Beispiel #1
strappend(char *s, char *t)	/* === */

    s = endstr( s );
    while ( (*s++ = *t++) != '\0' );
    *s = '\0';
Beispiel #2
bool upb_sink_endstr(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel) {
  assert(sel == s->top->selector);
  const upb_handlers *h = s->top->h;
  upb_endfield_handler *endstr =
      (upb_endfield_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel);

  if (endstr) {
    const void *hd = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, sel);
    bool ok = endstr(s->top->closure, hd);
    if (!ok) {
      return false;

  return true;
void WebSocketDSClass::write_class_property()
	//	First time, check if database used
	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)

	Tango::DbData	data;
	string	classname = get_name();
	string	header;
	string::size_type	start, end;

	//	Put title
	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
	string	str_title("WebSocket access to tango device-server attributes, pipes and commands");
	title << str_title;

	//	Put Description
	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
	vector<string>	str_desc;
	str_desc.push_back("WebSocket access to tango device-server attributes.");
	str_desc.push_back("Configuration should be done via properties:");
	str_desc.push_back("Port - port to listen incoming ws connections;");
	str_desc.push_back("DeviceServer - tango id of a required device server;");
	str_desc.push_back("Attributes - list of required DS attributes, you wish to read via WS;");
	str_desc.push_back("Commands - list of required DS commandes, you wish to executed via WS;");
	str_desc.push_back("AuthDS - Tango web authentication device server (TangoWebAuth ) name.");
	str_desc.push_back("Secure - It will be used wss connection (websocket secure). (true if you want)");
	str_desc.push_back("Certificate - Certificate file name (crt) with full path (if Secure = true)");
	str_desc.push_back("Key - Private key file name (if Secure = true)");
	str_desc.push_back("Options - Various options for the device server");
	str_desc.push_back("Then you should set polling to the UpdateData command. (1000 means that all connected clients would read attributes once per second).");
	str_desc.push_back("Data format: JSON string with array of attrubute objects {atrrtibute name, attribute value, quality, timestamp};");
	str_desc.push_back("if you want to record in the logs, define uselog in Property ``Options``.");
	str_desc.push_back("The database (defined in AuthDS) must contain a table `command_history` with columns:");
	str_desc.push_back("    // id - autoincrement");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[0] = timestamp_string UNIX_TIMESTAMP");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[1] = login");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[2] = deviceName");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[3] = IP");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[4] = commandName");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[5] = commandJson");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[6] = statusBool");
	str_desc.push_back("    // argin[7] = isGroup");
	description << str_desc;

	//	put cvs or svn location
	string	filename("WebSocketDS");
	filename += "Class.cpp";

	// check for cvs information
	string	src_path(CvsPath);
	start = src_path.find("/");
	if (start!=string::npos)
		end   = src_path.find(filename);
		if (end>start)
			string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, end-start);
			//	Check if specific repository
			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
			cvs_loc << strloc;

	// check for svn information
		string	src_path(SvnPath);
		start = src_path.find("://");
		if (start!=string::npos)
			end = src_path.find(filename);
			if (end>start)
				header = "$HeadURL: ";
				start = header.length();
				string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, (end-start));
				Tango::DbDatum	svn_loc("svn_location");
				svn_loc << strloc;

	//	Get CVS or SVN revision tag
	// CVS tag
	string	tagname(TagName);
	header = "$Name: ";
	start = header.length();
	string	endstr(" $");
	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
		cvs_tag << strtag;
	// SVN tag
	string	svnpath(SvnPath);
	header = "$HeadURL: ";
	start = header.length();
	end   = svnpath.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strloc = svnpath.substr(start, end-start);
		string tagstr ("/tags/");
		start = strloc.find(tagstr);
		if ( start!=string::npos )
			start = start + tagstr.length();
			end   = strloc.find(filename);
			string	strtag = strloc.substr(start, end-start-1);
			Tango::DbDatum	svn_tag("svn_tag");
			svn_tag << strtag;

	//	Get URL location
	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
	if (httpServ.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
		db_doc_url << httpServ;

	//  Put inheritance
	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
	vector<string> inheritance;
	inher_datum << inheritance;

