Beispiel #1
int ei_x_encode_ulong(ei_x_buff* x, unsigned long n)
    int i = x->index;
    ei_encode_ulong(NULL, &i, n);
    if (!x_fix_buff(x, i))
	return -1;
    return ei_encode_ulong(x->buff, &x->index, n);
static void enumerate_ports()
    struct serial_info *port_list = find_serialports();
    int port_list_len = 0;
    for (struct serial_info *port = port_list;
         port != NULL;
         port = port->next)

    debug("Found %d ports", port_list_len);
    char resp[4096];
    int resp_index = sizeof(uint16_t); // Space for payload size
    resp[resp_index++] = response_id;
    ei_encode_version(resp, &resp_index);

    ei_encode_map_header(resp, &resp_index, port_list_len);

    for (struct serial_info *port = port_list;
         port != NULL;
         port = port->next) {
        ei_encode_binary(resp, &resp_index, port->name, strlen(port->name));

        int info_count = (port->description ? 1 : 0) +
                (port->manufacturer ? 1 : 0) +
                (port->serial_number ? 1 : 0) +
                (port->vid > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
                (port->pid > 0 ? 1 : 0);

        ei_encode_map_header(resp, &resp_index, info_count);
        if (port->description) {
            ei_encode_atom(resp, &resp_index, "description");
            ei_encode_binary(resp, &resp_index, port->description, strlen(port->description));
        if (port->manufacturer) {
            ei_encode_atom(resp, &resp_index, "manufacturer");
            ei_encode_binary(resp, &resp_index, port->manufacturer, strlen(port->manufacturer));
        if (port->serial_number) {
            ei_encode_atom(resp, &resp_index, "serial_number");
            ei_encode_binary(resp, &resp_index, port->serial_number, strlen(port->serial_number));
        if (port->vid > 0) {
            ei_encode_atom(resp, &resp_index, "vendor_id");
            ei_encode_ulong(resp, &resp_index, port->vid);
        if (port->pid > 0) {
            ei_encode_atom(resp, &resp_index, "product_id");
            ei_encode_ulong(resp, &resp_index, port->pid);
    erlcmd_send(resp, resp_index);
Beispiel #3
int oe_ei_encode_ulong(CORBA_Environment *ev, unsigned long p) {
    int size = ev->_iout + __OE_ULONGSZ__;

    if (size >= ev->_outbufsz) {
        char *buf = ev->_outbuf;
        int bufsz = ev->_outbufsz + ev->_memchunk;

        if ((buf = realloc(buf,bufsz)) != NULL) {
            ev->_outbuf = buf;
            ev->_outbufsz += ev->_memchunk;
        else {
            CORBA_exc_set(ev, CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, NO_MEMORY, "End of heap memory while encoding");
            return -1;  /* OUT OF MEMORY */

    return ei_encode_ulong(ev->_outbuf, &ev->_iout, p);
Beispiel #4
int main(void)
  ErlConnect conp;
  Erl_IpAddr thisipaddr = (Erl_IpAddr)0;
  FILE *fp = (FILE *)0;
  char* charp = "foo";
  double *doublep = NULL;
  double doublex = 0.0;
  ei_cnode xec;
  ei_reg *ei_regp = NULL;
  ei_term eterm;
  ei_x_buff eix;
  erlang_big *bigp = NULL;
  erlang_fun efun;
  erlang_msg *msgp = NULL;
  erlang_msg emsg;
  erlang_pid *pidp = NULL;
  erlang_pid epid;
  erlang_port eport;
  erlang_ref eref;
  erlang_trace etrace;
  int *intp = NULL;
  int intx = 0;
  long *longp = NULL;
  long longx = 0;
  short creation = 0;
  struct ei_reg_stat *ei_reg_statp = NULL;
  struct ei_reg_tabstat *ei_reg_tabstatp = NULL;
  struct hostent *hostp = NULL;
  unsigned char * ucharp = (unsigned char *)"foo";
  unsigned long *ulongp = NULL;
  unsigned long ulongx = 0;
  void *voidp = NULL;
#ifndef VXWORKS
  EI_LONGLONG longlongx = 0;
  EI_ULONGLONG ulonglongx = 0;
  enum erlang_char_encoding enc;

