Beispiel #1
void cpp_typecheckt::typecheck_enum_body(symbolt &enum_symbol)
  typet &type=enum_symbol.type;
  exprt &body=static_cast<exprt &>(type.add(ID_body));
  irept::subt &components=body.get_sub();
  typet enum_type(ID_symbol);
  mp_integer i=0;
  Forall_irep(it, components)
    const irep_idt &name=it->get(ID_name);
      exprt &value=static_cast<exprt &>(it->add(ID_value));
      if(to_integer(value, i))
        throw "failed to produce integer for enum";
    exprt final_value(ID_constant, enum_type);
    final_value.set(ID_value, integer2string(i));
    symbolt symbol;"::"+id2string(name);
    symbol.location=static_cast<const locationt &>(it->find(ID_C_location));
    symbolt *new_symbol;
    if(symbol_table.move(symbol, new_symbol))
      throw "cpp_typecheckt::typecheck_enum_body: symbol_table.move() failed";

    cpp_idt &scope_identifier=
// Function:	CommonFG::openEnumType
///\brief	Opens the named enumeration datatype at this location.
///\param	name  - IN: Name of the enumeration datatype to open
///\return	EnumType instance
///\exception	H5::FileIException or H5::GroupIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
EnumType CommonFG::openEnumType( const char* name ) const
   // Call C function H5Topen2 to open the named datatype in this group,
   // given either the file or group id
   hid_t type_id = H5Topen2(getLocId(), name, H5P_DEFAULT);

   // If the datatype's opening failed, throw an exception
   if( type_id < 0 )
      throwException("openEnumType", "H5Topen2 failed");

   // No failure, create and return the EnumType object
   EnumType enum_type(type_id);
Beispiel #3
bool Pb2Json::Json2Message(const Json& json, ProtobufMsg& message, bool str2enum) {
    auto descriptor = message.GetDescriptor();
    auto reflection = message.GetReflection();
    if (nullptr == descriptor || nullptr == reflection) return false;

    auto count = descriptor->field_count();
    for (auto i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        const auto field = descriptor->field(i);
        if (nullptr == field) continue;

        auto& value = json[field->name()];
        if (value.is_null()) continue;

        if (field->is_repeated()) {
            if (!value.is_array()) {
                return false;
            } else {
                Json2RepeatedMessage(value, message, field, reflection, str2enum);

        switch (field->type()) {
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL: {
                if (value.is_boolean())
                    reflection->SetBool(&message, field, value.get<bool>());
                else if (value.is_number_integer())
                    reflection->SetBool(&message, field, value.get<uint32_t>() != 0);
                else if (value.is_string()) {
                    if (value.get<std::string>() == "true")
                        reflection->SetBool(&message, field, true);
                    else if (value.get<std::string>() == "false")
                        reflection->SetBool(&message, field, false);
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM: {
                auto const* pedesc = field->enum_type();
                const ::google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor* pevdesc = nullptr;

                if (str2enum) {
                    pevdesc = pedesc->FindValueByName(value.get<std::string>());
                } else {
                    pevdesc = pedesc->FindValueByNumber(value.get<int>());

                if (nullptr != pevdesc) {
                    reflection->SetEnum(&message, field, pevdesc);
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32: {
                if (value.is_number()) reflection->SetInt32(&message, field, value.get<int32_t>());
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32: {
                if (value.is_number()) reflection->SetUInt32(&message, field, value.get<uint32_t>());
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64: {
                if (value.is_number()) reflection->SetInt64(&message, field, value.get<int64_t>());
            } break;
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64: {
                if (value.is_number()) reflection->SetUInt64(&message, field, value.get<uint64_t>());
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT: {
                if (value.is_number()) reflection->SetFloat(&message, field, value.get<float>());
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE: {
                if (value.is_number()) reflection->SetDouble(&message, field, value.get<double>());
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES: {
                if (value.is_string()) reflection->SetString(&message, field, value.get<std::string>());
            } break;

            case ProtobufFieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE: {
                if (value.is_object()) Json2Message(value, *reflection->MutableMessage(&message, field));
            } break;

    return true;
Beispiel #4
void print_mcrl2(std::ostream &out, const std::set<XMASComponent *> &components,
                 const XMASState &state) {
  auto types = all_types(components);
  auto qvars = build_queue_vars(components);