	//	Call database and and values
// method : 		SimulatorCCDClass::write_class_property
// description : 	Set class description as property in database
void SimulatorCCDClass::write_class_property()
	//	First time, check if database used
	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)

	Tango::DbData	data;
	string	classname = get_name();
	string	header;
	string::size_type	start, end;

	//	Put title
	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
	string	str_title("");
	title << str_title;

	//	Put Description
	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
	vector<string>	str_desc;
	str_desc.push_back("  ");
	description << str_desc;
	//	put cvs or svn location
	string	filename(classname);
	filename += "Class.cpp";
	// Create a string with the class ID to
	// get the string into the binary
	string	class_id(ClassId);
	// check for cvs information
	string	src_path(CvsPath);
	start = src_path.find("/");
	if (start!=string::npos)
		end   = src_path.find(filename);
		if (end>start)
			string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, end-start);
			//	Check if specific repository
			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
			cvs_loc << strloc;
	// check for svn information
		string	src_path(SvnPath);
		start = src_path.find("://");
		if (start!=string::npos)
			end = src_path.find(filename);
			if (end>start)
				header = "$HeadURL: ";
				start = header.length();
				string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, (end-start));
				Tango::DbDatum	svn_loc("svn_location");
				svn_loc << strloc;

	//	Get CVS or SVN revision tag
	// CVS tag
	string	tagname(TagName);
	header = "$Name: ";
	start = header.length();
	string	endstr(" $");
	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
		cvs_tag << strtag;
	// SVN tag
	string	svnpath(SvnPath);
	header = "$HeadURL: ";
	start = header.length();
	end   = svnpath.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strloc = svnpath.substr(start, end-start);
		string tagstr ("/tags/");
		start = strloc.find(tagstr);
		if ( start!=string::npos )
			start = start + tagstr.length();
			end   = strloc.find(filename);
			string	strtag = strloc.substr(start, end-start-1);
			Tango::DbDatum	svn_tag("svn_tag");
			svn_tag << strtag;

	//	Get URL location
	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
	if (httpServ.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
		db_doc_url << httpServ;

	//  Put inheritance
	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
	vector<string> inheritance;
	inher_datum << inheritance;

	//	Call database and and values
// method : 		GalilSlitClass::write_class_property
// description : 	Set class description as property in database
void GalilSlitClass::write_class_property()
	//	First time, check if database used
	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)

	Tango::DbData	data;
	string	classname = get_name();
	string	header;
	string::size_type	start, end;

	//	Put title
	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
	string	str_title("GalilSlit");
	title << str_title;

	//	Put Description
	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
	vector<string>	str_desc;
	str_desc.push_back("handles generic slits");
	str_desc.push_back("type independant blades");
	str_desc.push_back("type 1 motor for gap plus 1 motor for translation");
	description << str_desc;
	//	put cvs location
	string	rcsId(RcsId);
	string	filename(classname);
	start = rcsId.find("/");
	if (start!=string::npos)
		filename += "Class.cpp";
		end   = rcsId.find(filename);
		if (end>start)
			string	strloc = rcsId.substr(start, end-start);
			//	Check if specific repository
			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
			cvs_loc << strloc;

	//	Get CVS tag revision
	string	tagname(TagName);
	header = "$Name: ";
	start = header.length();
	string	endstr(" $");
	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
		cvs_tag << strtag;

	//	Get URL location
	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
	if (httpServ.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
		db_doc_url << httpServ;

	//  Put inheritance
	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
	vector<string> inheritance;
	inher_datum << inheritance;

	//	Call database and and values
Beispiel #6
 * do_notice_ctcp: a re-entrant form of a CTCP reply parser.
 * See the implementation notes in do_ctcp().
char *	do_notice_ctcp (const char *from, const char *to, char *str)
	int 	flag;
	char 	local_ctcp_buffer [BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1],
		the_ctcp          [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1],
		last              [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
	char	*ctcp_command,
	int	i;
	char	*ptr;
	int	allow_ctcp_reply = 1;
	int	l;

	int delim_char = charcount(str, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR);

	if (delim_char < 2)
		return str;		/* No CTCPs. */
	if (delim_char > 8)
		allow_ctcp_reply = 0;	/* Ignore all the CTCPs. */