  intx = erl_errno;

  ei_connect_init(&xec, charp, charp, creation);
  ei_connect_xinit (&xec, charp, charp, charp, thisipaddr, charp, creation);

  ei_connect(&xec, charp);
  ei_xconnect (&xec, thisipaddr, charp);

  ei_receive(intx, ucharp, intx);
  ei_receive_msg(intx, &emsg, &eix);
  ei_xreceive_msg(intx, &emsg, &eix);

  ei_send(intx, &epid, charp, intx);
  ei_reg_send(&xec, intx, charp, charp, intx);

  ei_rpc(&xec, intx, charp, charp, charp, intx, &eix);
  ei_rpc_to(&xec, intx, charp, charp, charp, intx);
  ei_rpc_from(&xec, intx, intx, &emsg, &eix);

  ei_publish(&xec, intx);
  ei_accept(&xec, intx, &conp);



  ei_gethostbyaddr(charp, intx, intx);
  ei_gethostbyname_r(charp, hostp, charp, intx, intp);
  ei_gethostbyaddr_r(charp, intx, intx, hostp, charp, intx, intp);

  ei_encode_version(charp, intp);
  ei_encode_long(charp, intp, longx);
  ei_x_encode_long(&eix, longx);
  ei_encode_ulong(charp, intp, ulongx);
  ei_x_encode_ulong(&eix, ulongx);
  ei_encode_double(charp, intp, doublex);
  ei_x_encode_double(&eix, doublex);
  ei_encode_boolean(charp, intp, intx);
  ei_x_encode_boolean(&eix, intx);
  ei_encode_char(charp, intp, 'a');
  ei_x_encode_char(&eix, 'a');
  ei_encode_string(charp, intp, charp);
  ei_encode_string_len(charp, intp, charp, intx);
  ei_x_encode_string(&eix, charp);
  ei_x_encode_string_len(&eix, charp, intx);
  ei_encode_atom(charp, intp, charp);
  ei_encode_atom_as(charp, intp, charp, ERLANG_LATIN1, ERLANG_UTF8);
  ei_encode_atom_len(charp, intp, charp, intx);
  ei_encode_atom_len_as(charp, intp, charp, intx, ERLANG_ASCII, ERLANG_LATIN1);
  ei_x_encode_atom(&eix, charp);
  ei_x_encode_atom_as(&eix, charp, ERLANG_LATIN1, ERLANG_UTF8);
  ei_x_encode_atom_len(&eix, charp, intx);
  ei_x_encode_atom_len_as(&eix, charp, intx, ERLANG_LATIN1, ERLANG_UTF8);
  ei_encode_binary(charp, intp, (void *)0, longx);
  ei_x_encode_binary(&eix, (void*)0, intx);
  ei_encode_pid(charp, intp, &epid);
  ei_x_encode_pid(&eix, &epid);
  ei_encode_fun(charp, intp, &efun);
  ei_x_encode_fun(&eix, &efun);
  ei_encode_port(charp, intp, &eport);
  ei_x_encode_port(&eix, &eport);
  ei_encode_ref(charp, intp, &eref);
  ei_x_encode_ref(&eix, &eref);
  ei_encode_trace(charp, intp, &etrace);
  ei_x_encode_trace(&eix, &etrace);
  ei_encode_tuple_header(charp, intp, intx);
  ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&eix, longx);
  ei_encode_list_header(charp, intp, intx);
  ei_x_encode_list_header(&eix, longx);
/* #define ei_encode_empty_list(buf,i) ei_encode_list_header(buf,i,0) */

  ei_get_type(charp, intp, intp, intp);
  ei_get_type_internal(charp, intp, intp, intp);