  Mcrl2OperatorPrinter printer;

  out << "sort Msg = struct ";

  bool first = true;
  for (const auto &t : types) {
    out << (first ? "" : " | ") << t;
    first = false;

  out << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;

  for (const auto &q : qvars) {
    out << "sort " << type(q) << " = Int -> Msg;" << std::endl;

  out << std::endl;

  out << "map" << std::endl;

  for (const auto &q : qvars) {
    out << "  give_" << name(q) << ": Msg # " << type(q) << " # Int -> "
        << type(q) << ";" << std::endl;

    out << "  take_" << name(q) << ": " << type(q) << " -> " << type(q) << ";"
        << std::endl;

    out << "  shift_" << name(q) << ": " << type(q) << " -> " << type(q) << ";"
        << std::endl;

  out << std::endl << "var" << std::endl;
  out << "  n : Int;" << std::endl;
  out << "  m : Msg;" << std::endl;

  for (const auto &q : qvars) {
    out << "  " << name(q) << " : " << type(q) << ";" << std::endl;

  out << std::endl << "eqn" << std::endl;

  for (const auto &q : qvars) {
    out << "  give_" << name(q) << "(m, " << name(q) << ", n) = " << name(q)
        << "[n -> m];" << std::endl;

    out << "  take_" << name(q) << "(" << name(q) << ") = shift_" << name(q)
        << "(" << name(q) << ");" << std::endl;

    out << "  shift_" << name(q) << "(" << name(q) << ")(n) = " << name(q)
        << "(n+1);" << std::endl;

    out << "  shift_" << name(q) << "(" << name(q) << ")[n -> m] = " << name(q)
        << "[n+1 -> m];" << std::endl;

  out << std::endl << "act" << std::endl;

  auto transitions = compute_transitions(components, true);

  auto ivars = build_input_vars(transitions);

  int i = 0;
  for (auto &t : transitions) {
    out << "  T" << i;

    bool first = true;
    for (const auto &o : t.out()) {
      if (enum_type(o.second).size() <= 1) continue;

      out << (first ? ": " : " # ") << "Msg";
      first = false;
    out << ";" << std::endl;

  out << std::endl;

  out << "proc XMAS(";

  first = true;
  for (const auto &q : qvars) {
    out << (first ? "" : ", ") << name(q) << " : " << type(q)
        << ", " << size(q) << " : Int";
    first = false;
  out << ") = " << std::endl;

  first = true;
  for (const auto &t : transitions) {
    out << "  " << (first ? "  " : "+ ") << "(";
    bool first2 = true;
    for (auto q : t.in_queues()) {
      out << (first2 ? "" : " && ") << size(qv(q)) << " != " << q->c;
      first2 = false;

    for (auto q : t.out_queues()) {
      out << (first2 ? "" : " && ") << size(qv(q)) << " != " << 0;
      first2 = false;

    for (auto c : t.conditions()) {
      out << (first2 ? "" : " && ") << c.op;
      first2 = false;

    out << ") -> ";

    first2 = true;
    for (auto pair : t.out()) {
      if (enum_type(pair.second).size() <= 1) continue;

      out << (first2 ? "sum " : ", ") << iv(pair.first).name() << ": Msg";

      first2 = false;

    if (!first2) out << ". ";

    out << "( T" <<;

    first2 = true;
    for (auto pair : t.out()) {
      if (enum_type(pair.second).size() <= 1) continue;

      out << (first2 ? "(" : ", ") << iv(pair.first).name();

      first2 = false;
    if (!first2) out << ")";

    out << " . XMAS(";
    first2 = true;
    for (const auto &qvar : qvars) {
      auto inqs = zip(t.in_queues(), t.in_functions());
      auto outqs = t.out_queues();