	/* We handle ignore, but not flooding (obviously) */
	flag = check_ignore_channel(from, FromUserHost, to, LEVEL_CTCP);
	strlcpy(local_ctcp_buffer, str, sizeof(local_ctcp_buffer) - 2);

	for (;;strlcat(local_ctcp_buffer, last, sizeof(local_ctcp_buffer) - 2))
		if (split_CTCP(local_ctcp_buffer, the_ctcp, last))
			break;		/* All done! */

		if (!*the_ctcp)
			continue;	/* Empty requests are ignored */

		 * The logic of all this is essentially the same as 
		 * do_ctcp

		if (!allow_ctcp_reply)

		if (flag == IGNORED)
			if (x_debug & DEBUG_CTCPS)
				yell("CTCP REPLY from [%s] ignored", from);
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;

		/* But we don't check ctcp flooding (obviously) */

		/* Global messages -- just drop the CTCP */
		if (*to == '$' || (is_channel(to) && 
					!im_on_channel(to, from_server)))
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;

		 * Parse CTCP message
		 * CTCP spec says word delim MUST be space
		ctcp_command = the_ctcp;
		ctcp_argument = strchr(the_ctcp, ' ');
		if (ctcp_argument)
			*ctcp_argument++ = 0;
			ctcp_argument = endstr(the_ctcp);

		/* Set up the window level/logging */
		if (is_channel(to))
			l = message_from(to, LEVEL_CTCP);
			l = message_from(from, LEVEL_CTCP);

		 * Find the correct CTCP and run it.
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++)
			if (!strcmp(ctcp_command, ctcp_cmd[i].name))

		 * If its a built in CTCP command, check to see if its
		 * got a reply handler, call if appropriate.
		if (i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS && ctcp_cmd[i].repl)
		    if ((ptr = ctcp_cmd[i].repl(ctcp_cmd + i, from, to, 
			strlcat(local_ctcp_buffer, ptr, 
					sizeof local_ctcp_buffer);

		/* Toss it at the user.  */
		if (ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_TELLUSER)
		    if (do_hook(CTCP_REPLY_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", 
					from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument))
			say("CTCP %s reply from %s: %s", 
					ctcp_command, from, ctcp_argument);
		if (!(ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_NOLIMIT))
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;



	 * local_ctcp_buffer is derived from 'str', so its always
	 * smaller or equal in size to 'str', so this copy is safe.
	strlcpy(str, local_ctcp_buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE);
	return str;
Beispiel #7
 * do_ctcp: a re-entrant form of a CTCP parser.  The old one was lame,
 * so i took a hatchet to it so it didnt suck.
 * XXXX - important!  The third argument -- 'str', is expected to be
 * 'BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1' or larger.  If it isnt, chaos will probably 
 * ensue if you get spammed with lots of CTCP UTC requests.
 * UTC requests can be at minimum 5 bytes, and the expansion is always 24.
 * That means you can cram (510 - strlen("PRIVMSG x :") / 5) UTCs (100)
 * into a privmsg.  That means itll expand to 2400 characters.  We silently
 * limit the number of valid CTCPs to 4.  Anything more than that we dont
 * even bother with. (4 * 24 + 11 -> 106), which is less than
 * IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE, which gives us plenty of safety.
 * XXXX - The normal way of implementation required two copies -- once into a
 * temporary buffer, once back into the original buffer -- for the best case
 * scenario.  This is horrendously inefficient, since most privmsgs dont
 * contain any CTCPs.  So we check to see if there are any CTCPs in the
 * message before we bother doing anything.  THIS IS AN INELEGANT HACK!
 * But the call to charcount() is less expensive than even one copy to 
 * strlcpy() since they both evaluate *each* character, and charcount()
 * doesnt have to do a write unless the character is present.  So it is 
 * definitely worth the cost to save CPU time for 99% of the PRIVMSGs.
char *	do_ctcp (const char *from, const char *to, char *str)
	int 	flag;
	int	fflag;
	char 	local_ctcp_buffer [BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1],
		the_ctcp          [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1],
		last              [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
	char	*ctcp_command,
	int	i;
	char	*ptr = NULL;
	int	allow_ctcp_reply = 1;
static	time_t	last_ctcp_parsed = 0;
	int	l;
	char *	extra = NULL;

