultiply(a, ecp_BasePoint, _b_Om1, 32);
    if (memcmp(a, ecp_BasePoint, 32) != 0)
        printf("assert (l-1).Base == Base FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexBytes("A_5", a, 32);

    ecp_PointMultiply(a, ecp_BasePoint, _b_O, 32);
    ecp_BytesToWords(A, a);
    if (!ecp_IsZero(A))
        printf("assert l.Base == 0 FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexBytes("A_6", a, 32);

    // Key generation
    ecp_PointMultiply(a, ecp_BasePoint, pk1, 32);
    ecp_PrintHexBytes("PublicKey1", a, 32);
    ecp_PointMultiply(b, ecp_BasePoint, pk2, 32);
    ecp_PrintHexBytes("PublicKey2", b, 32);

    // ECDH - key exchange
    ecp_PointMultiply(c, b, pk1, 32);
    ecp_PrintHexBytes("SharedKey1", c, 32);
    ecp_PointMultiply(d, a, pk2, 32);
    ecp_PrintHexBytes("SharedKey2", d, 32);
    if (memcmp(c, d, 32) != 0)
        printf("ECDH key exchange FAILED!!\n");

    memset(a, 0x44, 32);        // our secret key
    ecp_PointMultiply(b, ecp_BasePoint, a, 32); // public key
    ecp_PointMultiply(c, b, _b_k1, 32);
    ecp_PointMultiply(d, c, _b_k2, 32);
    if (memcmp(d, b, 32) != 0)
        printf("assert k1.k2.D == D FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexBytes("D", d, 4);
        ecp_PrintHexBytes("C", c, 4);
        ecp_PrintHexBytes("A", a, 4);

    ecp_BytesToWords(A, _b_k1);
    ecp_BytesToWords(B, _b_k2);
    eco_InvModBPO(C, A);
    if (ecp_Cmp(C, B) != 0)
        printf("assert 1/k1 == k2 mod BPO FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("Calc", C, 4);
        ecp_PrintHexWords("Expt", B, 4);

    eco_MulMod(C, A, B);
    if (ecp_Cmp(C, _w_One) != 0)
        printf("assert k1*k2 == 1 mod BPO FAILED!!\n");
        ecp_PrintHexWords("Calc", C, 4);
    return rc;
Beispiel #9
/* K in a little-endian byte array */
void ecp_PointMultiply(
    OUT U8 *PublicKey, 
    IN const U8 *BasePoint, 
    IN const U8 *SecretKey, 
    IN int len)
    int i, j, k;
    XZ_POINT P, Q, *PP[2], *QP[2];

    ecp_BytesToWords(X, BasePoint);

    /* 1: P = (2k+1)G, Q = (2k+2)G */
    /* 0: Q = (2k+1)G, P = (2k)G */

    /* Find first non-zero bit */
    while (len-- > 0)
        k = SecretKey[len];
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, k <<= 1)
            /* P = kG, Q = (k+1)G */
            if (k & 0x80)
                /* We have first non-zero bit 
                // This is always bit 254 for keys created according to the spec.
                // Start with randomized base point 

                ecp_Add(P.Z, X, edp_custom_blinding.zr);    /* P.Z = random */
                ecp_MulReduce(P.X, X, P.Z);
                ecp_MontDouble(&Q, &P);

                PP[1] = &P; PP[0] = &Q;
                QP[1] = &Q; QP[0] = &P;

                /* Everything we reference in the below loop are on the stack
                // and already touched (cached) 

                while (++i < 8) { k <<= 1; ECP_MONT(7); }
                while (len > 0)
                    k = SecretKey[--len];

                ecp_Inverse(Q.Z, P.Z);
                ecp_MulMod(X, P.X, Q.Z);
                ecp_WordsToBytes(PublicKey, X);
    /* K is 0 */
    mem_fill(PublicKey, 0, 32);