int32_t	env_w32_hook__execv(struct emu_env *env, struct emu_env_hook *hook)
	logDebug(env->emu, "Hook me Captain Cook!\n");
	logDebug(env->emu, "%s:%i %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

	struct emu_cpu *c = emu_cpu_get(env->emu);

	uint32_t eip_save;

	POP_DWORD(c, &eip_save);

intptr_t _execv( 
   const char *cmdname,
   const char *const *argv 
intptr_t _wexecv( 
   const wchar_t *cmdname,
   const wchar_t *const *argv 

	uint32_t p_cmdname;
	POP_DWORD(c, &p_cmdname);

	struct emu_string *cmdname = emu_string_new();
	emu_memory_read_string(c->mem, p_cmdname, cmdname, 512);

	uint32_t p_argv;
	POP_DWORD(c, &p_argv);

	if ( env->profile != NULL )
		emu_profile_function_add(env->profile, "_execv");
		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "const char *", "cmdname", p_cmdname);
		emu_profile_argument_add_string(env->profile, "", "", emu_string_char(cmdname)); 
		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "const char *const *", "argv", p_argv);
		emu_profile_function_returnvalue_int_set(env->profile, "int ", 0);

    emu_cpu_eip_set(c, eip_save);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int32_t	__stdcall new_user_hook_LoadLibraryA(struct emu_env_w32 *win, struct emu_env_w32_dll_export *ex)
/* LoadLibraryA(LPCTSTR lpFileName); */
   struct emu_string *dllstr = emu_string_new();
   uint32_t eip_save;
   uint32_t dllname_ptr;

	POP_DWORD(cpu, &eip_save);
    POP_DWORD(cpu, &dllname_ptr);
    emu_memory_read_string(mem, dllname_ptr, dllstr, 256);
	char *dllname = emu_string_char(dllstr);

	printf("%x\tLoadLibraryA(%s) = 0x7800000\t\n", cpu->eip , dllname);
	printf("\t--> HOOK RAN OK returns to: %x\n", eip_save);

	cpu->reg[eax] = 0x7800000;
	emu_cpu_eip_set(cpu, eip_save);
	return 0;
int32_t env_linux_hook_execve(struct emu_env *env, struct emu_env_hook *hook)
	struct emu_cpu *c = emu_cpu_get(env->emu);

	struct emu_string *name = emu_string_new();
	emu_memory_read_string(emu_memory_get(c->emu), c->reg[ebx], name, 255);

	if ( env->profile != NULL )
		emu_profile_function_add(env->profile, "execve");
		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "const char *", "dateiname", c->reg[ebx]);

		emu_profile_argument_add_string(env->profile, "", "", emu_string_char(name));
//	emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "", "", c->reg[ecx]);
		emu_profile_argument_array_start(env->profile, "const char *", "argv[]");

	uint32_t p_array = c->reg[ecx];
	uint32_t p_arg = -1;
	emu_memory_read_dword(emu_memory_get(c->emu), p_array, &p_arg);
	int i=1;
//	char **argv = NULL;
	while (p_arg != 0)
//		argv = realloc(argv, (i+1) * sizeof(char *));
//		argv[i] = NULL;

		struct emu_string *arg = emu_string_new();
		emu_memory_read_string(emu_memory_get(c->emu), p_arg, arg, 128);
//		argv[i-1] = strdup(emu_string_char(arg));

		if( emu_string_char(arg) == NULL )

		if ( env->profile != NULL )
			emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "", "", p_array+((i-1)*4));
			emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "", "", p_arg);
			emu_profile_argument_add_string(env->profile, "", "", emu_string_char(arg));

		emu_memory_read_dword(emu_memory_get(c->emu), p_array+(i*4), &p_arg);

	if ( env->profile != NULL )
		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "", "", p_arg);

//	printf("arg is %s\n", emu_string_char(arg));


		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "const char *", "envp[]", c->reg[edx]);

		emu_profile_function_returnvalue_int_set(env->profile, "int", 0);
	printf("int execve (const char *dateiname=%08x={%s}, const char * argv[], const char *envp[]);\n", 

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
int graph_draw(struct emu_graph *graph)
	struct emu_vertex *ev;
	struct instr_vertex *iv;

	FILE *f = fopen(opts.graphfile,"w+");

	struct emu_graph *sgraph = emu_graph_new();
	struct emu_hashtable *ht = emu_hashtable_new(2047, emu_hashtable_ptr_hash, emu_hashtable_ptr_cmp);

	struct emu_vertex *nev;
	struct instr_vertex *niv=NULL;

	printf("copying vertexes\n");
	for ( ev = emu_vertexes_first(graph->vertexes); !emu_vertexes_attail(ev); ev = emu_vertexes_next(ev) )
		iv = (struct instr_vertex *)ev->data;

		nev = emu_vertex_new();
		emu_graph_vertex_add(sgraph, nev);

		niv = instr_vertex_copy(iv); 
		nev->data = niv;

		emu_hashtable_insert(ht, (void *)iv, nev);
		ev->color = white;

	printf("optimizing graph\n");
	for ( ev = emu_vertexes_first(graph->vertexes); !emu_vertexes_attail(ev); ev = emu_vertexes_next(ev) )
		// ignore known 
		if ( ev->color == black )

		printf("vertex %p\n", (void *)ev);