	int delim_char = charcount(str, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR);

	if (delim_char < 2)
		return str;		/* No CTCPs. */
	if (delim_char > 8)
		allow_ctcp_reply = 0;	/* Historical limit of 4 CTCPs */

	flag = check_ignore_channel(from, FromUserHost, to, LEVEL_CTCP);
	fflag = new_check_flooding(from, FromUserHost, is_channel(to) ? to : NULL,
						str, LEVEL_CTCP);

	strlcpy(local_ctcp_buffer, str, sizeof(local_ctcp_buffer) - 2);

	for (;;strlcat(local_ctcp_buffer, last, sizeof(local_ctcp_buffer) - 2))
		if (split_CTCP(local_ctcp_buffer, the_ctcp, last))
			break;		/* All done! */

		if (!*the_ctcp)
			continue;	/* Empty requests are ignored */

		 * Apply some integrety rules:
		 * -- If we've already replied to a CTCP, ignore it.
		 * -- If user is ignoring sender, ignore it.
		 * -- If we're being flooded, ignore it.
		 * -- If CTCP was a global msg, ignore it.

		 * Yes, this intentionally ignores "unlimited" CTCPs like
		 * UTC and SED.  Ultimately, we have to make sure that
		 * CTCP expansions dont overrun any buffers that might
		 * contain this string down the road.  So by allowing up to
		 * 4 CTCPs, we know we cant overflow -- but if we have more
		 * than 40, it might overflow, and its probably a spam, so
		 * no need to shed tears over ignoring them.  Also makes
		 * the sanity checking much simpler.
		if (!allow_ctcp_reply)

		 * Check to see if the user is ignoring person.
		 * Or if we're suppressing a flood.
		if (flag == IGNORED || fflag == 1)
			if (x_debug & DEBUG_CTCPS)
				yell("CTCP from [%s] ignored", from);
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;

		 * Check for CTCP flooding
		if (get_int_var(NO_CTCP_FLOOD_VAR))
		    if (time(NULL) - last_ctcp_parsed < 2)
			 * This extends the flood protection until
			 * we dont get a CTCP for 2 seconds.
			last_ctcp_parsed = time(NULL);
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;
			if (x_debug & DEBUG_CTCPS)
				say("CTCP flood from [%s] ignored", from);

		 * Check for global message
		if (*to == '$' || (*to == '#' && !im_on_channel(to, from_server)))
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;

		 * Now its ok to parse the CTCP.
		 * First we remove the argument.
		 * XXX - CTCP spec says word delim MUST be space.
		ctcp_command = the_ctcp;
		ctcp_argument = strchr(the_ctcp, ' ');
		if (ctcp_argument)
			*ctcp_argument++ = 0;
			ctcp_argument = endstr(the_ctcp);

		/* Set up the window level/logging */
		if (im_on_channel(to, from_server))
			l = message_from(to, LEVEL_CTCP);
			l = message_from(from, LEVEL_CTCP);

		 * Then we look for the correct CTCP.
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++)
			if (!strcmp(ctcp_command, ctcp_cmd[i].name))

		 * We didnt find it?
		if (i == NUMBER_OF_CTCPS)
			 * Offer it to the user.
			 * Maybe they know what to do with it.
			if (do_hook(CTCP_REQUEST_LIST, "%s %s %s %s",
				from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument))
			    if (do_hook(CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", from, to, 
						ctcp_command, ctcp_argument))
				    say("Unknown CTCP %s from %s to %s: %s%s",
					ctcp_command, from, to, 
					*ctcp_argument ? ": " : empty_string, 
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;

		 * rfc1459_any_to_utf8 specifically ignores CTCPs, because
		 * recoding binary data (such as an encrypted message) would
		 * corrupt the message.  
		 * So some CTCPs are "recodable" and some are not.
		 * The CTCP_NORECODE is set for any CTCPs which are NOT
		 * to be recoded prior to handling.  These are the encryption
		 * CTCPS.
		 * All other CTCPs have not been recoded by the time they
		 * reach here, so we must do it here!
		if (!(ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_NORECODE))
		    * We must recode to UTF8
		   inbound_recode(from, from_server, to, ctcp_argument, &extra);
		   if (extra)
			ctcp_argument = extra;