      // TODO: efficiency
      auto inq_it = std::find_if(
          inqs.begin(), inqs.end(),
          [&](const std::pair<XMASQueue *, const SymbolicFunction &> &pair) {
            return pair.first == qvar.q;

      if (inq_it != inqs.end()) {
        out << (first2 ? "" : ", ") << "give_" << name(qvar) << "("
            << (*inq_it).second.op << ", " << name(qvar) << ", " << size(qvar)
            << "), " << size(qvar) << "+1";
      } else if (std::find_if(outqs.begin(), outqs.end(), [&](XMASQueue *q) {
                   return q == qvar.q;
                 }) != outqs.end()) {
        out << (first2 ? "" : ", ") << "take_" << name(qvar) << "("
            << name(qvar) << "), " << size(qvar) << "-1";
      } else {
        // nothing happens...
        out << (first2 ? "" : ", ") << name(qvar) << ", " << size(qvar);
      first2 = false;

    out << ")";

    out << " )";
    out << std::endl << std::endl;
    first = false;
  out << ";" << std::endl;

  out << "init XMAS(";
  first = true;
  for (auto &qvar : qvars) {
    auto &qstate = state.get_queue(qvar.q);
    out << (first ? "" : ",\n          ") << "(lambda n : Int . "
        << *types.begin() << ")";

    int i = 0;
    for (auto &packet : qstate) {
      // FIXME: that's a lot for one line
      out << "[" << i << "->"
          << dynamic_cast<SymbolicEnumField *>(
                 packet[0].fields.begin()->second.get())->values[0] << "]";

    out << ", " << qstate.size();
    first = false;

  out << ");";

  out << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

  out << "mu X(";

  first = true;
  for (const auto &qvar : qvars) {
    out << (first ? "" : ", ") << size(qvar) << ":Int = " << state.get_queue(qvar.q).size();
    first = false;

  out << ")" << std::endl << " . (" << std::endl;
  out << "      ";
  first = true;
  for (const auto &qvar : qvars) {
    out << (first ? "(" : " && ") << "val(" << size(qvar) << " == 0)";
    first = false;
  out << ")" << std::endl << "   || (";
  first = true;
  for (const auto &qvar : qvars) {
    out << (first ? "(" : " || ") << "val(" << size(qvar) << " != 0)";
    first = false;
  out << ")" << std::endl << "      && (" << std::endl;

  first = true;
  for (const auto &t : transitions) {
    out << "      " << (first ? "   " : "|| ");
    out << "(<";
    bool first2 = true;
    for (auto pair : t.out()) {
      if (enum_type(pair.second).size() <= 1) continue;

      out << (first2 ? "exists " : ", ") << iv(pair.first).name() << ": Msg";
      first2 = false;

    if (!first2) out << " . ";

    out << "T" <<;
    first2 = true;
    for (auto pair : t.out()) {
      if (enum_type(pair.second).size() <= 1) continue;

      out << (first2 ? "(" : ",") << iv(pair.first).name();
      first2 = false;
    if (!first2) out << ")";

    out << "> X(";
    first2 = true;
    for (const auto &qvar : qvars) {
      auto inqs = zip(t.in_queues(), t.in_functions());
      auto outqs = t.out_queues();

      // TODO: efficiency
      auto inq_it = std::find_if(
          inqs.begin(), inqs.end(),
          [&](const std::pair<XMASQueue *, const SymbolicFunction &> &pair) {
            return pair.first == qvar.q;

      if (inq_it != inqs.end()) {
        out << (first2 ? "" : ", ") << size(qvar) << "+1";
      } else if (std::find_if(outqs.begin(), outqs.end(), [&](XMASQueue *q) {
                   return q == qvar.q;
                 }) != outqs.end()) {
        out << (first2 ? "" : ", ") << size(qvar) << "-1";
      } else {
        // nothing happens...
        out << (first2 ? "" : ", ") << size(qvar);
      first2 = false;

    out << "))" << std::endl;
    first = false;
  out << "   ))" << std::endl;

  out << ")" << std::endl;

  for (auto c : components) {