		// find the first in a chain
		iv = (struct instr_vertex *)ev->data;
		while ( emu_edges_length(ev->backedges) == 1 && emu_edges_length(ev->edges) <= 1 && ev->color == white && iv->dll == NULL && iv->syscall == NULL )
			ev->color = grey;

			struct emu_vertex *xev = emu_edges_first(ev->backedges)->destination;
			iv = (struct instr_vertex *)xev->data;
			if ( emu_edges_length(xev->backedges) > 1 || emu_edges_length(xev->edges) > 1 || iv->dll != NULL || iv->syscall != NULL )

			ev = xev;
			printf(" -> vertex %p\n",(void *)ev);

		iv = (struct instr_vertex *)ev->data;

		// create the new vertex 
		nev = (struct emu_vertex *)emu_hashtable_search(ht, (void *)iv)->value;
		niv = (struct instr_vertex *)nev->data;

		iv = (struct instr_vertex *)ev->data;

		printf("going forwards from %p\n", (void *)ev);
		while ( emu_edges_length(ev->edges) == 1 && emu_edges_length(ev->backedges) <= 1 && ev->color != black && iv->dll == NULL && iv->syscall == NULL )
			ev->color = black;
			struct emu_vertex *xev = emu_edges_first(ev->edges)->destination;
			iv = (struct instr_vertex *)xev->data;

			if ( emu_edges_length(xev->backedges) > 1 || emu_edges_length(xev->edges) > 1 ||
				 iv->dll != NULL || iv->syscall != NULL )

			ev = xev;

			iv = (struct instr_vertex *)ev->data;
			emu_string_append_char(niv->instr_string, emu_string_char(iv->instr_string));
			printf(" -> vertex %p\n",(void *)ev);

		ev->color = black;

		printf("copying edges for %p\n",(void *)ev);
		struct emu_edge *ee;
		for ( ee = emu_edges_first(ev->edges); !emu_edges_attail(ee); ee = emu_edges_next(ee) )
			struct instr_vertex *ivto = emu_vertex_data_get(ee->destination);
			struct emu_hashtable_item *ehi = emu_hashtable_search(ht, (void *)ivto);
			struct emu_vertex *to = (struct emu_vertex *)ehi->value;
			if ( 1 )// nev != to )//&& to->color != black )
				struct emu_edge *nee = emu_vertex_edge_add(nev, to);
				nee->count = ee->count;
				nee->data = ee->data;
				printf(" -> %p\n", (void *)to);


	graph->vertex_destructor = instr_vertex_destructor;
//	emu_graph_free(graph);
	graph = sgraph;

	fprintf(f, "digraph G {\n\t//rankdir=LR\n\tnode [fontname=Courier, labeljust=r];\n");

#if 0
	int numdlls=0;
	while ( env->loaded_dlls[numdlls] != NULL )
		int has_dll = 0;
		struct emu_string *fs = emu_string_new();
		emu_string_append_format(fs, "\t subgraph cluster%i {\n\t\t node [shape=box, style=filled, color=\".7 .3 1.0\"];\n\t\tstyle=filled;\n\t\tcolor=lightgrey;\n\t\tlabel=\"%s\"\n\t\t", numdlls, env->loaded_dlls[numdlls]->dllname);
		for ( ev = emu_vertexes_first(graph->vertexes); !emu_vertexes_attail(ev); ev = emu_vertexes_next(ev) )
			struct instr_vertex *iv = emu_vertex_data_get(ev);
			if ( iv->dll == env->loaded_dlls[numdlls] )
				emu_string_append_format(fs, "\t\%i [label = \"%s\"];\n", iv->eip, emu_string_char(iv->instr_string));

				has_dll = 1;


		emu_string_append_char(fs, "\t}\n");

		fprintf(f, "%s", emu_string_char(fs));
int32_t	env_w32_hook_fopen(struct emu_env *env, struct emu_env_hook *hook)
	logDebug(env->emu, "Hook me Captain Cook!\n");
	logDebug(env->emu, "%s:%i %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

	struct emu_cpu *c = emu_cpu_get(env->emu);

	uint32_t eip_save;

	POP_DWORD(c, &eip_save);

FILE *fopen( const char *filename, const char *mode );
FILE *_wfopen( const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *mode );

	uint32_t p_filename;
	MEM_DWORD_READ(c, c->reg[esp], &p_filename);

	struct emu_string *filename = emu_string_new();
	emu_memory_read_string(c->mem, p_filename, filename, 512);
	uint32_t p_mode;
	MEM_DWORD_READ(c, c->reg[esp]+4, &p_mode);
	struct emu_string *mode = emu_string_new();
	emu_memory_read_string(c->mem, p_mode, mode, 512);

//	printf("fopen(%s, %s)\n", emu_string_char(filename), (char *)mode->data);

	uint32_t returnvalue;
	if ( hook->>userhook != NULL )
		returnvalue = hook->>userhook(env, hook, 
		returnvalue	= 0x89898989;

	emu_cpu_reg32_set(c, eax, returnvalue);

	if (env->profile != NULL)
		emu_profile_function_add(env->profile, "fopen");
		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "const char *", "filename", p_filename);
		emu_profile_argument_add_string(env->profile, "", "", emu_string_char(filename));
		emu_profile_argument_add_ptr(env->profile, "const char *", "mode", p_mode);
		emu_profile_argument_add_string(env->profile,  "", "", emu_string_char(mode));
		emu_profile_function_returnvalue_ptr_set(env->profile, "FILE *", returnvalue);


    emu_cpu_eip_set(c, eip_save);
	return 0;