		 * We did find it.  Acknowledge it.
		ptr = NULL;
		if (do_hook(CTCP_REQUEST_LIST, "%s %s %s %s",
				from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument))
			ptr = ctcp_cmd[i].func(ctcp_cmd + i, from, 
						to, ctcp_argument);

		 * If this isnt an 'unlimited' CTCP, set up flood protection.
		 * No, this wont allow users to flood any more than they
		 * would normally.  The UTC/SED gets converted into a 
		 * regular privmsg body, which is flagged via FLOOD_PUBLIC.
		if (!(ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_NOLIMIT))
			allow_ctcp_reply = 0;

		 * We've only gotten to this point if its a valid CTCP
		 * query and we decided to parse it.

		 * If its an ``INLINE'' CTCP, we paste it back in.
		if (ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_INLINE)
			strlcat(local_ctcp_buffer, ptr ? ptr : empty_string, sizeof local_ctcp_buffer);

		 * If its ``INTERESTING'', tell the user.
		 * Note that this isnt mutex with ``INLINE'' in theory,
		 * even though it is in practice.  Dont use 'else' here.
		if (ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_TELLUSER)
		    if (do_hook(CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", 
				from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument))
			    if (is_me(from_server, to))
				say("CTCP %s from %s%s%s", 
					ctcp_command, from, 
					*ctcp_argument ? ": " : empty_string, 
				say("CTCP %s from %s to %s%s%s",
					ctcp_command, from, to, 
					*ctcp_argument ? ": " : empty_string, 


	 * 'str' is required to be BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1 or bigger per the API.
	strlcpy(str, local_ctcp_buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE);
	return str;
void ModbusControlRfqAndBuncherClass::write_class_property()
	//	First time, check if database used
	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)

	Tango::DbData	data;
	string	classname = get_name();
	string	header;
	string::size_type	start, end;

	//	Put title
	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
	string	str_title("Control panel for modbus-tcp communication with PLC (DELTA-DVP28SR11R)");
	title << str_title;

	//	Put Description
	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
	vector<string>	str_desc;
	str_desc.push_back("Control panel for modbus-tcp communication with PLC (DELTA-DVP28SR11R)");
	str_desc.push_back("This device server read registers and read/write flags from PLC.");
	description << str_desc;

	//	put cvs or svn location
	string	filename("ModbusControlRfqAndBuncher");
	filename += "Class.cpp";

	// check for cvs information
	string	src_path(CvsPath);
	start = src_path.find("/");
	if (start!=string::npos)
		end   = src_path.find(filename);
		if (end>start)
			string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, end-start);
			//	Check if specific repository
			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
			cvs_loc << strloc;

	// check for svn information
		string	src_path(SvnPath);
		start = src_path.find("://");
		if (start!=string::npos)
			end = src_path.find(filename);
			if (end>start)
				header = "$HeadURL: ";
				start = header.length();
				string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, (end-start));
				Tango::DbDatum	svn_loc("svn_location");
				svn_loc << strloc;

	//	Get CVS or SVN revision tag
	// CVS tag
	string	tagname(TagName);
	header = "$Name: ";
	start = header.length();
	string	endstr(" $");
	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
		cvs_tag << strtag;
	// SVN tag
	string	svnpath(SvnPath);
	header = "$HeadURL: ";
	start = header.length();
	end   = svnpath.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strloc = svnpath.substr(start, end-start);
		string tagstr ("/tags/");
		start = strloc.find(tagstr);
		if ( start!=string::npos )
			start = start + tagstr.length();
			end   = strloc.find(filename);
			string	strtag = strloc.substr(start, end-start-1);
			Tango::DbDatum	svn_tag("svn_tag");
			svn_tag << strtag;

	//	Get URL location
	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
	if (httpServ.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
		db_doc_url << httpServ;

	//  Put inheritance
	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
	vector<string> inheritance;
	inher_datum << inheritance;

	//	Call database and and values