  ei_decode_version(charp, intp, intp);
  ei_decode_long(charp, intp, longp);
  ei_decode_ulong(charp, intp, ulongp);
  ei_decode_double(charp, intp, doublep);
  ei_decode_boolean(charp, intp, intp);
  ei_decode_char(charp, intp, charp);
  ei_decode_string(charp, intp, charp);
  ei_decode_atom(charp, intp, charp);
  ei_decode_atom_as(charp, intp, charp, MAXATOMLEN_UTF8, ERLANG_WHATEVER, &enc, &enc);
  ei_decode_binary(charp, intp, (void *)0, longp);
  ei_decode_fun(charp, intp, &efun);
  ei_decode_pid(charp, intp, &epid);
  ei_decode_port(charp, intp, &eport);
  ei_decode_ref(charp, intp, &eref);
  ei_decode_trace(charp, intp, &etrace);
  ei_decode_tuple_header(charp, intp, intp);
  ei_decode_list_header(charp, intp, intp);

  ei_decode_ei_term(charp, intp, &eterm);

  ei_print_term(fp, charp, intp);
  ei_s_print_term(&charp, charp, intp);

  ei_x_format(&eix, charp);
  ei_x_format_wo_ver(&eix, charp);

  ei_x_append(&eix, &eix);
  ei_x_append_buf(&eix, charp, intx);
  ei_skip_term(charp, intp);

  ei_reg_resize(ei_regp, intx);

  ei_reg_setival(ei_regp, charp, longx);
  ei_reg_setfval(ei_regp, charp, doublex);
  ei_reg_setsval(ei_regp, charp, charp);
  ei_reg_setpval(ei_regp, charp, voidp, intx);

  ei_reg_setval(ei_regp, charp, intx);

  ei_reg_getival(ei_regp, charp);
  ei_reg_getfval(ei_regp, charp);
  ei_reg_getsval(ei_regp, charp);
  ei_reg_getpval(ei_regp, charp, intp);

  ei_reg_getval(ei_regp, charp, intx);

  ei_reg_markdirty(ei_regp, charp);

  ei_reg_delete(ei_regp, charp);

  ei_reg_stat(ei_regp, charp, ei_reg_statp);

  ei_reg_tabstat(ei_regp, ei_reg_tabstatp);

  ei_reg_dump(intx, ei_regp, charp, intx);
  ei_reg_restore(intx, ei_regp, charp);

#if defined(HAVE_GMP_H) && defined(HAVE_LIBGMP)
      mpz_t obj;
      ei_decode_bignum(charp, intp, obj);
      ei_encode_bignum(charp, intp, obj);
      ei_x_encode_bignum(&eix, obj);
#endif /* HAVE_GMP_H && HAVE_LIBGMP */

#ifndef VXWORKS

  ei_decode_longlong(charp, intp, longlongp);
  ei_decode_ulonglong(charp, intp, ulonglongp);
  ei_encode_longlong(charp, intp, longlongx);
  ei_encode_ulonglong(charp, intp, ulonglongx);
  ei_x_encode_longlong(&eix, longlongx);
  ei_x_encode_ulonglong(&eix, ulonglongx);



  ei_decode_intlist(charp, intp, longp, intp);

  ei_receive_encoded(intx, &charp, intp, msgp, intp);
  ei_send_encoded(intx, pidp, charp, intx);
  ei_send_reg_encoded(intx, pidp, charp, charp, intx);

  ei_decode_big(charp, intp, bigp);
  ei_big_comp(bigp, bigp);
  ei_big_to_double(bigp, doublep);
  ei_small_to_big(intx, bigp);


      BUFSIZ +
      EAGAIN +
      EIO +
      EI_BIN +
      EI_DELET +
      EI_DIRTY +
      EI_FLT +
      EI_FORCE +
      EI_INT +
      EI_NOPURGE +
      EI_STR +
      EMSGSIZE +
      ENOMEM +
      ERL_ERROR +
      ERL_EXIT +
      ERL_LINK +
      ERL_MSG +
      ERL_REG_SEND +
      ERL_SEND +
      ERL_TICK +
      ERL_UNLINK +
Beispiel #5
int32_t spawn(char protocol, uint32_t * ports, uint32_t ports_len,
              char * filename, uint32_t /*filename_len*/,
              char * argv, uint32_t argv_len,
              char * env, uint32_t env_len)
    int type;
    if (protocol == 't') // tcp
        type = SOCK_STREAM;
    else if (protocol == 'u') // udp
        type = SOCK_DGRAM;
        return spawn_status::invalid_input;
    int fds_stdout[2] = {-1, -1};
    int fds_stderr[2] = {-1, -1};
    if (::pipe(fds_stdout) == -1)
        return spawn_status::errno_pipe();
    if (::pipe(fds_stderr) == -1)
        return spawn_status::errno_pipe();
    pid_t const pid = fork();
    if (pid == -1)
        return spawn_status::errno_fork();
    else if (pid == 0)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < GEPD::nfds; ++i)
            if (::close(GEPD::fds[i].fd) == -1)
        if (::dup2(fds_stdout[1], 1) == -1)
        if (::close(fds_stdout[0]) == -1 || close(fds_stdout[1]) == -1)
        if (::dup2(fds_stderr[1], 2) == -1)
        if (::close(fds_stderr[0]) == -1 || close(fds_stderr[1]) == -1)

        char pid_message[1024];
        int pid_message_index = 0;
        unsigned long const pid_child = ::getpid();
        if (ei_encode_version(pid_message, &pid_message_index))
        if (ei_encode_tuple_header(pid_message, &pid_message_index, 2))
        if (ei_encode_atom(pid_message, &pid_message_index, "pid"))
        if (ei_encode_ulong(pid_message, &pid_message_index, pid_child))

        for (size_t i = 0; i < ports_len; ++i)
            int sockfd = ::socket(AF_INET, type, 0);
            if (sockfd == -1)
            if (type == SOCK_STREAM)
                int tcp_nodelay_flag = 1;
                // set TCP_NODELAY to turn off Nagle's algorithm
                if (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
                               (char *) &tcp_nodelay_flag, sizeof(int)) == -1)

            if (static_cast<size_t>(sockfd) != i + 3)
                if (::dup2(sockfd, i + 3) == -1)
                sockfd = i + 3;
            struct sockaddr_in localhost;
            localhost.sin_family = AF_INET;
            localhost.sin_port = htons(ports[i]);
            localhost.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);

            if (::connect(sockfd,
                          reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr *>(&localhost),
                          sizeof(localhost)) == -1)

            if (i == 0)
                // let the first connection get a pid message for attempting
                // to kill the OS process when the Erlang process terminates
                if (::write(sockfd, pid_message, pid_message_index) == -1)

        int argv_count = 2;
            assert(argv[argv_len - 1] == '\0');
            for (size_t i = 1; i < argv_len; ++i)
                if (argv[i] == '\0')
        char * execve_argv[argv_count];
            int index = 0;
            execve_argv[index++] = filename;
            if (argv_count == 2)
                execve_argv[index++] = 0;
                execve_argv[index++] = argv;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < argv_len - 1; ++i)
                    if (argv[i] == '\0')
                        execve_argv[index++] = &(argv[i + 1]);
                execve_argv[index++] = 0;
                assert(index == argv_count);

        int env_count = 1;
            assert(env[env_len - 1] == '\0');
            for (size_t i = 1; i < env_len; ++i)
                if (env[i] == '\0')
        char * execve_env[env_count];
            if (env_count == 1)
                execve_env[0] = 0;
                int index = 0;
                execve_env[index++] = env;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < env_len - 1; ++i)
                    if (env[i] == '\0')
                        execve_env[index++] = &(env[i + 1]);
                execve_env[index++] = 0;
                assert(index == env_count);

        ::execve(filename, execve_argv, execve_env);
        if (::close(fds_stdout[1]) == -1)
            return spawn_status::errno_close();
        if (::close(fds_stderr[1]) == -1)
            return spawn_status::errno_close();

        if (GEPD::fds.reserve(GEPD::nfds + 2) == false)
        size_t const index_stdout = GEPD::nfds;
        size_t const index_stderr = GEPD::nfds + 1;
        GEPD::fds[index_stdout].fd = fds_stdout[0];
        GEPD::fds[index_stdout].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
        GEPD::fds[index_stdout].revents = 0;
        GEPD::fds[index_stderr].fd = fds_stderr[0];
        GEPD::fds[index_stderr].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
        GEPD::fds[index_stderr].revents = 0;
        GEPD::nfds += 2;

        copy_ptr<process_data> P(new process_data(pid,
    return pid;